By nishijelly

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Elaine is an extraordinary young witch, who holds lots of special abilities, she a very bright witch. She gre... More

Chapter one: Sorting
Chapter two: The act
Chapter Three: The Truth
Chapter Four: Confessions
Chapter five: Jealous?
Chapter Six: Why?
Chapter Seven: The dress
Chapter Eight: Getting Ready
Chapter Nine: Yule ball
Chapter Ten: Friends
Chapter Eleven: Where?
Chapter Twelve: The Burrow
Chapter thirteen: Manor
Chapter Fourteen: Happy Christmas
Chapter Fifteen: Im back Bitches
Chapter Sixteen: The Rumor
Chapter Seventeen: He's Back
Chapter Eighteen: Guilt
Chapter Nineteen: Getting Ready for Summer
Chapter Twenty: Summer
Chapter Twenty-One: Back Home
Chapter Twenty-Two: Be Honest
Chapter Twenty-Three: What Do I Do?
Chapter Twenty-Four: Mistakes
Chapter Twenty-Five: Vulnerable
Chapter Twenty-Six: New Friends?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Him
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pain
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Date?
Chapter Thirty:Blueberries
Chapter Thirty-One: Envy
Chapter Thirty-Two: Tired Mornings
Chapter Thirty-Three: Sweats
Chapter Thirty-Four: Recovering
Chapter Thirty-Five: Detention
Chapter Thirty-Six : Wounds
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Blueberry Scones
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Bloody Holidays
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Gifts
Chapter Forty : Home Sweet Home
Chapter Forty-One: Betreyal
Chapter Forty-Two: Exceed
Chapter Forty-Three: Visions
Chapter Forty-Four: Trick
Chapter Forty-Six: Love
Chapter Forty-Seven: Mysterys
Chapter Forty-Eight: Birthday
Chapter Fourty-Nine: New Start
Chapter Fifty: Bloody Curse
Chapter Fifty-One: Assurance
Chapter Fifty-Two: Vow
Chapter Fifty-Three: Draco Malfoy
Chapter Fifty-Four: Flames
Chapter Fifty-Five: Poison
Chapter Fifty-Six: Sectumsempra
Chapter Fifty- Seven: Escape
Chapter Fifty-Eight : Shreds
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Predictions
Chapter Sixty: Ours
Chapter Sixty-One: Deal
Chapter Sixty-Two: A Very Sorry Chrismas
Chapter Sixty-Three: Months
Chapter Sixty-Four: I Picked you
Chapter Sixty-Five: Gringotts
Chapter Sixty-Six: Invasion
Chapter Sixty-Seven: May 1st, 1998

Chapter Fourty-Five: Hurt, Pain, Sympathy

612 15 1
By nishijelly

A/N : i've decided to write this chapter in first person (Elaines POV) as it can be more personal and beneficial for the story. Sorry for any inconvenience.

(let me know if you would like more chapters written in first person, in Elaines POV, or Dracos)

ps. thank you for 19.6k <33

Elaine Riddle Perspective, June 18th, 1996

I must say, Lunas idea to ride Thestrals to London, was a bit concerning. However, i was surprised when i quite enjoyed it. Besides the situation we were in, i enjoyed the wind in my face, and the way my hair flowed.

I would definitely do it again, besides Thestrals were one of my favorite creatures. So majestic and freeing. If i ever have another life, i would like to be one.

But right now, i had bigger things to worry about. Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Dad... whatever you might call him. He's back, and i need to help Harry.

When we arrived at the Department of Mysteries, i was so tense. This is it. The first time i'm meeting him, of course besides my nightmares. And that's if he shows up.

We walked through the place, until Harry eventually led us through a door. Even tho i had no real way of knowing, this place seemed full of bad vibes. I hated it.

The place was full of crystal orbs that were filled with prophecies. Harry was particularly looking for his, the one he's seen in his vision. For some reason dear old dad wanted it.

Harry desperately looked for it, while i lighted up the place with my wand. That's when Neville spotted it. Harry carefully picked it up, as i watched him. It was truly horrifying words.

Then i was caught off guard, when a death eater was coming near us. I couldn't make out who it was until he took off the mask. My knees fell weak from whom i saw.

Lucius Malfoy. He wanted the prophecy. My knees felt like jelly when i spotted Bellatrix. Voldemort's right hand. I needed to be strong.

"Neville how's mom and dad?" Bellatrix said through her wicked smile, which made me want to gag.

"Better now that they're about to be avenged" Neville said, but before he could do anything stupid, i intervened and stood in front of him. Stopping him from making things worst.

"Elaine is it? How are you taking care of Draco? is he alright?" Lucius spoke to me in a wicked tone.

"Don't say a word about Draco" I said getting mad. He had no right.

"Looks like you are a Ri-" Lucius was saying but i cut him off. "Don't you dare finish that sentence or i'll cut you" I said.

"Woah.. let's just calm down here" Lucius said.

"All we want is the Prophecy" he said again.

Lucius them proceed to give unnecessary details, and most likely to manipulate Harry. He was speaking about his background, Family, and I as i am also alone, knows it can be very tempting. I was hoping Harry wouldn't fall into it.

Death eaters started surrounding the place, and i could feel my heart beating faster by the minute. We were trapped.

I was proven right Harry was smart and used his brain when he said "i've waited 14 years.. I guess i can wait a little longer"

And with that, i gripped my wand tighter until my knuckles turned white and i didn't wait until Harry said "Now" to cast the first spell that came to mind, "Stupefy!" I screamed at the death eaters as they went flying.

And with that, we were running. Lucius was trailing behind us, with several death eaters, surrounding us all around. Without noticing, i was running for my life, now alone.

Meeting with several death eaters. Once quickly almost stung with a curse, but i quickly said "Confringo!" This gave me time to run and grip my wand tighter.

I ran until i was eventually met with the trio. I saw the worried looks and kept running along Ron and Hermionie while Harry trailed ahead.

Several death eater were catching up, so i casted as many Stupefy' s as i could, and ran and ran. Soon we were met with Luna, Ginny, and Neville.

We were hurdle up into a little ball and could already see death eaters our way. I had to act fast. I stood in front of the group and said "Reducto!" a flashing light came out of my wand, and soon diminished the death eaters.

That didn't stop them, when all the Prophecies were coming down. We had to move. We ran, until we eventually made it out through the door.

We made it to the ground. However, i could feel a presence here. Voices. It felt odd, it's like i could hear them, but not comprehend them.

"It's the voices. I can't tell what they're saying" Harry said which proved i wasn't the only one. "They're aren't any voices Harry. Let's go" Hermionie protested.

"I hear them as well" I said with a worried expression. "So do i" Luna said which made the others look at us funny.

Hermionie tried convincing us to leave, but before we could answer, i felt it again. That presence. That feeling. "Get behind me!" screamed Harry, we all did.

I put my wand up and so did the others. I've never felt more scare in my entire life. Before i could even process it, all my friends were surrounding Harry and I, all of them being held by death eaters.

Why was i here with Harry? It was all his doing. Voldemort. I just know it.

I layed in the ground, next to Harry, as we quickly stood up. All my friends were struggling.

And here he was, Lucius. Taunting us. He didn't scare me. He never did. He demanded the Prophecy again. I was hoping Harry would do the right thing. I felt terribly bad.

Just as Harry handed it over, the unexpected happen. Sirius. The order was here. Everything spread to chaos and the Order fred our friends.

However, the Prophecy broke. Harry, Sirius and I hid behind something, and moved pretty often, trying to not get hit.

Sirus told Harry he wanted us to leave, Harry of course stayed. "If he's staying so am I." i said. But apparently it wasn't long before Lucius tries to attack. Harry, Sirius and I were casting so many Protego charms we were wearing out.

You could hear Bellatrixs wicked laugh, the one that send chills down your spine. Once Sirius hit the other death eater, i decided i was tired of this.

"Expelliarmus!" i said pointing my wand at Lucius as i disarmed him. Sirius threw several charms at him, until Lucius disappeared.

Before i could even comprehend, i heard "Avada Kedavra" I quickly casted a Protego charm, then the impact never came. It wasn't towards me.

Everything seemed to stop, the minutes went slower, and my brain was hurting. Sirius had been hit. My heart stung as i saw him disappear in thin air, this was so unreal.

Harry. That's all my brain could process. Before i could go grab him, Remus did. He grabbed him while i heard the most horrific scream come out. I was hurting for him. I really was.

My face was covered in bruises and my heart tear apart. Remus let Harry go, and he immediately went after Bellatrix. I know this feeling. Hurt. More than anyone. I needed to help Harry. I needed to know he was safe.

I trailed after him, i could feel the hurt radiating from him. He casted a charm toward Bellatrix, which made her fall. I knew what he was thinking in that moment, and i couldn't let him do it.

At the moment it seemed like the right thing, but this would absolutely destroy him. I can't let him do that to himself. I could see he was fighting with himself. I put my hand on his shoulder and said "Harry no. You're better than this. Remember who you are" i said.

I can't stop him if he does, nor would i see him differently. I knew he was hurting, but the least i could do is try to make him come back. He doesn't deserve this. Nobody does.

I felt a chilling feeling down my spine, goosebumps all over my body. That's when i knew. He was here. I turned around to be met with his horrifying face. My nightmares. I pointed my wand at him, with my hand trembling.

"Leave him alone!" i said holding my wand up. "My sweet girl, you'll see you'll join me in no time" he said to me. I was disgusted and grossed out, and so was Harry apparently.

As i was about to cast a charm, he beat me too it. Unfortunately, Voldemort reacted quickly. "So weak" he said while laughing.

Yet, someone else was here. Dumbledore. He called him Tom, his true name. As they were both about to duel, i threw Harry and myself on the ground. We crawled towards a wall and held onto each other while they fought.

My eyes and ears were hurting. I was weak. My bones hurt. I wanted to help Dumbledore. but i couldn't interfere. All I did is push Harry and I more towards the wall, hopefully nothing getting us.

I've never felt more vulnerable and scared. I was frozen, as the man the cause of all my problems, my father... stood in-front of me, he did so many cruel things. I came from a cruel being. Now wanted me to join him.

I tried putting these thoughts to the back of my mind and focusing on the obvious. Surviving. Harry and I had to find and Exit, most likely now.

As Voldemort casted a curse of fire, i could feel the burning wind against my skin, reminding me that it was all real, the pain. Harry stood up, and I grabbed his arm as he tried getting involved, "Harry no!" but soon, we both fell from the force of the spells.

Voldemort looked strong as ever, and i was whole heartedly terrified. Without a doubt, i hated him.

Voldemort shattered all the glass in sight, and i whimpered as a lot made they're way into me. I was wearing a skirt, and i got some on my thighs, arms, face, everywhere. They were bleeding badly, most of them still in my skin.

I couldn't die like this. I had to fight. Then just then, more glass were being aimed at us. Harry and I hugged each other in a reflex, and soon Dumbledore protected us, but it was not over.

Voldemort left without a second glance. He was in Harry. Harry was struggling with Occlumency. I needed to help him. Dumbledore seemed to understand.

Still in pain, I couldn't stand up with the glass in me, i crawled until eventually i was next to Harry. I took his hand and said. "Harry listen to me. Shield your mind. You can do this. Do not let him win. You have let him have enough. Fight this. Focuse Harry. Focuse" I said as he struggled. I belived he could do this.

I felt terrible. I couldn't help. I couldn't guide him. "You are better than this. Focuse" I said, and with that, he seemed to take control. I smiled weakly as he fought it.

He did it. It seemed like forever, but Voldemort came back. "You're a fool. You will lose" He spoke to Harry with such audacity. I layed on the ground, not knowing if i was going to die or not, or if these were my last words, but i said, "The only fool here is you Tom. For thinking you are stronger. You will loose, and i don't know if i might be there to see it, but you will. Want to know why? because of your lack to love" I said this with a weak and trembling voice, holding my hand over my wound. Trying to stop the bleeding, My hands were covered in blood, as was my clothes.

"You my dear, you will see. I will win, and when i do, you'll be by my side. You just wait. You'll join me sooner or later." Voldemort said.

And finally, the Ministry seemed to arrived. With a flash, he was gone. It wasn't long until my vision became blurry, the last i felt or heard, was Ron holding onto me. "Elaine! Stay awake alright! You'll be okey" he said. But no matter how hard i tried, my body gave up, and everything went in a blur.

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