Legacy.. (Bakugou X Reader)

By shadow1dark2night

404K 11.3K 15.1K

(Y/N) was a victim mixed in a horrible accident that caused her to lose her family at the age of 5. The Heroe... More

Kapter 1
Kapter 2
Kapter 3
Kapter 4
Kapter 5
Kapter 6
Kapter 7
Kapter 8
Kapter 9
Kapter 10
Kapter 11
Kapter 12
Kapter 13
Kapter 14
Kapter 15
Kapter 16
Kapter 17
Kapter 18
Kapter 19
Kapter 20
Kapter 21
Kapter 22
Kapter 23
Kapter 24
Kapter 25
Kapter 26
Kapter 27
Kapter 28
Kapter 29
Kapter 30
Kapter 31
Kapter 32
Kapter 33
Kapter 34
Kapter 35
Kapter 36
Kapter 37
Kapter 38
Kapter 39
Kapter 40
Kapter 41
Kapter 42
Kapter 43
Kapter 44
Kapter 45
Kapter 46
Kapter 47
Kapter 48
Kapter 49
Kapter 50
Kapter 51
Kapter 52
Kapter 54
Kapter 55
Kapter 56
Kapter 57
Kapter 58
Kapter 59
Kapter 60
Kapter 61
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Kapter 95
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Kapter 97
Kapter 98
Kapter 99
Kapter 100
Kapter 101: THE END
READ BITCH: author's note

Kapter 53

3K 88 82
By shadow1dark2night

The next few days went exactly how _____ imagined.

Katsuki left the second day going to his own house leaving _____ learning about her family.

She'd be so busy with her grandparents she hardly got to talk to Katsuki at the end of the day.

She learned her mother loved to dance and was at the top of her class at school. There were so many pictures and videos of her mother that ______ felt like she was actually there.

At night Nana would catch ______ watching the videos on repeat of her mother's birthday parties.

Of course Nana never interrupted _____ just letting her watch it but it broke hers and Baba's hearts.

This poor child being separated from a loving home for so long...

The one video ______ would watch on repeat was her mother's and father's wedding day.

They looked so happy..

She smiled at the screen.

It was 2am and she was infront of the TV watching as they smile and wave at the camera as they shared the cake.

______ touched the screen gently tears falling down her cheeks.

"..." she couldn't help but feel robbed of a happy family.

Her sobs would reach her grandparents..

They knew to give her time to heal knowing it was all too much to handle but hearing their granddaughter cry out hurt them too much to ignore.

They both go to her embracing her as she cried out about the life taken away from her.

...at the same time

Akaguro was getting confused to why she hadn't visit him.

It's been a full month..no one would give him answers..

He took this as a she might be busy...but he knew the date...a break from school during December? How could she not visit him..

Or was she hurt and no one told him..?

Did she not want to see him?

Did something happen?

He stayed sitting in the cell...where is she..

The final days of winter break were coming.

______ let her grandparents know she'd spend the last two days at Katsuki's house.

They allowed it as she took a taxi there with a bag of her things.

When she got there Katsuki was already ready.

She smiled seeing him.

She felt bad about not giving him any attention the entire week so she decided to spent the last few days at his house.

She hugged him as he hugged her back kissing her cheek.

"Surprised you didn't forget me." He teased as she smiled.

"Oh hush."

He took her bag and they walked inside his house.

Mitsuki and Masaru greeted her with excitement, they heard her grandparents were back and now wanted to know everything.

It was an eventful day with them before Katsuki dragged her upstairs.

______ looked at him as he opened a door leading her to his room.

"...this is the first time I'm in here isn't it? It's even cleaner then your dorm room." _____ said amazed.

"The fuck. Of course it is!" Katsuki said as he dropped her bag near his bed.

"You're sleeping here." He said motioning to his bed.

"...what about you?"

"The floor."

"I thought you had another room prepared?"

"I wanted you in the same room." He said as she smiled.

She just walked over and sat on his bed.

She laid down her legs handing off the edge as she closed her eyes.

He looked down at her and smiled moving to lay with her.

"What's with you?" He asked.

She held his hand in hers having it rest on her stomach.

"...My mom and dad wanted more kids. They said it in a video I watched..." ______ said smiling softly as she had her eyes closed.

Katsuki just listens to her. "How many?"

"My dad wanted 100" she had laughing softly. "My mom said she'd settle for 4..they said they wanted a big family...because they didn't want their first kid to grow up without siblings or without anyone if they were to ever die.." she says.

Katsuki just looked at her..

"I think I like it better not having a sibling." She adds in.


"Ya, I don't have to worry about anyone else."

Katsuki just moved turning his body to her as he kissed her cheek.

"Well either way I'd still love you. And maybe we can live up to your parents wish. 100 kids don't sound bad." Katsuki joked smirking.

She laughed. "Rightttt"

He smiled and kissed her face again before kissing her lips.

They flipped as she was on top.

Katsuki sat up to have her sit in his lap.

"You owe me all your attention today and tomorrow." Katsuki said smirking as he kissed her.

"Yes sir.." she said laughing as she wrapped her arms around him tighter.

The duo just stayed in each other's embrace.

Katsuki kissing any part of her face he could.

After 5 days away from her he realized how alone and bored he felt.

He made them lay down as he kept her on top.

She closed her eyes resting against him.

"Hey..my parents are leaving tonight to some dinner party, we'll have the house to ourselves.." Katsuki said softly in a whisper.

______ smiled knowing exactly where he was going with this.


"Right when they leave strip." Katsuki said causing her face to turn red as she laughed.

She sat up on his crotch looking down at him.

"You're hilarious."

"I'm using our time wisely." He said confidently as she smiled.

"Katsuki! ______! Come get some lunch! I made sandwiches!" Mitsuki's voice was heard from downstairs.

"WE DONT WANT ANY!" Katsuki yelled annoyed.

He had his hands on her hips.

"I DIDNT ASK!" Mitsuki yelled back from downstairs.


"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!? GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE BEFORE I DRAG YOU DOWN MYSELF! _______ smack him for me!" Mitsuki yelled.

______ smirked looking at Katsuki as he looked at her.

He grabbed her arms knowing she'd listen to Mitsuki.

He glared at her as she smirked kissing his lips.

"Gotta listen to your mama" _____ says softly against his lips causing him to blush red.

She tried to pull her arms up but he had a tight grip until he let go.

He waited for the smack but felt her hands caress his cheeks as she held his face in her hands.

She smiled and kissed him again deepening the kiss this time.

Katsuki leaned into the kiss one hand going to her thigh and the other on her waist.

It felt perfect. There wasn't anything in the world that he could want other then this. Her lips against his, her body against his...just her.

______ smiled and pulled away before smacking his head.

"Come on Princess." She said getting off his lap as he rubbed the side of his head.

Katsuki just got up following her as he was eager for his parents to finally leave.

"When are you two leaving? Shouldn't you two be getting ready?" Katsuki asked them seeing his parents on the couch.

They walked over and sat down as _____ grabbed a sandwich to eat taking out the tomato and putting it in Katsuki's plate since he'd eat it.

Katsuki just sat down as Mitsuki shakes her head. "Change of plans. They moved it to tomorrow."

Katsuki's face fell.


"Quit yapping!" Mitsuki yelled.

______ and Masaru sat eating their sandwiches amused watching the two argue.

Katsuki sat there angry as he chomped away at his sandwich.

"We can have a movie night! I know this new movie 2 hours long! It's worth watching." Mitsuki said smiling.

______ just nods but Katsuki shook his head.

"We don't want to watch your crappy movie."

"The only crappy thing here is you."



"How about we let the kids be? I'm sure they'll be super busy starting internships again. What do you guys want to do?" Masaru asked _____ and Katsuki.

"Be alone." Katsuki said glaring.

"I guess that can happen. How about-"

"Alone." Katsuki repeated

"Stubborn as always." Mitsuki said rolling her eyes.

"Well..how about we go on our own date? We haven't been on one alone have we??" Masaru offered as he smiled at Mitsuki.

She looked over at him. "...and leave the kids alone here?"

"I'm sure they won't get into any trouble." Masaru said smiling as Katsuki nods fast.


"can I help you pick an outfit??" ______ asked looking at Mitsuki.

Mitsuki looks at her..a sudden smile appearing on her face as she agrees immediately.

"Ya come on"

_____ smiled setting her plate down as she got up with Mitsuki and walked upstairs leaving the boys down there.

She walked into the room as Mitsuki opens her closet.

"Oh wow.." _____ says seeing all the choices.

"It's not much but I guess I can choose between these two formal wears." Mitsuki said as she pulled out two dresses. A blue and a green one.

She held it out for ______ smiling.

"Which one do you like??" Mitsuki asked.

"Mmm...the blue one but...is it ok if I look through this??" _____ asked as Mitsuki nods smiling.

"Go on ahead, if you find something that you like try it on, I'm sure most of these don't fit me anymore." Mitsuki said as _____ looked through it all.

"Wow did you design some of these?" ____ asked as Mitsuki nods.

"A few." Mitsuki noticed _____'s arm seeing the bracelet still there as she smiled.

_____ pulled out two dresses. A maroon colored dress.

"wear this!" _____ says holding it for her.

It was a tight slim dress. With a cut at the leg.

"alright, I'm trusting you on this" Mitsuki said smiling.

Mitsuki took it and started to undress. She didn't mind undressing with _____ in the room since she was still going through the dresses.

_____ helped zipped up the dress as her eyes widen as she blushed red.

"Wow you look good..ya you're wearing that!" _____ said.

Mitsuki looked in the mirror. "It's a bit sexy. But it works. This better be an expensive restaurant." Mitsuki laughed as _____ helped her pick out her jewels.

Masaru wanted to get his tuxedo but the girls didn't let him into the room.

______ just gave it to him and told him to wear it in the other room.

Mitsuki got all dressed up looking beautiful.

"I swear if Katsuki was a girl he'd be so lucky..." _____ said looking at Mitsuki who laughed at that comment.

"I always say that." Mitsuki says as they laugh.

Mitsuki looked through her closet finding a dress.

"I'm sure we have time until we go, try this on. I have hundreds of dresses I don't wear anymore since I'm too old."

"Old?! Are you kidding me?"

"Come on try it on" Mitsuki said laughing at the girl.

______ looked at the dress.

"Are you sure? It's too pretty.."

"It's perfect for you. I wanna see it."

______ smiled as she got Mitsuki's help to put it on.

The girls wasted time playing dress up.

Mitsuki having that moment she always wanted with a daughter. And ____....the feeling she wanted with a mother.

______ looked into the mirror at the black dress. It was tight around her breasts pushing them up. But It gave her figure a great look.

Mitsuki stood next to her smiling.

"I need to see Katsuki's face." Mitsuki said as she caused _____ to blush.




"You look amazing!"



"KATS DONT COME IN!" ______ struggled to get out of the dress but the door opened.

"THE HELL ARE YOU TWO YELL-..." Katsuki shut up.

______ froze she looked at him then turned her back to him.

"Get outttttt!"

Mitsuki smiled she took out her phone taking a picture of Katsuki's face as his face was red.

"Oh come on give him a twirl!" Mitsuki said as ______ kept her back to them but it was even worse cause that's all that Katsuki was staring at....her ass..

He finally snapped out of it as he looked at his mom.

"What are you two doing in here...?! I thought you were leaving dads ready!" Katsuki yelled at her his face still red.

"Ya ya we're leaving. ______ feel free to keep that. Also don't clean i need to reorganize my closet! We'll be back around 11 so don't stay up!" Mitsuki said to them.

She smacked Katsuki's head. "Be good." She said to him before leaving the room as _____tried to sneak away her back still at the door and at Katsuki.

Katsuki heard the front door close knowing his parents were gone as he turned back looking at the girl who tried to reach the zipper on her back to undress.

He smirked.

"You still didn't give me a twirl." Katsuki teased as she tensed up hearing him get closer.

"I will kill you.." _____ said her face beaming red.

He stood behind her as he rests his hands on her hips.

"You know they're gone. Might as well have our fun now. Let me see you." Katsuki said smirking.

"Unzip me."

"Not until I see you."

"I'll really kill you."

"Please do."

She blushed even more as she felt his chest against her back.

He leaned against her and kissed her neck.

His hands went around her waist before he forced her to turn around.

Her face met his as he looked down at her his eyes widening.

She blushed red and immediately covered his eyes with her hands.

"HEY!" Katsuki said.

"No. Never."

He laughed. "You look really good."

"You saw nothing."

"You sure about that?" He asked her as her hands still covered his eyes as he had a smile on his face.


He smirked pulling her hands off his face as he looked down at her perfect body.

She just avoids his gaze. "You know you're rude." She said.

"And you're hot." He replied as she blushed to the point she couldn't handle it.

Hiding her face in his chest as Katsuki wrapped his arms around her.

⚠️ [ahem. SMUT] ⚠️

"Let's go upstairs." He whispered to her as she just nods softly.

Katsuki moved leading her up to his room.

He walked her to the bed as he unzipped her dress admiring her back as the dress slips off her body and to the ground.

She stood there in her bra and panties as Katsuki smirked licking his lips.

She turned to face him.

"You're fine with me seeing you like this but not in a dress?" He asked as he pulled her into bed.

"Huge difference."

"Is it? I find you hot either way. I prefer no clothes on you tho. Now that's the winner." Katsuki said as he removed his shirt and unbuttoned his pants getting naked as she took off her bra and panties.

_____'s eyes looked down as she saw how hard he was already. "Wow...I caused that?"

"Just by looking at you." Katsuki said blushing feeling her touch on his dick as he watched her stroke it.

She smiled as she looked up at him.

His view of her face and tits were everything to make him cum already.

She just stroked his dick before letting him sit down as she licked his tip before taking it into her mouth.

Katsuki gripped her hair having it in a ponytail grip as he pushed her head down and up just twitching in pleasure.

He rolled his eyes back having his head against his wall now just enjoying as she sucked his dick.

She took her time with him already feeling his dick twitch 4 minutes in.

Her lips tightened at the perfect moment as he came into her mouth fast.


_______ didn't pull away yet just licking all over cleaning him before swallowing his cum licking his tip clean. She sat up smiling at him seeing his pleasured state.

She leaned to him kissing his cheek as he smirked.

He moved to his dresser reaching for something inside as she sat on his bed waiting.

He pulled out a condom as she looked at him confused.

"When did you get that??"

"Two days ago."

"From where? I thought you wouldn't be able to get one?" _____ asked smiling amused he actually got one.

"I asked a guy to buy it." Katsuki said as he smirked opening it.

She blushed. "You're kidding..."


She laughed softly as she watched him try and get it on his dick.

She leaned up helping roll it down as she smiled.

Katsuki looked down at his dick as he then looked down at her.

"Spread your legs."

"Hell no you're not sticking that rubber in without anything wet." She said as he laughed.

He pushed her shoulders down as he moved down her body.

"Calm down I'm not doing that yet." Katsuki said as he spread both her legs using his hands.

He looked down at her wet pussy and licked his lips.

She just laid back on his bed enjoying the feeling of his soft covers and pillow as she felt his tongue begin to explore her everywhere.

She spread her legs out even more as Katsuki had it over his shoulders making her bend while he enjoyed his meal.

She moaned tilting her head back feeling his tongue go into her as he slips a finger in moving his tongue against her clit.

"A-Ahh...Kats..." she gripped his bed sheets as he just continued wanting to get her wet as possibly before he went in.

He smirked hearing her moans making him suck her clit and finger her faster.

He could feel her body tense up as he edged her right before she was about to orgasm.

He pulled away.

"N..no don't stop..I was close.." she said as he smirked.

"Not yet." He said fixing the condom around his dick while fingering her to feel how wet she was as he slowly slid inside her.

He pulled her by the hips closer to him pushing inside.

She moan tilting her head back as he could hear how wet she was starting to thrust into her following a rhythm making them both go crazy.

He pressed his body down against her having his hands intertwined with hers near her shoulders as he kept pounding into her enjoying her loud moans that she wasn't holding back.

Katsuki smirked seeing her eyes look between them as she watched him thrust into her.

She looked back at him as he leaned down kissing her lips her moans entering his mouth as they made out.

He didn't hold back going harder and faster both of their bodies trembling in pleasure.

"K-katsuki!" She gripped his shoulder as he was going faster.

He bit his lip getting close already as she tilts her head back moaning already releasing her orgasm as he did the same.

They pant, breathing heavily as Katsuki takes a second before pulling away and taking his dick out.

He took off the condom that caught his cum.

He smirked looking down at her wet pussy.

He leaned down and cleaned her with his tongue sucking on her clit while he could as she gripped his hair trying to push his head back since it felt too sensitive.

She managed to close her legs and turn her body to the side.

Katsuki smirked down at her as she was still breathing heavy.

"Let's go again.." he said stroking himself looking at the girl infront of him.

"...H-How are you not tired..." she said as he smiled hovering over her body before kissing her shoulder and back sliding his hand down her spine to her ass.

He flipped her to lay on her stomach pulling her hips up.

She went on her knees.

"...wear another one" she warned him as he reached for his dresser.

She just waited taking this second to rest while she could just feeling his finger slide into her.

She tensed up arching her back. "K-Kats..d..don't do that.." she said at the unexpected touch.

He smirked as he squeezed her ass at his view before leveling himself.

"You ready?"

She nods as he slowly pushed his dick back into her.

Her moans even louder in this position.

He grabbed her hips pounding into her faster as the both of them couldn't handle it till the end.

______ came multiple times the pleasure being unreal.

Katsuki just loved how tight she got around his dick every time she moaned, he pushed her back down as he kept her hips up.

Both going crazy over the pleasure.

It didn't take long before they both came again.

______'s knees shook causing her to fall flat onto the bed as Katsuki fell on her both just panting crazy.

She felt his hot breath on her skin making it even more attractive.

Katsuki pulled out from her as he threw the condom away.

She grabbed his arm making him stay beside her as he hugged her tightly.

Not once leaving her side that night...thankfully Mitsuki and Masaru were too drunk to enter the room so they went straight to sleep.

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