Legacy.. (Bakugou X Reader)

By shadow1dark2night

434K 12.4K 15.5K

(Y/N) was a victim mixed in a horrible accident that caused her to lose her family at the age of 5. The Heroe... More

Kapter 1
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Kapter 99
Kapter 100
Kapter 101: THE END
READ BITCH: author's note

Kapter 51

2.9K 95 85
By shadow1dark2night

A few days have gone by.

Winter break was coming up very soon.

Katsuki was upset _____ wouldn't be staying with him the entire break but knew not to bring it up since she would be with her grandparents.

But his mom and dad were the ones who were more upset about it.

Katsuki gave them a short story about what happened and they wanted to meet the grandparents now.

It was the last day of school until break.

Katsuki stretched his arms walking in the hallways.

They had a short class so they were all back at the dorms chilling.

_______ was with Mina for the hour so he just went to Sero's room where the guys were all hanging out.

"Hey Bakubro! We called the girls over they'll be here soon." Sero said smiling as he had cards out to play.

Katsuki just nods sitting down on the bed near Kirishima.

"I can't believe we're leaving the dorms tomorrowww! Are you guys packed?" Denki asked looking at them.

Sero nods pointing to his bags in the corner as the others nod as well.

"I just can't wait to relax." Kirishima said smiling.

"Right? And once we get back we're heading back to our internships. Man it's gonna be so messy" Sero whined.

"Shinsou did you find someone to intern for??" Denki asked him.

He nods as Katsuki glared pissed off knowing already.

"Really who??"

"Best Jeanist." Shinsou replied as he then looked at Katsuki who glared.


"It wasn't my choice, Mr.Aizawa recommended me to him and he agreed." Shinsou said making sure they knew he wouldn't join with Katsuki just because.

As they talked the door opened as the girls walked in.

_____ smiled seeing Katsuki there already as she just walked to him and fell right into his arms.

"I never want to see another bag again." She said closing her eyes as she cuddled into his body.

Mina fell onto the bed next to him.

"Weren't you two just packing?" Kirishima asked.

"Too many clothes.." Mina whined as the guys laugh.

Katsuki just had _____ on his lap hugging her as she rests her head on his shoulder.

He just rubbed her back as the others start their game of cards.

But after a while Mina fell asleep on the bed next to them as _____ was at the edge of it.

"Geez.. they really tired themselves out huh?" Kirishima said looking at Katsuki who kept his arms tight around _____.

"I guess..hey I'm gonna take her to her room." Katsuki said.

"Ya I'll take Mina too." Kirishima said getting up.

Katsuki moved and just picked _____ up as she wrapped her arms around him.

The other three guys just let them go not minding it.

Kirishima picked up Mina respectfully to not bother her as he walked her with Katsuki to the girls side.

Both just went into the girls room and set them down.

Kirishima left after tucking Mina in but he knew Katsuki would stay with ______.

Katsuki set her down in bed as she pulled him down with her.

He smiled getting into bed with her as they cuddled close.

"..I'm going to miss this" _____ said softly tightening her arms around his neck as he had his hand pressing against her back.

"Miss what?" He asked.

"Our cuddles..do you think we'll get time to be alone this break?" She asks.

Katsuki smirked. "Of course we will. We'll do much more then just cuddles too." He said burying his face in her neck as she smiled feeling his kisses.

"Kats that would be impossible in my grandparents house. I would never do it there." _____ said.

"Then we'll do it at mine. My parents still have work. So the house will be ours." He said making her feel his warm breath against her skin.

"You're crazy."

"Only for you."

She smiled as the two drift off remaining in bed together.

When nightfall came, Katsuki stayed by ______'s side.

The two of them cuddling all night long.

She played with his hair as he had his head resting on her breasts having his eyes closed.

She just stroked her fingers through his hair as he enjoyed her touch.

Her phone went off next to them as she reached over and placed it on his head as she scrolled through it seeing Mina's text.

[8:22pm] Mina: YOU NEED TO SEE THIS... (link)

______ just clicked on the link as it took her to an open tab and when the website loaded..

She immediately sat up causing Katsuki who was laying on top of her to get pushed away.

He yawned rubbing his eyes but when he looked at her he saw her having a horrified expression as she stared at her phone.

"What happened?" He asked confused.

"I-I've been with you this whole time! How can people think I did this!?" ______ yelled getting angry as she showed him her phone.

Katsuki grabbed it looking at the headline.

"Hero Killer Stain's Daughter destroyed the market!"

There were images of the broken market place that was set on fire.

Katsuki glared. "What the fuck?"

"Katsuki what am I suppose to do? You know I didn't do that! I don't even have a fire quirk." _____ said looking at him worried.

He just shook his head and got off the bed.

"Come on, get up."

"..." she just got up as he took her outside.

Right when they were walking Mina was on her way to ______'s room.

She stopped when she saw them.

"We already told Mr.Aizawa..Everyone's downstairs and we're your witness so don't worry!" Mina said to her hugging ______.

"Really? Thank you Mina.. I'm so stick of people doing this.." _____ said frowning as the three of them walked downstairs seeing the others.

"If she left UA the school would know! This is so stupid." Jirou said glaring.

The group saw them come down as they looked at ______.

"Who the fuck wrote this!?" Katsuki asked glaring.

"We don't know Kacchan..I think they're just trying to find ways to get her out of UA." Izuku said.

Mr.Aizawa looked at the laptop then at ______.

"Don't worry about it. They don't have any proof it was you. Now all of you just go to bed." Aizawa said.

"We can't just leave it alone! Our classmate is being wronged!" Iida said to Aizawa.

"Ya I want to kill the bastard that did this." Katsuki said glaring.

"No ones killing anyone." Aizawa said. "We'll deal with it later."

______ just looked at him.

Someone framed her for a crime she didn't commit. She was already uneasy with the public this will only make matters worse for her..

"It's fine. I'm sure during the break they'll forget about it." ______ finally says as they look at her.

"But ______ this isn't fair! You did nothing-" Mina was saying until _____ cut her off.

"It's okay. They can be angry with me all they want because of what dad did. But I'll never do anything crime worthy. I made that promise to my dad. The public will just have to deal with me until they run out of excuses." ______ says.

They smiled softly hearing how she took this a bit better then expected.

"Well either way we know you'll prove them wrong."

"And once you become a Hero they'll never speak again."

_____ smiled at her friends.

"Alright that's enough for tonight. You all are leaving in the morning. Go get some rest and I'll see you after your break." Mr.Aizawa said as they nod saying their goodnights before heading back upstairs.

Katsuki takes her to his room this time.

He was still pissed off about it but after she said that he didn't bring it up.

_____ sat down on his bed as Katsuki just looked over at her.

She waited for him to come by but he didn't.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay with me? At my house?" Katsuki finally asked her.

She looked at him confused. "Kats we went over this..I want to get to know my grandparents."

"Ya I know. But you don't know them. We don't know what type of people they are." Katsuki says. He was finally letting out what he kept in this whole time.

"Katsuki what do you mean?"

"_____ seriously, they didn't even come back to Japan after your parents died. They heard there was no sign of you and yet assumed you were dead when instead if they were true to family they would've searched everywhere for you! I don't trust them. And I don't want you to stay with them this week. Not if I won't be there to protect you." Katsuki said looking down at her.

She stayed silent..she was shocked to hear those words coming from him.

He knew he was pushing onto the subject too much but he couldn't let her go without saying it.

"...they didn't come because there was no point to. They heard I was dead along with my parents-"

"And so what? They didn't want to plan a funeral? They didn't want to get your parents bodies?!" Katsuki asked looking at her glaring.

"...why are you saying this now?"

"Because I don't want them to hurt you."

"You're hurting me."

"I'm trying to help you!"

"I told you to wait and give them a chance to get to know you. For you to get to know them too. Don't talk to me about whether or not I can trust them or not. I said from the start I didn't need family. Yet here I am excepting it. Why would you say something for it to be ruined?" She said looking up at Katsuki getting off his bed now.

Both standing infront of eachother.

"I'm not trying to ruin it Dammit! We know nothing about them!"

"I know enough!"

"How could you possibly know enough!? After having one conversation!? After talking to them for a few hours for the first time ever!?"

She glared. "Why is it so hard for you to except that they aren't bad people! They're my grandparents Katsuki! They wouldn't hurt me!"

"And you're so sure about that?" He asked glaring.

Her eyes watered hearing that. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She yelled pushing him back.

He grabbed her arms. "I don't trust people easily. I don't care if they're your family or not. But what I do know is you surround yourself with people you can't trust! Everyone I've met so far from your life has been a complete waste of space! They're no bodies! People who just try and use you! Yet you're blind to that. So I'm sorry if my words hurt but I'm not going to let you be happy with fakes. With people who probably don't even care about yo-"

She slapped him.

Tear running down her cheeks.

"I hate you..."

She pulled away from him and just left his room.

Katsuki just stayed silent staying in the same position she slapped his face.

He just looked at the door she ran out of.


It didn't take too long before Katsuki left his room.

Everyone else was already asleep or in their room the time being 9:45pm.

He walked to ______'s room trying to open the door but it was locked.

He glared knocking.

"open the door."

No reply.

He gripped the door knob.

"_____ I know you're in there so just open the damn door!" He yelled starting to get pissed off.

Still nothing.

He didn't want to end things on a bad note knowing it would ruin everything they had.

He knocked again. "Come on...just open it. Look I'm not going to apologize because what I said was right. You can't expect me not to worry about things like this. I kept quiet all damn week so don't get mad at me just because I'm saying it now."  Katsuki said talking to the door hoping she was listening.

He put his forehead on the door just closing his eyes. "Open the doo-"

The door opened and he almost fell.

He caught himself as he looked up seeing her.

Her eyes weren't too red. But she did look like she cried.

She was glaring at him.


She looked away. "I'm not going to tell you to shut up when you have your own opinions or when somethings bothering you. But before you say shit like that why don't you use your head? Either way I'm not doing this with you tonight Katsuki. Go to bed." _____ said closing the door but he caught it opening it back again.

He took a step into her room. "No. I'm not leaving until you feel better. I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm serious about this I don't want you to be with people you hardly know!"

"That's the whole reason I'm going! Why don't you understand that!?" She said looking at him in disbelief.

"...it's not the same. You'll be alone with them."

"You know what Katsuki? My entire life I've trusted people I shouldn't trust. I do that because some people are decent! If you want me to beware of every single stranger I'll never get anywhere in life do you understand that? I don't care if you're just trying to be protective or saying this cause your worried, because I don't need you to worry about me. If anything my biggest concern right now is being blamed for a crime I never committed! You don't know how that feels ok?! So don't go around telling me I shouldn't trust people because if I can't do that....then what the hell is there left for me to do."


"All of you took dad away from me. Dont fucking forget that! I had a perfect life with him! I had to trust each and every one of you and had to trust this place to live!" She said glaring.

Katsuki stayed silent. She argued a good point but still..he felt uneasy.

They both were silent.

She sighed and looked at him again. "If it makes you feel better you can come with me tomorrow. I'm sure they won't mind. You can spend the night. Just one night. If you find anything suspicious I'll listen, if not, then you never. And I mean never bring this up again, got it?" She said as he looked at her.

He hesitated...it took him a second to think before he nods.

"Fine, let's do that." He said as she nods softly.

"Alright now get out." _____ shooed him.

He looked at her confused. "What? I'm sleeping here." He said.

She pushed his chest pushing him out of her room.

"You lost privileges after tonight." She said as she smiled. "Night Katsuki." She said closing the door on his face as she locked it making sure he doesn't get in.

"Hey!" Katsuki tried to open the door but after many failed attempts he just walked to his own room.

Rubbing his eyes and falling right into bed.

..what a day.

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