My brothers best mate (Liam f...

By mate_dinosaurs

382 41 1

Imagine going from shy girl in the back of the room to dating your brothers best mate Liam Payne. What would... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Thirty

8 1 0
By mate_dinosaurs

Chapter 30

That night when we reached the Airbnb what I thought would happen, happened. The boys all went straight to bed leaving me all alone in the main room of the house. 

Shannon had to help Lou gather new supplies and was sleeping in the other house since there wasn't enough room in this one. 

This house was smaller than the last, there being only three rooms instead of four. It was a two-story house with a nice balcony overlooking the beach outback. Harry and Louis shared a room as Liam and Zayn took the other on the second floor, leaving Niall and me to have the third and biggest room on the first floor because apparently no one is allowed to come near me anymore according to Niall. 

After the interview, Niall made it very clear I was not to be touched or looked at. I get what he is trying to do, he doesn't want to see me get hurt anymore, but wouldn't that make it easier if I was to date his best mate? 

Oh well, he just made it ten times more entertaining for Louis and me. What? We still like to mess with him, even if we have to fake it for the world.

Louis and I decided it was time to up our game, literally, level two is a go. This means holding hands in public, spending every second with each other that we can, and finding ways to sneak off to "do something crazy" if you know what I mean. 

Louis also hopes that it will stop Simon from constantly calling Harry and him to make sure they are holding their end of the deal. Stupid homophobe! Just today he called because he saw the whole Harry putting a hand on Louis' back thing. What are they not allowed to even touch each other in a friendly way? Why can't he just let them be?

Looking at the clock it was almost 1:00 am. I got up off the couch heading for the kitchen looking for a snack humming Fool's Gold as I went. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. "But I'm not done yet, falling for ya" I used the water bottle as a mic. Taking a sip, I turned around and froze finding a sleepy Liam standing there in his boxers. 

"Uh, hey Li," I spoke trying to look anywhere but his exposed body. He looked so good I just wanted to jump on him and kiss him, pull him onto the couch or something. My breath started to quicken as I let my mind wander. 

I looked at Liam's lips noticing they were moving and panicked realizing he was speaking. I blinked a few times, "Sorry did you say something?" I mentally facepalmed as I spoke, smooth Ri, real smooth

"I said, can I have some?" Liam looked at the water in my hands. 

"Oh, um yeah, here." was all I could say. I couldn't think, not when he looked like that.

It was silent for a while as we both just stood there. I rocked back and forth on my feet not knowing what to say as the silence started to get awkward. "Well, goodnight." I finally said, wanting to get out of the situation. 

"Riley, wait!" Liam shifted his weight in front of me so I couldn't leave. 

I took a step back not trusting myself being that close to him and looked at Liam waiting for him to continue. 

" you li..." Liam ran his fingers through his hair. He's nervous or frustrated. What's wrong, babe? Wow Riley, don't say babe. Mistake, remember? 

I looked at Liam a little concerned as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other gripping the water bottle.

 "Do I what Li?" I encouraged him to go on. 

Taking a deep breath he spoke again, "Do you mind if I keep this?" he asked, gesturing to the water bottle.

A little disappointed knowing that was a copout question I smiled and shook my head. "Yeah, you can have it. A-anything else?" I looked at him, hopeful but he looked down and shook his head no. Fine, be that way. 

"Alright well, night then," I said and headed for my room smiling to have had an interaction with him but mentally hitting myself that it was so awkward.


The next morning I woke to someone banging on the door. I groaned and looked at the clock, it was five in the morning. Who in their right mind? I'm going to kill them. 

I looked over at Niall to see he was still asleep. How that boy sleeps through anything beats me. 

I got up and yawning went to shut up the person rudely pounding on the door. "What?" I said swinging open the bedroom door to a beaming Shannon. 

"Good morning!" She sang, I looked at her with a dead face. 

"Shannon it is five o'clock in the fucking morning, why are you so cheery? No, wait, better question, why are you up? No, wait, even better question, why are you waking me up?" I stepped into the main room and closed the door not wanting to wake Niall. If anything I could take a nap later, he can't.

"Because sleepyhead, I have some great news." She giggled, bopping me on the forehead. 

I glared at her, "Shann, I love you but if you don't shut up right now and give me coffee before you continue speaking, I may just lose my mind." I said in a serious tone. Remember rule one? Never speak to Riley until she has had her morning cup. 

"Thought you may say that." Shannon rolled her eyes and took my hand leading me to the kitchen. She picked up the already made coffee and handed it to me. I took a sip and smiled as grouchy Riley slowly disappeared. 

After a few more sips I spoke, "Ok, go ahead. You have news?" I asked, allowing her to continue.

"Yes!" She squealed, causing me to flinch. I may have my coffee but it's still five o'clock in the morning.

"We are going shopping! Lou gave me her card and told me to take you to get a few things we need for the boys as well as to treat ourselves to a new outfit!" To this news, I was fully awake. 

"Finally I get to see something on this tour! When do we leave?"

"In a few hours, nothing is open yet. That's not the only reason I came this early though. I figured you and I could get a little dressed up, maybe have a photoshoot when we are out to cheer you up a little. I noticed you have been down, though you hide it well. Lord knows we will probably get stopped for photos anyway, you know with people recognizing you and all. You're famous now. Well more famous than you were." She rambled. 

I looked at Shannon confused. "What do you mean?" I tilted my head. 

"You don't know?" She gasped and pulled out her phone. "It's all over Twitter!"

She pulled up a video of a fan standing in front of a green screen photo of Louis and me in the parking lot. 

Shannon hit play, "Ok so we all know this photo of Niall's sister Riley and Louis right? And we all know about this interview yesterday." A clip of Louis explaining the photo popped up. 

"But if you look closely on Louis' neck, what is that, hm Louis?" The fan went zooming in on the lovebite you could clearly see. "Now some could say it was a shadow. But that clearly looks like a love bite and not just from anyone. Take a look at this photo, this is a behind-the-scenes photo from a fan who was at the interview." A picture of me popped up handing a bottle of water to Louis and you could clearly see the love bite on my neck.

"Looks innocent right? Oh, wait what's that?" The fan zoomed in. "Now I'm not saying Louis lied but something is definitely going on here because two people don't magically get love bites like that. Oh, plus when the interviewer asked if Liley was real this was Louis' answer." The video cut to Louis saying we weren't dating before cutting back to the fan.

"Notice he never confirmed or denied Liley being real, he just said they weren't dating, and oh what was that Zayn?" It cut to Zayn whispering the word 'yet' into Harry's ear. 

"All I'm saying is, if they are not a thing, they will be soon. You don't look at your best friend's sister like that and not have a thing with them." The video ended with a picture of Louis looking at me "lovingly". 

I looked up at Shannon with my mouth open. "These fans really do notice everything," I said laughing. 

"That has been going around social media all morning!" Shannon smiled wide. 

Laughing, I pulled out my phone opening twitter, Shannon looking over my shoulder "Let's fuel the fire a little shall we?" I said typing

Someone tell @Louis_Tomlinson to wake up, I'm bored.

It only took a few seconds for my tweet to climb in likes, retweets, and replies. Not only that but #wakeupLouis started trending. These fans are too much. 

"Come on, let's eat and get ready." Shannon walked to the fridge and pulled out some eggs.

Halfway through breakfast, my phone went off. Picking it up I looked at it to see Louis had responded to my tweet.

@RileyHoran but I'm comfortable. You should join me ;)

I giggled and showed Shannon. Replying with a smirking face I liked Louis' tweet and put my phone down turning back to my breakfast. We'll just let the fans stew on that one for a little, I thought to myself taking the last bite of my egg.

Shannon and I finished cleaning up and headed back over to my room so I could change and grab my makeup. I put on a blue pinstripe sundress that came down to my midthigh and a pair of dark blue converse. I picked up my curling iron and makeup bag, quietly leaving the room still not wanting to wake Niall. 

Shannon and I headed back to the kitchen and set up shop for her to work her magic. The perks of having a best friend that studied hair and makeup for a living. 

Shannon plugged in the curling iron and pulled out her brushes to start on my face. I chuckled to myself as I watched her. She is so funny to watch when she is concentrating, her tongue sticks out just a little as she stares at every detail on your face. 

When she was done she moved to my neck and covered the still very visible mark, making them disappear as if they never existed. S

o much talent, I don't know how she does it. I thought as she showed me her work in the mirror. Shannon then picked up the curling iron and put light curls in my hair before she moved on to herself when she was satisfied with her work on me.

Shannon changed into a plain dark green sundress and wore matching converse, she put on a natural makeup look with a hint of sparkle making her bright green eyes pop, even more, letting her long curly ginger hair hang naturally. As she finished the touches of her makeup, Zayn walked into the room freezing at the sight of her. 

"Morning Zayn," I smirked at him as he stared. 

Hearing Zayn's name Shannon's eyes got wide as she spun around, Zayn's mouth dripping to the floor. "Oh, h-hi Zayn." Shannon stuttered a little panicked tucking a strain of hair behind her ear and looking at the floor. 

Laughing at how cute the situation was I coughed to bring Zayn back to earth. He blinked, opening and closing his mouth a few times saying nothing. I rolled my eyes, do I have to do everything? "Shannon looks nice don't you think Z?" Zayn looked at me, still shook as I nudged my head in her direction.

"Uh...y-yeah. Really nice. I-I like that color on you. Not that any color would look bad on you, it's just that it. looks. nice." I facepalmed at how awkward his comment was. Smooth Malik, real smooth. 

"Ok then. Well, do you want some coffee? We made a pot." I said trying to break the awkwardness in the room. 

"Uh, yeah," Zayn said, finally looking away and walking into the kitchen. 

I turned and smirked at Shannon, "He likes you." I said wiggling my eyebrows at her. 

"Shut up Riley!" She said hitting me, her cheeks going a shade darker than her blush.

Awe! Cute little Shannon and Zayn moment!

What should their ship name be? Should we give them one? You guys let me know! 

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