haikyuu one shots + more

Por tojismanlynips

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these one-shots are dedicated to people that are beautifully black because i love us, i love haikyuu and i ne... Más

haikyuu one shots + more
hinata shoyo • departure
kageyama tobio • milk boy
tsukishima kei • call my name
scenario: you get flirted with
scenario: first kiss
scenario: first time 💦
nishinoya yū • marry me
sawamura daichi • love triangle 💦
aoba johsai
scenario: wash day
kunimi akira • stay with me
oikawa torū • my only
lev haiba • secrecy
scenario: you get on your period
kozume kenma • gamers love
kuroo tetsuro • confession
date tech + mujinazaka
aone takanobu • nobody else
goshiki tsutomu • king of bastards
shirabu kenjirō • the rude, cute tutor
scenario: your first date
ushijima wakatoshi • best friends
scenario: first time 💦
johzenji + itachiyama + kamomedai
terushima yūji • stupid pervert
scenario: they take care of the kids for a day
scenario: first time 💦
sakusa kiyoomi • yours
reaction: you tell them to come over late at night
miya atsumu • infatuation
scenario: you guys have a mini-argument
scenario: first time 💦
akaashi keiji • precious
nohebi academy
mixed players/team
scenario: you try to wear revealing costume out 💦
reaction: they call you to have sex when you guys are exes 💦
let's talk

yamaguchi tadashi • one afternoon

762 20 1
Por tojismanlynips

word count: 3047

genre: fluff

have a great time reading :)


You snapped a picture of the ocean's dazzling, clear water that brushed rough ripples of water up against the shore. You put your camera down and glanced down to take a look at the beautiful photo you took.

When you put your camera back up to find something else to take a picture of, your eyes landed on a handsome man standing on a rock with a huge smile on his face. Swiftly, you snapped a picture of him and lowered your camera to look at him more.

He was breathtaking.

He was also fairly familiar.

Suddenly, you began to figure out why he looked so familiar.

"Yamaguchi!" You screamed his name, "Tadashi!"

The smile from his face dropped and his eyes flicked over to you. A look of pure confusion appeared on his face.

You sprinted over to him both in anger and happiness.

As you got closer and closer, fright spread across his face and a look of realization came over him. You jumped onto him and hugged him tightly in your arms.

"Y/N..?" He asked in confusion, "You're back..?"

You jumped back and cheesed widely at him, "Mhm!"

"How many years have it been?" You wondered, stroking your chin in curiosity, "Seven? Nine? Ten? Eleven?"

You brought your eyes up to him, "Did you miss me? Did I make you wa-"

Yamaguchi embraced you tightly.

"Of course, I missed you," He said on your shoulder, "I thought I would never be able to see you anymore."

You smiled softly at him.

Behind him, you saw a familiar man smirking at you.

"Tsukishima, I've been waiting for this moment," You growled, pushing Yamaguchi off of you and setting your things down on the ground, "I'll have you know I trained to kick your ass for many days back in America."

"Seems the barbaric girl never changed," He chuckled, "How.."


You lunged at him but, you were instantly halted from hurting him by Yamaguchi. You made an ugly expression at Tsukishima and put both of your middle fingers up at him.

"Could the both of you stop? We all just reunited and you two are already trying to fight each other."

Tsukishima held onto his stomach and laughed at you.

You frowned at his laughing, "What are you laughing at, beanstalk?"

"I just remembered how naturally ugly you are," He laughed louder, wiping his tears, "It's actually hilarious."

"I will fuck you up!" You cussed at him, "I will wholeheartedly fuck you up. That's why you will forever stay alone in your miserable ass life!"

He scoffed.

"Surprisingly, he does have a girlfriend," Yamaguchi told you, "She's a real beauty."

Tsukishima smirked at you and put his hands in his pockets, "Very beautiful. Very kind. Very smart and very much mine."

"There's no way," You shook your head at Yamaguchi, "He definitely bribed her or threatened her into a relationship. I should report this to the police."

"Whatever," He said in disgust, rolling his eyes.

"Alright, let's both hear how your confessions went down," You told him, crossing your arm and standing directly beside Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi nodded his head at what you said, "Let's actually hear."

His cheeks became extremely red.

"I'm not telling you both," He said in embarrassment, pushing his glasses up and refusing to look at the both of you, "That's only between me and her."

"He's not telling us, Tadashi," You whispered in his ear, getting really close to him, "He must've done something weird to her. Bribed her for sure, right?"

"Mostly like did something inappropriate," Yamaguchi said, "When he came back to the dorm, there were hickies on his neck and stomach."


The both of you shot your heads to his direction and shook your heads at him in disgust. Tsukishima blushed angrily at you both and pointed his fingers at you.

"I hate you both," He grumbled angrily to you both while storming away to go speak to his girlfriend.

You and Yamaguchi looked over to one another and smiled at each other. You shoved Yamaguchi slightly and giggled cutely at him.

"When did you become so confident and strong?" You questioned him, "When we were little, you always use to be so insecure and frightened of confrontations or making Tsukishima angry."

He scratched the back of his and laughed nervously, "If I am honest, both high school and colleges really did a number in shaping me."

You nodded your head and looked in front of you at the ocean.

"Do you not like the way who I am now?"

You darted your head attention to him and shook your head speedily, "No, no. Of course not, Tadashi, I think you've grown to become a dependable, wonderful man. Well, you've always been dependable to me but, you've had troubles showing it to everyone else."

You put your hands behind your back and smiled at him, "You're amazing the way you are. You were amazing the way you were back then. You've always been fascinating to me and you forever will be. So, you don't necessarily have to worry, okay?"

Yamaguchi's cheeks became bright red.

You put your hands behind your head and yawned loudly.

"So, have you been dating anyone?" You asked him, smiling widely at him, "Anyone that you got a crush on?"

Yamaguchi sighed, "Recently, I haven't had time for relationships. Last girl I had dated, we didn't end up getting far. We were both different and had absolutely nothing in common."

You watched him crouch to the ground and pick up a seashell from the sand, "You?"

"I haven't had the time to go out and date anyone," You told him, "I've been close to dating people, but I never pursued any of the relationships because either I don't have the time or I don't think the person is the one, you know?"

"Yeah, I understand," He told you, smiling, "So.. you still hav-"

"I'm leaving, Yamaguchi," Tsukishima said, "And ugly, barbaric woman. My girlfriend wants to hang out."


Tsukishima scoffed, "Can you not hear? My g-"

"Who asked?" You wondered, "When did we ever ask?"

Tsukishima glared at you, "When I see you get hit by a car, my life will instantly change for the better."

"I feel the same way," You said adorably, "It's just I wish you would fall off a building and die! May the both of our lovely dreams come true, Tsukishima."

Tsukishima stormed off with a middle finger in the air directed towards you. You sighed and directed your attention back to the handsome, freckled boy standing in front of you.

"What were you saying, Tadashi?" You asked him, "I wish he hadn't spoke while you were speaking, but Tsukishima loves running his shitty mouth."

"Do you want to go somewhere to hang out?"

"Sure," You said cheerfully, "Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go do karaoke," He suggested, smiling at you, "At least, if you are up for the challenge."

"Me?" You scoffed, planting a hand on his chest, "Do you even know who I am, Tadashi? I am the queen of taking challenges."

He blushed at your hand on his chest, "I-I-I-"

You grabbed onto his hand and pulled him to the city, "Stop being so nervous and show me your singing skills in karaoke, little boy."

You felt him hold onto your hand tighter and saw him walk directly by your side. You brought your attention up at him and smiled as he grinned at you.

The both of you ran into the city as if you were both still children. Along the way to the karaoke, you guys stopped at shops and arcades to do competitions.

In a clothing store, you both entered to do a challenge on who has a more fashionable outfit in a matter of twenty minutes. You ran around the store and kept stealing glances over to the tall, cute nervous boy that had been staring at clothes awkwardly.

Before you grabbed clothes, you took your camera out of your purse and angled your camera up with the pretty boy. You snapped a few shots of him and brought them to down smile at the pictures of him. You tucked your camera back down into your purse and brought your head up to see him blushing at you intensely. He swiftly snapped his head away from you and went back to looking for clothes.

You looked through the clothes and settled on a sleeveless, short white dress with a black belt. You immediately walked over to the shoe section that Tadashi had been losing his mind over.

"Giving up?" You wondered, "Are you going to let me win this first challenge?"

He glared at you, "Shoo!"

You giggled at him and grabbed heels to pair with the outfit. You ran over to the dressing room and quickly changed out of your clothing and into the other outfit. You glanced down at your phone and noticed there was only five minutes left. Beside you, you heard rummaging in the dressing room and male grunts. You snickered quietly at him and waited for him to finish dressing up.

"Times~" You trailed off, "Up!"

You stepped out of the dressing room and waited for him to step out.

"Come out," You giggled, "I want to see the marvelous outfit you put together."

"You're going to make fun of me," He said, "I decline."

You laughed at him, "Let me come in and see."

"Absolutely not."

You walked over to his door, "Open. You should just accept defeat, Tadashi."

He groaned quietly and slowly opened the door, "You better not laugh. This is not my style, but I was running out of time-"

You both stared at each other in amazement.

"You look amazing," You both said in unison.

You both met eyes and smiled at each other.

"I'll accept defeat with this one," You announced, twirling on the heels to enter the dressing room, "You did way better."

"No, no," He declined, "You did amazing. You look breathtaking. Well, you always do, but.. you look absolutely stunning right now."

You blushed at him, "Thanks.. Tadashi.."

He nodded his head and blushed with him scratching the back of his head, "Anytime."

"I still accept defeat," You made known again, stepping into the room to put your clothes back on, "You won."

"No, you won."

"No, you did.

"No, I didn't, Y/N. You won."

"Would you be quiet and take your win?"

"No. How about you stop being so stubborn and take your win?"

After you both got done with bickering and settled on taking a tie for the fashion challenge, you guys entered an arcade and made a second challenge on who would get the most plushies from games.

"You're cheating," He claimed in annoyance, "There's no other way."

"Cheating?" You laughed, holding up your bag of nineteen plushies, "I am just good at gaming. There's this famous girl streamer who actually lives in Tokyo with her boyfriend. She taught me a lot."

"Taught you cheating?" He wondered, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes, "Yay~"

You gave a sad smile, "Are we being sore losers?"

"I regret settling on a tie," He mumbled, "To be honest, I was the best dressed."

You laughed harder at him, "Hey! You were the one that was so keen on not taking the damn win that was being handed on a silver platter to you."

"It was diamond."

You smiled at him and rolled your eyes, "A diamond platter to you."

"Can we just forget this challenge?" He asked, "I only have seven."

"Wow, I won by a landslide," You said in an impressed tone, "I really am powerful."

He slapped his hand over his face, "You have not changed at all."

"I haven't at all, have I?" You asked, standing on your tippy-toes and being inches away from his face, "Does it make you scared~?"

"Not at all," He commented, walking by you to go to a photobooth, "It makes me extremely comfortable and happy."

You dropped to your feet and blushed at his comment. You clenched your fists tightly and took a deep breath. You spun around to see where he went. He had been sitting in the photo-booth waiting for you to come enter with him.

"C'mon," He told you, "We can go do karaoke and eat and drink after this."

"We could've just used my camera."

"Just sit," He chuckled at you, "You've took enough photos of me for the day."

You smiled and sat down, "You noticed?"

"How could I not see a big camera being aimed at me by a pretty girl?"

You nudged his shoulder, "Did school really make you this daring and confident?"

"No, it played a part," He said, hitting on buttons, "But, I was the one who drastically changed myself."

"You're really cool, Tadashi."

He glanced over to you and smiled widely at you, "You are too, Y/N."

You hugged him and faced towards the camera, "Picture time!"

Yamaguchi blushed at the camera and decided to wrap his arm around your waist. You smiled at the contact and cheesed widely in the camera with your head resting on his shoulder.

The following photos you both took were silly pictures. You both exited the photo-booth and you glanced down at your watch to figure out what time it was.

"You have to go back soon?" He asked you, "Back home?"

"Mhm," You sighed, "Job interview in the morning."

"Ah," He nodded his head, "Deal with the camera?"

"Yup," You said, carrying your bag of plushies as you walked out of the arcade with him, "I want to be a photographer. Remember when we were younger and I always told you about how much I want to see the world I experienced through a lens."

"Yeah," He confirmed, "I still remember."

"I mean, I know not to take every single picture of every moment of my life, but I want to be able to highlight the main things that I encountered," You smiled to yourself, "Happiness, sadness, anger, love, loneliness and confusion. Since I know I'm not going to remember everything when I'm old, I want to be able to look back on all of my pictures I took and remember all of the things that I lived throughout the course of my life."

"My goal is to create memories for my future self to look back on and to relive my younger self's life through those memories," You said happily, smiling over to him, "That's my one major goal."

"It would also be nice to have my kids look back on them-"

Tadashi took a step towards you, "Can I please ask you about something, Y/N?"

"Of course."

"Would it be weird for me to tell you I still had feelings for you all this time?" He asked you, "I know, I know. We were never in contact with each other, but I always believed in what you told me. I always believed that you said you would come back. Due to that and me not being able to get over you because you were my first love, I couldn't fall out of feelings for you."

"I want to be able to experience all the memories you create with you," He confessed, "I want to be someone that helps you achieve your goal and that is with you till the very end. I really, really, really like you, Y/N."

You stared at him and brought your eyes down to look at the ground, "Hm.."

He lowered his eyes from you for believing he made you feel uncomfortable and stepped away from you, "I'm sorry for saying that so suddenly.."

You peered over at him, "While I was in America, I always wondered what you were doing and how you were doing. That's why I didn't really want to get in a relationship. It's impossible to get over people that you liked so much beforehand and never got the chance to be with them."

He glanced up over to you and blushed red, "Huh..?"

"Do you want to date?" You asked him, "My first love."

He stared at you in shock from you asking the question and hid his face to not let you look at him. You giggled at him hiding his face from you. You walked over to him and grabbed onto his hand.

"Tadashi, it-"

"I just liked you so much and still like you so much," He breathed, continuing to hide his face from you, "All of this feels like a dream. A dream that I don't want to wake up from. You don't understand how frightened I am that I may wake up the next morning with this all being an illusion."

You kissed him on his cheek and smiled, "Did that feel like a dream?"

"No.. It felt real.."

You intertwined your hand in his and dragged your thumb across his hand, "Did this feel like a dream?"

He glanced over to you.


You smiled, "It's not a dream. I'm real and this is not an illusion."

"I'm here to stay with you."

"So, I'll ask you again, do you want to date, Yamaguchi Tadashi?"

He held tightly onto your hand, "Yes, I really want to date you."

"Alright, boyfriend, let's go to the karaoke bar for you to lose!"

"What? That's all?"

"What else is there to dating?"

"I thought there would be some wind on us and cherry blossoms blowing on us dramatically... You know like in the anime, you know what I'm talking about.. right..?"

"I don't think it works like that."

"It does."

"It really doesn't, Tadashi. There's a reason why they are shows and not realistic."

"Hm.. I'll just beat you in the karaoke bar and let's see if it happens."

"Wouldn't that make it overly delayed then?"

"It's going to come, Y/N, just wait."

"It's not."

"It is."

"The chapter is over, Tadashi."


"It's alright," You reassured him, kissing him on his new cheek, "There will be a new chapter for us."

He blushed at you.

"I think I love you now."


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