Brettsey One Shots

By photofrnd54

95.9K 1.6K 354

Here will be a bunch of One Shots of Brettsey. Some of them might look familiar as i took my Rheese one shots... More

Authors Notes
That One Night
Why me
Taylor Elizabeth Brett
Hospital Stay
Almost Lost Him
The Shirt
Why Me. Part 2
Five Days To Long
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 2
She's Your Wife?
Jealous Fight
She's Your Wife? Part 2
46 Days 7 Hours and 22 Minutes
I Can't Marry You
Why Me. Part 3
Auction Night
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 3
Will you stay with me?
Bring Him Back
Bring Him Back (Part 2 The Boat)
The Flu
An Early Surprise
I'm Scared
Taylor Elizabeth Brett Part 4
First Child
Ambulance 61 victim stabbed.
I never got to tell her
What do you mean she's not here?
Tired of Hiding
A Morning Surprise
The Flowers
My Girl
Should have done this sooner
Locker Room Chat
A Night in Paris (Locker Room Chat Part 2)
Casey's Quarters
Got Stood up
Casey's Quarters Part 2
Casey's Quarters Part 3
Casey's Quarters Part 4
What am I to you?
Girlfriend in Fowlerton part 1
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 2
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 3
Girlfriend in Fowlerton Part 4
It's okay It's okay
Accidently Double Date
I need him
Get Off Her
We need to talk
Anyone seen Brett?
Secret Promotion
Will you Stay
She's Gone
The Thanksgiving Rolls
Christmas Tree
Ice Skating Date
Meeting the Family
Secret Santa Part 1
Secret Santa Part 2
Secret Santa Part 3
Christmas Windows
Getting The Christmas Tree
New Years Eve Kiss
Late Night Phone Call (New Years Eve Kiss Part 2)
Surprise Visit (New Years Eve Kiss Part 3)
Meeting Parents Part 2
Some Unexpected Great News
The Flash Over
In Shock
What's That Smell?
It's Hard
Someone's Missing
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 1)
The Fowlerton Fair (Part 2)
Fowlerton Fair Part 3
Birthday Dinner
The Collapse
She was attacked
He Promised
Memory Loss
That Night Against River
A Shift on 61
Dance With Me
Will You...
Somethings off
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 1)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 2)
Girl Who Ran Me Over (Part 3)
Stayed All Night
Jace Matthew Casey
Get To The Hospital
Call it - TOD 4:38am
Wedding Day
Missing you
Where is she
Where is She (Part 2)
Paradoxical Reaction
Play Nice Now
Our Boy (Part 1)
Our Boy (Part 2)
Chicago to Portland
Sylvie's Secret Santa
Sylvie's Secret Santa (Part 2)
New Years Eve Hospital
Did I wake you
She Said No

That Night Outside Molly's

575 19 1
By photofrnd54

Matt's pov

I was sitting at a bar table with some of 51 celebrating Mouch's medal he got. Sylvie was stilling next to me. It was hard not to stair at her beauty. I give her a quick smile before I head to the bar to get another round of drinks for everyone. Just as I was about to place the other I see Sylvie grab her jacket put it on and walk out the door. I didn't hesitate at all. I dropped what I was doing and followed her out the door. I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. I wasn't going to let her get away this time. She's my everything I can't lose her. I open the door to see her starting to walk the crosswalk. "Hey Sylvie wait up." I say to her. "What's up?" She asks turning around to face me. "Leaving so soon." I ask walking close to her. "Yeah just not in the party mood." She says to me. I can scenes something is off with her. "You okay?" I ask her softly. "Yeah I'll be fine I promise." She says as she starts to walk away. "Hey hold on there's something I wanna tell you." I say. "Can it wait I'm just waiting to go home." She says almost sadly. "Oh okay" I say " Thanks Matt" she says as she starts to turn around to leave again. It's now or never she needs to know now. "Actually no I need to say this it important please." I say to her. "Okay go ahead" she says facing me. "I know you know Gabby called. We had a talk and not the talk your probably thinking. Since I know you so well. The talk made me realize what I already knew. That You are the best thing in my life. You caught me by surprise. Never would I thought I'd find my puzzle piece. but here you are standing in front of me. I know that we have had a rough few months but if you let me I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. Because the truth is Sylvie Ann Brett I am in love with you no body else. You are my one and only. I just needed you to know that even if it doesn't change anything for us. You are it for me. My forever." I say with a slight smile on my face. "Oh Matt....." Sylvie says with a pause before starting up again. "I don't know what to say" she says with a slight smile. Which I take as a good sign. "don't say anything take time to think about all I just said I know it's a lot to take in." I say taking a few steps closer to her. "I promise to be here whenever you are ready" I say as I place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "good night Sylvie" I say as I turn and walk back in side. I'm so happy I was able to finally find my voice and let her know how I truly feel.

Sylvie pov

As I sat there listing to Matt's love confession I couldn't help but this he actually loves me. All this time he has loved me. "I don't know what to say" I say. "don't say anything take time to think about all I just said I know it's a lot to take in." He says taking a few steps closer to me. I don't hesitate this time. I stay right where I'm at. "I promise to be here whenever you are ready" he says as he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes as he does so. "good night Sylvie" he says before walking back inside leaving me standing alone. I am still somewhat in shock. So I'm going to do what he says and think on what he's said. I head back to my place. Once home I sit on the couch thinking. I tired so hard to push my feelings for matt away all those times because I thought he could never love me. The way... The way I love him. All my feelings come flooding back in. I need to tell him. He needs to know. After an hour of thinking at home. I grab my wallet and keys. I then head straight to the loft. I take the elevator up to his floor. I knock on his door but there is no answer. I knock again same thing no answer. He must still be out at Molly's although it is getting close to closing time. I nock one more time for good measures but still nothing. So I pull out my phone. "Hey Hermann is Casey still there." I ask him "he just left want me to get him for you. I think I can catch him" he says to me over the phone. "Nah don't worry about it. It's all good I catch him at work next shift thanks though." I say hanging up the phone. So since he's on his way back I will just wait for him. I sit down with my back against the wall with my knees up to my chest. I was so nervous but so excited to tell him. About 10 minutes later I hear the elevator start to open. I look up to see Matt getting off. "Sylvie" he says shocked. "How long you've been sitting there." He says as he offers his hand to help pull me to my feet. "Not long I promise. I thought about going back to Molly's after my thinking." I say. "Why didn't you" he asks me so softly. "Because then I couldn't have done this." I say leaning up on my tip toes to kiss him. As I wrap my arms around him. "I love you too. So much. I hurts sometimes. I tried so hard to push my feelings way because I thought you could never love me the way I love you." I say. On the verge of happy tears. "Seeing you with Sydney hurt. Even being with Greg hurt I was just trying to get over you and it only made it worse. But I just wanted you to be happy. Never would I ha e thought I could be me. But I'm so glad it is. Because I don't know what I would do without." I say with a smile. "this make me the happiest man in the world right now" he says leaning down to kiss me pushing me up against the door. We make out for a good few minutes. "What about Kidd and Severide" I say between kisses. "They are at the cabin this weekend. I have the place all to myself. Or should I say we have it all to ourselves." He says to me. "Then I think we should continue this inside" I say giving him one. Good kiss. He take out his keys and opens the door. He take my hand in his and leads me side. "You want anything he asks me." He asks me. "Only if it's you." I say kissing me. "I think that can be arranged." He says as he picks me up and carries me to the bedroom.

Matt's pov

The next morning I wake up to something laying on my chest. I looked down to see Sylvie wearing one of my old CFD shirts. She must have gotten it in the middle of the night. He blond hair is tousled over my bare chest. I carefully lean down and place a gentle kiss on top of her head. I watch her sleep for the next 10 minutes before she starts to stir. "Mmmmm good morning. "she says. "Good morning My love" I say kissing her. "Mmm my love I could get use to that." She says kissing me back. "Got any plans for the day." I ask her "not unless they have you in it." She says "well then it's the perfect day to spend in bed." I say with a smirk that makes her laugh. 

AN: Hey Guys Sorry for The mix up of posting the same story twice. I accidently grabbed the wrong one to post. Here is the correct one. I hope you enjoy it.  Also I'm looking for a little help a friend of mine on twitter and I are making a birthday video for Kara Killmer. We are looking for artwork with birthday wishes for her. something simple as a pic of her with happy birthday on it. Or a multi collage with a longer wish or what ever you want. feel free to do more than one if you would like. DM me on Twitter at Musicfrnd54. since I cant get pictures here. I'm really hoping to get a lot of fans involved and so far we don't have a lot.   You can even leave your wish below here in the comments and ill type it up and add it to the video for you.  Thanks In Advance. As always feel free to vote comment and leave suggestions.

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