Blank Space

By alayners

60.6K 1.1K 658

*Story Line from KristinaOrtutova* *Olicity Fanfiction/Alternate Universe* Oliver Queen is set out for a voya... More

~Prologue, Part 1~
~Prologue, Part 2~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Chapter 26 ~
~ Chapter 27 ~
~ Chapter 28 ~
~ Chapter 29 ~
~ Chapter 30 ~
~ Chapter 31 ~

~ Chapter 16 ~

1.8K 34 22
By alayners

Felicity woke up in tangled sheets.

She slowly opened her eyes, instantly remembering what happened last night. It brought a pink blush to her face. But, it also brought a clear understanding to her.

Even though she loved it, and would gladly do it again... They really needed to talk. The only reason that last night had happened was because they didn't talk about all the problems that they were having. But, God it was nice to kiss him again.

She had forgotten how good it felt.

She also forgot how good it felt to have her ring back on her finger.

She turned in the bed, halfway expecting him to have left her there alone because of everything that he has said to her since he's been back, but he was still here, fast asleep. It was almost like a miracle, seeing him sleeping.

She just stared at him, taking in all of his beautiful features. His jawline, his cheekbones, his collarbones, his abs, everything. He looked so at peace when he slept, nothing like he looked when he was awake. He was always worrying when he was awake, but now... sleeping... he looked so serene.

It just made him more beautiful.

She shifted closer to him, snuggling into his body. She let her fingers trace over every scar and tattoo that she could see. Even when he was asleep, he had this affect on her that took her breath away. She didn't know how or why it happened, but he always made her breathless. That's why she could only really talk in sentence fragments around him most of the time. 

She felt his hand tighten around her waist, and she snuggled into him even more, looking up at him. He was awake, finally. God, those eyes.

"Mm, good morning." He whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Good morning." She responded.

Oliver looked down at her, and couldn't help but to grin. She was just so perfect. This moment was so perfect. He didn't want it to end, but he knew in his heart that it had to. It wasn't right to be happy right now. He had a city to worry about. His happiness could wait. 

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, searching his eyes.

"Everything, really." Oliver responded, sighing.

"Yeah, me too." She said, looking away.

Oliver just continued to stare at her as she continued to rub her fingers over his scars.

"Felicity, we need--" He sighed, hating saying the words aloud, but knowing that it was time.

"No, just -- let's just sit here for now. " Felicity responded automatically, knowing now that she didn't want to talk, because that would mean that all of this would be over.

Oliver just looked at her in response.

"Felicity, we have to talk--"

Felicity's phone started ringing, and Felicity just looked at him, not knowing whether to take it or not, but when he didn't say anything, and just kept his mouth firmly shut, she sighed, and moved from out of his hold, and reached over to her phone. 

Of course it was Ray.

"Hello?" She answered, sitting up.

"Hey, I'm at your door." She heard him sigh.

"What? Why?" She asked, getting out of bed, and began to dress herself, not even looking at Oliver.

"It's about Barry." He said, and by the tone of his voice, it didn't sound good.

"What happened? Is he alright?" She gasped, trying to put her shirt on, but couldn't when she was holding the phone. 

"You just need to hurry and meet me outside. I'll be in the car." 

And, then he hung up. She was too shocked from the phone call to notice that Oliver had gotten out of bed, and was helping her put her shirt on. She just looked at him, not knowing what to say, or what to do. Barry was an old friend, and if anything happened to him, she wouldn't know how to function. 

She couldn't lose anyone else.

The tears were already starting to appear, and she tried desperately to blink them away, so Oliver wouldn't see. 

"What's going on, Felicity?" Oliver sighed, trying to get Felicity to look at him, but she was now looking everywhere but him.

"I... I just have to go." She said frantically, grabbing her purse, and tying her hair up into a slick ponytail.

"Felicity..." He sighed again, grabbing her wrist.

"Oliver..." She responded, turning to look at him with sad eyes.

He didn't know what to do. She wasn't telling him anything, and that scared him in a way. Felicity usually always told him when something was wrong, and the fact that she was keeping stuff from him now meant that these three years had changed her, and him being back didn't mean anything. 

Felicity had changed into another version of herself... One that wasn't so open, and so revealing. She shielded herself now, and Oliver didn't really know how to feel about that. He wanted her to tell him everything, to be able to know that he was here now, and he wasn't going anywhere.

But, he was also somewhat glad that she was closing herself off to him. 

It meant that she wouldn't be as hurt when he told her that they couldn't do this again. That they couldn't be together in the way that she wanted. It wasn't fair to her. Not when he couldn't be the Oliver that she fell in love with. 

Not now.

Maybe not ever.

Felicity was waiting for him to say something, anything, but he just let her go. Again.

"Okay." He sighed, letting her go.

She sighed, relieved that he was letting her go with no questions asked. She just simply nodded at him as a goodbye, and walked towards the door. He wasn't even following her. He was just standing in her room, looking at her. She felt guilty for just leaving him with no explanation whatsoever, so she walked back over to him until she was standing right in front of him.

"About that talk..." She started, but he put a hand on her shoulder.

"We'll talk later. Do what you want." He said, looking away.

Something had changed in his demeanor, as if he wasn't the Oliver she was just talking to, sleeping with minutes ago. 

She was absolutely hurt by his words, as if he wasn't important to her. But, that wasn't the case. She just needed to go see Barry... She was scared for him, and she didn't want him to be hurt, or worse.

"Oliver, that isn't--"

"I know Ray's out there. He's waiting... Just go, Felicity. It's fine." Oliver muttered.

Felicity was fuming. She didn't even want to know how he knew Ray was out there, but the fact of the matter was that he didn't trust her. He didn't know what was going on, and yet he was jumping to conclusions that something was going on with Ray. And, that hurt her more than words could describe.

"This has nothing to do with him!" Felicity yelled, mad that Oliver was jumping to conclusions.

Oliver didn't say anything, but he just continued to look at her. He knew this was unfair to her, but his feelings were just getting the better of him, like usual. All he knew was that Ray was waiting for her, and she was leaving him for Ray.

"Oliver, it's Barry." Felicity whispered, on the verge of tears.

Oliver didn't even have time to respond, before she turned around and began walking out the door. 

"I have to go." She said firmly, not even turning her head over shoulder to give him one last glance.

Felicity stomped out, upset that Oliver had jump to conclusions like that. She just wanted to talk to him, the real him. When he had gotten upset at her minutes ago, that wasn't who she knew he was. He was pushing her away, but she wasn't going to let that happen. She had thought that he had been dead for three years. She wasn't losing him now. 

She got into Ray's car, putting away every thought of Oliver that she was having, and began to focus on Barry.

She saw Ray's worried expression as soon as she got in, and immediately felt sad.

"What happened to Barry? How bad is it?" She asked, trying to stay calm.

"Felicity... He's in a coma." Ray sighed, closing his eyes.

"Wh--what? Ho--How?" She stuttered, blinking, trying to understand.

"He was struck by lightning. I -- I don't know anything else." Ray said, shaking his head.

Felicity reached over and grabbed his hand. She didn't feel anything when she touched it... No spark, no anything. Not like she did when she touched Oliver... But, she wanted a diestraction from Oliver right now, something that made her feel wanted. Because he sure as hell didn't make her feel wanted, not with him pushing her away every chance he got.

"I -- I'm sorry Ray." She whispered, squeezing his hand.

He looked back at her with sad eyes.

"We gotta have faith that he's going to be okay." He sadly smiled, squeezing her hand back. 

 "I know... It's just hard." Felicity responded.

"Caitlin and Cisco are with him now." Ray said, patting her hand once more before pulling back. 

"Good." She smiled, looking outside the window, and wishing that Oliver was here with her. 

"You're wearing your ring again." Ray pointed out.

Felicity looked back at him, and looked down at her ring, smiling.

"Yeah, it just feels right."


Oliver hit yet another target with his bow and arrow. He was frustrated beyond reason, and he didn't know what to do. It had been hours since Felicity had been with him. 

He had just let Felicity go with Ray, but once she had said that it was Barry, he had felt terrible... Absolutely terrible for letting his emotions get the better of him. He shouldn't have jumped to conclusions regarging Ray and Felicity's relationship. But, he did... Because Oliver tended to get jealous insanely quick.

He had gotten jealous of a man in an elevator before him and Felicity were even together, for God's sake.

It was kind of ridiculous.

"Whoa, man. Who peed in your cornflakes?" 

Oliver growled, and turned around to see Tommy smirking at him.

He just rolled his eyes at Tommy, and reaimed his arrow, and shot again, once more hitting the target right on point. 

"We need to get you a punching bag, or something. That way you don't accidentally shoot someone, and you know... kill them." Tommy laughed.

Oliver didn't respond to him, but instead, he just continued firing his arrows.

"Diggle's here. Maybe he can talk some sense into you." Tommy muttered, walking back out the door.

Oliver just sighed heavily, really wishing to be left alone, but he knew that Diggle wouldn't leave him be until he knew what was going on. So, he put down his bow and arrow, and prepared for a lecture from Diggle.

Dig walked in, looking at him, and prompting him to sit down. Oliver nodded, and took a seat, letting Dig walk over to him, pull out a chair, and sit down with him as well.

"What's going on?" Diggle asked.

"Felicity and I -- We -- yeah. But, we didn't talk about it afterwards, and then I snapped at her for leaving with Palmer, and it's just, not good, Diggle. We can't talk anymore, about anything, and I don't know what to do about it." Oliver sighed, shrugging, and glad that he was finally able to get all of this off of his chest. 

"Palmer picked her up?" Diggle asked.

Oliver nodded, "Yeah, something's going on with Barry."

Diggle's eyes enlarged, and his eyebrows lifted. 

"Is he okay?" 

"I don't know. Felicity wouldn't tell me." Oliver muttered.

"Well, go talk to her. Go to wherever she is, and talk to her." Diggle said, getting up from his chair.

"But, it's never going to work between us, Diggle. I can't be me and the vigilante at the same time. I just... I can't." Oliver sighed, defeated.

"Why not?" Diggle asked, making his voice a little louder.

"Because I can't protect her and the city at the same time!" Oliver yelled, getting up, and throwing his hands up in the air.


"No, Dig! I can't! Because I will always love her more than the city! And, I can't love her more than the city that I'm supposed to be saving! I won't be able to do what I have to for this city, if... if I'm with her." Oliver cried, on the verge of heartbreak.

He rubbed his hands through his hair, and breathed in and out deeply. 

"Then, don't be with me."

Oliver and Diggle both looked up to see Felicity standing there, staring at both of them with sad eyes.

"Wh--what are you doing here? I thought you'd be with Barry?" Oliver asked.

"I came back to talk, to work things out. But, now... I don't want to talk." Felicity sighed, looking down.


"No, it's fine, Oliver. Really. I get it." She smiled, sadly, looking back up at him.

Oliver just looked at her, unable to speak.

"But, I do need you to do something for me." Felicity said more sternly.

"If it's you asking, I'll do it." Oliver nodded, stepping towards her.

"I want to be apart of this team, of this crusade. Now." Felicity said.


"Oliver, my friend is out there, dying, and there is evidence of foul play. Now, you let me join you, or so help me God I will do this on my own." Felicity spoke with fire behind her tone.

Oliver just nodded, knowing that it was better for her to be with them, then be by herself doing this.

"You want to save this city, Oliver. So do I. But, Central City is dying too. They need our help." She said, stepping towards Oliver, until she was standing right in front of him.

"I agree with Felicity, man. Central City needs a hero." Diggle nodded.

"I'm not a hero, Diggle." Oliver side-glanced at him.

"Well, then stop being a vigilante, and be a hero." Felicity scolded, handing him a box.

"What is this?' Oliver asked, taking the box from her.

"A gift." She nodded.

Oliver opened it to reveal a green mask. He was about to put it on, when Felicity took it from him, and put it on him herself.

"How do I look?" Oliver asked, reaching for his hood.

"Like a hero." She smiled.

"So, if you're not the vigilante anymore, what do we call you?" Diggle asked, handing him his bow and arrow.

Oliver just looked down at the quiver, and smiled. Felicity caught on, and smiled too.

"Arrow." She whispered.

I am so beyond sorry for the wait. It's been a really tough few weeks for me, and I just needed time to think to myself and be okay again. I don't know... But, thank you guys for sticking me with, and everything. It means everything. 

So, questions for this chapter.

How does Ray know Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry? You'll find out.

Are Oliver and Felicity ever going to talk? Eventually, yes. But, if you watch Arrow, you know that it takes them literally YEARS before they talk, so it's going to take a while.

If you have any other questions, let me know, and I'll answer them for you!

Picture attached is of Felicity and Oliver in the foundry! 

Love you guys.

Alayna :) 

BTW.. This is unedited, so sorry for mistakes. 

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