Picture Perfect Night Sky

By MelancholicBastard

4.3K 199 0

Two people struggling with life as they do their best to find who they really are. One who's struggling with... More

1 ¦ Margaret Fellice
2 ¦ Jacob Pierce
3 ¦ Margaret Fellice
4 ¦ Jacob Pierce
5 ¦ Margaret Fellice
6 ¦ Jacob Pierce
7 ¦ Margaret Fellice
8 ¦ Jacob Pierce
9 ¦ Margaret Fellice
10 ¦ Jacob Pierce
11 ¦ Margaret Fellice
12 ¦ Jacob Pierce
13 ¦ Margaret Fellice
14 ¦ Jacob Pierce
15 ¦ Margaret Fellice
16 ¦ Jacob Pierce
17 ¦ Margaret Fellice
18 ¦ Jacob Pierce
19 ¦ Margaret Fellice
20 ¦ Jacob Pierce
21 ¦ Margaret Fellice
22 ¦ Jacob Pierce
24 ¦ Jacob Pierce
25 ¦ Margaret Fellice
26 ¦ Jacob Pierce
27 ¦ Margaret Fellice
28 ¦ Jacob Pierce
29 ¦ Margaret Fellice
30 ¦ Jacob Pierce
31 ¦ Margaret Fellice
32 ¦ Jacob Pierce
33 ¦ Margaret Fellice
34 ¦ Jacob Pierce
35 ¦ Margaret Fellice
36 ¦ Jacob Pierce
37 ¦ Margaret Fellice
38 ¦ Jacob Pierce
39 ¦ Margaret Fellice
40 ¦ Jacob Pierce
41 ¦ Margaret Fellice
42 ¦ Jacob Pierce
43 ¦ Margaret Fellice
44 ¦ Jacob Pierce
45 ¦ Margaret Fellice
46 ¦ Jacob Pierce

23 ¦ Margaret Fellice

88 4 0
By MelancholicBastard

Okay, not the weirdest thing that had ever happened to me in my whole life, but this situation is out there in the top 10 weirdest situations ever. The fact that he wants to talk about mythology worries me. A week ago, he was like hating my own existence, and now he wants to talk about mythology?

A sentence from him that I couldn't believe it's true. Wow, this guy is full of surprises. I couldn't figure out the real reason he has sent me here. Does he really want to talk about mythology? Is this real? Am I dreaming? What the fuck is going on? I just want to go back to my dorm and sleep this out, but I choose to be here, talking about mythology to a guy that I didn't know he has interest with. What is even going on right now? I'm in like some sort of forced plot line to a story. What the heck?

"Ah, actually the only way to save the Ethiopia is that King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia agreed that they should sacrifice princess Andromeda to the Kraken to please Poseidon." He starts blabbering about it.

No, seriously, what the fuck is going on here? Is he planning something out? Whatever he is planning, it's weirding the soul out of me. If Nancy is here, she would totally annoy me on having a book date with this jerk. And if Noah is here, he would totally help Jacob annoy the soul out of me.

This can't be considered as a book date, right? It's just some sort of book discussion right, not a book date? I'm just gonna tell myself this is just a book discussion between, acquaintances.

"Yeah, but Perseus came to the rescue on a Pegasus by slaying the Kraken using the magical sword he used to decapitate the gorgon." I decided to join this weird situation, because clearly, I don't have any plans on leaving. Not gonna lie, I love mythology. But it's still weird discussing it to the person who despise my existence like a week ago. He probably has the fastest character development I ever witnessed in my whole life.

"Yeah, it really shows dedicated he is to save the love of his life." If I'm being honest, he's good at storytelling. I never thought a kind of guy like him would be this dedicated to telling a story. "But sadly, King Cepheus told Perseus that Andromeda is already been promised to Phineus. The day of Perseus and Andromeda's wedding, Phineus and his small army interrupts the wedding. But that doesn't stop Perseus, so he grabbed the gorgon's head and used to turn Phineus and his small army into hard stone."

I chuckle softly. "I couldn't believe that those eyes were still working despite it being decapitated from its body."

"Yeah, but can we talk about how terrible Queen Cassiopeia was? I mean, she's been depicted as the villain in this story because she was the one who offended Poseidon in the first place."

"Yeah, poor Cassiopeia." I let out a sigh. "To be honest, Cassiopeia is one of my beloved constellations."

"Oh, the infamous letter W in the night sky." To my shock he knows what I'm talking about. Who is this guy anyway? First, he likes 2000s emo music, second, he's reading a mythology book, and third he knows about constellations. "Did you know that the Letter W represents Cassiopeia, herself sitting on her throne?"

I laugh at the fact that he doesn't know that I already know that. "Thanks for that caption obvious, as if I don't even know what's my favorite constellations represents." It feels weird that I'm having a good time with this guy. Maybe being friends with him won't hurt as much. "Yeah, Perseus and Andromeda's love story are great and all, but have you read the love story between Eros and Psyche?"

He looks deep in thought for a moment. "Isn't Psyche have been cursed that no one will ever fall in love with her?"

"Yeah, that's the one." I reminisce for a bit to that lovely story. "I just couldn't believe Aphrodite would curse her."

"Not only that, but Aphrodite ordered her son, Eros, to make her fall in love with the ugliest creature ever." He sighs for a moment. "Well, luckily Eros didn't listen to her mother, because he was the one who fell in love with Psyche."

I smile widely at that love story so much. "But Eros hides his face to Psyche so that she will fall in love with his dedication not his good-looks."

He scratches his chin, "Yeah, that sounds so romantic until Psyche stabbed him and saw his face and then Eros flew away."

I frown, "That was not a romantic scene, but at least Psyche tried to find him."

"Yeah, until Aphrodite ordered her to retrieve a box from Persephone in exchange for her son, but she got curious what was inside." He looks like he's enjoying my torment. "She opened the box, then fell into a deep slumber."

I give him that irritated gaze. "Why are you ruining this for me?"

"What do you mean? That's how the story goes!" He retorts with a sly grin.

Rolling my eyes at him, "Well at least Eros saved her, and they got married in the end."

He closes the book he was reading and face his head towards my direction. "That's the best love story, but not as best as-"

"Hades and Persephone..." Smiling widely as I interrupt his sentence.

"Damn, it's like you just read my mind!" I giggle softly, I don't know why that made me giggle. We're just acquaintances, but it feels like we've known for each other for a long time. He chuckles softly. Is it just me or that's the first time I heard him chuckle? "Just knowing that Hades is the most loyal and faithful god towards Persephone."

"Yeah, Hades saw Persephone planting some flowers and immediately fell in love." I smile at that great love story. Sadly, people keep on seeing Hades as the villain, but well in fact, he's the most caring and loyal person on Olympus. "I love Persephone, she's always so confident whatever she's doing. I wanna be like her."

"I want to become your Hades." He murmurs under his breath, but I'm pretty sure that's what I heard from him. Does he even realize what he just said?

"Excuse me, what was that?" Even though I heard what he said correctly, I'm still not sure if that's what "I wanna be your Hades" means.

"Oh, I said I want to become a Hades for someone and..." He begins to panic on his words and stuttering like an idiot.

I don't know why I have this urge to tease him a bit, I shouldn't, but I just can't help it. "And what, Jacob?" I raise an eyebrow at him, grinning widely. Well, to be honest, I'm kinda nervous about what he said earlier about "wanting to be my Hades". I don't know why that scared me.

"And, I want her to become my Persephone." He puts some heavy emphasis on the word her. Who's her anyway?

"Who is this her anyway?" A disappointed tone escapes in my mouth. I didn't mean to sound disappointed, but maybe I do. For some apparent reason, I wanted to sound disappointed. What's even happening?

"Well... " He immediately pulls out that smug face, for me, it just makes him look like an idiot. "I doubt that you know her." He crosses his arms, and the smugness keeps getting thicker on his face. Of course, he has the thickest smug face, he's a fucking gamer.

"Oh? Why don't you try me?" I give him my best poker face. A smirk and eyes full of mischief. I didn't even plan to sound so playful at him, but I like, it brings me happiness and content through my soul like it's some natural feeling.

"Oh yeah?" He raises an eyebrow at me—correction: he raises his thin monobrow. I don't know why I didn't notice how his monobrow fits his personality so well. "Her name is Jasmine Hazel."

"Oh her? Yeah, I know her." I smirk mischievously at his direction. She's one of the students in Traditional Arts, so we're classmates.

"Nah, you're bluffing." He points a finger at me, looking very intently at my mischievous eyes. "I can tell that you're bluffing!"

"I swear, I'm not bluffing." I raise my hand on a surrender gesture. "I really do know Jasmine Hazel, I swear!"

"Do you really know her?" His face looks like a child that just discovered all about theme parks. That monobrow really does fit his soft yet bold personality.

"Yeah, I know her." I cross my arms above my chest, feeling superior that I destroyed his smug face.

"How did you know her anyway?" His tone of voice sounds like he's very eager for and answer.

I chuckle softly, he's really eager to know how I know her huh? Does he have a crush on this girl? "Yeah, she's in one of my class."

"Which class she's in?" He leans forward from his chair and look as if he's thirsty to know the information. This guy has some dedication just to get some information about this girl.

Part of me saying that I shouldn't tell him anything about her, but he looks so eager and cute that I can't help but to tell him. "She's in Traditional Arts." Feeling kinda bumped out for a moment as I spill an information at him. I want us to talk about more about mythology or stars or constellations, or anything, but I get a feeling in my gut that I don't want to talk about Jasmine.

"Wow, she's an artist like you, huh." The tone of his voice makes my gut feel pressed so hard and I don't like it. "Hey, would you mind helping a friend out?"

"Friend?" I raise an eyebrow at him. What makes him think that we're friends, we're just acquaintances, but why the hell am I feeling a bit jealous though? "You really think we're friends?"

He lets out a loud groan, and forces a wide friendly smile. "Hi, my name is Jacob Pierce. Can we be friends?" He reaches out for my hand.

I just gladly accept his handshake, "Nice to meet you, Jacob Pierce. I'm Margaret Fellice and I would love to be friends with you." I'm laughing mentally at this situation. This guy is full of random shit, and I fucking love it.

"Great, we're friends now. So, could you help a friend out, please?" He makes that I'm begging you gesture with his hands.

"One question, why though?" I'm really curious why he needs my help. I never thought he's the kind of guy that will ask for help really.

He lets out a victory clap, "Well, you clearly know Jasmine Hazel." He starts feeling excited. Why do I have a feeling I will regret this at some point in time?

I feel like I know where this is going but I'll try to act like I don't. "Yeah, so?"

"So, would you mind setting me up with her?"

Crap! Why? Oh, why is my gut hates me. I feel like someone had crippled my guts and stab a sharp icicle and twist it so hard straight to my heart. Why am I hurt like this? What the fuck is going on? What is even happening now? Jacob looks like he's waiting for an answer, but what will I say to him? I'm low-key panicking here, and it's not cool! I don't want to make him feel bad for denying, but I can't just say I will help him. Why am I like this? I really don't know what's going on here. I feel a big lump in my throat that I couldn't swallow.

"Uh, Margaret? Earth to Margaret?" He snaps his fingers at my eyes, snapping me back to reality.

"Uh, Yeah, sure. I'll help you out."  I blurt out of panic. What else should I answer his question? I can't just dismiss it, especially when our friendship is now making its foundation on the ground. Besides what could possibly go wrong in this sudden decision we agreed on?

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