Picture Perfect Night Sky

By MelancholicBastard

4.3K 199 0

Two people struggling with life as they do their best to find who they really are. One who's struggling with... More

1 ¦ Margaret Fellice
2 ¦ Jacob Pierce
3 ¦ Margaret Fellice
4 ¦ Jacob Pierce
5 ¦ Margaret Fellice
6 ¦ Jacob Pierce
7 ¦ Margaret Fellice
8 ¦ Jacob Pierce
9 ¦ Margaret Fellice
10 ¦ Jacob Pierce
11 ¦ Margaret Fellice
12 ¦ Jacob Pierce
13 ¦ Margaret Fellice
14 ¦ Jacob Pierce
15 ¦ Margaret Fellice
16 ¦ Jacob Pierce
17 ¦ Margaret Fellice
18 ¦ Jacob Pierce
19 ¦ Margaret Fellice
21 ¦ Margaret Fellice
22 ¦ Jacob Pierce
23 ¦ Margaret Fellice
24 ¦ Jacob Pierce
25 ¦ Margaret Fellice
26 ¦ Jacob Pierce
27 ¦ Margaret Fellice
28 ¦ Jacob Pierce
29 ¦ Margaret Fellice
30 ¦ Jacob Pierce
31 ¦ Margaret Fellice
32 ¦ Jacob Pierce
33 ¦ Margaret Fellice
34 ¦ Jacob Pierce
35 ¦ Margaret Fellice
36 ¦ Jacob Pierce
37 ¦ Margaret Fellice
38 ¦ Jacob Pierce
39 ¦ Margaret Fellice
40 ¦ Jacob Pierce
41 ¦ Margaret Fellice
42 ¦ Jacob Pierce
43 ¦ Margaret Fellice
44 ¦ Jacob Pierce
45 ¦ Margaret Fellice
46 ¦ Jacob Pierce

20 ¦ Jacob Pierce

92 4 0
By MelancholicBastard

I've never thought about the perks of being the third-wheel in a relationship. The fact that they have their attention to one another and not paying at my clumsiness. I may or may not have bumped into the side of the door for a quadrillion time now. I blame it to the dozen Red Bull I've consumed. The worst part is, I've already drank like 10 cups of water now, and still the Red Bull in my system is still there. Oh yeah, that 10 cups of water are now forcing me to go to the bathroom. What a wonderful day it is.

"Hey, Jake can you bring a beer on your way too." Yuri shouts across the room. Since I'm going to the bathroom, might as well fill the beer can with my pee and see what will be his reaction.

That fucking asshole. Sneering at him as I disappear in the hallway. I'm praying that someone will text me and needs my help just to get away with these lovebirds. Anyone will be nice, even if it's Margaret. I really need to get away from these two.

Quietly entering the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I look in a mirror, focusing on my face. I'm losing every bit of my patience now. Does this guy think I'm his personal butler or something? Here I thought Venieze will defend my rights, but she's too busy chatting with his boyfriend. I get it he's charming, but he's also an asshole.

Rolling my eyes, as I unzip my jeans just to let out this liter of pee in me. This may be the best pee I ever had, just letting out a liter of pee is amazing. Zipping back my jeans, heading towards the sink to wash up my hands-because I'm a hygienic person, and I know for a fact that there's a person out there who doesn't wash their hands after they pee, which is just very disgusting-I try to wash my visibly tired face, cleansing away the tiredness that I'm experiencing. What if I use a fake scenario that someone needs me? I'm very desperate to leave here anyway. Very, very desperate. I snatch my phone to find someone who can help me escape this personal hell of mine.

Scroll. Scroll. Scroll...

The name Margaret caught my eye. Oh yeah, I ask for her number, even though we exchanged numbers, I'm still bummed out that she hasn't texted me. Should I text her that I need her for a picture? Is that suspicious enough? I'll try anything just to get out of here.

Me: Uhm, hey. It's Jacob. Where are you?

Why the hell did I text, I'm Jacob? Of course, she'll know it's me. Unless she didn't label my number then that's her fault now, not mine.

And also, why am I feeling anxious all of a sudden? I put my phone back in my jean pocket and dry off my face, heading out to meet that son of a bitch's face with his beer.

I got greeted by them snuggling to one another, watching The Umbrella Academy. It's like a literal Netflix and Chill, and without the other one. "Hey, I'm going to head out." The response I got is just shushing and waving their hands to gesture me to get out. Okay, I'll take that as a permission for me to head out.

The question is, where am I going to go exactly? To the library? Back to my house? Before I can even come up with an answer, a vibration from my pocket caught my attention. I snatch my phone again and a reply from Margaret sends hope in my eyes.

Margaret: Uhm just went back home to pick something up. What's wrong?

I feel hesitant to reply, which is weird. Part of me just doesn't want to bother her, but I desperately need her-for what exactly?

Me: Would you care to meet me in the library?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did I say that? She's busy, why would she care anyway? And why am I sweating? What did this woman do to me?

Margaret: Uh sure, I just need to get something, and I'll head back to the campus.

From that reply it sends me a huge smile in my face. I should head to the library then if she's heading there. Maybe as I'm waiting for her, I could sneak a little nap in the library.

Now, the problem is... Where is this library? I've already gone there once, but now I forgot where it is. The day I'm in the library was a weird day. It's a weird day because I remember myself reading an actual book. I'm not the kind of person who reads a book and expect to enjoy it, but that day was really weird. The only reason I went to the library is, last school year, there was a chess competition, and I was curious about it, but I just ended up reading books than watch the whole competition. I didn't even know who won the competition, because I'm too busy reading Percy Jackson.

Now, back to my current objective. Asking people about the direction to the library ain't that hard. Unless, if the person I asked doesn't even know there was a library in this campus. I just have to find someone. Strolling over the hallway of the campus to find someone who I can ask.

I'm not good at sensing how long I was walking around, but I feel like it's been half an hour of me walking around just to find a single person and ask them for direction. Fuck. Why can't I find anyone in here? I know it's a Saturday Afternoon. Heck, I'm praying even one of the nerds can be here to study, but no, there's no sign of anyone. This is bad, I need direction, like desperately. I look like an idiot walking in circles and looking around. Hopefully no one's here to judge me.

But speaking of no one, a person finally caught my line of sight. Finally! I just hope he knows the direction towards the library.

"Hey!" I shout at the guy walking along the hallway. He looks like he's wearing a pair of earphones. Damn him with his earphones. I run towards the guy still screaming "Hey" repeatedly at him.

I finally catch up with him and tap his shoulder. He turns around and to my surprise it's that guy that introduced me to the Percy Jackson book last year. He was the same guy that said that the book is way better than the actual movie, and once I read the book, I agreed with him. What is his name again? Liam? Lance? Leo? I know it's starts with the letter L, or perhaps I'm entirely wrong about that, it's still worth to try.

"Hmm, what do you want?" he's looking quite genuinely polite, and his tone sounds like he already knows me and have been acquaintance with me. I'm guessing he remembers me from last year.

"Uhm, sorry but I'm trying to remember your name." I confess. Why did I tell him that, now he might get offended by that? Maybe? Fuck. "Uhmm is it Leo? Lance Liam?"

He looks bore and gives me a long sigh, "Do I look like a Leo, a Lance, or even a Liam to you?" Before I can even think of an answer to his question, he immediately speaks up, "No! I don't look like neither of those." Damn, his sassy attitude is quite scary. "If you really want to know, my name is Noah." his tone has that hint of disappointment.

I could not believe that I was wrong about the first letter of his name. I'm quite confident about it being the letter L. "Oh, okay Noah. Look, I'm sorry about getting your name wrong." Upon looking at his already pissed off face, I just realized he's much taller than me.

His face relaxes. "It's okay. I get that it's hard to remember my name. In fact, it's only 4 letters and 2 syllables." I didn't even miss that sarcastic tone of his. "I get it, I may look like a Leo, a Lance or even a Liam. But I'm glad you didn't say that I look like a fucking Tyler." Okay wow, who the hell pissed this guy off so much that he's being very, very sassy?

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say." I even feel scared to even try to annoy him more, so I just shut my mouth before I get brutally murdered by his word because I'm sure as hell remembered his in that Philosophy class. "So, anyway, hi I'm-"

He rolls his eyes and interrupts me before I could finish my sentence. "Jacob Pierce. Yeah, I've heard about you."

Damn, this guy knows my name and I didn't know his. Well, this is embarrassing, I feel like a jerk. But wait...

"You've heard about me?" I'm genuinely confused about that. "But how?" Perhaps I did some embarrassing stuff that makes him know about me.

He let out a deep and long sigh again. "I remember you from the boring chess competition in the library, but that's not the case." He crosses his arms as if he's trying to assert dominance, which failed because he looks more like an aggressive little puppet than an intimidating wolf. "You're paired up with my roommate, right?"

I stare at him with a perplexed expression, "Your roommate?"

"Oh my God," he rolls his eyes as if he's annoyed by my clueless mind. "Margaret Fellice, you're paired with her right?"

"Oh, Margaret Fellice. Yeah, I'm paired up with her?" I feel so fucking dumb. How could I be so clueless? "You are roommates with Margaret?"

"Didn't I just say that?" his tone is very sarcastic as he raises an eyebrow at me. Damn him and his sassy attitude. He might be the top student in Philosophy because of his attitude. I bet he can win any debate using his sassy attitude.

I don't know whether I'll be happy because Margaret told Noah about me or be upset that these two are secretly making fun of me. "Anyways, do you know where's the library at?"

He points to a direction where an angel is standing in the way of where he points. I pat his back for pointing toward my future. "Yeah, sure thanks." I run towards the angel of my dreams.

"But I didn't even say any—"

His words fade very quickly as I jog towards my angel. She glances in my direction and tilts her head back, giving me a curious gaze. Dang, she's cute when she does that.

"Uhm hello?" her sweet tone that sends a shiver in my spine. I would love to listen to her voice all day.

"Uh hi!" Trying my best not to stutter in front of future. I scratch the back of my head, thinking what should I say to her. "Uhm do you know where is the direction towards the library?"

Also, I need the direction towards your heart if you don't mind.

She giggles as if that's the best joke she ever heard. "You just need to take a left to that hallway." she points giving a clear view of her smooth wrist hiding from the sleeves of her sweater. "And you'll see a sign that's hanging that says 'library'. You won't miss it."

I smile to her kindness to help a miserable guy out. "Thanks."

She smiles back. "You're welcome."

"I'm Jacob Pierce, by the way." I reach out my hand for her hand. Not the smoothest thing I've done, but it'll do for now.

She shakes my hand, which is by the way very cold from all that nervousness. Thank God, my hand ain't sweating. "I'm Jasmine Hazel. Nice to meet you Jacob." Fuck. The way she says my name sends a shiver throughout my whole body.

"See you later, I guess?"

She giggles again and nods at me "See you later." and she's off. Wow, my first encounter with her. I can't believe I did that. Thanks to the Red Bull, I guess. Now, where is this library again? I was too busy admiring her beauty that I didn't even listen to the direction.

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