Legacy.. (Bakugou X Reader)

By shadow1dark2night

398K 11.2K 14.9K

(Y/N) was a victim mixed in a horrible accident that caused her to lose her family at the age of 5. The Heroe... More

Kapter 1
Kapter 2
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Kapter 99
Kapter 100
Kapter 101: THE END
READ BITCH: author's note

Kapter 3

12.6K 371 658
By shadow1dark2night

It took a week for them to get ______ enrolled into UA.

With her record it was tough but they managed.

They didn't let her see Akaguro at all not until she followed their rules.

She was shoved in a room with a female instructor right now. The time being 7 am.

"Hi dear, I'm Midnight! Wow when they told me about you they forgot to include how beautiful you look. What is up with those scars! You look so bad ass! You should model!- oh sorry here are your UA clothes. I'll take you to your class as well. Your teacher Mr.Aizawa aka Eraserhead is waiting for you with the class." Midnight said.

______ took the clothes. She just looked at it. They believed it would be best to put her with Aizawa since he could stop her quirk whenever he needed too.

She just put on the UA uniform and glared in the mirror.

"I look like an idiot." ____ said.

"A hot idiot!" Midnight replied smiling.

______ rolled her eyes. "Let's get this over with." She said as they walked out and walked to Class 1-A.

They walked in after knocking.

"Here you go. She's all yours Shouta!" Midnight said as she walked off leaving _____ in the room as she looked around with her eyes.

She saw Iida, Izuku and Shoto. She just glared.

Iida got up and walked to her offering to shake her hand.

"______! As class representative I would like to welcome you to our classroom!" Iida said.

She glared and walked past him. As his hand fell from embarrassment.

She looked at Mr.Aizawa.

"You're Eraserhead right? So all I need to do is listen to your rules and then I can see my dad right?" She asked him.

Mr.Aizawa looked at her raising a brow.

"It depends on how you act. Misbehave then no. Do as we say and don't hurt anyone then yes. But I won't promise anything." Mr.Aizawa said to her.

She just glared and looked away.

"Fine. Where do I sit?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"Next to Bakugou." He said as Katsuki looked up seeing her.

(Changing the seats so you can be next to Katsuki 😛)

When _____ walked into the room Katsuki was a bit stunned. She didn't have the villain look..instead she looked....good..

_____ just walked over and sat down in the seat.

Izuku smiled at her as he was behind across her. Sitting behind Katsuki.

"Nice to see you again ____." Izuku said.

"Shut up." She said to him making Katsuki smirk.

"Alright class. Obviously we have a new student joining us. Treat her as you would anyone else. She'll be staying in the dorms as well." Mr.Aizawa said.

"Woah wait hold up! No one told me anything about dorms! I'm not staying in your stupid school." ______ said glaring at him

"Unfortunately that's not something you have a say in. You're stuck here whether you like it or not. Bakugou give her paper and a pen, and all of you get started on notes" Mr.Aizawa said.

She just glared getting pissed off.

Katsuki got irritated having to share as he just hands her the paper and pen in one hand.

She turned her head seeing him.

"Are you gonna take it or not?" He asked getting annoyed.

"This is so stupid." She said grabbing the paper and pen just starting on taking notes for the classroom.

Once a few hours went by it was time for lunch.

Immediately a pink freak ran over with some other girls.

"HI! My names Mina. You look so cool!" Mina said smiling.

_______'s eye twitched..so loud..

"I'm Uraraka!"

"I'm Momo!"

"You can call me Asui!"

They all started to introduce themselves.

Izuku also stood up

Iida and Shoto too.

"The hell is everyone getting up for?" _____ asked turning to Izuku as Katsuki got up.

"Oh..it's lunch time. Come on we'll show you where it is." Izuku said.

_____ just hesitated until Mina the pink girl grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room.

They walked to the cafeteria and sat down having food infront of them.

"So are you really Hero Killer Stains daughter??" Mina asked curious as she sat next to the girl.

______ just looked at her then over at Shoto and Izuku who sat across from her.

"What happened to keeping it Lowkey?" She asked.

"Well that much...we couldn't hide.." Izuku said.

"You're a villains daughter?" Katsuki scoffed looking at her glaring as he was at the far end.

_____ rolled her eyes. "He isn't my biological dad. Why do you even care?" _____ asked looking at him and Mina.

"It's kinda cool! Instead of the whole killing parts." Mina said.

"I haven't killed anyone." ______ said glaring.

"Are you single? you look great! I don't see any hot Villains like you!" The Mineta purple haired runt asked _____.

"The hell."_____ said

"Mineta go away! Don't creep her out!" Mina yelled glaring.

"Look ______, we know it's a big change just give us a chance. I promise you'll end up liking this place soon" Izuku said smiling at her.

"Ya! We're all friends here!" Uraraka said smiling

"...eh whatever" ____ said as she just looked down at the food infront of her.

I'm only here to follow the rules then get dad out of that prison...I just need to earn their trust..

Once lunch ended they head back to class then after that go into training.

_______ followed the class getting into uniform as they go to the training gym to do as they pleased.

"_____, you can work on whatever you want just don't hurt anyone got it?" Mr.Aizawa asked.

She looked over at him as the rest of the class did what they wanted. She rolled her eyes.

"Alright. But I need a knife" she said and looking at him.

He looked at her shocked at the request.

"Ya nice try." He says.

"I'm serious how else do you want me to use my quirk?" She asked.

"Then work on something else. You're not getting a knife." He said and walked off as she glared.

She just walked to the gym equipment seeing a few of the guys using it. She got a bit annoyed having to do this.

"You gonna use that or stand there like a fucking tree." A voice behind her said.

She turned her head seeing Katsuki.

"They call you Bakugou don't they?" She asked as he glared at her.

"You don't get to call me anything filthy Villain." Katsuki said glaring at her as he grabbed the weight near her.

"Izuku calls you Kacchan. Is that your real name?" She asks as she grabbed a bigger weight then him as he glared at how easy she grabbed it.

"No it's not my fucking name. The names Katsuki Bakugou. Now move." He said standing infront of her.

She raised a brow. "Katsuki? That sounds a like girls name. And there's room to go around me princess." She said to him as his eye twitched at the pet name.

"THE FUCK YOU CALL ME!?" He yelled.

"God you're loud." She said she moved forward and placed her hand on his chest catching him off guard as he had no idea what she was doing but then she just pushed him out of her way as she walked off to work out.

"You bitch!" He yelled glaring.

She ignored him and just started her workout.

The rest of the day went just like that. Until school ended and they got dressed into their school uniforms and head over to the dorms.

"______ you'll be on floor 4 with Mina, Uraraka, and across from you Shoji, Bakugou and Kirishima." Mr.Aizawa said.

She looked at him annoyed.

Mina just took her arm and went upstairs.

"I'm totally helping you decorate your room!" Mina said smiling.

_____ sighed. "Sure why not." They walked upstairs and into the room next door to Mina's.

(I'm changing the layout. I know there's nothing in the middle between the boys and girls sooo I'm adding the public showers there. Girls on girls side and boys on boys side. Why? Cause I can. 😃)

Mina helped ______ decorate and put everything away as _____ smiled.

"I actually never had my own room like this..it's nice" _____ said smiling.

"Seeeeee I knew you'd like it." Mina said smiling.

"Come on let's go down and hang with the others!" Mina said pulling _____s arm and going downstairs.

They walked into the main hang out room and saw a few people already sitting.

"_______! I want to speak with you!" Iida said standing up seeing her.

Katsuki, Kirishima, Sero, Denki, Izuku,Uraraka and Jirou were all there.

"What do you want?" She asked looking at him as she and Mina sat down on the couch.

"I want to make sure there are no grudges between you and I! Being your class representative I need to make sure my relationship with my fellow classmates are good. Please let me know if you feel bothered by anything!" Iida said looking at her as she leaned back into the couch and looked at him.

"Seriously. I think I liked you better when you were bleeding. You don't have to worry about me. I don't need anything from you." _____ said rolling her eyes.

Iida tensed up.

"Right..in any case as long as you know as your fellow classmate I am here for any reason you may need." Iida said as she just nods.

"Gotcha" she said.

"So what's your quirk?? It's blood related right??" Denki asked her.

"Ya, It's called Blood Manipulation." _____ answered.

"So you can bend any type of blood?? that's pretty freakin cool." Sero said smiling.

"I can only bend my Blood." She says rolling her eyes at his comment.

"But to do that wouldn't you need to bleed..?" Uraraka asked.

"Where do you think these scars come from?"

"Oh wow..it must hurt then" Jirou said looking at _____.

"No it doesn't hurt. After training my da- Akaguro taught me how to deal with the pain to not feel it." _____ said to them.

"Wow, I can't wait to see you use it!" Denki said smiling.

She just nods as they continued to chat for a couple more hours before heading upstairs.

It was around 9pm and everyone left the main room, the lights being off.

______ stayed downstairs just walking to the fridge opening it as she wanted to grab the last water bottle.

She was about to get it but a hand went above her opening the fridge more as she felt a strong chest against her back and saw an arm reach for the water bottle in the fridge.

She glared seeing the hand grab the water bottle she was reaching for. She just grabs the bottom of it.

She could already recognize the strong arm.

"Let go Princess." _____ said glaring.

Katsuki's chest was still against her back.

"Like hell, it's mine. And the names Katsuki!" He said behind her.

She glared and elbowed his chest grabbing the water bottle and closing the fridge as he groaned.

"Give it back!" He glared.

"Go cry about it." She said and walked past him.

He grabbed her arm. The room was dark and the two were fighting in the dark as she tried keeping the water away from his reach.

"DAMN BITCH!" He yelled.

"STOP TOUCHING ME!" She yelled.

There was a slip up and they both fell _____ landing on her back, she winced as Katsuki was reaching for the bottle she had raised up.

The lights in the room turned on.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" A familiar older man voice was heard.

Mr.Aizawa walked in and saw the two on the ground.

Katsuki on top of _____ both of them holding onto a water bottle on the ground.

_____ tilted her head back seeing an upside down Mr.Aizawa and Katsuki looked up seeing Mr.Aizawa.

Katsuki's chest was against ______'s squished breasts.

When Katsuki looked down and saw her breasts against him he blushed red and got off her.

"What are you two doing?! It's 9pm!" Mr.Aizawa said glaring.

"She was taking my water so I'm just taking it back!" Katsuki said glaring.

"Your fucking name isn't on it genius!" _____ said glaring back at him.

They both stood there crossing their arms, _____ holding the bottle.

Mr.Aizawa's eye twitched. "Drop the damn bottle and Bakugou get out of here. ______ I need to speak with you." He said to them.

"Came for a little visit is that it?" _____ asked him as he sighed.

"Bakugou go." Mr.Aizawa said as Katsuki scoffs and walked out of the room.

He was a bit curious to what Mr.Aizawa had to say to her..he didn't know why but it got him to stay beside the wall to over hear them.

Mr.Aizawa sighed.

"_______...there's a problem with meeting  Akaguro. He's in recovery. And after that they need to restrain him in prison until the management is alright for visitors." Mr.Aizawa told her.

"What? How long are we talking? All you guys said was to come here and play hero. I want to fucking see him! You can't keep him away from me!" She said getting angry.

"I understand that. And we won't be keeping you away from him. There will just be a longer extension to that visit. Keep doing what you're doing. And you'll see him soon." Aizawa said to her.

She got triggered. "So what?! you want me to play Hero with your students?! And after that what will you do to me?! Send me straight to jail?"

"No that's not-"

"Look. I just want him out. He's not a bad guy!"

"He's a killer."

She just glared. "...whatever. I'll play your stupid game. But once I'm out of here I'm getting him back! No matter what you do to me here won't change the way I think of him." She said glaring and walked off.

Aizawa sighed just letting her walk off.

______ left the room but froze seeing Katsuki.

He looked at her his expression genuine.

She just glared and walked off going back upstairs.

He followed right behind her.

"Hey what the hell did you mean back there?" Katsuki asked her as he followed her upstairs.

"Stay out of it." She said.

Katsuki just grabbed her arm stopping her mid-way on the stairs. She avoided his eyes she just looking down at the ground.

It was until Katsuki saw drips of tears fall onto the stairs above them.

He froze as she wiped her eyes with her free hand and just turned around glaring at him and pulled her arm out of his grip.

"Leave me alone." She glared and just walked off.

She was frightened for her own life..stuck in an environment Akaguro warned her about..

Katsuki just watched her walk back to her room as he stayed silent.

You guys I just realized, UA didn't have dorms until after Katsuki got kidnapped. Soooo let's pretend they did have dorms before that :) because I don't feel like erasing everything and writing the story. 😭

Hope that's fine!

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