killer instinct - || h.s. ||

By eversincekyoto

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a killer instinct was coined in the early boxing world as a protective, cold mentality that surges to one's c... More

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11.5K 245 324
By eversincekyoto

" i'm what you need "


harry styles. *

My heart steady beats through my chest, baring my skin to the heat encompassing this room vibrating with greedy, bloodlust. My name echoes on the tongues of the crowd, chilling my bones to this hidden part of me aching for blood myself – like some kind of narcotic relief to this fucked up world in my head.

The cage daunts in front of me, and it lights up like clockwork to bring hysterical screams in its wake. I shake my head slightly, ridding the rattled feeling locked in my head these past few days – worrying about things I shouldn't be.

And for some odd, pathetic reason – I wished she was here tonight.

It made this all the worse, knowing I'm far too deep into shit with her – hell, I told her about Cassie.

There's only a handful of people out there that know about my baby sister, the one that lays to rest in the stars because of me, and they are in this very chaotic, crimson-coated space and California.

And now her.

God, I am so fucked.

"Styles!" Bella screams out my name, and a harsh slap to my bare upper back has me snapping right back to reality. The crowd rings back through my ears as I blink a few times, glancing over at my two friends by my side with smiles on their faces.

"Go get 'em, mate," Zayn murmurs, and I shake my head at him as my own genuine smile paints across my face.

Ni gives me a shove, and I shove him right back to force a fit of obnoxious laughter that I could pinpoint in the midst of this crowd in a second. I trek through the doorway, connecting my feet with the gym mats below as my smile falls the second I step into the light.

My name and the way the place rattles with my presence have an arrogant smile tugging upward on my lips.

The door shuts behind me as I glance over at Bella softly smiling at me, and she sends me a wink before ritualistically patting my shoulder with a gentle squeeze before stepping out of harm's way.

I roll out my neck slightly, dragging my eyes to this supposed competition in front of me attempting to intimidate me. My lips twitch up as I run my fingers through my hair with a soft laugh, and I lift my eyes up to the platform out of instinct.

And all the life is knocked out of me the second I see a familiar figure leaning over the railing.

My lips part in shock to the seemingly raven waves of hair cascading to her shoulders, and the radiant tight-lipped smile on her pretty face sends flutters through my system.

My very own juxtaposing angel herself subtly waves to me to draw a breathless laugh from my chest.

A smirk tugs across her face draped in the shadow from the white light above me. Her knuckle gently nudges the tip of her nose, and my heart pinches to the point that my heart begins racing through my chest.

My smile hugs so tightly to my cheeks that I scrunch my nose up, and shake the galaxy of thoughts from my head. And my eyes fall back right to this competition waiting in front of me with a new motive in mind: to get out this fucking ring and get to her.

The countdown vibrates through my bones, and my subtle smile doesn't fade as he stares at me like I'm insane for it. I tighten my fists and listen to the numbers decrease to a halt with hysterical screams shaking the floor.

And my fist swings to crack against his cheek, throwing his face to the side with the force of my hit. The initial blow shocks us both, and the crowd eats it up with fucked up excitement.

He curses as he attempts to recover, but I run another combination while my skin begins to heat under the light. I jab, and he dodges it, but I switch to hook my left to his jaw – colliding my rings with his blunt bone.

His body stumbles on itself as I take another step to him, and drive my glittering metal rings into his nose while he's vulnerable.

My mind thrives on the satisfaction of this fucked up control I gain – and every part of it makes me hate myself more and more for being like him, for finding control in this.

For finding a sense of calm in this.

I curse under my breath at myself, and I hook another blow to his bloody cheekbone to lacerate his olive skin.

He curses as the scarlet blood drips down his sweating skin under the white light. My curls fall over my forehead in a mess as his blood coats the backs of my knuckles, sticking to my rings. I smirk softly, thriving in this stretch of power I have.

He attempts to obtain a lazy hit on me, but he can hardly stand upright. I grasp his wrist tightly, and simply yank him with a sharp twist to the entirety of his shoulder to shove him down onto the ground.

His head slams face-first into the mats with the rattling screams of the crowd and the cage. I dig my knee into the small of his back and lock my bicep around his neck to bend it back.

He curses me out, and I simply pant with that prominent sharp pain at the bottom of my sternum with every breath I try to consume.

He writhes under me, and I can only tighten my grip on him in response. My eyes drift up as I ensure my hold remains on his squirming body, dripping in blood, to meet my girl's amused smile.

My teeth sink into my bottom lip as my lips curve upward for her, and she softly shakes her head. I hum softly the second I perceive him quite literally bite my forearm, and I glance back down with the sharp pain radiating through my arm.

I tighten my hold to constrict his airway, and visibly watch his face become a nearly identical shade to the blood dripping from his cheekbone. His eyes flutter shut, and I wait and wait for him to tap out but he refuses.

I scoff slightly and tug harshly for his eyes to fall shut and his body limps in my hold. I release him, and he slumps into the mat unconscious – a necessity for one of us. I raise upright again and the cheers ring in and out of my ears while my chest puffs harshly.

I glance up through my sweaty curls falling over my forehead and find Ace clapping for me in the tight, elated embrace of Gigi cheering for me.

Her eyes meet mine, and I only smile for her as she keeps me centered here.

Familiar hand curls around my wrist and my eyes snap over to find Bella grinning at me. "You're not going to be able to lay a finger on that girl, Harry," she murmurs over the screams, and my ears zone in on her as she lifts my arm into the air in victory.

My eyebrows knit together in confusion, and her blue-green eyes meet mine with a snort. "Seriously? You honestly think she's going to lose before she gets to the championship?" Bella asks bluntly.

While the thought has been teased between us, I have no honest idea what will happen from now until then – we've got a few more rounds until either of us can even get close to that fight.

"No, she doesn't lose," I murmur to Bella, watching her not even attempt to hide that knowing smirk on her face.

My lips twitch up, and I yank my wrist from her with a head shake. "Fuck off," I murmur, and she snickers as I begin to trek across the mat with the bloodlust on a high surrounding me.

And in the last-minute decision, I glance up to find her still staring down at me with that white-toothed grin on her face.

I gently brush my finger against my nose, and I swear I could hear her laughter from here as she tipped her head back. That was the last I saw of her before I stepped out of the ring, conscious.

Immediately, I'm engulfed in the sea of strangers here with harsh pats on my bare back with praise soaring my ego through the roof. Z and Ni smirk as I run my tongue across my bottom lip, and I take my hoodie from Z's hand to tug over my head.

The soft cotton falls over my sweaty upper half with the hood up over my head, and I struggle to breathe in the suffocating crowd in search of the one thing that remedies it. I snatch my duffle from Ni, and he scoffs at me as my anatomy cries out for it.

"I'll see you later," I murmur to the two of them, and they both amusingly scoff.

"Where the fuck is he–" I hear Zayn as I slip into the crowd, and bite the inside of my cheek while I smile to myself.

"He's fucking pussy whipped," is the last I hear from Ni's distinct voice carrying over the crowd thrashing around me. It's all overwhelming under the crimson as I weave past people, pushing my way through until I get to that familiar door to the lookout platform.

One of Griff's guys lets me in with ease, and the second I push the door open, a familiar yelp echoes through the hollow stairwell to flood my senses with satisfaction.

I find her small frame stumbling back just as I push the door open to her attempting to pull it open. I toss my bag down on the floor without a care in the world and kick the door shut to seal the vibrating out to a consistent thrum.

"No fuckin' way," I shake my head in disbelief as I instantly reach down to lift her up by her hips, and she instantly wraps around me with a surprised shriek. Her thighs pinch around my hips with her arms latched around my neck. I cut the echoing shriek off as I slam her back into the wall under the stairs to seal my mouth to hers.

Her soft perfume consuming my senses is all I needed to know that this is real.

A laugh breaks loose from her soft lips and I swallow it like oxygen to my system. Her lips curl up against mine reciprocating the bliss, molding my mouth against hers in a feverish desire. She tastes like usual with that cocoa butter chapstick she always has on like honeyed sugar across my tongue.

Her fingers thread into my curls under my hood, raking them back to tilt her head slightly in a move for more access to my mouth. Our teeth clash with the stupid grins on our faces, and I can hardly kiss her with this ridiculous smile on my face and her soft laughter.

"You didn't tell me you were coming tonight," I murmured without thinking about my words from being so consumed by her presence again – because these days without her this entire week were like drowning.

I delicately savor her lips, pecking her mouth once more before drawing back to blink my eyes open to her silhouetted face inches from mine.

We softly pant into the onyx dreamworld surrounding us right now with the subtle rattle of the wall behind her with the music pumping through the Pit. I can identify the outline of her tight-lipped smile on her angel face, and she hums softly to fill the space around us.

"Well, I'm here," she tells me, and snickers as I softly shake my head to her words.

"You are, baby," I amusingly murmur to her.

I instantly lean closer and seal my mouth to hers again to extract another bubbly laugh from her chest. Consuming more and more of the necessity, our soft kisses bounce off the walls of the hollow stairwell under the staircase leading up to her brother upstairs.

I kiss her once, and then twice before drawing back to the familiar sound of her soft chuckle under her breath. I blink my eyes open to her silhouette once again, and my smile never falters from my face.

"How'd you even get here?" I softly ask, whispering through the thick silence hanging in the air.

She gently runs her fingers through my hair mindlessly, "I walked," she hums with pride.

I groan under my breath at the thought, shaking my head at her stupidity, "You're a fucking idiot, Ace, you know that?" I tell her bluntly and she playfully scoffs at me. "I'm driving you home," I mutter, and she snickers at me as I gently place her down on her feet to drop down to her height.

"Now?" She curiously murmurs, and my light laugh bounces off the walls as I walk to grab my duffle from the floor.

I glance over my shoulder as I stand upright once I grasp the bag in my clutch, "Then?" I question as she wanders closer to me.

I watch her silhouette shrug her shoulders, "You don't wanna see Griff or Mia, or Gi? They're up there," she asks softly in a whisper.

I shrug right back at her, "I see them all the time," I argue back. I can practically see the crease between her dark eyebrows.

"Thought you were coming up?" She murmurs cautiously in adorable confusion, but I simply hook my arm around the back of her neck to lock her into my side.

"To see you, dumbass," I quietly murmur, "what was your excuse?" I muse.

"Tequila," she chimes, and I abruptly chuckle through my nose while expecting nothing less. She softly grumbles incoherent words under her breath while burying her face into my shirt.

I chuckle softly as I pull the door open again, flooding my ears with the loud music as I keep her tucked into my side. I duck my head down with the shadow of my hood over my features, we step through the crimson-coated scene.

She practically leads the way, and we weave through the mass of bodies. Finally stepping out into the fresh air, we jog up the paved stairs to the parking lot under the single street lamp lighting.

I don't even have to say a word because her warm body against mine is all I need right now as we trek over to my car. I grab my keys from the pink carabiner I clipped to the strap of my duffle, and unlock my car for the two of us to slip in.

I sigh as I sink into the leather, and I ignite the engine to the familiar thrum of the car. I glance down as I shift gears, noting the deep-red blood still crusted along my knuckles and rings. I clear my throat softly, and Ace reaches for my cigarettes for the short drive as I back out of the spot.

She lights up beside me in our ritual moments in the car, and the thick tobacco smoke fills the car until she rolls her window down.

The blowing air sweeps up her raven waves, and she tucks them behind her pierced ears. The warm, spring night air gushes in with the sounds of the city accompanying my music as she smokes.

My hand falls to her thigh, knowing my way through the city to her place by this point it's like muscle memory. She sticks her cigarette-clad hand out the window, gliding her fingertips over the waves of air rippling as I speed through it.

All that I can notice is the subtle smile on her face, never wanting it erased from that pretty face as she toys with the wind in fascination.

I gently squeeze her thigh to elicit a raspy laugh from her chest while she blows out of a puff of smoke from her full, pink lips. I bite the inside of my cheek, focusing on the road while tracing the denim of her baggy jeans.

I hum softly while my fingertips tap at the top of the wheel, and eventually we wind up at the curb in front of her worn-down building. That flickering golden streetlight still persists to its end, and I nearly laugh at it.

I slip my hand from her toned thigh to shift gears and shut the ignition off before getting out with her. Finally raking in her outfit in full under the flickering golden light, she dons a usual pair of off-white, straight vintage jeans and a high-neck black tank top to showcase her onyx tattoos with a thick black belt cinching her waist.

She stomps out her cigarette with the sole of her Vans, and I lock up my car to step up to the curb next to her. My hand slips to the thin fabric over her lower back, and I guide her into her building under the flickering light until it simply goes out.

Both of our heads turn the second it shuts off, almost as if we don't believe it's true.

"Holy shit," she murmurs with a light laugh, and I stare up at the dark block of the city without its little illumination.

I laugh softly, waiting for it to turn back on but it never does. "Alright, come on, Ace," I usher her into her eerie building as it is.

Our footsteps echo to the haunting melody of the stairwell, and her soft laugh whispers through the air. We stroll down her hallway until stopping in front of the familiar door with its chipped paint.

She unlocks the door, and we step in together to only find that it hasn't changed in one bit. The blandness still encapsulates every inch of this room, and the lonesome is evident in every bit of the space.

I kick my shoes off, and our matching Vans rest side-by-side at her door. She hums and quickly cleans up random cups she left out discreetly which lights a smirk upon my face.

"Okay, first off, go wash up, Harry," she instructs me. I glance up at her washing her dirty dishes to notice her big eyes flicker down to my knuckles.

I hum in acknowledgment with a soft laugh under my breath, "Don't move," I warn her as I walk backward through her place with my eyes flickering down to her ass for a moment of no self-control.

I smirk to myself and turn myself around before I crash into the wall. I ritualistically weave through her bedroom in its normality – other than the fact that the closet is wide open.

I step into her bathroom without another thought and switch the light on to burn my eyes with the bright fluorescents. I softly groan under my breath before turning the tap on and running the water over my sore knuckles.

The clear tap runs crimson as I scrub at my bruised knuckles, and a subtle sting persists through my skin. I sniffle lightly and lean down further to run the water stream over the bite mark on my forearm. I scrub at it and continue to wash the blood until the water runs clear.

I turn the tap off and stand back upright to use my towel to tap my hands dry. I hang it back up before glancing up into the mirror once more and then turn myself around to head back to her. I flicked the light off, and stroll into her room to find it still empty.

"Rory?" I call out, listening closely to hear shuffling from the kitchen still.

"Yeah?" She returns it, and I trek through her bedroom to find her still in the kitchen before turning to face me in light of my presence.

Her eyes light up, and I shake my head at her. "What?" She questions and I wander over to her extending a cold glass of water to me, slick with condensation.

"I didn't think you'd actually listen to me," I hum, and walk over to turn back to face her while I sink into her wooden dining table chair to recline back. My lips curl up against the rim of this glass to gulp down the water as her dark eyebrows bunched up at me in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean? I listen to you," she counters, and my eyebrows quirk up in a challenge to her words on numerous occasions.

She walks closer to me, and decides to straddle herself on my lap with a glass of her own in her hand. My free hand finds its sanctuary, smoothing down to her ass before I set my glass down on the little dining table.

I run my tongue over lips, collecting the excess in the process.

"When I want to," she chuckles as I smile up at the height she now has over me. And my other hand smoothes against her thigh, rubbing to create warm friction as she toys with the string of my hoodie.

"It's been a while since you've been here, you know?" She murmurs, and I simply stare into her kaleidoscope eyes – a galaxy of their own with the hues of green and amber woven within its complexity.

"Harry?" She catches my attention again with her fingers curling onto my jaw.

I focus myself back to her entirely, staring down at me with a light smile painted onto her angel face – and that expression alone carves its own constellation into my head.

"What?" She softly laughs under her breath, and my lips twitch up further as I draw her closer to me on my lap.

"Nothing," I murmur as she tilts her head slightly to assess if there was anything more I wasn't telling her. "What's going on in that head of yours?" I offer up instead.

She hums softly, and she denies my question with a headshake. "You," she admits, and my heart skips a beat in my chest when she leans closer. "Just you," she cancels the space out between us with those words.

And she tilts my head up with her grasp on my jaw, capturing my bottom lip between hers. I softly hum, liquefying against her touch. The desperation between the two of us slowly crumbles to reveal itself in full.

My fingers sink into the denim over her ass, sliding her closer to rest her core right onto my crotch to muffle a moan against her lips. The feverish heat between grows taut in the dense air beginning to consume this room.

"Rory," I mumble, and she glides her tongue across my bottom lip.

I instantly cave, parting my lips for her tongue to glide along mine. I roughly groan and suck her cold tongue into my mouth before she teasingly sinks her teeth into my bottom lip.

She taunts me, drawing my bottom lip back slightly to flutter my eyes open. I only find her smirking with her eyes already glazed over in lust, and she slips my lip from her teeth to rest back in place with a light radiating ache.

Her touch slowly rushes through my body to my cock, hardening at her only. "You did so well tonight," she murmurs in praise. She tilts my head to the side to layer open-mouthed kisses down my cheek.

"When do I not?" I arrogantly murmur, and she disconnects her lips from the hinge of my jaw – ripping the bliss from my skin.

I only find her annoyed features, tightening her grip on my jaw to tilt my head up to meet her eyes with a soft, strained grunt. "Watch it, or you're not getting the reward I was going to give you for your win tonight," she mewls before leaning closer to peck my parted lips.

My dick hardens further at her words, and I can't help but smirk back at her while blinking heavily in desire. "What's my prize?" I sultrily murmur up to her in the silence of her small kitchen.

Her full, pink lips twitch up into a knowing smirk down at me. "Behave, and I'll consider it," she teases before trailing her mouth back down my jaw.

I dig my fingers into her ass, drawing a soft hum from her lips in my own frustration. "Look at you thinking you're shit right now?" I murmur on a high from my win, but she draws back again to scoff down at me.

"Don't even try that shit, you were hard the second I sat down," she speaks with such confident truth that my lips roll into my mouth to hold myself back.

"Fair enough," I admit with a soft shrug to watch those tempting lips curl into another smirk, "at least give me a hint?" I request.

She snickers under her breath, slipping her hand from my jaw to tug at my hoodie warm on my skin. "It involves this coming off," she knowingly smiles as I smirk up at her. I grasp the back of my hoodie, yanking it off the back of my head to bare my skin to the cool air.

I toss my hoodie onto the table and look back up at her pretty eyes. "And me," she adds on to the obvious exploration in her voice, and I glance down to the sensation of her rough fingertips tracing down my torso.

Her touch sparks the hot wires within me to life, instantly warming my skin to overheat.

"Go on then, 'm all yours," I admit to her, and don't miss the heat flushing against her cheeks with that smirk curved upward.

"Good," she whispers as she cancels out the space between us again, sealing her mouth to mine.

The word alone hardens me completely, aching through my cock for more of her friction against me other than the subtle back-and-forth motion she's pursuing across my crotch.

The pace grows needier and needier as her chest seals against mine, and I guide the sides of her tank top further up her ribs. She peels back, disconnecting our feverish kiss to allow me to slip the fabric from her skin.

She bares her pretty pierced tits to me, and I fall into a daze of them as if I haven't seen them on a plethora of occasions. My desire gets the best of me, and I tilt her back in my arms tightening around her waist while I lean forward.

I wrap my mouth around one of her warm, aroused nipples, eliciting a soft moan from her chest as she melts into my arms. I trace her sensitive skin in a circular motion with my tongue as her fingers thread into my curls at the back of my head, holding me against her tit how she wants.

I flick her cold piercing in contrast with her warm skin with my tongue before lifting my eyes to meet her dazed eyes already.

The ends of her near-raven waves tickle my forehead while my tongue sensually glides over her tits. "Jesus, fuck–" she begins to cave too easily, and I smirk against her silk skin at her.

I smile before layering wet kisses across her sternum to her other, and I glide my tongue over her stimulated nipple. She groans under her breath with a soft whine, and I smooth my hand up to grope her other tit – fitting perfectly in my palm.

Granting another needy moan from her chest, I almost rein her all the way in before she curls her fingers around my throat to shove my head back.

I arrogantly smirk up at her through a strained grunt, I won't even deny it, as she tightens her grip around my neck in determination – we'll see just how long she lasts anyway.

"No," she breathlessly murmurs, and my hands teasingly wander her skin as her flushed cheeks say it all. "My turn tonight," she adamantly tells me. I scoff slightly under my breath while sinking my teeth into my bottom lip – tilting my head at her in questioning.

"Well, I'm fucking waiting," I tell her, and she draws back from my touch to get off my lap. She stands up between my spread thighs.

I wickedly beam up at her topless in just those off-white jeans and thick, leather black belt still tight around her waist.

"Stop complaining, and get up," she murmurs with a freehand extended, and the other grasps her cold glass.

I instantly take her small hand to curl my fingers around hers, towering back over her in just my shorts low on my hips as she begins to guide me into her bedroom.

The second we step in, she pushes me to stumble right back into the bed. I recline back in surprise to her dominance, and she sinks a knee into her mattress to frantically tug at the last of the fabric on me.

I smile as her eyes sparkle with lust in the darkness of her room, and I lift my hips to slide my shorts and boxers off. I sigh out in relief the second my painfully hard cock slaps up against my stomach, and my head falls back into her plush pillow.

The bed creaks and I perceive her crawling on top of me before I blink my eyes open to the sight of her hair falling to curtain over us. "'M gonna take my time, tasting every inch of you until you're begging for more, Harry," her mumbled words have me spiraling completely.

She slants her mouth across mine the second a soft moan leaves my throat, and I'm taken aback by the cold sensation melting across my lips. "What is–" I murmur against her wet lips in delirious confusion. She kisses me harder, noticing the chilled cubed ice dripping down my bottom lip captured between her lips.

My arousal only grows in the thickness of our heated lust, and she softly chuckles before dragging the ice down the edge of my jaw. I softly inhale through my nose as the cold bliss spreads down my overheated skin from her touch.

She hums while trailing down my neck with the cold, melted ice dripping down my skin with her warm, open-mouthed kisses. I softly hum as my head rolls slightly, tilting my head to give her more skin to access.

"Yeah, you want more? How's it feel, baby?" She murmurs into my buzzing skin, gliding the ice cube in between the junction of my collarbones.

The action in itself was all too erotic as she glides the foreign sensation down my chest. "Fucking hell," I mumble in response as she melts the ice over my nipple. Teasingly swirling her tongue around one, I glance up to find her kissing down the muscles on my sternum.

And the cold water melts over my crescent tattoo inked deep into my skin, marking me for the entirety of my life. She only takes her time as she said she would, kissing every inch of it with her chilled lips.

Her ice rattles in the glass, and she slips another ice cube into her mouth to bring her mouth back to my skin. I softly moan under my breath the second she guides the slick ice cube over my unusual nipple below the normality.

I blow out a laugh as she snickers against my skin, and I rake my fingers into her hair to watch her kiss further down my body. Her hands smooth down my ribs as she traces ever ridge of my abdomen flexing at the harsh touch of the cold's caress.

She shuffles lower between my thighs to melt the cold ice across the descending fern inked into my skin.

I groan softly as the coolness remedies the ache in some foreign way, giving more and more attention to the pleasure brewing in my groin from her touch. And she melts the other ice cube on the spare hair trailing down under my belly button.

"Jesus, fuck–" I raspily murmur as she lifts her eyes to me again, and she smirks up at me. She reaches for another ice cube from her glass, clamping down on it before shuffling further down my body to fan her cool breath across my cock.

I curse under my breath as she wraps her cold fist around my base, and she hums softly as the size in her hand. I groan roughly under my breath at the chilling contact, sending multiple shudders down my spine to the point that I nearly buckle my hips up to her.

She shoves my hip back down and carries on with the control she has right now. "Ace–" I strangledly groan, and she hums as she smirks up at me with those glistening pink lips.

She leans over my tip coated in precum, and she toys with it – spreading my precum with her thumb in a daze as the slightest touch has me harshly puffing air from my chest.

My heart thrashes, and my gut twists for more as I watch her part her lips to allow spit and the cold melted ice cube drip from her bottom lip onto my aching tip.

"Oh, god, babe–" I roll my head back with my eyes, and she hums with a few tantalizing strokes to the length of my cock.

"Needy, aren't you?" She taunts me, and I roughly huff at her while my chest heaves for more – this tension building within me crumbles to her.

"Rory, baby–" I mumble, unable to say much more as my hips lift slightly for more.

"What, Harry?" She sultrily whispers up to me while shoving my hip back down into the mattress, and I glance down with her sinful eyes upon me with my cock in her hand. "What do you want?" She torturously strokes me, awaiting my answer as she leans closer to nudge me to give in.

She turns her head to the side and sponges an open-mouthed kiss to the side of my cock. She hums softly against me, and I curse out into the thick, lustful air drawing me into this oblivion.

"I want you gagging on my cock," I cave, and she hums before kissing the side of my cock once more.

"Yeah? You want me to take you to the back of my throat until I'm choking on your pretty cock with tears in my eyes?" She murmurs, and my lips twitch up at the thought only throbbing through the length of my cock.

"Mm, you know how I like it, angel," I tell her, and she lifts up to layer a soft kiss over my sensitive tip. The friction alone has me groaning under my breath as I stare intently, waiting for her to wrap her lips around me.

And she leans closer to my dick, sticking her wet, pink tongue out to trace up from my balls to my head in a slow fluid motion. "Fucking hell, Rory–" I harshly curse through a shallow breath, and my body overheats despite the coldness of her mouth wrapping around my tip.

I tighten my grip on her hair, eliciting a rough moan from her throat to ripple through my skin. I roll my head back with my eyes as she swirls her cold tongue around my tip, and massages the ridge of my tip to grant a different kind of galaxy behind my eyelids.

I gently guide her head further down my cock with my grip on her hair, and she hums deep while sinking onto me. I lift my blurred vision to watch her take more of me down her throat, filling her mouth with my cock with her hand still wrapped around my base.

I huskily groan under my breath, and she hums as her cold mouth wraps around my cock in this foreign form of bliss.

"Atta girl, you can take more, I know you can," I murmur down to her, and my muscles flex in restraint as she lifts her big eyes up to me while more of my cock disappears into her mouth.

"For fuck's sake," I lewdly curse out, and she hums around me as I moan at the sensation. "That's it, baby," I praise her, and she begins to bob her head with the wet sounds of my tip hitting the back of her throat.

"Just like that, holy fuck–" My breathing shallows still as my skin overheats with the coldness suctioned around my dick.

She sucks on my cock, and her spit drips down my cock onto her hand with her intent actions. "My pretty girl," I murmured at the sight of her mouth full of my cock and she hums around my lengthy cock. "So pretty with my cock in your mouth," I breathlessly tell her and she moans to ripple the bliss through my gut.

The familiar pressure begins to build at the base of my spine and throws me further into the indescribable dream world.

I push her head down further, and she moans around my cock at my actions as my tip curves down the back of her throat. I moan into the thickness encapsulating her room, and her fist leaves to grip my hip in a manner that will leave pretty stains in the morning.

"Fuck, fuck, Ace–" I mumble incoherently as her throat tightens around my cock with her chokes. That knot begins to unravel itself within me as she chokes, and I keep a firm hold on the hair at the back of her head.

Her choking fills the room, and my muscles flex as my body tenses up with a wave of heat rushing through my body. Her spit drips down my cock as she continues to choke, tightening her grip on my hip to dig her nails into my skin to pierce through it.

And I sit up, and she harshly gags when I sink deeper down her throat with the angle. "Fuck's sake, baby–" I shove her head down and tip my head back to obscenely moan incoherent praise with my release shooting down her throat.

She chokes softly as my ribbons of cum layer her throat, and I roughly curse before yanking her head back by her hair.

She softly coughs, consuming oxygen just as fast as I am while I cradle her head on my lap. My chest heaves as my skin buzzes with pleasurable relief, like static through my skin with the serenity in my head.

I blink my eyes open, panting harshly through my parted lips as I glance down at her head resting on my tiger tattoo. I softly stroke her hair, and then slip my hands under her armpits to lift her up to sitting on my lap. "C'mere, babe," I mumble through my post-high, my mind buzzed with serenity's hold on me.

I instantly kiss her swollen lips, and she hums as she wraps her arms around my neck. "You did so well," I murmur to her, swiping my thumbs across her tear-stained cheeks. I can hardly taste myself across her lips, and she deepens the kiss as her tongue glides across mine.

"Let me fuck you, Ace, been dying to have your little pussy wrapped around my cock again," I murmur to her, and she groans against my lips in obvious relief herself. My fingers slip from the woven thread into her hair, and I easily unclasp her belt frantically.

"Fuck me like you wanted the second you saw me, Harry," she murmurs as if she could see the devilish thoughts in my head the second I saw her over the ring.

I yank her belt harshly from the belt loops of her jeans, and she hums in despair as I curl my fingers around her neck to shove her into the bed. She gasps softly as I turn to shove her on her stomach into her comforter, and I raise on my knees behind her.

"I wanted to have you all to myself the second I saw you up there, angel," I murmur, and she hums into the soft sheets under her as my eyes trace the defined curve of her spine.

I toss her belt by her hip and then snake my arms around her front to unbutton her jeans and tear the zipper down. "I wanted every inch of this pretty body under me like I've imagined every morning in the shower without you," I whisper truthfully. She curses softly as I harshly tug the sides of her panties and jeans down her legs.

I yank them off and throw them to the side before grabbing her thick, black leather belt from beside her. Leaning over her again, I draw both of her wrists back to her lower back. "You alright with this, baby? Tap out whenever you want," I ask as I loop the belt around her wrists, bounding them together.

"It was my fucking turn, Harry, you always fucking do this to me–" she mumbles into the sheets. I chuckle as I tighten the leather around her delicate wrists at her lower back.

And the sight of her ass arched up for me with her control in my hands again, already channels bliss to my sensitive cock. This girl's got me under some kind of spell to have me hard in minutes of getting off, but the thought of her sweet pussy snug around my cock again almost has me near cumming again on the spot.

"You're just too easy, sweet girl, I know you always give in," I mumble before leaning over her bare body, placing an assuring kiss to the side of her head in her coconut-scented hair.

I softly trail my lips across her head before sponging my mouth across her cheekbone, "Tell me this is alright, Rory? Let me make you feel as good as you make me feel," I whisper into her warm, flushed skin.

She huffs at me, and the way her thighs pinch together to remedy some of the relief tells me it all. "I won't one day, I won't but–" she cuts herself off, and I chuckle against her cheek.

"But what, baby?" I murmur, and she groans softly with her cheek squished against her comforter.

"But ... I need you," she whispers into the thick lust, and my cock hardens at the words leaving her lips. I softly hum against her skin, pecking just at the corner of her mouth.

"Yeah? Say it again," I murmur, and lift myself back up to take care of her in a way that I haven't anyone else but one.

She's the only person I'd ever do this for without having to relive the harsh past I've endured through the simple act.

She's the only person I could be selfless for.

"Harry," she needily murmurs as I lean down to smooth my hands over her soft ass, spreading her cheeks further apart to reveal her soaking cunt. My mere breath fanning across her core has it clenching its wake, desperate for attention on its own.

"Say it again, and you can have it all, baby ... my mouth, my tongue, my cock – it's yours," I mumble as I softly kiss over her fleshy ass in my hands, and she attempts to grind her cunt back against my face but I tighten my harsh grip into her ass cheeks. "Rory–" I warn her, and she whines with her arousal practically dripping from her pretty pussy.

"I need you, Harry, I need you–" she caves in despair laced into her tone, and I instantly bury my face into her pussy.

She arches further into me with a relieving moan escaping her lips to echo through the dense air with a gentle shudder at the satisfaction. "Oh, my god," she moans as I glide my tongue up her slit to collect her arousal across my tongue.

I groan at the taste of her, and her moans muffle into the sheets as I breathe her in.

I keep my mind in this heavenly reality. The taste of her, the smell of her, the feel of her plush skin in my hands – it wasn't anything remotely like her.

It's my Ace.

And I sure as hell would spend as long as I needed to please her. I massage my tongue over her clit, and she gasps as I suck her sensitive spot into my mouth.

"Fuck, fuck- I- Harry," she repeatedly murmurs into her sheets. I hum as I run endless patterns over that place granting the pretty noises leaving her lips.

I glide my tongue down her silk cunt, and sink my tongue into her to draw another raspy moan from her chest. She grinds back into me as I smirk against her pussy, "Greedy slut," I murmur to only have her whimpering into the sheets – letting me know she's quite close.

"Harry, ah- god, fuck–" she stumbles on her words already and salaciously moans into her bedroom.

"I've just barely started, and you're already going to cum, baby?" I murmur into her cunt, and she grins back into me to draw another groan from the back of my throat.

"Yes, yes," she stammers, and I hum into her silky cunt to center my tongue over her clit again to bring her to a gentle high. "Just like that, don't stop–" she whimpers, and I inhale softly as I bury my face deeper into her cunt to savor it all.

She silently moans, and my fingernails sink into the flesh of her ass. "Cum all over my tongue, Ace, give it to me," I mumble, and she doesn't hesitate before those little noises simmer out for her body to tense up in my hands.

"Harry–" my name escapes her lips in the form of a final moan into the air. She trembles slightly as she allows her high to cascade over her. She soaks my tongue, and I roughly groan as I revel in every bit of her shaking body with her wrists bound behind her back.

She exhales, melting into the comforter but I hold her ass to keep her arched up for me. I peck over her sensitive cunt, and her muffle groan reverbs into the comforter as I drawback.

Her cum coats my lips and still lingers on my tongue as I glance down, wrapping my fist around my hard cock to pump myself in anticipation. "Baby," I hum, and she can only hum in response with her bare body displayed for me.

"Come on, babe, give me something," I murmur, and she softly laughs into the comforter.

"Sorry, 'm alright, I want you inside of me," she mumbles, and the sentence fucks with my head as I lean over her again with my tip brushing against her drenched core.

I press my lips to her flushed cheek, brushing the hair sticking to her temple as she blinks up at me in a daze. "Don't apologize," I smirk down at her, and she snickers softly in our dream world.

"I need you to fuck me, Harry," she whispers to channel right to my throbbing cock.

I hum softly and lean back up to guide my cock up against her cunt – gliding it against her slick cunt. "Ah, fuck, Harry–" she groans at me, unable to move with the restraints pinching her shoulder blades together.

"Tell me you're all mine," I mindlessly murmur as I stare down at her body before me, knowing I've surrendered myself to her already tonight on multiple occasions.

And nothing but a harmless laugh comes out of her, still hesitant on crossing that line between us but it cracks through my chest. "As if, Harry," she mumbles, and my eyebrows knit together while shoving that part of me down deeper.

I line myself up with her core, teasingly push just my tip into her to draw a gasp out of her. "Admit it," I murmur softly, and she delicately whines into the air as I draw my hips back to a fraction of the bliss from her.

"Harry–" she whimpers, and I continue to tease her – extracting it out of her.

"Tell me you're all mine, Ace, say the word and I'll fuck you until you can't take it anymore," I mumble under my breath as she harshly pants into the comforter.

The air grows denser than it already is, and the moment consumes the two of us. "Harry–" she whispers again as if it's taking more out of her to admit to it.

I slowly sink into her, softly exhaling under my breath at the sensation of her snug walls around my throbbing tip. "Rory–" her name comes off my lips in the same way mine fell off hers.

She lightly whimpers as I sink another inch into her, and attempt to pull back at her lack of response and my own restraint. "No, no–" she mumbles into the comforter, and my throat constricts as I await her words.

"'M yours, Harry, I'm only ever yours," she breathlessly admits, and my chest aches in relief the second I sink into her with a shock of bliss through my system.

She raspily moans the second I fill her to the hilt with her walls hugging me like a vice, and my fingers dig into her skin to stain her skin for her affection later.

I draw my hips back, "Mine," I murmur the second I fill her back up.

"Yours, Harry," she admits again while her pretty body jolts when I grind my hips into her.

My mind is in absolute shambles with the overwhelming thoughts and bliss ebbing out into the pleasure that consumes the two of us.

"That's right, pretty girl," I murmur. I reach up, curling my fingers around the thick leather bounding her wrists together.

"It's all yours, Harry, take me how you want–" she requests for more, and I moan under my breath at the filthiest of thoughts while her cunt clenches around me.

"Yeah?" And I use it as leverage to slam my hips into her, as promised, and a surprised moan breaks from her lips. "Well see if you can take it," I mumble as our skin colliding fills the bedroom.

My pace picks up as a sheen layer of sweat sticks to my skin, and my curls fall over my forehead as I stare down at where our bodies connect. Her arousal makes this all too easy, and I glide right into her silk cunt.

"Fuck, H-Harry–" she moans into her comforter while her words get lodged in her throat with my hips pounding into her.

My mind goes into override, fucking her pretty self just like this with control in my hands. Her pussy is always a dream, yet somehow this dream world only glows more vibrantly than it normally does. The serenity in the roughness of every grind of my hips into her ass and our moans encasing the room have the two of us in shambles.

"Jesus, fuck, Ace–" I groan as I ram the entirety of me into her sweet cunt, and her moans get cut off with every one of my thrusts.

"Always taking me so well, Ace, such a good fucking girl," I pant out through my own breathlessness as I fuck her until that familiar pressure brews in my groin again with her slick cunt wrapped around me.

"I love when you f-fuck me like this, holy fuck, Harry–" my name leaves her lips, and I harshly pant as I pound into her to draw out both of our highs.

Her frame jolts with every rough thrust into her, and she whimpers with moans escaping her lips as she buries her face into the comforter with an obscene moan.

I lewdly curse under my breath, and the sound of our skin colliding together echoes with our moans. Her cunt squeezes tight around me, and I curse out as she nearly silently screams into the sheets.

Her body begins to tremble, and I perceive my own build reaching its peak within me. I tighten my grip on the leather of the belt wrapped around her wrists, "That's it, baby, cum just for me," I mumble through my pants, and her body tenses up.

I groan roughly, and lazily continue my harsh pace into her as I stroke out my high with hers. She silently screams out my name as her pussy flutters around me, burying her face from me, and she soaks my cock with her trembling release.

That was all I needed before the blood rushed through my body, centering at my cock while my head tips back to give it all to her. My moans accompany hers with the raw sex in this room, and I lazily fuck out my high as I cum without an end – filling her pulsing cunt.

I eventually fall into the moment of exhaustion, and I gently slip out of her to grant her hips a welcoming fall onto the comforter to lay flat. I fall right onto her with this prominent sharp pain lacerating just under my sternum, and she grunts under me when my skin lands on hers.

"Harry," she delicately mumbles in fatigue, and I kiss her head over and over.

"Hm?" Is all I can manage to produce with my eyes shut since she's drained it all out of me.

"Belt, please," she mumbles, and I mutter things under my breath as I blink my eyes open in remembrance. I glance down, fidgeting with her belt to get it unclasped and her arms fall to relax with a sigh.

I huff at the thought of ruining her sheets, and I peel my sweating skin from hers with a moment of lightheadedness. I roll her over gently, and she groans as I slip my arms under her exhausted body to lift her up into my arms with my arms tucked under her knees and back.

Her head rolls into the crook of my neck, and I lean over to mindlessly kiss her temple and then her nose as I walk into her bathroom butt-ass naked without a care in the world. I flick the light on and then struggle to reach the knob of her shower to filter it on and spray against the porcelain.

The air warms with the steam rising from her shower, and I step in with her still in my arms – careful not to slip and kill us both in the process. Then, I gently place her on her feet again but she still leans into me with her forehead on my chest.

I lightly chuckle under my breath as the spray of water from the showerhead hits her bare back, and I rake her hair back and guide her back further into it. "You're alright, let me clean you up," I mumble as I get to work.

I crouch down, and she instantly holds onto the wall as I wash my cum dripping down her inner thigh with the water. She winces slightly as my knuckle brushes up against her too-sensitive core.

I glance up at her, only finding a small smile on her delirious features with her eyes half-shut. And I gently layer kisses over where I restrained her tonight.

I snicker as I stand back up, and she wraps her arms around my torso to lazily hug me.

I allow it all, taking care of her like I never did with anyone else – and I take my time to ensure I do it right. I rake her deep brunette, raven wavy hair up to tie it into a bun at the back of her head with her hair tie she left at my place around my wrist.

"Why'd you come tonight, Ace?" I murmur in curiosity, and she hums against my chest as I snake my arms around her neck to reciprocate the embrace. She tilts her head back and rests her chin on my chest as I tiredly smile down at her in the warmth of the steam wrapping around us.

"How could I not?" She asks as if it were obvious, and I shake my head subtly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question, and she lightly chuckles against me with that smile still hugging her flushed cheeks. Pieces of her hair slip from the hold of the hair tie, sticking to the steam condensing against her skin.

"You're always at my fights on Friday nights," she murmurs in an answer, and my chest aches as I stare into her kaleidoscope eyes.

I lean down and kiss the tip of her nose again to drag a soft laugh from her lips to curl mine upward. "You're killing me," I admit, and she snickers again while I tear back from her.

She smiles up at me in a daze, and I trace the curve of her back with my fingertips. "I saw your closet open," I gently question, and her smile doesn't falter to only sear itself in my memory.

"I needed a jacket," she lies right through her damn teeth to me, but I don't push it any further because my girl's eyes begin to fall heavy right before my eyes.

"Alright, love, let's finish cleaning you up before you fall asleep on me," I mumble, and she grumbles at me as I let her go to grab her body wash.

I lather up her loofa, and the two of us caress the soap down our skin to cascade the sex from our skin with the stream of water into the drain. And after the suds rinsed off our skin, she brought my fresh wound to her lips to gently kiss beside the bite marks sunken into me.

And we step out and wrap up in towels before she brushes her teeth and I use her mouthwash. I hum softly as I wander back into her room with her limping in front of me, and she shoves me the second a laugh comes out of my mouth.

I stroll over to grab my boxers and slip them up my legs before hanging her towel back up and wrapping my arms around her from the back. Her warm, fresh scent wraps around me in her big t-shirt as she softly hums into my embrace.

I kiss the side of her neck before lifting her off her feet, producing an indescribable sensation from the shriek of laughter leaving her lips. I laugh with her as I throw her into her bed, and follow her right under the sanctuary below her covers.

Her giggles die out as she snuggles closer to me, and lays the side of her head against my bare chest. Our legs ritualistically tangle together, and I cradle her head to my chest with my other arm around her waist.

She softly sighs into me, melting further into my skin, and I kiss the tip of her nose yet again. "Thank you, baby," I mumble.

She shelters her arm around my torso, and kisses over my heart before laying her head to rest with her eyes sealed shut. "Anytime," is all she hums as I shut my eyes with a foolish smile still hugging my cheeks and completely wrapped up in her again.


i mean, did we like this?

all is fun and games here until next chapter!

*evil laugh* see you soon :)

thanks for the love bc i love you,

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