Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.


5 0 0
By ziakitty

First off, let me point out this the artwork is not mine, I found it on DA, full credit goes to the artist, their signature is on it!

Sweat dripped from his brow, landing on the shared bed, he twists and turns until a fair hand reaches out to calm him, slowly dark blue eyes open. Their owner glances around as his mind replays a certain night on repeat. That same fair hand is there, offered to him, it is his lifeline, embracing it, he kissed the back, saying, "thank you, darling." Voice muffled, deeper than usual as the last traces of sleep are chased away. "You're welcome, Mail, did you have that dream again?"

"Yes, I did..." Sitting up in bed, he covers his face with both hands, while petite arms wrap around his slender body. "It's okay, I'm right. Because of you, I am here, alive and well, my wounds have all healed, thanks to you." Pale pink lips touched Matt's cheek, giving a bit of color to them, "thank you, get some more sleep."

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too..." He muttered while watching his lover lay back down. Flaxen locks were spread out over the pillow like a golden halo, in that moment Mail Jeevas thanked the heavens that he hadn't died, even if he had been fated to do so. Someone up there had been looking out for him, the brunet didn't know who that person was but he made sure to show his appreciation at all times.

Running an ungloved hand through those lovely tresses, the tech specialist slowly rolled out of bed. There was a rule against smoking in the house, especially in bed, so Jeevas made his way out to the balcony. On the way there he grabbed one cigarette and a lighter. Stepping out into the cold night air, he shivered and looked up, a million stars greeted him along with a few memories.

                                                                          ~~~Five years earlier~~~

Third Person and Matt's P.O.V

The battle between Kira and Mello was coming to an end, and I was given the task of looking into a certain woman. When I first saw her I thought she was a bit too young to be connected to Kira, she had to be between the age of fourteen, maybe fifteen, and twenty. Her hair was put up in twin pigtails, blonde, with her was a much older man, maybe her father, however, I highly doubt he was related to the brown-eyed female. She's pretty cute, her fashion seems to be a mixture of gothic and punk, it looks good. This is much better than watching a screen all day with no sound.

Misa Amane, model, actress, idol, had disappeared from the limelight for some time right around the start of second Kira's killings, then came back around, later on, she is Yagami Light's betrothed. I spent the whole day following the odd pair, not once did they even notice me. If this is how the Japanese police are then I don't have much to worry about. Alright, they're back at the hotel now, it's time for me to head back. Just then a pair of baby brown eyes seemed to lock onto mine, they were full of joy but that joy wasn't directed at me, she was looking past me. All they did was shop all day, is that really fun? I almost feel sorry for the big guy.

Sitting in his car, Wammy's House's third successor pondered what the next move would be, clearly they wouldn't be getting anything out of this girl. Even if they did kidnap her, it was more likely that Kira would kill her or not give a shit. Glancing over at his pack of cigarettes, one was picked up, the butt pressed against his lips before he slowly parted them to hold it in place. Sparking up, Jeevas decided to go for a little drive after checking in with Mello.

Time seemed to fly by, their plans had changed, they were no longer going after Misa Amane, which made Matt just a bit pleased, why, he wasn't too sure. "So we're going after Takada Kiyomi then."

"Yes, she is the voice of Kira and has the most connection with him. If this plan goes right Kira and Near will both be checkmated." I looked at the reckless blond, taking in his features, the burn marks on his face. A sign of how far he was willing to go to beat his rival, to avenge L, to conquer a world that had long since turned its back on him, on us. Mello muttered something about Near having an edge then, this was the only way to pull it off, I didn't fully listen, too busy with my classic GameBoy. If only I had paid attention back then, maybe I could have stopped what was about to transpire.

The time had come, the pair went their separate ways, they had a mission to carry out, there was no room for error or flaws. Driving through the streets of a foreign land, the brunet kept in mind all the things that could go wrong, he made a backup plan for them. They were going to make it out of this, they had to, for a true victory, none of them could die.

The News Station quickly came into view, Matt was ready, it was do or die time, and right now he was a doer. Sliding up, a red car came to a semi rolling stop, a gun, of sorts, was pointed out the window, one shot was fired, the place became smokey. People gagged and coughed, while the driver sped off just as quickly as he had come by. Step one was almost complete. However, something occurred that the blond or brunet didn't account for.

Damn, they caught up quickly, are they even allowed to drive like this? Police or not, this is all reckless for them. Without knowing it, the young man was being led into a trap, already his escape route was being cut off. Before him were rows of cars and gunmen, behind him, even more, this was no good.

Forced to stop my car, I slowly got out, with both hands up, I tried to talk my way out of this. Knowing that I might have to fire off another shot to get past these guys. Despite my best efforts, I failed. Gun blasts, bullets raining, pain, my body is falling backward, it hits the side of my car, GAMEOVER, then nothingness.

Elsewhere Mihael Keehl best known as Mello was succumbing to his own fate, him and Takada.

Looks like Kira is going to win after all. We all died, there are no extra lives, power-ups, just game over, and this is death, pain, and beeping, it plays on loop. Ugh, I don't know what is worse, the beeping or how heavy my body feels. Wait, heavy...If I'm dead then why can I still feel and hear?

Slowly Matt tried to move, which only made more pain shoot through his body, a female's voice called out to him, he vaguely recalled it. "Try to relax, Matt, you've been shot multiple times. I don't know if it was luck or bad aiming but your vitals were mostly missed, no one went for a headshot, or else you really would have died." Said the older woman, slowly my eyes opened, the room was dimly lit but I could make out strands of blonde hair, red lips, and golden-brown eyes. "Halle..." Just saying that one name took a lot out of me, she notices and hums before explaining what had happened.

"Mello, he didn't make it, Takada killed him, she wrote his name down on a scrap of the death note, that was the missing piece, he knew he was going to die. But I don't think he knew that Kiyomi's guards would attempt to kill you, the smart choice would have been to take you in for questioning but we both know how that turned out." As she kept talking, another young woman walked in, she checked on my wounds, gave me water, meds, and a kind smile, telling me that it was a miracle that I made it. "What about Kira?" I asked, Halle, said nothing at first but then spoke, "he is gone from this word, he was cornered and captured but died of a heart attack, the Shinigami, Ryuk, was nowhere to be found. Kira is no more."

"So it's truly over then...A partial victory."

"No, a complete victory, Near acknowledged Mello's efforts and honored him for doing what had to be done. If it wasn't for you two, Near and everyone else that knew of the meeting, of the Death Note, would have been killed. Thank you, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry I was too late to get to him." Lidner looked down, her eyes teary, in that moment, she looked like a mother that had just finally accepted her beloved child was never coming back home, that her boy was forever gone.

A deep sadness and depression took over Mail Jeevas, his friend was gone, he was barely alive, stuck in a safe house until his wounds were healed. Dark times followed him well after he was released, rumors of his death were still talked about, however, the brunet made sure to change his appearance. Dyeing his luscious locks from their rich chocolate color to a fiery red, once blue eyes were now jade.

A year later and the former brunet still felt on edge about everything. He avoided going to any place that would remind him of the events that happened that night, and of course, seeing chocolate made him feel even worse.

It was the fourteenth of February 2011, Matt was currently on his way to pick up his car. It took some time for all the repairs he wanted to be done but the young man had nothing but time on his hands as of late. Traveling around the city was boring, nothing seemed to keep his attention, that is until he reached a building. There was nothing that really stood out about it, just the lone figure that seemed to be going upwards to the very top. A young woman, golden-blonde locks, dressed in a dark loli-gothic dress. Green irises narrowed as their owner watched, before he knew it, his legs started moving forward, slowly at first but then faster. That female looked a lot like Misa Amane. Getting inside the building, he semi raced over to the elevator, looked up at the number, and saw that the figure was going to the top floor, just then the doors opened, an elderly couple came out, and Jeevas stepped in after them. Heading to the top floor, the ginger found himself pacing, and wanting a cigarette badly. Why am I so desperate to get up there, to see her? With every floor that was past, Matt felt his heart beating wilder and wilder, until he reached the top, looking around he saw no one. Had she gotten off somewhere else? No, there was only one way in or out, he would have seen her. That's when he heard some ruffling and saw a figure slipping. Without thinking he sprinted forward, heart pounding, eyes wide, Mail reached out, hanging over the railing a bit, grabbing hold of her dress, he prayed that it wouldn't rip.

"NO! LET ME GO, LET ME GO! I WANT TO DIE! I WANT TO BE WITH MY LIGHT AGAIN." Screamed out the former idol, her petite frame flailed around, twisting and turning as much as possible, not that it mattered much. Whoever was holding onto her had a firm grip now and didn't plan on letting go. Oh yeah, this is Misa Amane... "I can't do that, if I did, it would make me a murderer, and I don't want that. But if you don't stop I might just throw you off myself, you daft woman!" The model known as Backout Queen couldn't quite place the voice she had heard, this person was a complete stranger, probably a pervert that had followed her! The nerve of some people! "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!? YOU PERVERT! LET ME GO!"

By this time Matt had already moved Amane away from the edge, he was dragging her away, before picking up the tiny woman, holding her bridal style. Their eyes meet, well, his deep forest hues locked onto her teary blue ones. Misa couldn't see those hidden gems thanks to his orange-tinted goggles. For a moment there was silence before... "OUCH! THAT HURT YOU JERK!"

"You said to let you go, and I did, daft woman." Looking down at her, he felt something come over him, what that something was, he didn't really know. "If you plan on killing yourself again, make sure to do it where kids won't see it. Think about how traumatizing it would be for one of your fans to see your broken and bruised body all splattered over the pavement." Snapped the ginger before turning to leave. For a moment the fair-skin maiden just sat there, her mouth left agape, this random person had saved her life and given her a lecture.

How strange,, he, reminded me a bit of... "Rem..." Mail didn't look back, he kept going, oddly pissed off about the whole ordeal, he was never one to get into someone else's affairs, let alone save someone. Whatever it was that made him do it was now long gone.

A week past and there was no news on a certain model, no mysterious deaths or missing person cases, why he felt the need to check on her, well, Matt had a small clue. The look on her face, the pain, agony, matched his own. How many times had he thought of ending it all because the pain was too much? But didn't because the people that went out of the way to save him, had Halle and that young nurse not stopped to gather his broken body, patched him up, Mail Jeevas wouldn't be here today.

"Where should I go, I've got my car again, enough money to make my way to any part of the world. I think it is time for a change of pace...Maybe Italy would be nice." Mutters Jeevas while looking at a menu. The sound of footsteps caught his attention but not enough to make him lookup. "Sorry, I am not ready to order yet, nothing looks good."

"You should try the strawberry parfait." That voice got his attention alright, looking up, brown eyes were now looking into dark blue ones, Matt didn't have his contacts in. "Ah, they're dark blue, what a lovely shade." Confused, he waited for Misa to explain why she was here. "I saw you sitting here alone and figured I'd come in to say hi, and thank you for saving me." She looked different, dressed in more casual simple clothing, hair loose, resting on her shoulders, just a bit of red painted on her soft lips.

"You've done it, now you can leave."

"Hey now, don't be rude! I'm trying to have a conversation with you."

"I'm not interested...."

"Then why did you save me?"

"I don't know..."

"You don't know or you don't want to tell me?"

"Look." The tech specialist put down his menu and stared at Amane, who was currently giving him the poutest of looks. "I don't know, my body just moved on its own. I saw you go into that building and followed behind you. At first, I thought you were someone else I knew, turns out I was wrong, then when I saw you falling..." He shrugged, for a brief second his mind went back to Mello, why did he think of him when explaining himself? Matt didn't think it was Mello going into that building, so why did he say that? Misa sensed the change in this unknown man but also felt a pull towards him. Maybe he was a kindred spirit, that's when she noticed the hurt and confusion in his eyes.

Reaching out she placed a hand over his gloved ones. Despite materials covering them, he could still feel her touch. As he was about to pull away, Misa spoke, "maybe," her voice was soft, kind, "when you saw me, saw me falling, your instincts kicked in because you lost someone before." Matt blinked but didn't move, "You saw someone you truly cared for lose their life, either they threw it away or gave it away without telling you, and you felt that if they had, they would still be here. That another way could have been given, they could have lived. And that is why you followed me, you sensed that I was going to do something that could never be taken back, and you stopped it. For that, I am thankful, truly I am."

She smiled at him, it was warm, shaky, like a child that was afraid to take their first steps but was going for it anyway. And that reminded him so much of Mihael, the reckless one that was always afraid, even if others couldn't see it, Mail did. "Matt..."


"My name is Matt." Her smile lit up, reaching those baby brown eyes of hers, "I'm Misa Amane! It's a pleasure to meet you, Matt." From that point on the odd pair slowly grew closer.

                                             ~~~Present Times, February 14th, 2016~~~

"Mail..." Arms wrapped around his taller frame, kisses were planted along his back. "I thought you went back to sleep." He said while rubbing her hand before turning around, a cigarette dangled from his slightly darker lips, before he removed it, flicking it, letting it land somewhere in the street. "You know I can't sleep without you." Those eyes, such a soft brown, shining with tenderness, stared into his dark sapphire ones. "True..." For a moment they just stood there, enjoying each others' warmth in the cold air.

A smirk slowly crept onto his face as his hands moved down her body, cupping her butt. The blonde gasped then giggled as her lover picked her up and led them back inside. "Looks like I'll have to make you tired again."

"Oh, Mail...You pervert..."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, you daft, crazy girl."

Even in the darkest of times, a bit of light will Shine through. It is up to you to find that or let it in when it finds you.

This is a very very very late birthday gift to a friend of mine on Discord, Happy Belated Birthday Misa. I hope you enjoyed this.

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