killer instinct - || h.s. ||

By eversincekyoto

860K 22.3K 31.4K

a killer instinct was coined in the early boxing world as a protective, cold mentality that surges to one's c... More

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13.3K 306 412
By eversincekyoto

" he just wanna eat me like some candy, but i'm not his buttercup "


aurora astor. *

I roll my neck as I head out of my apartment. I have my hood up and my duffle in my hand as I've never been more relieved to have a fight tonight.

The anticipation has been building for days, brewing within me to be able to feel what I crave in that ring again – the high I get from the power and control I get in there with the bright lights and cheering crowd.

It's quite fucked up if you truly think about it. You've got to be really fucked in the head to be enjoying beating the shit out of people.

Maybe that's why watching people get killed in front of me hasn't phased me.


I push the metal door open to the cold late night air of this city, Lou's running car waits at the curb where the other once was. My breath forms in a little cloud in front of me under the flickering golden light as I open the door and I get into the loud, hip-hop music that brings up my heart rate.

"Hey." Jules chimes with a smile on her own face.

"Hey." I put on a smile for the both of them, giving her a hug as Lou pulls away from the curb. "Give it to me, Lou," I tell him and he chuckles as I lean over the armrest in between their two seats.

"Uh- this guy is twice your size and his stance is too wide," Lou mutters as he nods with his strong accent. I nod at him but, in all honesty, it all just went in one ear and out the other. I just hum in some sort of response for him.

"Hey ..." Jules starts and I turn my head to look over at her with happiness etched all over her face, my eyebrows knit together instantly. "You graduate next week!" She excitedly reveals and I breathe out a laugh with a slight nod.

She pats my cheek. "My girl is growing up too fast ..." she snickers and I snort at her as Lou groans. "What time?" She asks me and I rub at my temple, trying to remember.

"I think 8 ..." I mutter and she huffs at me, making me knit my eyebrows together as I focus on Jules rather than the driving right now.

"I have a shift but ... come over after and we'll go out and celebrate." She says happily as Lou nods with her in agreement, I just exhale out another laugh and I shake my head.

"There's no reason to celebrate the fact that I'll be done with school and still paying for it," I mumble and Jules groans as Lou chuckles through his nose.

"No, ifs, ands, or buts ... we're celebrating how fucked the American education system is!" Jules says with a bright smile. I lightly chuckle, only saying yes because I'd rather get wasted than sit by myself in my apartment with my own bottle of wine.

"Okay ... nothing big ..." I warn her but she just smiles devilishly and I snort a little.

"Okay fuck- focus, Rory. I'm pretty sure this guy has managed to get a hit on Styles before." Lou snaps like it's rare and my blood simmers from the thought for some reason, but it's all welcoming tonight to just add to this built of anger and frustration that I have inside of me.

I reach down to my duffle to grab the tape and start to wrap up my knuckles just as I like it done. "You remember what I said?" Lou starts again and I nod at him with a hum.

"Yes, Lou, I'll be fine," I tell him as he pulls into the parking lot of the club and I grab my mask as I drop my tape into my bag. I tie up my short hair into a messy bun at the top of my head tightly and I tie the mask to cover my eyes.

I get out of the car, grabbing one of my cigarettes in the process. Jules gives me the usual glare and I sweetly smile back at her. I flick the spark wheel and light the end of my cigarette, shutting the door with my hip.

I walk with the two of them while I tuck my lighter into my pocket, the familiarity of the potent smoke runs down my throat and brings the instant calm that I desperately needed. I breathe out the smoke as Lou mutters that smirky fucker's name for the bouncer to let us in.

The trio of us head down the stairs and push the door open. Immediately, the red lights and sin hit me. And in the center of the massive space, what people come here without fail for every Friday night, is that daunting octagon ring.

I take long drags of this cigarette in between my fingers as we weave our way through people until we get to the edge of the cage in the sea of bodies dancing together with drinks in their hands. We await the fight as usual for these Friday nights.

I drop my bag at the edge of the mat, standing here as I stare at the empty ring with only one real goal in mind and that is to not give a single fuck in there.

I intend to take every hit and send more back, channeling all of these prisoned emotions and thoughts into the Pit. I intend to give these people the very show they are here for. I intend to finally grasp control again.

I breathe out the smoke through my nose and lips as the music in here makes my skin buzz in suspense as I glance up to the second-floor lookout platform. The empty railing, no Harry watching over me tonight.

I smile to myself, dropping my cigarette on the ground and stepping on it before the place can catch on fire.

The ring lights up as usual and I let my lips curl up even more while I start tugging my clothes off. I toss my hoodie and sweatpants into my duffle before Jules' arms ritually wrap around me.

I choke out a laugh as the both of us watch Bella step out into the towering ring. She faintly smiles at me and I return it with a smirk, her perfect body snug in a tight short skirt and a cropped shirt that could pass as a bra – hot, nonetheless.

The screaming crowd settles as Jules kisses my cheek and I snort at her. Lou looks at the both of us like we're crazy and I stick my tongue out at him as he just returns it with a vulgar gesture of his own.

I genuinely laugh a little and reach down to my bag, pulling out a piece of gum and sticking it into my mouth to chew the fresh spearmint.

Bella announces my competition and my eyes lift to see what kind of fucker I'm dealing with tonight.

His dirty blonde hair and body-covered tattoos, muscle on his body as he looks right at me. I just smile a little with a playful wave to him through the trapping metal fencing around the ring.

Bella points over at me and the place erupts as I chew my mint gum. Jules gives me one more hug and I breathe out a laugh as Lou gives me a knowing look and I smile at him.

"Don't take shit," He says as he pats my back and I nod, little did he fucking know.

I step right through the doorway, unable to turn around now and I couldn't be more thrilled about it tonight. I walk out onto the mat with my bare feet and pulling my deadly red spandex up by the waistband with the brand etched into the skin-tight material.

I can hardly hear the cheers of the crowd as Bella smiles at me and I just stretch my arms while his brown eyes look me up and down. He's only fueling my anger right now as Bella nods at me, walking by me and giving her a smirk.

"Why are you hiding that face? That ugly under there?" He questions and I scoff a little with my rage so high that I could snap at any moment, my eyes traveling up over the top of the sky-high metal cage.

I find Harry leaning over the edge as he watches over me now. He just stares, giving me nothing as usual but I can see blank features from here and the puff of smoke leaving his lips.

I shake my head to shake out the thoughts from my head before getting into a fighting stance.

The fucker just smirks at me and I try to pull myself back into this, bringing myself back to reality.

All I feel is pain and nothing at all, simultaneously – quite a lethal combination.

"... 1 ... fight!" The crowds scream and he catches me in my thoughts, slamming his fist right into my jaw and snapping out of it at the powerful punch sending pain through my jaw.

I let out a sharp puff of air as my rage snaps into place, little does this guy know how absolutely fucked he is right now.

My cheeks burn hot out of something like embarrassment. I turn to cross and slam my fist at him but he avoids it and I swing with my left, nailing him right in the temple and he groans at the force of my punch. The heat from the fluorescents above me radiates across my exposed skin.

I don't even give him a second before I jab at him twice, slamming into his nose hard both times. He curses loudly as I finish the combination with a right hook to his cheek and his head roughly swings to the side.

My body heats up and I let out short puffs of air as I shake out the earlier hit. He grits his teeth, watching the dark crimson blood drip from his nose. I stalk back up to him, regaining more and more control with every blow.

"Try me again," he starts and I don't say a word because my mind is a disorganized chaos and I can exclusively hear my heartbeat in my ears. I cross at him and he ducks as I let out a sharp puff of air at the miss.

He takes me off guard, I groan loudly as his fist slams into my gut. I stumble back a few steps, my abdomen muscles flex to take the heat of that punch.

He punches at me again but I dodge it this time. I slam my knuckles into his nose again to hear the satisfying crack and he cries out in pain.

I blow the curly strand of my hair from my face and I don't give him a second before throwing a right hook at his jaw, twisting my weight. His head swings to the side with the raw sound of my knuckles colliding with his jaw.

He stumbles a little as I breathe out a laugh under my breath, continuing to chew this mint gum.

My ears sting as I hear Harry's words run through my head, begging my mind's unfiltered mannerisms to be quiet at times like this but it does nothing but fuel this rage in me.

I think for too long and a fist slams into my cheek and it takes me by surprise. The pain sears through my cheek and my eyes instantly well up.

I don't even pull it together a second time before I swing so my entire arm force goes to hit his jaw, using my core to twist my body weight with the punch. His teeth audibly chomp together with a scream. I huff out as sweat covers my body at the hit I just took and the one I just sent.

I swing again but my mind fogs, giving him the opportunity to send a right hook into my own jaw. I pinch my eyes shut as my body falls onto the mat with a thud from the force of it that Lou warned me about. I feel lightheaded but I persist through it and his body gets on top of mine.

"Seems like your luck has run out tonight, have no idea how a girl like you keeps pulling shit." He just fuels my undeniable anger.

He goes to punch me again with a psychotic look on his face that I simply want to punch off. I sit up so fast and I elbow strike him in the chin and bring my leg through to drive my heel into his crotch so hard and I shove his body off of me.

He screams in pain and I hear the crowd screams fill my ears again. I get on his pained body, slamming my fist into his temple over and over and over again.

"Seems like your goddamn luck has run out, asshole,"

Every muscle in my body is flexing right now to send these merciless punches. He cries out in pain repeatedly and I don't stop until I see blood stain my white-taped knuckles.

He tries pushing back as his eyes are under me and all I see is the dark brown that sends the most dreadful panicked pain through me.

The dark brown irises only remind me of him and my heart shatters even more in my chest.

I punch him again, ruthlessly, and I don't even want to stop.

He groans and I grab his forearm to finish him off, falling to my side again as the screams fill my ears and then fade again. I bring his arm in between my legs and extend it straight against my stomach in one swift motion.

The tears sting in my eyes as I'm zoned in with the bright light above me, losing touch with reality again and hearing his screams channel through my ears.

I wrap my body around his arm so that if he moves just a little his arm snaps in this hold. My leg traps his head down against the mat and I pull his arm so tight against my chest, arching my back to give his straight arm a fulcrum to add more tension. He screams out in pain and I feel him bite down on my calf.

"Fuck!" I hiss as I clench my jaw, the gum in between my molars, in pain.

I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve it ...

I clench my jaw so hard and scream into my mouth as he bites down hard enough to break the skin. I shove his head down more roughly with the rage in me strong and unyielding.

I twist his arm a little and his teeth leave as he screams echoes over the cheers of the people in here. I physically watching him scream in pain and writhe but his arm doesn't move in my hold.

I clench this fading mint gum in between my teeth as I fall into a daze. The screaming crowd and the words running through me all boiling over in my blood with the utter frustration running through me.

All of this is just a testament to the fact that frustration is the cruelest, most unpredictable emotion that human beings can produce. It can bring out the worst in us, make us snap.

He taps out, I see him tap out but I don't let go. His hand furiously taps out over and over and he desperately screams.

"I can't–" he screams out for everyone to hear and those brown eyes flash through my head with a singular hot tear slipping from the corner of my eye yet again.


I just don't give him the light of day before pushing up and twisting so fast. I hear and feel his arm snap and an ear-piercing scream leave him, I breathe heavily as his hysterical screams fill my ear and I groan out of annoyance.

I shove his arm off me for the twisted thing to land on the mat in the wrong way and I stare down at him. His face beet red as he screams and I look up now, looking over at Bella to see her walking over to me with shock on her face as my ears ring incessantly.

I let the psychotic smile curl up on my lips as I chew this gum. The adrenaline high guides my heart to thrash, my skin to buzz, and these people to scream for me and me only. There's that indescribably thrilling control.

A psychotic narcissist, Harry might be, but I'm no better.

She scoffs in disbelief at me and takes my wrist before lifting it up into the air.

The screaming floods my ears again and I glance over at Lou and Jules to see their jaws dropped through the fencing.

Bella's lips press against the shell of my ear as my eyes drift up to Harry – practically feeling the shock radiating off him. His eyes wide and his lips parted like my friends.

"Badass ..." she mutters and I snicker as my eyes fall back down to this guy that passed out from the pain. I huff at him as she lets go of my wrist for it to fall.

"Poor thing," I mutter, this foreign adrenaline running through me, and she chuckles at me before patting my back.

"I'll get your money." She says and I nod as our eyes meet and I walk past her to my friends, stepping out of the ring conscious. The shock still etched onto their faces as I smile.

"How'd I do?" I mutter and Jules scoffs a little.

"What the hell was that?" Lou says as he stares at the guy on the matter and I chuckle again.

"He tapped out, didn't you see–" Jules starts and I nod as I pick up my duffle from the ground. I pull my sweatpants up my body and my hoodie back on before I slide my feet back into my vans.

"Yes, he was pissing me off," I state, even though it was something else on my mind pissing me off and his eyes didn't help him in this particular situation. They both scoff at me simultaneously as I smile back.

I walk away with that as I receive rough pats on the back and get shoved through the crowd until I eventually reach the bar. I hum as I lean over to ask for my usual. Lou and Jules join me as I hum to myself and swallow the gum without a thought. Jules finds sanctuary in between Lou's legs as he sits on the stool with an arm around her protectively.

"You alright, babe?" Jules asks wearily and I nod at her as my drink gets set down on the counter.

"Yeah, pent-up energy from finals ..." I mutter as they both stare at me like the delusional person I am.

I sip on the tequila to feel the burn trail down my throat. I look up as I notice a man in a suit and his snake tattoo gives him away as I smile a little.

"You've been requested, Angel." He says as Lou huffs and I hum.

"Exciting, lead the way." I chime as my friends continue to stare at my weird state and I smile back.

"Seriously?" Lou mutters and I nod with sympathy.

"I'm not getting involved, don't worry," I reassure him as I walk with this guy. "I'll be back, you'll get the money?" I ask the two of them and they nod as I smile back and turn forward to start walking again.

I hum to myself as I follow this large man and sip on my drink.

I yelp amid all these bodies when a strong hand grabs my arm. I choke on my drink and cough a little as I look over my shoulder to see none other than my favorite fucker.

"Don't you even dare, Ace," I hear him snap at me over the music and I snort at him, yanking my arm away from his grip. I put my cold, unamused persona back on with him because he scares the absolute shit out of me.

"I dare, baby," I tell him back with a laugh, tipping my glass to him in silent salute. I feel the anger radiate off of him and he's too in shock to do anything right now.

I just turn around and push through people to get to that door and I see that man waiting for me. I step into the stairwell. I start my way up the stairs as our footsteps echo through the place.

I get up to the top door and push it open and see the familiar scene: lingerie-clad women and hungry-eyed men as I just walk past this. I head over to the person I know who lied to my face last time we talked about his role in this and put on a good face for him.

I glance over at the other platform, seeing all heads turned this way and unable to see a single face.

I walk around the couch and stand myself in front of him. He's leaned back against the couch with his legs spread and a nice tailored suit on his body accompanied by his platinum blonde hair and perfect features.

"Angel." He greets me and I take a sip of my drink as I lean back against the railing and keep my eyes on him.

"You requested me?" I ask as I tip my head in the slightest, examining the smirk tug upon his face as I stare back.

"I did, sweetheart ... come closer, will you?" He says it in a way that makes my stomach twist but I ignore it because of the power that runs through my veins from that fight.

I drop my duffle on the ground and I walk over to boldly sit myself down on his lap. I straddle his hips with my knees digging into the leather cushions as his head lifts up to me with a soft sigh.

"Well ... get to the point," I tell him as I sip on my drink, purposefully scooting closer for my body to apply pressure where he seems to enjoy it.

"Hmm ..." he groans deeply as his hand comes up to hold my jaw, the ache from the hits I just took radiates through the entirety of my head. "Been trying to figure you out ..." he mumbles and I nod at him. I dip my head down to press my lips to the spot right under his ear and his hand grips my hip harder as I hum.

"You have? Oh, please, tell me more ..." I whisper with slight mockery into his ear as the music plays through this club scene and he hums.

"Aurora Astor, age 21, sociology and criminology major at the University of Chicago." He states and I hum at him, pulling back and my hand holds his jaw now as his cold blue eyes under these lights meet mine directly. "Did I get it right?" He whispers over the music in here and I shrug at him.

"Maybe? I don't know, babe," I mutter in a ruse and he scoffs at me with a laugh leaving his lips as his head falls back.

"Why do you wanna know?" I ask as I trace his jaw and sip on my drink to feel the warmth set my chest ablaze and burn. He lifts his head to meet my eyes again, zoning in on him alone as his lips curl up at me.

"Told you this ... I want you on my side." He tries this bullshit again and I just hum along with it.

"Your side ... meaning your gang?" I try, hoping he admits it's his without directly noticing and he nods at me – the dumb fuck just confirmed it, he just blatantly admitted that he's the leader of the infamous Cobras that has the West of Chicago in the palm of their hands.

I surprisingly smile even more. "Why?" I ask and he chuckles at me.

"I think you'd be a stunning asset to my team, sweetheart. You're already taking care of business for me." He states and that's when my eyebrows knit together.

"Is that so?" I ask him, trying to pull more out of him and I lean down to kiss his neck. He huffs under me and groans under his breath as my lips trail along his skin, smelling nothing like Harry and tasting nothing like Harry either.

His lips ghost the shell of my ear. "That man you just fought ..." he whispers and I hum as I gently suck on his skin to leave my own mark on him. "He screwed me over and you just handled my dirty work." He states.

My lips freeze on his neck and I detach them from his skin. "I told you, sweetheart, you got yourself involved the second you stepped into that ring."

I pull back to meet his eyes as he smirks at me. I don't give him the satisfaction he desires and I clear my throat a little as I scoot closer. "That's what you want me for? To handle your dirty work for your gang?" I ask as I see him nod slightly.

"Work with me, you won't have to worry about those loans I know you're trying to pay off." He whispers in a taunt and that's when my stomach drops a little.

"And people always underestimate girls, don't they?" He snarls, not in the way that I hoped but it's nauseating.

Yet, the opportunity seems like an open door for me, more and more possibilities to explore on the other side to get closer to my answers with the simple word of yes.

But, yes, as hard as it is to believe, the rationale in me still exists.

I just hum at his words even though I don't mean it and I pull back. I get off his lap as he stares at me and I finish off my glass and toss it at him with a hard swallow that sets my chest on fire. He catches it quickly in his lap and I pick up my duffle.

"No, I told you night one: I'm not choosing sides," I tell him and he clicks his tongue, shaking his head at me in disapproval as he leans his elbows onto his knees.

"Your little stunt in the ring tonight will only bring you more attention, you're going to need people of power backing you up to ensure nothing happens to you, precious girl ..." he smirks and it only sickens my stomach into wrenching knots.

"You know, some people down there are willing to go to hell and back to control the Pit, even if that means taking matters into their own hands." He murmurs in the most twisted way as my eyebrows knit together behind my mask.

"No," I tell him yet again.

He hums curiously with an eyebrow arches up. "Last chance, I only have so much patience, sweetheart." He attempts to taunt, his words sounding an awful lot like Harry's and I start walking away.

"Okay?" I smile in a tease, a taunt myself, and he hums at me.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, sweetheart." He states and I wave sarcastically as I walk away to the door.

I head down the stairs and I take a sharp breath as two men appear at the top of the stairs and I pick up the pace. I swing the door open and weave through people faster to get my friends out of here.

I see Lou and Jules waiting, talking sweetly without a care in the world and I grab Lou's arm.

"We have to go." I snap at him and they're both scrambling to get up at the tone of my voice and pushing me out.

"What the hell did you do!" Lou snaps from being me, hearing his strong accent breath through as I push through people. I rush to the exit and we go tumbling out of the door to the cold air. We sprint across the parking lot to Lou's car and we slide in so fast.

I twist in my seat to look out the back window as Lou starts up the car and backs out faster than ever. No one runs out of the Pit, those two men vanish. "Rory!" Lou snaps and I sit forward as Lou drives away.

My heart racing and I shake my head in disbelief at the realization.

"It's a bluff." I laugh loudly, the thrill undeniably stunning. Not doubting my own adrenaline junky self, I pull my mask off as they both yell at me.

"You are insane!" Jules yells at me and I peel the bloody tape off my knuckles.

"You don't know that- I fucking told you, Rory!" Lou scolds me as I lean back against the seat and I calmly hum at the chaos around me, maybe I really am having my own personal psychotic break.

"Both of you breathe, it's alright. They're empty threats ..." I mutter as I crumple the tape and throw it into my bag as Jules exhales sharply from the front.

"This is some fucked shit, Rory ... I don't think they'd send empty threats." Jules starts and I shake my head.

"Just trust me, it's fine," I mutter as they both go silent.

"What did they want?" Lou asks and I sit up a little, still feeling the ache on my jaw from the fight tonight.

"He was saying shit about joining his gang – Cobras." I specify and I see Jules' eyes go wide. "I- Really guys? I said no, wipe that look off your face." I say and she scoffs in disbelief, putting the back of her hand to my forehead.

"What the hell is wrong with you today?" She snaps at me and I smile back, shaking my head as I pull her hand off my forehead and into mine.

"I'm fine, I'm fine ... just had a weird week ..." I mutter, not that that was justification for what I just did, and she hums a little.

"Okay, so he asked you to join ... why?" Lou jumps in and I click my tongue.

"He said I need someone with the power to back me up, he's just been persistent with it ... that's all he's asked every time he requests me to go up there," I tell them both, and they hum.

"You tell him to fuck off ?" Lou asks and I snort, nodding my head.

"Of course," I say to match him and he sticks his hand back in between the seats. I chuckle as Jules smiles with a slight headshake and I slide my palm against his before fist-bumping him as he drives.

"Oh!" Jules jumps and I look over at her funny as she reaches down and lifts up to hand me the thick white envelope as Lou pulls up to the curb.

"Thank you," I mutter as I take the envelope and I engulf her in a hug as she kisses my cheek.

"Try chamomile with honey–" Jules starts and I chuckle at her, giving Lou's shoulder a squeeze.

"I'm fine, don't worry," I tell her and Lou snorts as he shakes his head with Jules' look on her face.

"Sorry, it's impossible not to." She says and my smile grows as I breathe out a laugh. I mutter a love you, bye to the both of them before I get out.

I shut the door as I wave at them with my duffle in my hand and I head into my building. I jog up the stairs and down the hall of my floor to pull my keys out.

Unlocking the door and stepping in to shut the door behind me, I lock up as I kick my shoes off and drop my bag on the floor. I toss my keys onto my dining table cluttered with my textbooks and bills that I need to take care of. I head through my quiet place, humming to myself as I get to the bathroom.

I start up the shower and peel my clothes off my body. I notice the dried blood dripping down the side of my calf with the prominent teeth marks and I curse under my breath.

I just pull my hair out of the bun for the mess to fall to my shoulders. I walk over, stepping under the stream of water to feel the sting as the water seeps into my fresh wound to clean it.

I find myself shampooing and conditioning my scalp before scrubbing at my skin with the loofah. The dull pain radiates from the bruises starting to form on my body. The soap suds force the teeth marks on me sting even more as I groan under my breath and exhale sharply.

I step out of the shower, drying my body down and wrapping myself up in a fluffy towel in my steamy bathroom. I open my medicine cabinet and tear open a bandage to smooth the huge band-aid patch over the teeth mark crescent cuts on the side of my calf.

I throw the excess wrapping out in the trash. I brush my teeth and wash my face to see the red spots along my jaw and cheek that will bruise over tomorrow. I brush my hair out and run curl product through my hair before I wash my hands again.

I step out to my room with my drying hair over my shoulders. I grab my usual oversized t-shirt and pull it over my head to let my towel drop to the floor. I grab a new pair of underwear and tug it up my legs before calling it enough. I hang the towel up again to dry before turning the fan and lights off in my bathroom.

I take a deep breath and I walk over to my closet, opening it up to the chaos with a determined mind soaked in dwindling adrenaline. I pull at the thin string to see the light bulb flicker on and illuminate the chaos all over the walls and inside panels of the doors.

Huffing under my breath, my eyes frantically stare and trace back and forth. I scan all over the news clippings and following the trails of red string across the leads.

I rub at my face with my hands, my heart slamming in my chest at the loud knock at my door. I turn the light off so fast and shut the door before walking over to the harsh knocking at this hour.

I lift up on my tippy toes and I smirk in amusement at the company that can't seem to stay away.

I open the door before he can knock obnoxiously loud again. His eyes lift to me so fast and look at me through his dark eyelashes and hooded eyes.

His body clothed in a short sleeve champagne silk button-down tucked in a little to a pair of black trousers as well that cut off at his ankles. The buttons of his shirt are undone enough to show me just a little of that crescent tattoo with his swallows inked into his smooth skin accompanied with that gold necklace.

The anger seeps off his pores still and I sweetly smile at him.

"And he's back ..." I tease but he steps in so fast that it makes me yelp. Before I know it, he's reaching down to grab my thighs and throwing me over his shoulder.

I scream out as he slams the door shut and locks it. "Fuck- put me down–" I hit his back as he hasn't said a damn word and he's already kicking his shoes off with his socks.

"You have no idea how fucked you are." He seethes and those words embarrassingly go straight to my core as he starts walking through my place.

"What's got you so worked up?" I edge him, patting his very nice ass.

He throws me in his arms, making me shriek at how easily he just did that. My body falls over his lap as he sits at the edge of my bed and my stomach against his thighs with my knees on the ground.

I gasp and I breathe heavily at the racing heartbeat in me. He grabs my hair and yanks me to look up. I huff as he's inches away from me with his clenched jaw razor-sharp and tobacco drifts off his cool breath with hints of mint as he breathes sharply.

"Remember when I said not to test me, Rory?" He grits his teeth, his nostrils even flaring slightly, and I hum at him.

"Mhm, I like messing with you, baby, it's too easy–" I gasp when I get cut off with a tug to my hair to crane my neck up even more. I whimper at the pain spreading through my scalp in the best possible way.

The roughness that inhabits our nights in my room are pathetically things I only dream about and have the arousal forming in between my legs already.

"Tap out if you can't handle it." He tells me, in a dominant manner, and my lips curl up as I can't even deny the ache for him and the toxicity he brings.

I just shake my head at him "As if," I whisper out into the thickening air, annoyed that he's doubting me.

His lips curl up into a sick smirk as he hums. "You're in for it, Ace, I'm pissed." He mumbles against my temple.

I don't even get to respond before he's shoving me back over his lap and I gasp at the transition.

He lets go of my hair and I breathe heavily in anticipation as I'm across his lap like this, suddenly his hands pull up my shirt to feel more air dance along my buzzing skin. He roughly grips my underwear to tug on it and a whimper leaves me at the pressure he's placing on my sensitive cunt.

I don't even get a chance to think before he snaps his wrist and the underwear rips like thin paper. I yelp at the burn, pinching my eyes shut as he has me in an uncontrollable panting mess.

Yet another useless shower.

"Fuck- Harry–" I whine, pressing my thighs together at the sting it has ignited along my skin.

His hand smooths against my ass cheek and the anticipation swirls in my lower belly, gripping the flesh there harshly. I moan out as my hair cascades over my face and my jaw is slack to both breathe and allow these sexed-up noises to escape my lips.

I receive a strong slap all of a sudden and my body jolts against his lap from the sheer strength of it. I let out an involuntary squeak of surprise with the insatiable burn igniting across my skin.

"This is what you want, Ace? You like testing me–" he starts and I receive another strong spank across my other cheek as I yelp again. I pant like I'm running a damn marathon from the heat in this room.

"Answer me," he seethes at me. I try to catch my breath but I'm too slow when he harshly slaps my ass again and I clench my jaw at the intensity.

"Jesus, fuck–" I squeak out my stomach tightens at his roughness, unable to deny my arousal to it, and I pant.

"Yes." I manage to choke out and he slaps me hard again, making my body jolt against his lap and I whimper as he rubs the burning flesh.

He gropes my ass cheek in his large hand, his cold rings biting into my skin. I screw my eyes shut even more as my face twists up in pain that's so intense that his actions are unmistakably arousing – the adrenaline shoots through my veins with my thrashes heart only is proof of it.

"Ah–" I whimper out into the charged air. His lips press against my ear as his own sharp heavy breaths echo down my ear canal to channel through my body in chills. The arousal pools in between my legs, practically dripping down my inner thighs.

"My girl likes being punished, hm?" He asks and his words make me struggle back with the vexation simmering in me. He holds me still, slapping me again roughly and I gasp out with a yelp getting caught in my throat.

"Then fucking take it, you're always talking shit about underestimating you ... take it, Ace." He snaps into my ear with his breath dances across my skin, producing the most gut-clenching chills across my skin.

He slaps me hard again, the strident contact of his skin to mine resounds through my room and I squeak out as I breathe harshly. He kneads the flesh of my ass and I suck in a breath through my teeth at the burning skin.

"Did you enjoy giving him a little show at the Pit tonight?" He says bitterly and my lips are parted as I breathe like I can't catch my breath.

It's like the first time all over again, but there's more foundational reliance – in the fact that this is all pleasure and a sheer display of emotions in the only way we know how to express them.

"You're just jealous–" I mutter in realization only to get cut off abruptly and I yelp when his palm collides with my ass yet again. The burn spreads across my ass cheek as I whine at the ache reaching its threshold.

"Yeah? Think he'd fuck you like I do?" He asks and I choke on air as my head is dropped, my eyes shut at the intensity of the energy in my room.

When he doesn't get his answer and he slaps me again, as hard as the last few times. His rings collide with my ass and I hiss at the numbing pain when he gropes the flesh roughly.

"Words. Use them." He demands at me harshly.

"Yes." I edge him on, messing with him even more and his palm collides with my ass cheek so hard that I squeak out at the pain radiating along my flesh. The rings bring dazing pain as they collide with my skin and an insatiable burn that makes me feel nothing but more pleasure from it.

My skin tingles in its raw state as he grabs me by my neck, his long fingers and rings bite into my skin as he yanks me up a little more. His fingertips dig into the sides of my neck to produce this mind-numbing headrush but he only forces me upright onto my knees.

His face is inches from mine with absolute anger etched into his features as I pant pathetically with my eyes lifted up to his hooded ones. His green eyes are so dilated that I can't even see that shade of jade that I've grown accustomed to.

"Must have misheard ... what was that, Ace?" He says through his teeth whilst the tobacco seeps from his pores, that vein popping out on his neck as he chokes me hard enough to cut my air off. He waits for me to respond whilst I try to breathe.

"No, no–" I rasp out, his grip loosening and I gasp as a deep hum leaves him.

"That's what I thought ... should I show you, baby?" He mewls, threading his fingers back into my hair and lifting my head again with his grip as I pant even harsher. Light sweat forms along my body from that alone as he stares down at me with an arrogant smirk on his face, drinking in the effect the control he has over me in his dilated eyes.

"Show you that no one ..." he mutters, gripping my hair harder.

I gasp lightly through my pants as the stunning pain radiates through my scalp lightly. His lips press to my ear with his cool breath tickling my sensitive skin.

"Especially not that prick ... can fuck you the way I do ..." he mutters and his words hit a spot, not only at my core, and I swallow hard.

"Show me." I breathe out and he nips down on my earlobe for me to suck in a breath because the necessity of oxygen in here seems to be dwindling.

"Where are your manners, Ace?" He whispers in my ear in his own form of dominance right now, his sharp breaths echo through my ear as he breathes through his nose to regulate himself.

"I'm not fucking begging–" I get cut off when I forgot for a mere second what I was dealing with. His palm collides against my ass, the harsh slap resounding through my room and the burn spreading even more as my face twists up.

A whimper tumbles off my lips as I choke out a huff. "Please," I mumble, sounding submissively his and he calls it enough before he's colliding his lips with mine.

"There's my good girl." His raspy voice focuses on that pit forming in my lower belly, my arousal an absolute mess in between my thighs.

I hum against his lips as his hands let go of my hair for the pain to slowly diminish. He slides them under my arms to lift me up. I allow him to guide me up as I sit myself on his lap.

I curse out at the pain through my raw skin but he bites down on my bottom lip at that very moment. He just chuckles at me with my lip rolled in between his. I sit up a little to cause less pain as I kiss him with everything in me whilst he lets go of my lip in the heat of our feverish kiss.

He's helping me forget all the shit clouding my head and he doesn't even know it.

He pulls at the hem of my shirt and I detach my lips from his for him to yank the material off my body. The cold air remedies my sweating body slightly, dancing along my skin to spark even more goosebumps across my buzzing skin.

My breath is taken from me as my head falls back with a deep moan, my body leans back as he holds me up against his body. I shut my eyes in bliss as his warm tongue devours my skin, every inch of it.

He layers open-mouthed, meaningless kisses across the swell of my puffing tits. He nips down lightly on my sensitive nipple to elicit a soft gasp from my lungs.

He hums as he sucks on my nipple after doing so, flicking my titanium piercing with his wet, warm tongue.

I moan out at the means of mixing the pain with pleasure here – it's just this stunning kaleidoscope of colors with him, every vibrant possibility of hues across a palette that I can't even comprehend. It's so encompassing, so entrancing, that I could get sucked into this charged vortex with him endlessly.

I feel him wrap his arms around my waist tightly and he stands up. I grab his shoulders at the quick transition and he's turning around to crawl onto my bed and throw me down so I collide into the comforter like a ragdoll.

Harry pulls back, his warmth leaving me to feel like mush on my comforter. I put my arms over my head in exhaustion from the adrenaline pumping through me. I pant already and his satisfied chuckle fills my room as I slowly realize that he doesn't fucking play around.

I blink my eyes open, finding his figure in the dim light as he slowly untucks his silk shirt, exposing just a tease of those ferns dipping under the waistband of his trousers. My chest rises and falls as I practically hiccup on breaths as his eyes rake down every inch of my body.

The silence of just my choppy pants filling the room makes me press my thighs together at the suspense and my aching core. He slowly undoes the few buttons of his champagne-colored silk shirt to reveal more of his inked and toned skin, shrugging it off his body to devour the art down his toned features.

His curls are a mess at the top of his head whilst his eyes devour me on the bed like this. He slips out a gold foil square packet and sticks it in between his teeth. Then he effortlessly pops the button on his trousers and undoes the zipper with that evident bulge as my own eyes take in every inch of him.

My heart hammers in my ears as he tugs them down his legs with his boxers, hearing the fabric glide off him, to release his hard erection from the tight constrictions. His precum glistens at his tip, eager for me.

My lips curve up deliriously at him. His knee falls to the edge of the bed as I watch him tear the top of the gold foil with his teeth while shamelessly stroking himself with his own precum and glittering fist. The arousal grows in between my thighs in the charged heat of this sexed-up room.

"Harry–" my voice sounds strangled and desperate as he just smirks at me, not letting up as he hums at me.

"What, baby?" He edges me on and I just watch him stroking his thick cock in his fist and groaning under his breath at his own actions. "Maybe I should just make you watch ..." he begins and I shake my head.

"No," I tell him sternly and his jaw clenches at the backtalk itself and he shakes his head at me.

"Maybe I'll tie you up and make you fucking listen to me," he says loud enough and pathetically the words make my lower belly flutter.

"Harry–" I narrow my eyes at him and he snickers, being in his element right now – fucking tease.

He crawls across the bed and I hum as he gets himself on top of me, those curls falling over his forehead with his gold cross dangling in between us. He rolls the condom down the length of his dick in between us with a soft groan drifting from his lips above me.

"Don't worry, we'll save that one for another time, Ace." He whispers with that stupid smirk of his before pressing both of his palms into the mattress next to my head.

He leans down, pressing his chest to mine to feel the cold contrast of his gold cross on my sternum. I lift up to kiss him but he tugs back. I knit my eyebrows together whilst scanning his amused eyes back and forth above me, trying again to kiss him.

He ghosts his lips over mine in a tease, making fireworks explode in my lower belly, but he draws back again. I huff under my breath as he just builds and builds this tension, knowing he's working me up.

"Hey–" I breathe out and he leans down again, I lift my head off the mattress to kiss him and he tugs back a third time, leaving me hot and heavy underneath him. He snickers to himself as he finds this too amusing and my head falls back with a thump.

"Too easy ..." he mewls my words back.

I grab his cross roughly and pull him down to me. His lips collide with mine and I kiss him back hard in a passionate euphoria as he deeply hums.

"Mmm, you gonna fucking show me or what?" I edge him on whilst I kiss him feverishly, wanting the intensity back as we lost it a few moments ago.

He scoffs harshly under his breath and there he is.

Those angered features reveal themselves back to me. "Watch it–" he starts and I roll my eyes in annoyance under him.

"I can always ask Thomas ..." I whisper up to him and I watch the anger set all over his face and I thread my fingers into his curls to see every inch of it. He takes hold of his base to guide his own actions and his tip runs up my wet core, shuddering at the feeling.

"Moore can't even fuckin' compare to my cock, Ace." He grits out through his teeth, eliciting a light moan from my lips as he nudges my clit.

"Yeah? Prove it–" I huff at him and he surprisingly listens but I gasp when he stuffs me full of his cock all at once, filling me up with every inch.

My grip tightens in his soft curls in between my fingers and I tug at the absolute stretch with a silent moan ripping through my chest. He groans loudly and unashamed against my parted lips. 

"Holy fuck–" I roll my head back and his lips start their nipping pursuit along my hot skin as I squirm under him. My walls pulse as my body adjusts to his size, feeling the entirety of him in this stunning euphoria of him.

"Fuck's sake, you're always so tight for me ..." Harry moans.

His hips roll into mine and the wave of pleasure ripples through my belly.

I lift my legs, wrapping them around his hips to angle my hips right for my own pleasure. It only allows him to thrust deeper and deeper with every roll of his hips into me.

The bed starts to rock with us as he glides in and out of me easily with all the arousal from earlier. His body held up on his forearms as he fucks so deep in me, being able to feel him hitting against a mind-numbing spot in me.

"Oh, god–" I strain out, unable to get words out at the overwhelming pleasure coursing through me. My hands find their way down his warm back to feel the strong muscles flex under my palms.

His lips at my ear ghost over the shell of my ear, his sharp pants resonate with his warm breaths as he thrust into me. 

"God's not helping you now, Ace ..." he mutters into my ear and he slams harder into me for my body to nail into the bed. 

I smooth my hands down his soft, heated skin and to his ass, groping this soft flesh there, and an obscene rumbles through his chest in lack of opposition to my actions. My bed frame knocks into the wall with us as I dig my nails into his toned ass for some kind of relief.

My heels dig into the backs of his thighs with my hands on him to urge him deeper into this tangled mess and I gasp for strained moans. Our hot skin sticks together as I hear him panting into the crook of my neck. A moan leaves my lips but he lifts up, peeling his skin from mine.

He sits up and continues to thrust into me with my legs around his hips. My arms leave to go over my head out of sheer intensity, my body rocks with his harsh thrusts into me.

His chest and forehead glisten in sweat as his eyebrows are knit together in pleasure with his lips parted. His abdomen muscles flex sharply, displaying every evident crevice and ridge to his toned body as he fucks into me.

I know now that I'll never be able to get that image out of my head along with the sight of his glistening cock sliding in and out of me right now.

I moan slightly as he leans over me with the pleasure etched all over his face, grabbing my jaw with one hand to send a aching hiss from the back of my throat and his other hand pressing into the mattress next to my shoulder.

That damn gold cross swings over my face as a reminder of the hypocrites we are.

I attempt to take matters into my own hands, I clamp my thighs around him and I try to flip him over.

But he doesn't let me go anywhere with a death grip on me and a strained huff leaving my lips as he chuckles through his rough breaths. "Oh, baby, did you forget who's in charge tonight?" He uses my words against me and I groan at him and the fucking pain through my jaw.

He listens to my request for a new position, pulling out of me with a raspy whine leaving the both of us, and my eyes flutter open.

"Har–" I gasp as he grabs my hips and lifts me up like I'm nothing. 

He turns my entire body to put me on my side, positioning me as he wants and I can hear my heart thrashing in my ears as I sniffle lightly from the heat. He lifts my left leg as I watch him extend my leg up against his chest and he straddles my bottom leg.

His tip pushes right back into me and I bury my face to the side into the comforter to silently scream before his name is the only thing that tumbles from my mouth. His lewd moan rattles from his chest as he holds my leg tight to his hard chest and manages to perfectly hit that sweet spot inside of me with this fresh angle.

He starts his pursuit to prove himself to me and I moan out as he rocks into me. The bed shifts with us as he fucks into me so deep, hearing our skin colliding echo through the sexed-up room. I harshly pant as my stomach coils in the best possible way and I indelicately moan with him.

"Fuck, fuck- Harry–" I moan out at the immense pressure building on my lower stomach, just waiting for the sheer explosion of pleasure across my skin but the tone of my voice almost comes off like a plea.

He pounds into me, my neighbors probably hate me for the amount of immoral noise encompassing this room. "Take it, baby, you can take it." He moans out through his indecent moans and I can only manage to choke out a raspy moan and pinch my eyes shut.

My body starts to give in to his undeniable spell and that tension starts to unravel in my lower belly. His dick hits my g-spot every goddamn time he slams into me, casting this dizzying sensation through my entire body.

"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna–" I squeak out as his harsh pants resound through my ears and he salaciously moans.

"Go on, show me how I make you feel, Ace." He moans and that tips all of it over the edge. I bury my twisted-up face into the comforter to disguise my indelicate noises.

My erotic moans muffle into the comforter as he curses out a string of profanities into the heat of this room. I unravel before his eyes and euphoria ripples through my lower belly to every inch of my buzzing skin. My toes curl whilst my legs shake in the slightest from the intensity of this orgasm that's cascading over me.

My body tenses up while all the blood rushes to my core and he only holds my leg tighter to ensure I don't go far. Liquid white heat shoots through my veins in this overwhelming magnitude of this orgasm. I attempt to moan but my lips only remain parted with every ounce of tension leaving my body and my mind.

"Good fucking girl–" he moans in satisfaction. I exhale sharply, almost missing a breath and I whimper out as I pull my face from the confines of the comforter.

Every part of my skin tingles as I melt into the comforter with a sharp exhale only with this newfound blissful haze lingering in me. He slows his thrusts to give me a second to collect myself and come back down to reality with my short breaths.

"You alright, babe?" He pants out and I can only manage to hum out an mhm, his unmistakable chuckle filters through the sexed-up aura that engulfs my room. I deliriously shake my head as he pulls out, eliciting an exhale from me and a needy groan from him.

His cold-contrasted rings on his warm hands make contact with my hips and he flips me to my back again, spreading my legs apart with my left leg still extended up against his chest to line himself up with my cunt.

My arousal and cum practically drips down to my ass as I take sight of his sweaty curls falling over his forehead with the harsh breaths I'm trying to regulate in my lungs.

He pushes back into me, filling me up entirely, to elicit a guttural groan from his diaphragm and my face twists up in pleasure yet again – wondering how he can have me trapped under his ways like this, sex has never felt this good with anyone else.

"Fucking hell–" he animalistically moans out, his accent coating over his words in a way that produces even more flutters through my blood coursing through me.

"Jesus fuck–" I breathe out and he rocks his hips with his cock buried deep in me, finding a pace that's to his liking and mine. His incessant moans only aid the pit forming yet again in my lower belly and a hoarse moan escapes from the back of my throat.

His hand slides up my body and he leans over me to push my thigh closer to my chest and stretch my muscle with ease. He wraps his left, ring-clad hand around my neck with his fingertips digging into the sides of my heated skin, applying a dizzying amount of pressure.

My eyes flutter open and a soft gasp attempts to enter my system whilst he hovers over me. That cross rocks as he smirks above me and I can only produce a silent moan.

"You're a little whore for my cock, aren't you, baby?" He pants out as he fucks into me at this deep angle.

My hands gravitate up to wrap around his inked forearm leading to his hand encased around my neck, as if it isn't already hard to breathe like this.

My smirk simply grows with his as I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, the devilish look glimmering in his sexed-up eyes only lets me know he's up to no good.

I can only manage to hum as he fucks into me, his soft groans accompany my strangled moans while I can literally feel him in my gut.

The noises send a tightening sensation through my lower belly and I whimper as his eyes stay pinned on me. The eye contact between us only adds to the intensity of the raw sexual heat right now.

"Tell me, Ace, tell me how much of a filthy fucking whore you are for my dick ..." he pants out. I breathe out a half-laugh and a moan, shaking my head at him in determination at the moment.

"You arrogant little shit, even Thomas could do better–" I lethally breathe out my death wish, my voice sounding strained and hoarse but dripping with amusement.

"Say that shit again, Rory, I fucking dare you." He grips tightens around my neck, his jaw goes razor-sharp as his eyes darken above me. He snaps his hips into me roughly in response to force my words to catch in my throat.

"Thomas- would be better–" I adamantly manage to get the thick words out of my strangled throat. A squeak of a exhale escapes my lips as he frustratedly groans, shaking his own head with those touseled curls.

Damn, I simply did what he asked.

"Yeah? Just for that, you're not going to cum ... until you admit I'm the only one that can fuck this damn good." He breathes harshly, his cheeks flushed like mine probably. 

But I can only manage to tempt the teaser himself.

"Please, Harry, as if you could fucking last–" my voice comes out strained and hoarse with his own grip around my throat as his eyes dilate above me at the challenge.

He slows his thrust suddenly, halting the blissful sensations rippling through my lower belly.

"Fuck!" I curse out and he arrogantly chuckles with a light sniffle. He pulls back to only have his tip in me, my walls flutter around nothing from the lack of satisfaction.

"God, I love this little game of ours, you know I always win, baby." He smirks above me in sheer muse of having me wound up like this under him, being so out of control yet again with him.

"Harry–" I grit out through my teeth and he sinks back into me again to elicit a strangled moan from my chest.

He mocks my moans with his eyes locked on mine, flickering fires of amusement blaze hot in those darkened eyes above me, which only forces a frustrated groan to rumble from my chest. 

"What's the matter, baby? Can't take it?" He says, practically hearing the smirk dripping from his accented tone of voice.

A whine rumbles from the back of my throat. I grip his forearm, digging my nails into his skin to produce a soft moan from him and his lust for pain.

"You know what to do, Ace, use that mouth of yours and admit what a fucking slut you are for me." He says with a prominent rasp to his voice and I arch up only to have him shove me back down.

I meet his hooded eyes as he slowly fucks into me to rock my bed that I will be taking to church to cleanse – yes, all of it. 

"Admit it and I'll let you cum as hard as you want around my cock," he whispers into the charged heat encompassing my room and that build resumes with the raging intensity and the sheen sweat over the both of us.

The desire to finish only grows and grows by the millisecond, my cunt throbbing for a pleasurable release that he's not giving me until I cave.

In a vexation with him, I smirk back with a strangled laugh leaving me as I manage to lightly shake my head with his body hovering over mine. He fucks me with sharp, thrusts at a torturously slow pace, cutting off my words in my throat with every snap of his hips to ram the entirety of him into me – ensuring I feel every damn inch of him.

"Two can fucking ... play at that game, baby ..." I pant out with a smirk hugging my face. He simply returns the expression, sniffling lightly in the charged heat that engulfs the two of us.

His hard thrusts deep into me roughly, shooting ecstasy through my body with every one. My moans get lodged in my throat as his glistening muscles flex prominently with every roll of his hips and my stomach begins to satisfyingly coil.

"But doesn't it feel good, baby?" He pants out and I raspily moan with him with a slight nod in this dreamworld he's captured me in.

His hand tightens around my neck, eliciting a soft gasp from me to add that mind-numbing headrush through me in the best possible way.

"Mhm," I hum out, watching the most troublesome smirk form on his face.

He simply draws his hips back, ripping the satisfaction from me in an instant.

His cock slips out of me and rests against my throbbing cunt from being so painfully hard whilst edging me. I gasp out for any possible air that could save me from this kind of torture.

"You fucking asshole, oh my g–" I whine from the back of my throat with my eyes pinched shut as I writhe under him but those goddamn hands of his keep me right where he wants me.

"Harry, Harry–" My body pulses for something to relieve this immense pressure on my lower belly, and I pant harshly, my chest spasming practically.

His tip nudges my clit as he glides the entirety of the length of his dick against my aching core without pushing in. A needy moan rattles through my chest as he chuckles lightly from having me all worked up like this, I'm absolute putty in his hands.

"Come on, tell me who fucks you as rough as you want? Hm? Whose cock fills you up this well, Ace?" He taunts and I whimper out at the sudden lack of relief with the moisture pooling in my eyes.

"Please, please–"

I'm here begging for it as he fills me up again in an instant to send a sliver of bliss through my lower belly. An obscene moan rips through my chest, my entire body coated in sweat while I clench around him.

He rocks into me too slowly, not giving me what I want and I whine from the back of my throat in a raspy need for more.

"I love hearing you beg, baby, but that's not what I want, Ace." He taunts and he starts to build to a satisfying pace. My body is in absolute shambles for him with his hand encased around my throat.

He has me in a complete mess and my right leg hooks tightly around his hip to ensure he doesn't leave with the other stretched up against his chest and my foot dangles over his shoulder.

His thrusts are rough, more desperate himself as our incessant, strained moans engulf this tense room. My stomach tightens and clenches while my head rolls back with my back arching slightly and he just stops for a second.

"God- Harry–" I cry out with a tear streaming out of the corner of my eye from the lack of relief as he huskily groans, getting desperate himself.

"Keep it up, Ace, you know ... I won't hesitate to leave you all wound up like this–" he grits out with his hand so tight around my neck and the blood rushes up to the surface of my cheeks in a heated flush of deep red.

I curse out loudly at the lack of satisfaction, he's edging the both of us into this beckoning oblivion of intensity. My heart thrashes in my chest, my head spins from the absence of air, and the tightening sensation across my lower stomach is so intense that the fucker might make me pass out right here.

He teases, pressing his pelvic bone against my clit to have every incredulous inch of him in me and a harsh gasp enters my lungs.

"Tell me, pretty girl ... who–" he pants out in his own struggles whilst my walls flutter around him.

"You, Harry, you, it's you–" the yield comes tumbling out of my mouth in honest pleas.

"Damn right it is, angel," he slams his hips into me hard enough to send me spiraling.

I gasp out, only for it to get stuck in my throat as he cuts my dwindling air off and his pace speeds up to what we both need to finally get off.

"See ... that wasn't so hard, baby–" he pants out harshly and he pounds into me mercilessly with his leverage on my neck. My moans blend with his in a symphony of fever that is soon to come crashing down in a blissful release.

"God, I fucking hate ... you–" I pant out and his dark chuckle accompanies his husky moan as he hits that sweet spot in me that's making me see stars.

"If you hate me so fucking much, Rory ... why am I the only one that can have you like this?" His words tumble thickly off his cherry lips in toxic lust and only send me completely overboard.

He hoarsely groans out of desperation for his own high. My back impossibly arches up as his pelvic bone manages to hit my clit with every sharp thrust.

"That's it," he raspily groans at my body unraveling before his eyes. My moans tumble out at the incredulous, rough pace of his hips and the single hot tears stream out of the corners of my eyes from the sheer intensity of this high.

His thrusts get more unsynchronized, knowing his own form of overwhelming bliss is about to cascade over him with me. My back bows up and his grip tightens around my neck to relieve some of his own pleasure, his insatiable grunts and obscene moans partnered with my name tumbling off his lips echo through the heated air.

My eyes roll to the back of my head and my nails dig in so hard that I pierce through his inked skin with my body so tensed up.

My legs shake lightly around him. A silent moan attempts to escape my lips in the form of his name but the headrush shoots through me accompanied by his death grip around my neck and the lack of oxygen don't allow it.

All the blood rushes to my core in a liquid fiery heat that ripples through my entire body whilst I clench around his cock. The intensity of it all cascades over me in pure euphoria sparking through my system that allows my mind to finally go blank.

Everything else in the world fades except for him.

Soon enough, his release fills the constrictions of the condom, and a strained, raspy moan escapes from his diaphragm. I exhale sharply and relax whilst his thrusts slow to ride out his high.

My ears ring incessantly and I try to breathe but I can't with his hand so tight around my neck, my cheeks heat up a bright hue of red to match Harry's.

He whimpers softly before collapsing onto my body and a sharp grunt leaves my lungs at the impact of him squishing me.

I lightly tug on his wrist, not saying much – unable to say much – with my mind and body in shambles.

His hand finally loosens with my eyes still shut with the bliss lingering on my sweating skin and I softly gasp. I pinch my eyes shut and cough a little, the blood rushing to return back to my body and going a little lightheaded for a second.

His strong arms wrap around my waist tightly, firmly holding my body to his. He rolls us both over in a simple motion so I get on top with a tired whimper to be able to breathe better.

My head buries itself in his neck as he wheezes under me, neither of us having the ability to move at the moment. The sparks tingle through my entire system and my body shakes on top of his as he relaxes and I follow in pursuit.

I melt into him with a sharp exhale as he lazily kisses over my bare shoulder. My legs continue to tremble around his hips as he starts to soften inside of me.

We pant rapidly and together as his hot puffs of air leave his lips to fan against my already heated skin in a noticeable wheeze.

His arms unwrap from tightly around my waist and he rubs up and down my thighs to soothe the shaking muscles. My arms fall to his sides as strands of my hair stick to my forehead. All in the process, those soft lips gently press along my sore neck in pursuit of the harsh grip he had there.

Harry shuffles under me and I groan as he lifts my body up a little and pulls himself out of me. I exhale loudly with him as I find myself rolling off his body, peeling our skin off each other.

My legs draped over his torso as his stomach rises and falls with his chest as I put my arms over my head in a state of trying to come back to the present.

His large hand rubs against my shin and he leans up, my half-closed eyes watch him kiss over the band-aid. Then his eyes drift over to me and I stare back at him in his own half-dazed state.

He snaps out of it and I huff as I shut my eyes. He pulls my legs off to roll off my bed to take care of himself. I hear shuffling around my room and in the bathroom.

I don't dare to move a muscle, just clamping my jittering muscles together with my eyes shut and I could fall asleep at any second.

Before I understand, he's scooping his arms under me. I let out an exhausted puff of air as he carries me to a place where the bright fluorescents burn my retinas and I groan.

"You have to pee ..." he mumbles.

I blink my eyes open to meet his green ones above me, giving him the oddest look I ever have before as his lips twitch up. He sets me on my feet on the ground to perceive his flushed pink cheeks under the fluorescent lights and he places my clothes on the sink countertop with that.

"Wha–" I mumble hoarsely.

He breathes out a light laugh before he's cupping my warm cheeks and pressing his lips to the tip of my nose.

My knees nearly go weak with that one before he pulls away again and walks out, shutting the door behind him with the loud fan running.

I sit myself down on the toilet to indeed do what he brought me here for, wincing when the sensitive skin makes contact with the cold seat. I clean myself up and flush, washing my hands after and my face with that.

I glance up to see my tired eyes and skin that's still flushed a soft shade of pink. I pat my face dry as I try to revel in the moments I just had but my mind is complete mush right now.

I turn around, glancing into the mirror to see the harsh red prints on my ass cheeks. My tired smirk not leaving as I pull my clothes onto my jittering body.

I realize now that he's probably gone now and I walk out.

A limp persists in me to only be surprised when he's sitting at the edge of my bed in just his boxers with the glow of his screen lighting up his face.

His eyes meet mine and his lips tug up at the corners when he sees me struggling to even walk before I collapse into my bed. I pull the comforter over my body with a relieved sigh and he crawls over surprisingly, again.

He slowly pushes my hair back as my eyes meet his green ones that scan my face back and forth for a second.

"Was it too much?" He asks with his fingers threaded into my hair and my eyebrows knit together as he seems sincere about it.

"No, I said I can take it and I mean that," I mumble with my voice practically gone and his swollen lips twitch up slightly as his thumb drags across my bottom lip with his eyes fixed there – as if hesitant to look directly at me with the sincerity to the words he shares.

"I know, Ace, but everyone has their limits." His voice fades out and I shake my head slightly.

"You didn't cross it, don't worry ..." I murmur tiredly and he nods slightly with the satisfaction he needs.

I realize it's something we should probably talk about but I don't expect it to last long enough.

"What did Moore want?" He changes the subject and my face scrunches up.

There goes that moment.

I shake my head as he scoffs at me. "Rory." He tired snaps at me, almost sounding like a plea.

I clear my throat a little, blinking my eyes at him as he lays on his side with his body propped up on his forearm with his bicep flexed prominently.

"Come on, Ace–" he whispers, softer than I've ever heard him as his green eyes pierce into mine. His hand splayed on the side of my head, grazing my cheekbone but my tenacious heart and exhausted mind refuse altogether.

"I don't know ..." I whisper and his lips part as he blinks a few times at me.

"I'm trying so fucking hard, I'm on your side here." He murmurs bitterly and I exhaustedly scoff at him and all of this shit about sides.

"My side? What the hell is that supposed to–" I start in confusion with my eyebrows tugged together tightly.

"Forget it, I can't do this shit again." He mutters before his hand leaves and he lifts up to get off my bed, feeling the mattress even groan when he gets up.

Don't go, please, stay – my inner monologue screams at him.

"That makes you a fucking hypocrite, Harry, you don't get to ask me questions if you're not giving me anything," I tell him instead as my indelible heart remains superior and he scoffs at me, rolling over to see him pulling his pants up.

"And that makes you a fucking idiot for trusting him over me," He states whilst doing up the buttons to his shirt. I lift up on my elbows to give him a scoff of my own with my comforter pulled up to my chest still.

"Do you hear yourself?" I snap at him whilst I sit up as he pulls his shirt on and he sarcastically hums. "I don't trust either of you," I tell him sharply and he just smiles at me, noticing the psychopathic essence to it makes my stomach twist.

"Good ... manipulate your way through this shit and you lose either way," he sneers and my face scrunches up as I stare at him.

"Just get out," I mutter despite my own thoughts.

"Gladly," he nods with that one.

"Prick," I curse him under my breath before I fall back to my pillow, ignoring the ache in my chest as I listen for him to leave.

I hear the door open up and slam shut loudly in the distance. I exhale loudly with the breath I've been holding in since the second the conversation took a turn for the worse.


brb, i'm gonna go take a lap or maybe a few

also, something about this song ... some ... je ne sais quoi, that makes me feel like a bad bitch

anyways ...

AND pls, pls, pls go vote !

love, han

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