killer instinct - || h.s. ||

By eversincekyoto

832K 22.2K 30.9K

a killer instinct was coined in the early boxing world as a protective, cold mentality that surges to one's c... More

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By eversincekyoto

" don't take it easy, you like it hard like me "


harry styles *

I sit with my back against the door and my legs over the center console of my running car, god- this girl owes me so much fucking gas money.

I listen to my music play through the speakers in my car with a burning cigarette in between my fingers. My phone landscape-oriented in my hands as I bring the filter of this cigarette to my lips, sucking in the remedying nicotine and pulling it back. I hold the potent smoke in whilst I grumble under my breath at the dilemma in front of me.

"What singer gave Marilyn Monroe a white poodle named Mafia?" I mutter under my breath with only have a few letters on the screen, the rest leaving me puzzled with the blank spaces I need to fill. I take another drag of this cigarette in between my fingers to feel the smoke fill my damaged lungs and hum to the tune of the soulful song pathetically echoing through my space.

"For fuck's sake ..." I mumble to myself as I rack my brain for the answer to this while breathing the smoke into the warm car. I reach behind me, twisting to tap the ashes out the crack of the window before sitting back comfortably. I stare at it for a second, racking my brain of every possibility and it hits me.

I laugh to myself in realization, resting my cigarette in between my lips while I get the letters for them to be approved. "Who is Frank Sinatra?" I mutter as my phone chimes in success.

Fuck, I'm so good–

I look up from the game on my phone, pulling the filter back and groaning out of annoyance from my momentary win. I see none other than this girl walk out of her apartment building.

Her breath forms in front of her like little clouds in the cold as she pulls out her smokes from her pocket and I continue to stare. She's wearing a pair of leather trousers that flare at the bottom and a tight shirt, accompanied with an open long coat that drapes to her knees on her lean frame.

I just sit here like a sociopath wondering who the fuck gets to see her like that, either way, they don't fucking deserve it.

I watch her pull a white cigarette out of her pocket and stick it in between her lips, lighting the end with the simple orange flame and I continue to stare. Her roughed-up black vans are always on her feet, practically falling apart to pull the entire outfit together to completely scream: her.

She starts to walk, making me groan out loud in annoyance. I pull my legs off the center console and sit forward again, flicking my cigarette out the window and shifting the car out of park.

I pull away from the curb while I look for her on the sidewalk, scanning around to see her walking way ahead of me. I just lean back against the leather seat, one hand at the top of the wheel while I pinch my bottom lip with the other.

I fucking hate this shit, I feel like a fucking creep as she calls me. This isn't an all the time but I can't have what happened a few nights ago happen again, I already feel the guilt for being late that night. Also, I don't need to get my ass beat for letting her idiot self get hurt.

I lose her for a little on the sidewalk, cursing under my breath at the fact that she fucking walks everywhere but I know the reasons why.

I don't get far before I see her disappear into a flower shop and the slight guilt runs through me. She walks in and out relatively fast but leaves with a bouquet of sunflowers in her hands. She brings her nose to the flowers like it's nostalgic for her while she walks. She doesn't walk in the direction I thought she would, instead, she heads down to the diner and I groan slightly.

I continue to follow her, hating every second of this, as she stops at the curb. I watch her wait for a second, analyzing her nervous behavior at the curb. She nervously shifts her weight on her feet but she gathers herself to be able to lift her hand up into the air to hail a cab.

It takes a few seconds before one pulls up and she gets in. I immediately follow as I drive through traffic to get behind that cab amid all the other yellow cabs in the city right now. I run my fingers through my hair, curious as to where this new location is that she's sneaking off to tonight.

Listen, listen, I understand that this is creepy as hell. I just have no other way to do this, I can't let her dumbass get hurt, or else I'm fucked.

My eyebrows knit together even more as I pinch my bottom lip and I pull over to the opposite curb across the street from the goddamn hospital.

I watch her figure slide out with the flowers and she freezes outside the building for a little, just looking up at the daunting building that towers over her and forcing me to swallow hard. Eventually, she walks into the building, disappearing from my sight. I let my forehead fall to the steering wheel with a groan.

I stare and I stare, waiting for her to walk out while glancing back and forth from the entrance of the hospital to the time on the center console of my car in the dark. My fingertips anxiously tap on the steering wheel. I rub at my jaw while I debate on just giving up and going in because even I can only tolerate so much of this creep shit.

Those thoughts soon leave when I see that familiar head of dark brown hair walk back out, shoving her hands into her pockets without the yellow flowers anymore. My eyes go a little wide without any idea as to what she just did.

But that all comes crashing down when I realize where she's going next. Not far down the block, she disappears right under the neon sign of a bar by her goddamn self.

I scoff a little, calling it quits and deciding to figure out what the hell she just did at the hospital. I shut off the ignition and reach across the car, opening the glove box to grab my gun.

I sit up a little with a slight sniffle to tuck it into the back of my trousers. I tug my shirt and corduroy jacket down to cover it whilst I get out of my car. I shut the door and lock my car as I walk right across the street, twirling my keys around my finger and stepping up onto the curb in the cold. I clip the pink carabiner of mine to my belt loop before pushing the door open and the smell of the hospital fills my nose, only to make me slightly nauseous with these bright fluorescents.

I look around, taking in the emergency room with patients of all kinds on hospital beds. The white marble floors and the air itself smells sterilized.

"Can I help–" I hear a familiar voice filter into my ears. I look over to the front nurse's station to see her black hair tied up in a messy bun of curls and amber eyes meet mine. "Harry, hey." She smiles while she wears blue scrubs like the rest of the nurses in here.

"Anderson," I say, in half realization that she could be the reason she was here. I walk over and she gives me a weird look. I lean against the counter whilst sliding my other hand into my pocket, looking down to see the very proof of the yellow sunflowers on the other side in front of her.

"Everything okay?" She asks and I knit my eyebrows together. I lift my eyes to meet her confused ones again.

"Was that A- Rory?" I ask as I glance back down at the yellow flowers and she breathes out a light laugh. I look back up at the disbelief on her face as she nods.

"Yeah, she just stopped by ..." Anderson mutters and I nod a little, staring at her and the realization Rory gave me the other day at the diner.

"Why?" I ask as she hums, toying with the ribbon around the stems.

"She's sweet, she just wanted to make sure I was okay," Anderson says as she smiles affectionately. My eyebrows knit together, even more, trying to figure this girl out because she is so hot and cold, I swear.

"That's all? She wasn't asking around about anything?" I ask and Anderson gives me a look, narrowing her eyes at me under the fluorescents and scoffing at me.

"Harry, come on." She mutters in annoyance. I simply give her a look, not sure what she's saying that for when she knows exactly what the circumstances are here. "It's so fucked what you're all doing to her–" she starts and I cut her off.

"Not me, it's not my decision," I tell her as she groans a little, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I don't care, she deserves so much better–" Anderson starts and I click my tongue a little, pulling back and tapping my knuckles on the countertop.

"It's for the best," I tell her as my palm slides off the counter and she just shakes her head at me, harshly laughing under her breath.

"Keep telling yourself that, Harry," Anderson mutters before she grabs the flowers and walks around the countertop to pass me. "I'll see you soon." She says as I nod a little, running my fingers through my hair. She disappears and I huff under my breath.

I walk back through the hospital and my vans tap against the marble floor before I push the door open to re-emerge into the cold air again. I rub at my jaw as I groan under my breath lightly at this, all of it.

I head down the sidewalk, mentally cursing her for this shit whilst pulling the door open.

The bar music and dim lights accompany the awful smell of alcohol filling my nose. I scrunch my nose a little and shake out the rattled feeling from my bones. I swallow thickly, glancing around to see the pool tables off at the far end of the room and a section of this dance floor with people slowly dancing and grinding all over each other.

I cringe a little, continuing on my journey through the dingy place while walking over to the bar, glowing with the displays of the alcohol bottles behind the counter. I just glance down the long bar with all the people crowding around it and sitting on barstools.

I do a quick scan back and forth until my eyes stop themselves on a head of dark hair all by their lonesome. Her jacket is off in this heated place and the small ink down her arms gives her identity away instantly.

My feet have a mind of their own, loving the surprise on her face when I randomly join the little things she does through the day – christ, you really are a fucking creep.

I take a breath, sitting myself down on the stool next to her. I glance down at the crystal cocktail glass in her hand and her eyes drift over to me. I give her a smirk while watching the shock leave her face and trade for a smile on those full lips.

"Hey, stalker, I was wondering when you'd show." She says as she sips on her drink and I breathe out a laugh.

"You were waiting for me?" I give her fake enthusiasm and her features light up, snickering a little as I smile back at her.

"No, baby, you came to me." She says and I give it to her, taking a deep exhale with that. She simply smirks back at me in her own success.

"You're here by yourself?" I ask her and she tilts her head back, finishing off the rest of her drink. Her flushed cheeks puff full as she swallows with absolutely no reaction – which is concerning.

Her head bobs as she sweetly nods at me whilst holding her empty glass out to the bartender and my eyes can't help but glance down at her outfit.

I drag my eyes down the cropped black tank top first and past the sliver of her toned stomach showing with those leather trousers that flare at the bottom. My teeth sink into my bottom lip while I slowly notice her nipple piercings sticking against the tight fabric of her top.

"Tequila, neat." She requests and that's when I snap out outfit as the bartender takes her glass.

"Straight?" I snap at her and her amused eyes glance over at me as she laughs a little.

"No, I like girls too, baby ..." she says and my lips part a little in slight shock yet none at all. The filth running through my head forces my hips to shift with curse words under my breath. I rub at my face with a groan to get rid of the images as she continues to laugh it up, hearing a light hiccup leave her lips and I snap my eyes open.

"How many of those have you had?" I ask her and she looks over as the bartender's hands over half empty glass to her.

"Thanks, Mr.Bartender guy." She chimes as he gives her the same delusional look I am. "Wanna drink?" She asks me and I nearly scoff at the request but I keep that shit to myself.

"No," I tell her immediately and she looks at me funny.

"Why not?" She asks and I run my fingers through my hair with a huff.

"Because I'm driving, Ace," I tell her and her eyebrows go up a little as she hums with an amused smile.

The nickname slips while being fitting for her in all aspects. I'm not going to be the one to openly tell her she does well at the Pit so the nickname serves its purpose without having to actually compliment her directly. But it pathetically runs deeper than that and now the nickname has stuck.

"So responsible," she coos and she pats my cheek with her soft hand. I glare a little, pushing her hand off me while a giggle escapes her lips. She sips on her drink, my eyes going even more wide at the lack of reaction to the pure alcohol.

She looks over at me as she swallows with a light sour face before shaking it out. She lifts up her fingers to count on them slowly like she's trying to process it in her head at the speed of a turtle. I look at her in confusion with my bottom lip pinched in between my fingers.

"I've had 5 of these, by the way ..." she whispers at me and holds out her fingers all spread out for me to see the fingers she counted. Her lips curl up as she snickers to herself whilst I facepalm myself at the babysitting catastrophe at hand here.

"How the hell did you plan on getting home, dumbass?" I snap at her and she hums at me, facing me now on the stool so our knees gently touch.

"I was going to drive." She says slowly whilst pressing her lips together to hold in a laugh. I stare at her like she's absolutely insane, blinking a few times under the dim lights.

Her features soften to an amused smile in an instant that I almost would have missed the bliss. Her head falls back to laugh adorably and an odd feeling shoots through my skin while she hiccups softly.

"God- no, I was just going to one of those- ... those- oh fuck, what are they called?" She mutters to herself with her eyebrows knit together while that smile fades from her face. She grows frustrated and groans whilst pinching the bridge of her nose under the bar light. "Those yellow cars–" she says under her breath and I snort a little.

"A cab?" I ask and she gasps enthusiastically, patting my thigh in appreciation and I genuinely laugh at her intoxicated stupidity.

"Yes, yes, one of those. I was going to take a cab." She snickers and I shake my head a little, running my fingers through my hair.

"You're such a fucking idiot," I mutter at her and she hums whilst chuckling through her nose, her cheeks flushed under the dim lighting of the bar. She just slides off the stool and I give her a confused look as she picks up her coat.

"Well, come on." She says as if she expected me to walk with her already while looking over her shoulder to me for a second before walking away. My eyes drag down to her perky ass with the leather material hugging it and groaning under my breath.

I get myself up and follow her, weaving past people as she does the same to get ourselves over to a pool table.

She throws her long coat onto one of the chairs and turns to look over at me. "Play with me?" She asks innocently when there's nothing remotely innocent about her.

I give her a slight nod because I have nothing better to do. She walks over, grabbing the two wooden sticks and walking over to me again.

I lean back, sitting against the edge of the pool table. She walks up to me and hands me one of the poles. Her lean body situates itself in between my legs and I can smell the repulsive alcohol on her lips from the close proximity but she makes it bearable.

My hand involuntarily gravitates to her hip, feeling the soft fabric and sliver of her skin under my palm. Her straight teeth sink into her full bottom lip with the pretty shade of lipstick that I wonder how it would look all over my–

"What do I get if I win?" She asks whilst pulling me out of my thoughts, her eyes meeting mine as my fingertips get a taste of her warm skin with the sliver of it she's showing. I smirk a little at the challenge, not expecting the night to go like this after the way the last night with her went under the snowglobe of the city.

Like I said: she's so fucking bipolar, I never know what to expect with her.

"Who said you're winning?" I ask her and she breathes out a light laugh at me, her free hand rubs against the top of my thigh over my trousers.

"I already know I'm going to, baby." She says confidently and my stomach does a flip at the word itself. I scan her features under the dim light with the thumping music and bubbling chatter surrounding us with a stupid light smile on my face.

"What do you want?" I ask as I tilt my head slightly to notice the amusement grow on her face and she hums.

"You have to dance with me." She requests, her warm kaleidoscope eyes glance over at the people dancing in this bar before they meet mine again.

My lips clamp shut and my head falls back to suddenly laugh obnoxiously. I instantly chuckle through my nose with my fist over my mouth, scrunching my nose to contain my humor to the absurdity of her. She laughs a little with me, awaiting an actual answer.

"Good thing I'll be winning then," I tell her and that grin of hers only grows to hug her face under the awful lighting, watching her amused eyes as she shakes her head at me.

"I love proving you wrong, Styles." She chimes as I give her a look at the word choice.

She just smiles it off, sticking her hand out. I smirk even more and take her small hand in mine and giving it a firm shake. Her warm eyes stay on mine, shadows dancing across her face from the dim light.

"Alright, let me get this over with." She pulls away from me as she grabs her drink to sip on it. I rub my jaw slightly at the lack of warmth before I stand up straight again, watching her set the glass down on the wood rim around the table and she grabs the triangle to set up.

I lean my weight against this wooden stick while I watch her be extra careful with her actions as if she's struggling with the amount of alcohol in her. She grins to herself, like a little kid separating out their candy on Halloween, and hesitantly pulls the triangle from the formation of pool table balls in success.

I breathe out a light laugh but cut myself off, clearing my throat a little as I shake that odd feeling out.

The hell is wrong with you, Styles, stop–

She holds the white ball in her hand and holds it out to me. "Wanna break?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Go for it, I'll be nice," I tell her as she smirks at me, shaking her head as if that was a bad move in the first place but I know I'm going to win here – there's nothing to worry about. She sets the white ball down on the table, watching her with an amused smile as she bends over.

My stomach tightens at the sight itself and she extends the stick across her body to rest the tip against her knuckles on the green felt. My eyes legitimately right down her goddamn shirt as she pulls her hand back and snaps it forward to hit the white ball in front of her.

The ball goes rolling and snapping against the triangle for the colorful balls to go scattering across the table. That crisp snap pulls me out of my dazed thoughts, cursing my attention span. I watch carefully in the chaos of the break to see a solid roll right into the corner pocket and I glance over to her proud grin.

"Solids," I say and she nods at me whilst humming a little to the music. I take a breath as she goes over to the stopping point of the white ball. She hums, leaning over right across from me this time to see the view right in front of my eyes.

The ideas run through my head of fucking her like that to that view of her in a mirror – swollen lips, her glossy green and brown eyes, and her body jolting against the sink countertop as her eyes roll to the back of her head.

I snap out of it yet again at the tap of the porcelain ball against another. My eyes go wide as she sinks another solid. I tug up my trousers a little and she smirks at me.

Her eyes meet mine while she walks right over to me for her next turn, the smirk on her face lets me know she's up to no good. My heart stops for a second as she bends over right in front of me and I scoff under my breath.

She's acting as if she's not doing anything right now and I realize that two could play that fucking game.

I laugh a little, placing my hands on either side of her. I grip the edge of the pool table, pressing my crotch to her ass lightly and her eyes meet mine over her shoulder.

"Seems oddly familiar, doesn't it, baby ..." I mutter to her alone, just over the sound of the music as she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip and softly laughs. She turns away from me to focus again and I lean down, my body pressing to hers as hearing the smallest of hums escape her. I watch her line herself up for this shot.

"Think you'll make it?" I whisper into her ear and she chuckles at me, feeling it vibrate from her body. She snaps the shot as the ball goes rolling fast to tap the other and it bounces right out of the pocket.

I suck in a breath through my teeth. "Oh, so close." I drag out sarcastically.

"Fuck off." She laughs a little, pushing me off of her with an annoyed shove.

I chuckle while I meet her golden brown and green eyes again. I walk around the table to the white ball in its resting spot. I head over to the white ball as she picks up her drink, sipping on it while watching me intently.

I lean over the table, resting the stick on my knuckles just barely and hitting the ball at the right angle to be able to hit two of the stripes right into the pockets. I look up at her for her reaction with an I-told-you-so smirk on my face. She shakes her head, sipping on the tequila like it's water.

I hum to myself and walk over, leaning over the table to hit another and fucking missing the pocket because my eyes snapped over last minute when she leaned over. I curse under my breath as she smirks at me, setting her drink down next to her.

"You're too easy, baby." She mutters and I stand up straight, leaning into the stick with an exhale as she walks around the table to the white ball. I pull up my trousers a little more and run my fingers through my hair as I brush it off.

She leans over the pool table, the music playing around us in this dim light. My attention is caught when I see a group of random guys staring at her ass while she bends over. The anger sets in me, not truly understanding it but I act before I can think.

I walk over to her, not giving the group of them the time of day to punch one of the fucker's faces instead I lean over her. I place either of my hands on the table, hearing a laugh come out of her while leaning over her again.

She just chuckles a little as my hand finds sanctuary on her hip, giving it a light squeeze whilst flexing my fingers. The inviting scent from her hair drifts to my nose to replace the awful dinginess of the alcohol in here. I lean down to kiss over her bare shoulder in a tempting distraction.

She actually presses back a little against my crotch to elicit a response out of me. I exhale sharply as she hits. Both of us watch the ball roll and hit two solids right into the pocket, one after the other.

I scoff a little as she lifts up but I keep her trapped in between my arms. She turns around in my arms as I stand over her with a smirk on her face.

"You're lucky you're cute." She chimes, bopping my nose with her fingertip.

I snort as she sweetly smiles at me, clearly being out of it. She ducks under my arm and I chuckle, watching her find a good spot before leaning over again.

She hits again, watching the ball bounce out of the pocket. I smirk as she stands up straight again. She looks up at me as I hum, looking around at the table in front of me and walking around to the white ball.

Out of the corner of my eye, she walks over as I lean down to line up with the white ball but her arm reaches over me. I scoff a little in amusement as her whole body leans over me, meeting her eyes and the smirk on her face. She pulls back, lifting up her crystal glass with an innocent smile.

"Sorry." She says as she breathes out a laugh while she sips her drink as I shake my head. My tongue glides along my bottom lip as she just stupidly smiles.

I lean back over and focus on trying to get this in but my eyes drift over. She props her head up with her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands whilst smiling at me.

"I think you're going to miss." She says sweetly as she sips on her drink and is so incredibly close to me with her arm brushing against mine.

I hum a little, determined to prove her wrong as always – it has all become this riveting game.

I look back forward as her soft laugh fills my ear and I pull back to hit. I watch as the ball hits the two striped ones into the pockets and I give her a smirk as I see the laugh spread across her features.

"Nice try," I say as she smiles at me. I stand up straight again and walk over to the white ball in higher spirits. I lean over to take another hit to watch the striped ball sink in, looking over to catch her reaction as she just smirks like she still has a chance.

I walk around the edge of the table, leaving over yet again and taking another hit for the ball to roll fast to hit one of the stripes. It bounces right out of the pocket, I must have jinxed it and I groan as she dramatically claps and cheers.

I shake my head as I stand up straight again. "You better start stretching, Styles, I'm not going easy on you on the dance floor." She chimes as she walks around the table and I snort at her.

"Sure, Ace, let's fucking see you–" I start and I watch her hit the two solids she has to get into fucking win – the purple and then the black.

My eyes go wide as my lips part in shock and I hear her adorable burst of laughter, forcing me to look over. She tosses the drink back down her throat and extends her hand to me.

"Come on, a deal's a deal." She says whilst I shake my head at her.

"Absolutely not," I mutter, never thinking she'd actually win. She frowns at me, her bottom lip glistening in the alcohol and she sets her empty glass down.

The potent alcohol from the close proximity again burns my nose in the worst possible way. I involuntarily groan under my breath, leaning the stick against the side of the pool table and diving into my pocket.

She gives me a weird look as I pull out a stick of mint gum from its silver foil wrapper and impulsively grab her jaw. I press my fingers into her cheeks to make her mouth open for me. She yelps as I stick the gum into her mouth with the chance and she groans.

"Harry–" she whines and I let go.

"Chew it, Ace, your breath smells like tequila." I snap at her harshly and she gives me an annoyed look.

"No shit, dumbass." She inevitably chews as I glare, her jaw clenching and unclenching as she chews. The mint is better than the shit she was drinking earlier.

She just wraps her hand around my wrist, tugging me with her and I hold my ground.

"Nope, I don't do that shit," I tell her as I walk back and lean back to sit at the edge of the pool table again. She huffs at me, walking back over and putting her hands on my thighs.

"Please." She pleads with her big eyes on me. I mentally curse myself for giving up that kink but nevertheless, I shake my head at her.

"By all means, have at it ... by yourself," I tell her and she doesn't glare at me, instead of her lips just curl up into a smirk.

"Okay." She sighs sarcastically and it's my turn to knit my eyebrows together as she slowly backs away. She turns herself around as my eyes drift to her ass for a fraction of a second. I take in the sight as she walks out, the confidence in herself is something that's intriguing me even more.

She starts dancing by herself to the music, making my lips curl up as her hips move seductively and her hands run up her stunning body. Maybe it's the way those leather pants make her ass look or the fact that she's not wearing a bra right now, I don't know what it is but obviously, she looks hot as fuck. I clear my throat a little at the sight if we're being honest here.

She doesn't stop there and the realization hits me so fast when I grasp what she's up to. I watch her hips gently move to the music, fitting in with just about every other person on the floor, and she moves over to start dancing with a random guy whose eyes light up the second she does.

I clench my jaw tight as her body dances against him and another guy comes up to dance against her, behind her.

My lips part in slight shock as she puts her hand on the back of his neck while they both dance against her. Unexpected anger courses through my veins at the sight alone.

Her eyes drift over to me with a smirk that makes my skin seethe with anger and she gives me a look as if she knows I'm going to cave. But I'm determined to prove her wrong so I just sit here, gripping the edge of the pool table. She just smirks even more and shakes her head.

My heart slams in my chest while I hold myself back from grabbing her and bending her over the goddamn pool table for both of those fuckers to see. My calm and cool exterior remains despite the anger that pumps through my blood.

More and more time passes while I watch their hands on her in her half-dazed state as she dances with them. Her eyes periodically go over to meet mine with that smirk on her face as she sinks her teeth into her full bottom lip.

My eyes drift over as another girl enters my field of view, her blonde hair flows in soft waves over her shoulders as she smiles at me.

"Hey, I'm Diana–" she starts as I smirk a little at this blonde, in hopes of playing Ace's game right back to her.

I didn't really have a type, I dabble in it all because I know people come in different shapes, sizes, colors. It's just the plethora of individuality in this big scheme of the universe.

I guess you could compare it to the endless night sky above in its rare beauty – the stars scattered all over the infinity in different unique heat intensities, distances, and sizes from my singular soul in the city of Chicago.

Call me an equal opportunist, babe, but tell me how could you ever have a type when everything consists of beauty in its own way? How could you not want to try it all?

But now that I've had a taste of that girl testing my patience on the dance floor – a hint of her own radiant star – all of it couldn't really compare to that stupid, frustrating woman living in my head more often than I'd like to admit.

I smirk over at Ace but my stomach drops to the floor when she holds this guy's jaw, leaning in like she's going to kiss him.

I've never gotten up faster. I don't even apologize to the girl when Ace ghosts her lips over this stranger. I grab her arm to yank her away from the both of them.

They both complain and she gasps as she collides into my chest, not giving a single fuck about any of them while pushing her into the crowd to cover up the next actions I'm about to commit.

I press my hips against her ass with her back tight against my chest. She moves with me as her tits swell with her harsh pants from the tension crumbling faster than we can keep up with.

I lean down, pressing my lips to her ear while wrapping my hand around her throat in the perfect fit and giving the sides of her warm skin a light squeeze. Her lips part with a soft gasp as she laughs a little out of delirium.

"This is what you wanted?" I snap into her ear and she approvingly hums as her ass grinds back against my crotch.

Our bodies just move involuntarily to the slow, mid-tempo music lightly and her hand slides up to the back of my neck to take hold of my hair in the best possible way. I bring my lips down as she pulls my head to her. I tilt her head to the side with my light grip around her neck to sponge my lips to her hot skin.

"Is this what you fucking wanted, Ace?" I snap at her and she breathes out a choppy laugh.

"Yeah–" she breathes out, smelling the mint off her is even more appealing. I sink my teeth down on her earlobe, the lights dim enough to make the two of us infinite on this dance floor. She whimpers lightly in the midst of all these bodies grinding against each other without a care in the world.

"I wanted to bend you over the goddamn pool table and take you right there for those fuckers to see," I whisper into her ear and her knees buckle a little but I hold her up by her neck and waist.

She rolls her head back against my shoulder while I delicately suck on spots on her sweet skin down from the back of her ear, smiling at her reaction to me.

"Yeah? You'd like that, baby?" I mutter, my lips ghosting over the outer shell of her pierced ears as she deliriously hums.

"Fucking you in front of all these people?" I hum into her neck as I sink my teeth into her skin. Her breathing shallows as I delicately suck on the spot with my eyes shut in bliss myself, leaving a mark for her to see in the morning.

"Jesus- fuck." She whines from the back of her throat, her ass pressing back against my slowly aroused crotch in my trousers as I do this shit. "Take me home, take me home–" she pleads but I grip her neck harder, testing the waters yet again and she gasps lightly which only edges me on.

"I don't know if I should, you were the one that decided to test me tonight," I say lowly at her into her ear. She breathes heavily and shakes her head against my shoulder.

"Please–" she starts and I hum deeply. I look down at the effect I have on her right now and it only makes me smirk even more.

"What do you say, baby?" I ask as I kiss against her soft, flushed cheek and the hinge of her jaw while she groans a little.

"You're being an ass–" she starts and I grip her neck harder as she strains out a gasp that I'm not hearing opposition to.

My Ace likes it rough.

"Try that again," I snap, the brat in her making my blood boil. I grip harder enough to see her cheeks heating up just barely under the dim light as she holds my forearm.

No one in here gives a fuck about the activities happening around them, the dark light in here does its job in covering up our sins.

"Sorry–" she strains out and I instantly let go to hear her inhale sharply over the loud music and chatter surrounding us.

I lean over her shoulder as she breathes in oxygen and softly coughs from the flustered state. I kiss over her throat as the swell of her tits rises and falls in short breaths and I bring my lips up to her ear again.

"Good girl."

I pucker my lips over her ear to hear a light hum resound from her chest.

Then I pull back and spin her around amid the half-drunk people at this dingy bar with my arm over her head. In an instant, I pull her into my chest and my hands roam her body as she wraps her arms around my torso tightly. My hand falls to her ass as I hold her tight against my body.

She blinks her eyes open to see the dazed state of them, even in this horrid lighting, and she tilts her head back to look at me. Slowly but surely a smirk curls up on those pretty lips of hers and I cave faster than ever.

I pull her out of the crowd of people by her hand with a foolish smile on my face.

I walk out of the crowd and pick up her coat from the chair she left it on. Then I place a protective arm around her waist, holding her to my side whilst we walk. She wraps an arm around me to grip onto my shirt for support.

I don't even know what just washed over me myself.

She has a tendency to make me snap sometimes, the self-control in me just gave up for the night.

The brisk air hits me and her breath forms in front of her in a little cloud of condensation. I pull away from her, opening up her jacket and holding it up in expectation. She gives me a look with a soft smile curling up on her full lips with that shade of lipstick.

"You just choked me–" she begins in obvious drunk amusement and I narrow my eyes.

"Ace." I snap and her lips clamp shut before listening to me. She slides her arms into her jacket, facing away from me and I pull it on over her shoulders to keep her warm. "This way," I mutter as she walks with me, staring down at our matching vans on the pavement as I hold her waist to help.

I get over to the curb and she just starts walking across the street without even looking – lucky motherfucker – thankful that no cars were coming as I scoff under my breath.

I unlock the car to see the lights flash and the car chirp alive, opening the passenger door and giving her a light shove to see her stumble in with a groan. I slam the door shut, humming to myself and sliding into the driver's side.

She huffs as she sits herself upright again. I start up the car, watching her put her feet up on my dash with a relaxed sigh and gritting my teeth. "Get your damn feet off my dash." I snap at her whilst I pull away from the curb and she just laughs.

"I'm alright, thanks." I scoff a little, glancing over to see her just staring at her feet as she does little happy dances with her feet in front of her. "I did not think you'd do that." She starts talking without a filter and I'm pretty sure the alcohol in her is giving her this mood.

"What the hell did you expect then?" I ask as she just laughs a little.

"I don't know ... I liked it." She says, making my goddamn cock twitch in my trousers from that unfiltered comment. I just adjust my trousers shamelessly and notice her eyes wander over. I make a turn with the signal blinking.

"Did you?" She edges me on and that's when that tension between the two of us grows in this suffocating car. I feel her hand slide across my trousers, over my crotch with her fingertips dragging right over my painful erection. I grab her wrist quicker than ever as she laughs a little.

"Ace–" I snap at her, watching her feet leave the dash as I asked earlier. She sits up a little and I'm unable to watch what she's actually doing because I'm driving – I guess the alcohol's helping her with that too.

Her presence leans over the console and that sweet perfume tickles my nose as she tugs back against my restraining grip on her wrist. She presses the heel of her palm against my cock and a soft groan escapes my lips under my breath.

"Did you like it?" She asks near my ear, her mint breath ghosting over the outer shell of my ear. I glance over for a fraction of a second to see the devilish grin on her features in the dark of my car.

I breathe out a profanity as her hand slides against my rock-hard self in my trousers from the night I've fucking had and she deliriously hums. "You like being rough with me, baby?" She continues to edge me on as I grip her wrist harder.

"Rory–" I snap again and she cuts me off.

"Eyes on the road." She snaps and my lips part in slight shock in her dominance. I just shift my hips up again, starting to get uncomfortable and needy to some kind of friction against her hand.

"Do you like control?" She whispers, dangerously closer to my ear to feel her cool mint breath dance along my earlobe while I exhale under my breath.

I attempt to do two things at once – she's caught me in the worst situation because I can't let anything happen to her in a car of all goddamn places.

"Yes or no, baby, it's not a hard question." She mewls for me to clench my jaw when she palms me through my trousers, the friction much needed from the night of teasing we've both had.

The only light at the end of this tunnel is that I get closer to her apartment building.

"I think you already know the answer to that one." I breathe out with a smirk on my face as it's practically suffocating in here.

She hums with a light laugh leaving her lips and smelling of the mint gum drift from her. She leans in closer, rubbing her palm against me with more pleasure and I softly moan under my breath for it to blend with my music filling my car while her lips press to my ear.

"Hm, so do I." She whispers, the teasing tone of it sends me spiraling into a universe that produces chills down my spine.

With that, she pulls back completely and a frustrated huff leaves my lips at the loss of contact. She falls right back into her seat and I look over at her – I have never been flustered myself.

She just grins and yanks my hand off her wrist. I intensely grip the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white as snow in the dim lighting of the car.

"You enjoy being a fucking brat, don't you?" I snap at her, adjusting myself in my pants as she snickers.

"Just with you, it's very amusing actually." She says as I finally pull over to the curb. She hums, parking my car quickly as I go to act back to the actions she just committed but she stops me with her next words.

"Walk me to my door?" She asks, giving me her best smile with her teeth sinking into her bottom lip adorably. I turn off the ignition of my car for her smile to grow tenfold.

I get out and hear her laugh as I follow. I shut the door to see her stumble out and lift herself back upright as she mutters things to herself. And the realization cascades over me in an instant because I can't touch her like I want tonight, not when she's been drinking like that.

I huffed under my breath, locking my car whilst rubbing at my jaw in sexual frustration right now. Her eyes flicker down to the prominent bulge in my trousers.

"Don't–" I snap and give her a shove to keep walking before she can open her mouth, just hearing her laugh resound around the barren sidewalk. She stumbles on her feet and opens up the metal door to the stairwell of this worn-down building.

She attempts the stairs and takes her time while I follow behind her torturously slow, hearing her count the motherfucking stairs as she climbs them. I breathe out a huff at the ceiling because I've got a wonderful hard-on without anything I can do about it right now.

Finally, we get up to her floor and she childishly smiles back at me at her success. I give her a sarcastic grin back. She just laughs at me, taking my sarcasm for truth which produces a genuine snort out of me as we walk down the barren hallway to her place.

She fumbles with her keys. I lean against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest to watch this show in amusement as she mutters things under her breath. Eventually, she finds the right key on her obnoxious keychain and sticks it into the keyhole to twist it and push the door open with a sigh of relief.

She grabs my wrist, tugging me in with her as I sink in her small place again.

The first word that came to mind when I saw it for the first time was lonely. Kind of like mine, just blander.

I look back over to watch her kicking her shoes off and throwing her coat onto the chair at her dining table. She looks over at me, throwing her keys onto the dining table before grabbing my wrist. I kick my shoes off quickly and leave them near the door next to hers.

"I'm not done with you." She says with a devilish smirk on her face. Her words go straight to my dick, begging for some kind of relief that I'm desperate enough to go with it.

"I'm not fucking you like this, Ace," I warn her as she frowns a little, pulling me into her room with the simplicity of just a closet, dresser, and bed covered by the light gray duvet.

"But–" she begins with that tone of voice that could have me unravel in seconds and I shake my head at her.

"No, not up for debate," I tell her with a resolve of my own as she pushes me back so I fall onto the edge of her bed.

Her lean body surprisingly follows to throw her knee over my lap and straddle me. My hands find sanctuary on her hips but that smirk remains on her face as she shifts closer, I groan out of instinct at the relief and she chuckles.

"Who said we had to fuck to feel good?" She mutters, inches away from me to be able to smell the cool mint gum off her – her lips just within reach of mine. I've dreamed about this shit for more time than I should after that last time, this is what constitutes most of my morning showers.

"I think I get control tonight, baby." She whispers as I scoff a little at her, in disbelief if we're being completely honest.

She leans closer, her hands on the sides of my jaw as I stare into her pretty eyes in the comfort of her apartment. I memorize the rings of brown around her pupil and green around the outside, her alluring kaleidoscope eyes that only draw me in deeper to the mystery that is her.

"Is that alright with you?" She asks and my heart slams in my chest as she pulls back slightly.

Even when she's drunk, she still asked.

I swallow hard while her eyes scan over mine, seeing the slight smile. "Harry?" She whispers as even that alone goes right to my throbbing cock and I exhale under my breath.

"I can't touch you." I breathe out and her lips twitch up a little.

"S'alright, I don't need it." She murmurs, making my lips part a little in shock of who wouldn't want it. "I do need an answer though." She says as she holds my face in her soft hands and I end up leaning into them a little more.

I give in too fast, wanting to fix the situation soon rather than later.

How could I fucking say no?

"Yeah," I mutter and she hums, that was all that she needed before she closes the space in between us.

It's like shooting stars across the night sky, her soft lips press to mine with our noses brushing against each other in pure euphoria. I tug her hips closer to me, wanting her closer – needing her closer – to relax over my crotch.

She swallows my deep groan with her lips against mine. She slowly grinds against my cock to give me what I want. Her lips move with mine, perfectly fitting together whilst canceling out the rest of the room with these passionately lustful kisses.

My breathing picks up with hers while my hands have a mind of their own. I needily roam them across her body, feeling her curves under my palms and sliding down to her ass to knead the flesh through the tough leather material and she softly whimpers against my lips.

She kisses me rougher and harder at my actions, only managing to turn me on even more. I follow in pursuit as her soft tongue glides along my bottom lip in the midst of the heated pace of this kiss. I hum deeply and part my lips for her.

Her tongue slides against mine and they tangle together in a passionate mess. I taste the mint off of her and the unexpectedness of her gum enters my mouth. I take it with ease, never being able to get enough of this.

She swirls her tongue around mine in the bliss of all of this with a soft hum vibrating from her chest to mine. I guide her hips in a rock on my hardening cock in my trousers in an attempt for more relief. A sharp puff of air leaves my nose at the friction with her soft, full lips encased on mine.

Her hands grip onto my corduroy and push at the fabric to tug it off my shoulders. I oblige, my hands leave the warmth of her body. I pull it off my arms and throw it to the side aimlessly to hear it hit the floor.

Her fingers lace into my hair, tilting my head how she wants whilst our kisses echo through her room. Her soft lips continue to assault mine, growing more accustomed to hers and reveling in every bit of them on mine.

The remnants of alcohol that linger along her lips are the only turn-off right now, but the good outweighs the bad in moments like these.

She pulls back to hear our swollen lips detach from the feverish kiss in the heat that engulfs her ever-collapsing room. Oxygen seems to be an unattainable necessity around her. Her fingers slip from my hair to pull at the fabric covering her top half, gliding the soft material over her head for my eyes to devour more and more of her skin.

A deep groan leaves my lips the second my eyes fall insight of her pierced, hard nipples.

"Fuck- Ace, you can't do that shit to me when I can't–" I begin and she crashes her lips to mine, cutting me off swiftly before I can even continue and her gum still rests in between my molars.

"M'hot." She incohesively mumbles against my lips through the feverish kiss. I scoff into the kiss and can't bring myself to stop breathing in everything about her full lips.

She reaches down and gently pulls my hands up to rest on her bare waist. I snap back to the truth of this present reality and gently rub at the warm skin – I want to touch her rougher than this.

But she's not in the right state of mind.

So I give her the control she wants.

Her lips peck mine once more before nudging my head over with her grip in my hair to trail down my cheek in soft kisses. I finally get a chance to breathe with my lips parted and my eyes blissfully shut. I let her layer me in open-mouthed kisses down my jaw, nudging my head with the tip of her little nose to the side to tilt it even more and giving her access to my neck.

Her soft lips mold against my skin and suck delicately to focus more attention on my painfully hard cock. Her warm tongue gliding and sponging wet kisses to my heated skin whilst her soft breaths from her nose fan out across my skin to make all the hairs rise up straight.

Nevertheless, a soft groan escapes my lips as her teeth lightly sink into the skin over my pounding pulse. "Ace–" Her nickname tumbles out like silk from my tongue.

My eyebrows tug together in ecstasy as the pain is more blissful than can be imagined because she's genuinely good at this. She replaces the pain with a delicate suck that I know will leave traces of her along me for tomorrow.

She fucking knows what she's doing too with the friction along my dick whilst she ever so slightly rocks her hips against mine.

"Holy fuck–" I curse out in an airy breath whilst I grip her waist and revel in her soft skin under my palms. She pulls back with the sound of her wet lips separating from my buzzing skin.

Her body heat leaves me, getting off my lap. I manage to blink my eyes open with my lips parted still to regulate my breathing with the fading mint off my breath.

Her toned figure stands in between my spread legs while I tilt my head back to look up at her in just those leather trousers that are snug around her hips and flare at the bottom. "You're killing me," I mutter as she just grins in her obvious success of knowing she has me under her control tonight, it's always in her hands.

As much as I get around, I've never let the teasing, the edging, the taunting ever get as far as it does with her. It's always a good fucking and you never see the person again, there are rules to that shit and no one has been worth the time.

How can you not tempt the girl that snaps like she does? It's almost amusing and riveting to mess with.

Her hands gravitate down to pull at the bottom of my shirt and I let her pull the thin material off. I ruffle my hands through my hair that just got messed up from the action.

I reach to the back of my trousers, pulling the gun from being tucked into the waistband. Her leather trousers fall to the ground and pool at her ankles before she kicks them off to leave her in just a pink lacy thong.

The delicate black ink tattoos lay sporadically all over her torso and arms with the accompaniment of pretty pink scars – both innate and acquired but either way it's stunning.

My eyes graze down every feature on her body: the delicate curves with the toned muscle carved along her pale caramel skin, her little spots of ink, small scars along her torso make her an absolute work of godly art. Her perky tits show off her hard nipples pierced with the glimmer of the silver barbells and I nearly salivate.

I drag my eyes back up to her even more stunning angel face.

But she's no angel, is she? That's the irony of the nickname because she's truly the furthest from it.

Her eyes are just wide at the gun in my hand. She disregards the fact that I just completely and pathetically checked her out before I make sure the safety's on. "Did you have that on you this whole time?" She asks in disbelief and I just breathe out a laugh at her but she surprisingly snickers with me.

My breath catches in my throat when she sinks to her knees in between my legs at the edge of the bed, sitting back on her heels. She smirks up at me, not even phased by the gun resting in my hand while her fingers reach up to the button of my trousers as my chest puffs to try to consume this thing called air.

She pops the button of my trousers with such ease and pauses before the zipper, lingering there and adding to the suspense. "This is okay?" She asks me again and I nod at her before she pulls the zipper down.

I sit back with the gun still under my palm and it begs the questions of the things I could try with her. I have this war in my mind if I should even try it whilst I lean back with the soft duvet under my palms. I simply glance down at her in between my spread legs.

She curls her fingers around the top of my boxers and trousers, I lift my hips for her and she tugs them down in one motion for the fabric to glide off of me and be carelessly tossed onto the floor. My head drops back in relief with the confines of the boxers released and my cock slaps up against my stomach from being so painfully hard.

I'm already breathing heavily and it gets inherently worse. My head snaps back up the second I feel her warm tongue glide against my inner thigh and she sweetly hums.

"You made such a mess, baby." She hums, lapping up my precum from the outer edge of my tattoo on my thigh and my skin – who would have fucking thought that would be a sight I'll have etched into my head from now on. I scoff in disbelief as she just smirks at me through the soft kisses.

Instead, her temptress nature only nudges me further and I attempt the risk to the war in my head.

I lean down and press the barrel of the gun in my hand under her chin. I force it to tilt up and look at me. Her parted lips glisten in my precum whilst I push her hair out of her face with my other hand and the tip of the gun pressed under her chin. The dilation visible in her green and amber eyes proves to me that there's no opposition to this but if she said stop, I would in a heartbeat.

I drag the barrel of the gun down her temple, only seeing her lips curl up and I smirk whilst I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. We'll have to play with this a little more later and when she's sober, my curiosity is getting the best of me.

My lips twitch up at the filth running through my head that almost feels illegal because of who she is but I can't fucking resist.

"You look so good on your knees for me, pretty girl," I murmur down to her.

"I know." She chimes and actually smiles up at me. I continue to stroke the raven hair off of her face in a complete daze with a light chuckle leaving through my nose.

I involuntarily tap the barrel of the gun against her little nose like she did earlier at the bar, maybe I'm drunk on her right now. Her nose scrunches up and she softly laughs whilst her dilated technicolor eyes don't waver from mine.

"You want control?" I ask, tilting my head ever so slightly and the sight of her nodding on her knees for me makes me weaker by the second, my body physically reacting with the precum leaking all over my stomach. "Have at it, Ace, tonight's your only exception," I tell her genuinely whilst in reality this is always up to her, she can use me however she wants.

"Sure." She mutters sarcastically as I lean down further, pressing my lips to her soft ones and she kisses me back at a burning hot pace.

I taste myself along her plump lips, capturing her bottom lip in between mine. A deep hum leaves my lips whilst her hands smooth up my thighs to the bottom of my stomach. Her fingertips tracing over my V-lines in a tease to elicit a lowly groan from my chest.

During the heated kiss, I sink my teeth down into her full bottom lip. Her breath softly catches in her throat while I tug on it before letting it go. I replace it with a singular peck before pulling back to the breathlessness of us both in this suffocating room.

But she doesn't let me go far, keeping our faces inches apart and my lips curl up as I chew this gum in between my teeth.

Her fingers roughly press into my cheeks and she smiles back with a devilish, lustful glint in her eyes.

"You're gonna want me in control more often after I'm done with you, baby." She whispers, taking me aback with the boldness of her statement as she simply smiles before letting go of my face with a light shove.

I slowly scoff and she hums as I shake my head at her. "Yeah? Prove it." I taunt and she sinks her straight white teeth into her bottom lip with a smirk.

I leave it at that and lean back on my palms. A deep exhale leaves my lungs the second her hand wraps around my base, stroking me with the precum from my tip.

A smiling smirk pulls its way on my face at the pleasure from the touch alone with the lackluster mint gum in between my teeth. My eyes stay locked on her whilst I breathe deeply, the muscles of my abdomen twitch when her fingertips run down my muscles teasingly.

I meet amber and green eyes in the dimly lit room and watch her lean down, kissing over my sensitive tip. A strained puff of air leaves my nose at the sensation. Her kisses trail down the length of my cock with that shade of mauve lipstick layering on my skin, never having someone do that before and having it cause as much pleasure as it does right now.

Her pink tongue sticks out to run it from my base to my tip and I deeply hum at the sheer relief. I sit up a little and pull her hair back into a makeshift ponytail in my fist, leaning back against my other palm to watch her. My nose scrunches up in a sniffle lightly from the heat in thick anticipation.

Her warm tongue swirls around my tip and I let my head drop back as I blissfully shut my eyes at the pleasure centered where I need it. Her tongue massages the ridge of my swollen tip and I grip her hair harder. Her warm, wet tongue places perfect pressure to a satisfying spot whilst this familiar experience with her comes rushing back but under different circumstances in her very kitchen.

"Fuck's sake–" I groan out into the dense air whilst my heart pounds in my chest as she takes her good old fucking time with this.

Finally, she wraps her full lips around my tip. Her soft tongue swirls it around my tip and laps up all the precum that she has managed to accumulate. Her cheeks hollow out and suck on my pleasurable tip with a light hum to shoot bliss through my veins.

After all the goddamn teasing, she sinks her head down further and gives me no other choice but to watch my cock fill her mouth.

I lift my head, blinking my hazy eyes open. A moan escapes under my breath at the sight of my cock disappearing into her mouth whilst I chew the dwindling mint gum slowly. "Look at you, Ace, takin' me so well ..." I groan under my breath.

Her big eyes lift to me with my cock in her filling her mouth completely and I smirk through the harsh pants. "Good girl, look at me when you suck my cock." I breathe out to hear a hum leave her lips and send vibrations around my dick.

I clench my jaw when she bobs her head slowly, massaging her tongue under my cock and swirling it the best she can. She strokes what she can't fit at my base while she twists her fist and I moan out at the pleasure.

She turns her head to the side and pushes down to press my tip into the inside of her cheek, bulging out her soft, flushed cheek. A throaty groan leaves my diaphragm at the sight. She just snickers, pulling back to hollow her cheeks out completely and suck my tip.

I like that shade of lipstick around my dick.

Her eyes stay on me when she does this torturously slow and I clench my jaw tight with the gum in between my teeth.

She pulls back, eliciting a deep whine from the back of my throat but it's replaced with a breath of air getting knocked out of me when she spits on my tip. Her fingers spread herself down my dick with a string of her clear saliva connecting to my tip still and I curse out into the air at the effortlessness of her sexy aura.

"God- Ace, fuck–" I breathe out, gum in between my molars, whilst she strokes me in her fist. I simply hear her delirious chuckle under her breath.

"Yeah? You like that?" She mutters and I grit my teeth at the circumstances right now – I'm always in control when it comes to this aspect of my life.

She just continues to stroke me in her hand as my cock glistens in her spit whilst her lips are swollen and wet.

"Ace," I warn her and she clicks her tongue at me, shaking her head in her own kind of dominance.

"Did you forget who's in charge tonight?" She asks and I grit my teeth again and clench my jaw, containing myself. She just smirks and strokes me while I huffed under my breath with her bruised knuckles with those chipped black painted fingernails wrapped around me.

"What now?" I ask out in obvious frustration. She chuckles a little, biting down on her swollen bottom lip. She looks up at me with both of her hands wrapped around my cock now.

"You wanna finish all over my tongue?" She asks and my lips tug up as she raises an eyebrow as I grow needier and needier. "Then beg for it." She instructs and my grip tightens on her soft hair woven in between my fingers while my lips part even more in shock.

It becomes a standstill with the dominance we've created in the room thicker than ever.

"You're delusional." I snap and her hand comes to a halt, giving my base a light squeeze before continue with torturous slow strokes. I let out a strained groan whilst grabbing her hair forcefully and she hisses.

"Come on, baby–" she says and I scoff while this becomes unbearable, needing to cum sooner rather than later and scoffing at her.

"Make me." I only smirk.

She hums with a lustful glimmer in her eyes before her hand just stops.

I choke out a frustrated groan at the lack of relief and tug on her hair threaded in between my fingers. She gives my base another pleasurable squeeze to continue to nudge me over the edge.

"Fuck–" I curse out and a groan seeps from the back of my throat as my eyes go sharp on her.

"I don't have a lot of patience." She sighs dramatically as my face heats up from the vexation that only seems to build up around her.

My resolve crumbles faster than ever and I let my head drop back to groan in annoyance. "Please," I mutter and she hums sweetly.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." She teases just as I did to her in her fucking kitchen, continuing her hand which twists around my dick with just the right amount of pressure.

I deeply sigh out of relief before I lift my head to pin my eyes on her amber and green ones just staring at me with an amused smile on her face.

"Watch yourself, you're forgetting you're the one on your knees for me," I murmur through my strained breaths and she shrugs while I wire my jaw shut.

"Mmm, I guess you can fuck your hand then ..." She edges me on, even more, pulling me back from an aching orgasm right now. Her hazel eyes stare up at me, finding this all fucking amusing right now and I run my tongue over my bottom lip and grip her hair in frustration.

A beat of silence washing over as I hear my heart pound in my chest once while she's challenging me right now, giving me blue balls in the process from the lack of pleasure. Her hand loosens and all my resolve crumbles in a singular moment.

"Please let me finish on your tongue, Ace," I mutter under my breath to her and her lips just curl up.

"Good boy." She hums sweetly and I grit my teeth, enjoying those words too much. I pull back, tug her by her hair closer to my cock and she gasps quietly.

I grab my base, lining it up with her lips as I rub my tip against the outline of her pink lips with the lipstick slightly smudged. "Fuckin' tease–" I snap at her as she gives a glare before giving in.

She sticks her pretty, pink tongue out and her mouth sinks down on my cock with the satisfaction of a husky moan leaving my lips and hers.

"Take all of me, Ace, I know you can." I moan out and she does as I ask.

I watch her take my cock all the way to the back of her throat with a guttural groan rattling through my chest.

Her head bobs on my cock, the wet sounds resound through her room while I incessantly softly moan out from my diaphragm. I guide her head up and down my cock with my clutch on her makeshift ponytail for the absolute relief of pleasure that she's managed to build up.

"Oh, fuck–" I groan as I hold her soft hair in between my fingers in a death grip and she breathes through her nose, tickling my pelvic bone.

She pushes her head down further and my eyebrows scrunch together out of pleasure while my dick curves down the back of her throat. I raspily moan, not hearing her gag and my hips involuntarily buck up into her a little, forcing her to choke a little.

I tug her back by her hair to the quiet gasp from her. Her clear spit drips from her bottom lip and connects to the aching tip of my dick. "Don't hold back, I can take it." She pants out, her mascara starting to run a little from the tears pooling in her big, sinful eyes.

"Oh, I fucking know you can, baby ..." I give her the slightest of smirks in the delirious state I'm in right now. She just goes right back into it after taking a second to breathe completely, sinking all the way back down on my cock and swallowing around me with ease.

"Jesus fuck–" I curse louder as she pushes down as much as she can, my tip hits deep down her throat and I surely would have gagged at this point. My eyes pinch shut as my moans come out hoarse and strangled at this point, the feeling is too overwhelming right now.

She bobs her head with me that deep in her throat. I moan out her name into the dense air of this room as my heart thunders in my chest. A moan vibrates from her throat around my dick and sends shockwaves through my body. I choke out another moan, clenching my jaw while feeling my own build and the pressure at an all-time high.

"Fuck- I'm gonna cum–" I warn her and she doesn't stop bobbing her head. I grip her hair harder and help guide her motions up and down my cock.

She chokes a little as I go to pull her head back out of reflex but she doesn't let me with her hand placed over mine. I throw my head back whilst an obscene moan escapes my lips, bucking my hips up a little and the pressure explodes as she chokes around me.

All the blood rushes straight to my dick as the high makes my brain go blank for a little and white noise persists through my ears. The sensation of her throat tightening around my cock as she gasps for air around my dick draws out a deep moan from my chest that resounds through her room. She makes a mess of the spit dripping from her lips while my abdomen tenses up.

"Oh, fuck, fuck- Rory." Cum fills the back of her throat in mind-numbing spurts before I tug her head back to hear her cough a little.

My chest rises and falls too fast to keep up, feeling the sharp pain for a fraction of a second at the bottom of my sternum. I manage to regulate it with a deep breath and I blink my eyes open to her barren ceiling.

I lift my head back up and I sniffle from the sheer heat in this room whilst I run my fingers through my hair with my free hand.

I lean over and my lips curl up as I pant, watching my filthy little slut stick her tongue out for me. My white cum layered all over her pink tongue and she has that sinful lust glittering in her eyes with a light snicker. She clamps her lips shut and my release drips down her bottom lip as she swallows.

"You made me beg for this shit, Ace, don't you dare waste it," I murmur, swiping my thumb across her chin to collect my cum and she hums. I hold my thumb up to her lips in expectancy as she just smirks.

She wraps her swollen lips around my thumb. Her cheeks hollow out when she sucks it off and swirls her warm tongue around my thumb, bobbing her head once before popping off my thumb.

My lips curl up in a delirious post-orgasm state as I shake my head in disbelief of one of the best orgasms I've ever had.

I just slide my hands onto her cheeks, holding her face in my hands in between my palms and I instantly lean down. I capture her lips in mine, the action seeming to catch her off guard yet again.

What kind of pussy didn't kiss her after the shit she just pulled?

But she persists through it with a light hum, I mold my lips with her whilst tilting my head slightly and our noses nudge together. I taste myself along her lips and tongue and it only elicits another hum from my chest whilst I pull her up without breaking the kiss.

She chuckles against my lips and I lift her up to my lap as she maneuvers her way to wrap her arms around my neck and straddle my hips. Our kisses layer meaninglessly on top of each other and I fall back to hear a burst of laughter escape her lips when my back hits the mattress.

I just snort at her, ignoring the feeling brewing in my stomach at the sound of it. I roll her over so she's on her back under me and she's still in this state of delirious intoxication.

Our faces stay inches away as I look down at her under me with my warm skin flushed completely against hers. Her chest rises with mine as my cross rests on her sternum. She smiles up at me, noticing the exhaustion run deep through her.

"The things I want to do right now, baby ..." I breathe out.

"Oh yeah?" She just tiredly smiles and I snicker under my breath.

I think about kissing every inch of her body and having her cumming all over my tongue but it's nothing but a fleeting thought, one that is bizarre to me since I haven't exactly pleasured someone like that in a very long while – call me a selfish prick for it, trust me, I already know.

But I'm choosing to be selfish now because I could never fully let myself experience that, I never got to be selfish then. Being selfless is not a vulnerable position I'm willing to put myself in anymore except when it comes to this sleepy girl under me.

I stare for a second too long in lust and get lost in thought right now.

I just clear my throat a little as I blink a few times at the reality of this situation, getting too lost in her that I forgot who the hell she is.

"I'll leave it up to your imagination," I murmur whilst I peck her lips once more in an attempt to make that less weird than I already made it. She just snickers to allow a smile to hug my face yet again.

I peel my skin off her and turn around to grab my boxers from the ground. I tug them up to my legs as she gets up, feeling the bed shift with her soft hums. She walks aimlessly over to her dresser to pull on a long t-shirt that falls to her mid-thigh.

I get up to spit out the flavorless gum into the trash can, walking back over to pull the rest of my clothes on. She crawls into her bed with a tired huff, melting into her bed that she looks so small in with the duvet pulled up to her chin.

"Are you going to run off again or are you going to stay?" She asks with her face squished against the plush pillow and she looks up at me, looking so dazed right now.

I reach for my gun on her comforter, debating the question in my head. I rub at my jaw and give up because I don't necessarily want to leave either.

I unload the bullets from the gun in my hand and she watches without any fear. I place the items on the nightstand and I check my phone quickly before being able to lift the comforter and slide in next to her.

Her sheets smell like her as her body heat radiates close to my skin under the duvet whilst I lay on my back with an exhale.

"Did I prove it?" She asks and I scoff in disbelief, looking over at her laying on her side and her glossy, tired eyes on me.

"Sure," I hum sarcastically and she laughs a little under her breath at my word choice, rubbing at her eye with the back of her hand.

"Thanks." She mumbles just as sarcastic back. I snort a little whilst she tiredly laughs with me. I stare at her inches away from me. Her features start to cave for the exhaustion, her eyelids falling heavy.

She continues to deliriously talk and I wonder if she'll remember these words in the morning. "M'sorry about how I left last time." She apologizes and I knit my eyebrows together as she fights to keep her eyes open.

"Don't worry about it," I mutter, thinking about our last conversation and how ambiguously she left that conversation. She sleepily hums a little. "I got there in time," I reassure myself as she did to me, knowing I convinced myself of it for hours in my head and I'm only met with her face scrunching up.

"Almost." She says incohesively with her eyes shut whilst I just stare at her, unable to produce a response as my lips part in more shock.

Almost? But she fucking said–

"Ace?" I mutter in confusion and she hums tiredly. "You said–" I start in utter confusion and my gut twists into knots at her vague response that could mean several different things.

"It's okay ... I'm okay ..." She whispers under her breath and that confirmation was all I needed to feel nauseated.

Her body relaxes a little more whilst she falls asleep right next to me with a tiny exhale, proving her exhaustion had hit its threshold in her.

Her hair falls over her face a little as she doesn't look so tense and on edge anymore, like the chaos in her mind faded instantly with the simple thing of sleep.

I involuntarily bring my hand up, brushing her hair off her face to elicit a sleepy hum from her. I find myself thinking about why I'm so drawn to her but the pieces don't fit together in my head yet.

"Never again, angel, I swear ... I swear," I whisper, just barely over the white noise and she doesn't respond, obviously. She's already drifted into her sleep with her light breaths and her face squished into the pillow with her swollen lips parted slightly.

I lean over, pressing a light kiss into her soft hair that smells clean – almost citrusy.

I softly exhale under my breath, more guilt runs through me and I let my eyes fall shut as well with her body close to mine.


damn, what am i doing with my life

anyways love, han <3

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