Picture Perfect Night Sky

By MelancholicBastard

4.3K 199 0

Two people struggling with life as they do their best to find who they really are. One who's struggling with... More

1 ¦ Margaret Fellice
2 ¦ Jacob Pierce
3 ¦ Margaret Fellice
4 ¦ Jacob Pierce
5 ¦ Margaret Fellice
6 ¦ Jacob Pierce
7 ¦ Margaret Fellice
8 ¦ Jacob Pierce
9 ¦ Margaret Fellice
11 ¦ Margaret Fellice
12 ¦ Jacob Pierce
13 ¦ Margaret Fellice
14 ¦ Jacob Pierce
15 ¦ Margaret Fellice
16 ¦ Jacob Pierce
17 ¦ Margaret Fellice
18 ¦ Jacob Pierce
19 ¦ Margaret Fellice
20 ¦ Jacob Pierce
21 ¦ Margaret Fellice
22 ¦ Jacob Pierce
23 ¦ Margaret Fellice
24 ¦ Jacob Pierce
25 ¦ Margaret Fellice
26 ¦ Jacob Pierce
27 ¦ Margaret Fellice
28 ¦ Jacob Pierce
29 ¦ Margaret Fellice
30 ¦ Jacob Pierce
31 ¦ Margaret Fellice
32 ¦ Jacob Pierce
33 ¦ Margaret Fellice
34 ¦ Jacob Pierce
35 ¦ Margaret Fellice
36 ¦ Jacob Pierce
37 ¦ Margaret Fellice
38 ¦ Jacob Pierce
39 ¦ Margaret Fellice
40 ¦ Jacob Pierce
41 ¦ Margaret Fellice
42 ¦ Jacob Pierce
43 ¦ Margaret Fellice
44 ¦ Jacob Pierce
45 ¦ Margaret Fellice
46 ¦ Jacob Pierce

10 ¦ Jacob Pierce

107 4 0
By MelancholicBastard

Playing Counter Strike with Amon makes me forget about everything, even that awkward encounter with Jasmine. The best about this stress reliever, that my rank went up while playing. We've already been playing like 21 rounds now, even though the initial plan was only 10 rounds, but I'm still stress out just to play 10 rounds. I need more. Granted, there's a lot of cursing and screaming, but it's still the best stress reliever I have.

The only problem is, and I'm gonna be frank, Amon is kinda heavy to lift throughout those rounds. There's time that we lose because of shitty teammates, but finally we've been matched with fine teammates instead of fucking shits. There's one round it's only Amon left in our team, but he clutched in. It would be much easier if Glai and Ian decided to join in our matches, but sadly they're busy binge-watching anime. I would join them, but I prefer playing games than watching. There's just something about playing that makes my stress go away. Maybe it's because of the violence that's been involved who knows.

Our last round is finally over, and we manage to promote Amon's rank today, also mine. The chat is flooded with GGs. Through the Discord server, where Amon and I communicate, his voice is calm and ecstatic "Good game, Jake."

I exit out of the game, letting out a loud groan while stretching up my body. Sitting down in the same position for like an hour then stretching is the best thing ever. After this I need a break, like a quick nap perhaps. "You're so heavy to lift, why won't you make it easy for me?" even though the match is over, I still have my Discord open.

"Sorry man, there is just bothering me." He confesses, his voice is low and deep. I knew it, he does have a problem, he sounded and acted differently earlier in the hallways.

"I hate to be sympathetic," My voice come out as a mocking tone. "But what is it? What's bothering you dude?" I lay back on my gaming chair, relaxing my body.

"There's this girl I met in the hallways earlier." I could hear him sigh quietly through the headset.

"And then?"

"You see, she's kinda cute to me. The way she's being clumsy all of that." I could practically hear him shy away his face, but I don't want to mock him with that.

"Oh," I reply sarcastically. "What's this girl's name anyway?"

"Margaret Fellice." He said it like he's in some sort of dream. A dream that he doesn't want to wake up into.

Margaret Fellice, huh, what an adorable name. No wonder Amon is acting weird in each match. He is thinking about a girl. This is why I don't want anyone in my life, because they'll be a distraction, just like that girl on Amon's mind. I'm also happy that Amon found someone. A girl that's been running around in his mind that makes him play poorly. I kinda want to meet this mysterious girl that caught Amon's attention and consciousness.

"Anyways, thank you for the offer to play CS:GO dude, I really needed that." I smile even though he won't see it.

"Before you hang up, since I told you what's bothering me," Oh God, I don't like this part. "So, tell me, what seems to be bothering you? You promise that you'll tell me while we play, but during the match you were awfully quiet, except from all the cursing. So, tell me what's your problem?" he politely asks.

I let out a loud groan and a deep sigh before saying, "Oh, well, to update you to stuff." Trying to remember everything that had happened in a span of a day. "Nicole broke up with me."

"Damn, that sucks man." I could hear him giving me a sympathetic smile. "What's the reason why she broke up with you?"

"Well, she broke up with me because I chose to play games rather than her in general. I don't really care anyway. She's just in the way of me playing. She made it more difficult for me to focus on playing." I let out another deep sigh. "And that brings me to my second reason, why I needed that match."

"What is it?"

"Well, Yuri keeps on bragging in front of my face that he's a lot better in every game that me." Thinking about it makes me want to punch that son of a bitch, but I need to calm down, I don't want a record of me in the dean's office right before the class starts.

"Yuri Parker? Isn't he the son of the owner of this school?" He sounds so shock that I could hear him gasp lightly.

"And that makes it more annoying, knowing he's the son of Jonathan Parker. If ever I punch that guy's cocky son, I'm immediately going to get dropped from this school." I sound frustrated that I have the urge to drop my fist on my desk.

Amon may have heard me dropping a fist on my desk because he says, "Just calm down, Jake. You'll beat Yuri someday. Not just now."

"I won't be surprised if that guy doesn't have a girlfriend yet." I wouldn't get my mind off of punching him numerous times in the face.

"Haven't you heard that he's seeing someone?"

What? How is that possible?

I couldn't contain my shock. "Who the fuck will be dating Yuri?" Anger flows faster around my system at this point. God, I need to calm down. Now it's not the time to go ape around Yuri, I just finished doing my stress reliever.

"I believe her name is Venieze Carlisle."

Damn, not only he's going to beat me every game, but he's also going to beat me with a girlfriend. Fuck, now I need to find a new girlfriend to slap it in front of his cocky face. I try to snatch my phone in my pocket just to see what time is it. To my surprise, it's already 8 in the evening, and I immediately get a notification from Glai texting me. I tap on the message box to expand it.

Glai: Where are you? Yuri is throwing a party. You need to come right now. This party is awesome. I know you two have some unfinished business, but you got to attend dude. I also heard that he got a girlfriend, and I think he's gonna announce it in his party.

Every word I read just makes me want to ignore the party and just play all night, but that awesome party really tempt me. It won't hurt just to see how awesome is this party really is.

Me: Give me a good reason why I should show up to the party?

In an instant, Glai replies immediately.

Glai: There's booze.

Alright, that is a great reason for me to show up. Even though tomorrow will be the start of the class, I still want a drink, but I won't overdo it. I have a great self-control when it comes to alcohol, so that won't be a problem at all.

Glai: Ian and I are gonna attend. I think CJ will attend too once he returns.

Oh yeah, CJ. We still have some unfinished business to do. Booze and CJ is the perfect reason why I should go. Time to fulfill my unfinished business with CJ.

"What wrong. Jake? You've been awfully quiet all of a sudden." Amon's voice immediately reminds me that we're still in a Discord voice chat.

"Sorry, I just got a text from Glai saying Yuri's throwing a party." I still can't believe about it.

"Are you going to nah?" His voice cracks up in curiosity and I try not to laugh at it.

"Definitely going there's booze and I want a drink, like desperately." I sigh, putting down my phone on my desk. "A tiring day deserved a drink, right?"

He laughs softly through my headset. "Well, good luck." He's still laughing. "Try not to lose your temper on Yuri while drinking alright?"

"Thanks, about that, but hey, aren't you coming or something?"

"Hard Pass." He says. "I have something important to do anyway, and plus, I don't want to get a hangover tomorrow since it's the start of the class."

Crap, tomorrow is the start of our class. I should be really careful with my drinks then. It'll be an embarrassing moment to attend the first day of class, while having a hangover. That would suck.

"You're not also a nerd, but also a kill joy." I scoff, "See you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Amon hangs up in the Discord voice chat, and I'm just left alone in the channel.

I'm still contemplating whether I'll attend the party or nah. The booze really tempts me to attend, but it's Yuri's party. If I drink too much, I may make a scene and just end up embarrassing myself in front of people. The least I want to do is to embarrass myself, but that booze really tempt me. I desperately need a drink after this long day, it's just a way to calm my nerves completely.

Perhaps I should make rules for me to follow when I'm in the party. Okay, rule number one Yuri's party: do not lose your temper. I just want the booze, nothing else. I don't care what's the reason for him to throw a party right before class starts, that's just stupid. Finally rule number two: do not drink too much beer, because of the aforementioned class tomorrow.

Before that, I need to freshen up. The last thing I want is to show up to a party with a sweaty hoodie and jeans that's damp from behind. Effects of playing an intense game. I already took a shower earlier, but I won't mind taking another one. Doing two showers a day is fine right? Perhaps, as long as I just take the second shower quickly, I just need to freshen up my dried sweat that's been all over my body.

Since freshening up is now out of the way, time to choose what clothing I should wear. It's only a party, so maybe just a casual? The catch is, it's Yuri's party, he may wear something like a tuxedo to a college party. I mean, who wears a tuxedo to a college party? Forget about it, I'm just gonna wear something formal but not too formal.

I grab up a plain white t-shirt and match it up with a brown denim jacket. For my lower part, of course a regular underwear topped it off with a boxer brief then topped it off with black jeans. Yes, I swear triple protection down there to avoid any awkward you-know-what. Now, for my feet, I'm just gonna wear black running shoes, nothing too fashionable.

As I'm trying to tie the laces on my shoe, my phone vibrates from the pocket. I snatch it up and a text from Glai has shown in the screen.

Glai: Dude, where are you? You need to hurry!

Rolling up my eyes in irritation, I type in a text.

Me: Just done taking a shower, and I'm just tying my laces. I'll be there in an hour.

Glai: Well, you better hurry up then. Me, Ian and CJ are already here, and it's amazing!

Me: Okay okay, I'm coming.

Putting away my phone back to my pocket, tying up my laces as fast as I can, bolting out of my door and run straight towards... Where exactly?

I snatch up my phone, typing in a text to Glai who clearly didn't specify where's the party taking place.

Me: So, where's this party anyway?

In a matter of minutes, he replies back.

Glai: In our boarding house.

Of course, he'll throw a party at their boarding house. That's so typical for him. Alright, time to party. If there's booze, then there's no need for my brain to get occupied by anything. Because all my brain will think once I drink some booze is to drink another booze. Still, I got to control myself since I have classes tomorrow, and I don't want to show to class hungover now do I? So, I better have some strong self-control during the party.

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