Anybody Have A Map? (Treebros...

By SunkissedAndSeraphic

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Treebros family oneshots!! It'll be the same characters, just oneshots! I've had a lot of drafts for this so... More

The First Murphy Adoption
Karen's being assholes part 420
A very special Christmas gift
Christmas tree
Christmas Cookies
School Scandal
Murphy Family Headcannons!
Christmas Lights
Coming Out
Crossover! (idk what to title this)
The School Musical
Prom dress shopping
I'm sorry
Ice cream makes everything better
And I wont run away
Keep this love in a photograph
Harry Potter Convention
Parker and Jacob Murphy (Im not good with titles)
Moments change everything
Katie (again, no idea for a title)
Flags (idk, im giving up on titles)
I have officially given up on thinking of title names
Shopping trip
Ill see you soon, my love
I'll see you soon, my love (Part 2)
Another crossover
Fake Identities
The sleepover
One big gay happy family
Happy pride, my loves
You will still be mine
I am not broken
Wedding bells!
Little Miss Perfect
A/N, please read!
Santa Tell Me
More than a new years kiss
Valentines Day
Stay With Me (part 1)
Stay With Me (part 2)

One Kiss

88 5 11
By SunkissedAndSeraphic

I've got one word to sum up this oneshot: gay

Also, if anyone reading this has listened to Bare: A Pop Opera, I hope you recognize the title

Charlea: 14

The silence was as thick as a sheet of ice as Charlea and Katie sat just a few feet away from each other on the cold, hardwood floor of Charlea's bedroom. She knew something was wrong with Katie, she knew it from the moment they locked eyes at school, but Charlea had no idea what.

"Katie," she huffed, setting her pencil down on her binder, "are you okay?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine," Katie's eyes shifted from side to side as her voice trailed off.

"Yeah, I don't believe you, Katie, you don't seem fine. You've been acting off all day,"

"Charlea, don't worry about me," she smiled, trying to hide the anxiety and fear that lurked in the pit of her chest.

Although Charlea did not believe her best friend at all and knew that something was not right, she decided to stop arguing, and drop the conversation. As another wave of uncomfortable quiet fell upon them, they both shifted their attention back to their schoolwork, trying their best to focus.

Truth was, Katie was not okay. She had a secret that no one had knew about for two years, and she finally wanted Charlea to know the truth, but she felt as if the words couldn't come out. Katie knew she shouldn't be scared to come clean to her friend, but she was terrified.

After a few silent minutes, Katie tightened her grip on her mechanical pencil and turned her head so she was facing Charlea.

"C, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah of course," she assured her, "what's up?"

Katie inhaled deeply, mentally preparing herself for what was to come. "Well, I know you're poly, but that's not what this is about! I'm totally cool with the fact that you're poly, I probably sound homophobic right now but I'm not, I swear, I just wanted to bring that up because I know that you would accept me, y'know? And now I'm rambling, so let me just spit it out... Charlea... I'm gay,"

Katie shut her eyes as tight as she could, not wanting to face her friend, and trying not to cry. The next thing she knew, she felt a hand be placed on her shoulder, and another hand be placed on her thigh.

"Thank you for telling me, Kay, I know it's not easy to do. I'm glad you felt comfortable sharing it with me." Charlea smiled, rubbing Katie's back as she hugged her with all her might.

As the two pulled out of their friendly embrace, they stared at each other, gazes locking and hearts pounding. Charlea couldn't explain it. Were their lips getting closer? Was the space between them shrinking?

Before the two friends knew it, their lips were locked onto each other's, and they were kissing. Katie was kissing her crush of one year, and Charlea was kissing her crush of two years. As Charlea broke away for air, she rested her forehead on Katie's and exhaled sharply.

"You know, I've been waiting two years for you to make that move,"

"Jerk," Katie chuckled, running her fingers through Charlea's curls.

"I really like you, Katie, I have for a while now."

"And I really like you too,"

Charlea lifted her forehead off of Katie's and rested it on her shoulder, grinning as she felt a hand rub across her shoulder. One question was left on her mind after the kiss, and she was determined to get an answer. "Kay, does this mean that we're-"

"Girlfriends?" Charlea nodded. "Well, I'd like to be your girlfriend, if that would be alright with you,"

"I would love that, Katie, more than anything in the world."

Moments later, the two girls reconnected their lips and ran their fingers through each other's hair. Butterflies flew around in Katie and Charlea's stomachs, and their hearts pounded inside their chests. Neither of them had kissed anyone, and they were very happy to have each other as their first one.

But, in the middle of their kiss, Evan had opened the door to come and check up on the two. Seeing what was happening in front of him, he screeched, almost dropping his phone, and backed out of the room as fast as he could, closing the door behind him. Breaking apart at the sound of her father's scream, they froze, horrified at the interaction that had just occurred.

"Papa, wait!" She called after him, sprinting down the hallway not far behind.

"I didn't see anything, baby girl, I swear," Evan responded, turning around and placing his hands over his eyes.

"Papa, it's okay, you can uncover your eyes,"

"How long have you two been together?" He asked, doing as his daughter told him.

Charlea glanced down at her socks, shuffling her feet in embarrassment. "Like ten minutes. But Katie just came out to me, and I think I'm the first person, so you can't say a word to her parents or anything."

"I won't," Evan smiled, wrapping his arms around his daughter and squeezing her tight, placing a kiss atop her head. "I'm just so happy for you,"

"Thanks, papa, that means a lot."

The two stayed in their warm embrace, just swaying ever so slightly in their spots. While Evan was shocked to find out their daughter was dating her best friend, especially finding out this way, he was overjoyed that she had found someone that made her happy, and that was all that mattered to him.

"Of course, sweetheart. Just remember, your father and I will always love you, no matter what. Now, go make out with your girlfriend,"

"Oh shut up,"

Hey humans!! Sorry if this wasn't as good as I hoped it would be, but I hope you still enjoyed it and all its gayness! I love you all so so much, never forget that ❤️❤️❤️

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