Picture Perfect Night Sky

By MelancholicBastard

4.3K 199 0

Two people struggling with life as they do their best to find who they really are. One who's struggling with... More

1 ¦ Margaret Fellice
2 ¦ Jacob Pierce
3 ¦ Margaret Fellice
4 ¦ Jacob Pierce
6 ¦ Jacob Pierce
7 ¦ Margaret Fellice
8 ¦ Jacob Pierce
9 ¦ Margaret Fellice
10 ¦ Jacob Pierce
11 ¦ Margaret Fellice
12 ¦ Jacob Pierce
13 ¦ Margaret Fellice
14 ¦ Jacob Pierce
15 ¦ Margaret Fellice
16 ¦ Jacob Pierce
17 ¦ Margaret Fellice
18 ¦ Jacob Pierce
19 ¦ Margaret Fellice
20 ¦ Jacob Pierce
21 ¦ Margaret Fellice
22 ¦ Jacob Pierce
23 ¦ Margaret Fellice
24 ¦ Jacob Pierce
25 ¦ Margaret Fellice
26 ¦ Jacob Pierce
27 ¦ Margaret Fellice
28 ¦ Jacob Pierce
29 ¦ Margaret Fellice
30 ¦ Jacob Pierce
31 ¦ Margaret Fellice
32 ¦ Jacob Pierce
33 ¦ Margaret Fellice
34 ¦ Jacob Pierce
35 ¦ Margaret Fellice
36 ¦ Jacob Pierce
37 ¦ Margaret Fellice
38 ¦ Jacob Pierce
39 ¦ Margaret Fellice
40 ¦ Jacob Pierce
41 ¦ Margaret Fellice
42 ¦ Jacob Pierce
43 ¦ Margaret Fellice
44 ¦ Jacob Pierce
45 ¦ Margaret Fellice
46 ¦ Jacob Pierce

5 ¦ Margaret Fellice

104 4 0
By MelancholicBastard

First day and there's already something weird happened in the entrance of the campus. I'm just in total shock on what just happened, that was really something. It's like I'm one of the people watching a reality show. What the hell was that and most importantly who was that guy anyway? I have never seen anyone who's, just fine after a break-up. From years of reading or watching romance, I have never seen a guy feel so nonchalant during a break-up. He might be numb or something, perhaps too arrogant to deal with the break-up. Clearly, there's something wrong with his well-being. And I'm most certainly would not cross that arrogant guy in the hallways. No way in hell.

I'm going to add him to People to Avoid lists.

Now, I just need to focus on navigating my way towards my dorm room. I don't have time to ponder on that unexpected event that just unfold right in front of my eyes. The problem is, I don't know where to go and where's my dorm room is.

I could ask people about directions but... I don't wanna bother them, they have their own problems, and I don't know anyone here.

Damn Margaret, I didn't know you were Satan who just given random people a burden in their life.

The annoying voice inside my head decided to chime in the worst situation ever. This isn't helping me in the slightest, my voices inside my head. So, can you just shut up for a moment until I find my way.

Rounding up on the corner, there's a lot of student trying to navigate their own way to their own respective dorm room, just like me. Thankfully, I'm not claustrophobic, because I may have to squeeze my way through the crowd just to reach my desired destination. This will take a while to navigate.

After what it feels like an hour of walking and squeezing my way—which was a bad idea in my part—around finding my dorm room, I've finally arrived to my supposedly dorm room. Letting out a sigh and hoping that Noah is here already, because if he's still not here, then what the hell should I supposed to do in here? Talk to the cereal box? And all that squeezing pass the crowd all for nothing?

These past weeks are driving me insane, and I need someone who can understand me. Needing someone to rant on, especially Noah. He's the best listener I ever met, he doesn't judge nor question my problems, he just listens and try to understand me as much as possible.

A person like Noah Tanver is not what he seems to be. First off, he's bi-pan or a bisexual panromantic. Which is awesome, because I never had a friend who's a panromantic, I just want to cherish that. With a name like Noah Tanver, people would think "huh, I think he's hot." Well, no. Noah is not hot, he's just had an average slim body, but that doesn't mean he doesn't eat much. He eats like he's trying to fill a void in his stomach, makes me wish I have that fast metabolism. He always had a baby face, for me at least. A baby face that's smooth and just want to squeeze his cheeks until it turns red. Noah was always my second person who I need to rant with, when Nancy isn't around nor available.

I'm actually felt so lucky to have someone like Noah in my life. There are times that he's joking around and playing around, but if it is serious times, he's serious as hell. It is literally serious times, no laughing nor joking around. He can be your personal therapist because how amazing his advice are. He can also be your own personal philosopher because of how deep he explains stuff. Not only that, but he's actually takes a philosophy class, that's why he's into deep stuff. The only thing that is awful, he's lazy as fuck, he's lazier than me not gonna lie.

I really hope he's home, I need help with this baggage, it is so fucking heavy to lift. Resting my baggage on the floor while I take a break before knocking on the door. I don't have a spare key yet, I should have asked for them, but I'm not gonna walk around with his heavy baggage. I'll ask for a spare key when I settle my baggage in.

God, I really hope he's home.

Knock Knock...

"Who's there?"

"It's Margaret!" I shout through the door hoping he can hear through this thick dark oak door.

"It's Margaret who?" I could practically hear him snicker in delight.

"I'm not in the mood to joke around, I'm dying from carrying this baggage."

"That's not a funny knock knock joke. There's not even a punchline in it."

Is he being serious right now? God, scratch those amazing things about him that I just mentioned, he's also a fucking asshole. "Would you care to help me carry all of this baggage?" I plead as much as my breath as I can.

"Nah, you can do it. You're a strong and independent woman, Maggie." He says in a mocking manner.

I swear to God, if it isn't frowned upon in the society, I'm going to smack him with all of this baggage until he lost conscious.

Twisting open the knob of the door and to my surprise. I see an asshole siting in the couch watching a documentary about penguins while eating a fuck ton of Cheetos. Typical Noah.

"Hola." He totally ignored my frustrated and tired face. He's so calm as if he's friend is slowly dying from getting too tired. Have I mentioned I have asthma? Because that makes it a lot worse on my behalf.

I sneer at him, motioning my hands to a sign that says "would you care to help me?"

All that frustrated hand motion, the only thing I can receive is an innocent face that is covered with Cheetos. "Weird way to say hello back you know?" God, he's such an asshole.

I groan out my frustration at his goddamn reply. "You know what? I wish you're going to choke on that Cheetos."

"Why are you so bitter? You could have some. Here, take some" He tries to hand me the bad of Cheetos, grinning like he's the best comedian ever.

Wow, have I mention that he's an asshole?

Shooting daggers at his direction, trying to focus on him so that I can ignite flames through my eyes.

"Oh, wow stop trying to burn me with your mind." He grins even wider than before. "That won't work, and you know it!"

"Oh sorry, I would stop doing that if you can just help me!" Gesturing my baggage frantically.

"Damn, you sound like a defeated toddler, which is ironic because you look older than your age." He slowly and sluggishly motions his way towards my direction.

When he's close enough, I use the opportunity to hit him with my sling bag. "Asshole!" I mutter to him, as he continues to carry my baggage to my room while laughing like a maniac at me.

Finally, waiting for him to return, I took the time to observe my new home. For being a low budget dorm room. This is kinda cozy and neat. I could live in here forever. The walls are just plain white with a wooden floor board. It has a flat-screen TV faced perfectly in the middle of a soft sky-blue sofa, packed with midnight black cushions—I'm guessing Noah did that on purpose—and also an elegant curved floor lamp at the side of the sofa, in a perfect angle for reading books.

After appreciating the living room, I finally followed Noah to my room and by my surprise, it's more spacious than I've expected. The interior of it is the same as the outside room, with the same shade of white and the wooden floor boards. In the upper corner of the room there's a twin-size bed with its plain white sheets—someday that's gonna change with my all-time favorite, galaxy sheets—beside the bed are end tables with little lamps on them. In front of the bed, we have a kinda okay-looking wooden wardrobe. Left part of the room, I'm guessing the study table and chair. There's also a mini bookshelf on the wooden table, which is good to store my books there. And the best part is I have my own personal bathroom, I'm guessing there's an individual bathroom in each bedroom. The thing is, I'm not going to have a problem trying to find my way through the bathroom at night without stumbling at something.

Noah placed my baggage on the bed. "Well, what do you think?"

"To be honest with you, it's more than what I'm expecting." Still in awe of how cozy this dorm is.

"Actually, I tried to tidy things up, because when I first arrived this whole dorm looks dirty."

That's shocking news to me. "You cleaned? I thought you were lazy as fuck?" I tease him a bit.

"Not all the time, jeez." He sneers back at me, rolling his eyes. He's so sassy when people tease him. But behind that sassiness is a guy who actually appreciates your presence around him, whatever or whoever you are.

I stare back in the room, already planning on my own renovation to it. Thinking about hanging some fairy lights around the room.

"Heh, if I know you too well then you're now thinking on how to decorate this bland room of yours, correct?" He crosses his arms, grinning at me.

"Nah, I'm going to stay this room the way it should be, but I may hang a bit of fairy lights to make it a bit cozier." I reassure him, smiling back at him. Suddenly a memory immediately flew in my mind. "Hey, there's something weird happened in the entrance of the campus when I arrived."

He turns his face towards me, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Well don't just stop there, spill the tea sis! What happened?"

"Well, I don't know the whole story of it, but there's this guy and his girlfriend had an argument about priorities I think, and when the girl broke up with him, he doesn't even feel like he's sad, he seems okay with it." I still in shock as I try to remember what happened.

"That guy must have wanted to break things up but doesn't have the balls to do so." He's deep in thought about it. "I don't blame him; his girlfriend sounds like a bitch." I chuckle softly by his retort. He caught me off-guard when he says, "Hey, what if you go and explore the campus? I'm just going to be here and unpack all of your stuff."

"Oh, perfect I'm also going to choose which class I'm going to attend." Jump out of excitement. "And might I ask you, why are you chosen to unpack my stuff?" Eyeing him suspiciously and why he suddenly in interest in taking my place on unpacking my stuff.

He grins at me. "Oh, I just thought unpacking these things is less work than helping you carry them around, you know."

"You're such an asshole." I say, meandering my way out. "But, thank you anyway. I appreciate it."

"Don't get lost will ya!" He waves me a goodbye as I walk my way out of the dorm.

Okay, I already know what major I want, a medical technology major, but I still need some extra minor courses in my record. Maybe if I see the courses list, I may see something that piqued my interest.

Remembering what Noah told me before I head out of the dorm. I wish I won't get lost; this campus is huge as fuck. I might need a map to navigate my way through this. It would have been helpful for freshmen student to have a free copy of the whole interior map of this huge campus. Sighing to myself, trying to summon a soul deep inside of me that's good at navigation. Time to head out to the wilderness of people. No, wait, scratch what I just said. It's not just a forest of strangers, it can also be an ocean of entities. God, I really, I won't get lost.

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