Picture Perfect Night Sky

Da MelancholicBastard

4.3K 199 0

Two people struggling with life as they do their best to find who they really are. One who's struggling with... Altro

2 ¦ Jacob Pierce
3 ¦ Margaret Fellice
4 ¦ Jacob Pierce
5 ¦ Margaret Fellice
6 ¦ Jacob Pierce
7 ¦ Margaret Fellice
8 ¦ Jacob Pierce
9 ¦ Margaret Fellice
10 ¦ Jacob Pierce
11 ¦ Margaret Fellice
12 ¦ Jacob Pierce
13 ¦ Margaret Fellice
14 ¦ Jacob Pierce
15 ¦ Margaret Fellice
16 ¦ Jacob Pierce
17 ¦ Margaret Fellice
18 ¦ Jacob Pierce
19 ¦ Margaret Fellice
20 ¦ Jacob Pierce
21 ¦ Margaret Fellice
22 ¦ Jacob Pierce
23 ¦ Margaret Fellice
24 ¦ Jacob Pierce
25 ¦ Margaret Fellice
26 ¦ Jacob Pierce
27 ¦ Margaret Fellice
28 ¦ Jacob Pierce
29 ¦ Margaret Fellice
30 ¦ Jacob Pierce
31 ¦ Margaret Fellice
32 ¦ Jacob Pierce
33 ¦ Margaret Fellice
34 ¦ Jacob Pierce
35 ¦ Margaret Fellice
36 ¦ Jacob Pierce
37 ¦ Margaret Fellice
38 ¦ Jacob Pierce
39 ¦ Margaret Fellice
40 ¦ Jacob Pierce
41 ¦ Margaret Fellice
42 ¦ Jacob Pierce
43 ¦ Margaret Fellice
44 ¦ Jacob Pierce
45 ¦ Margaret Fellice
46 ¦ Jacob Pierce

1 ¦ Margaret Fellice

156 6 0
Da MelancholicBastard

First day of college. I'm kinda anxious about it, even though one of my best friends is with me in this campus. And luckily, he's going to be my first and last roommate. Heck, I'm not planning on changing my roommate to some complete stranger, I'll rather be roommates with someone I know and trust. The other good thing is, my other best friend is going to visit me once a week. Which is awesome, knowing that she's always busy and all. Still, kinda bumped out that she went to a different college than mine.

Being active is not my thing, look, I'm still lying on my bed, staring at my white boring ceiling, with just my thoughts to accompany me. The only thing that makes the ceiling look less boring is that mossy green glow-in-the-dark stars and moon stickers I purposely put. It made it a bit interesting to stare at while drowning in my thoughts. I might pack up some of that glow-in-the-dark stickers for my dorm room. Or should I just buy more. Either or, I need them to be in my life. If possible, I could just stick them all around my body, but society will think that's too weird.

"No. Stop procrastinating, Margaret." I tell to myself in an irritated tone. "You swore to your life that you'll stop procrastinating right? Then go get up now! And also stop thinking about buying stuff, you don't have the money nor the time to keep procrastinating! You don't have that kind of luxury."

God. I'm pretty low on budget. I'm still waiting for my weekly allowance. It makes me wonder why my mom is taking so long to give it to me? At least that my mom always gives me some money, unlike my narcissistic of a "father". Should I even dare call him "my father"? Whatever, it's not like he's gonna change or something.

A familiar noise swept into my ears. A noise that is so irritating that I just want to smash it into pieces. It's my goddamn alarm clock ringing so loudly that my parents might hear it from downstairs. I glance at the annoying clock.

It's already 5:30?!?!


"First day of school and I'm late. Great job, self. You're so active. I might give you a high-five." I sneer at myself. "What did we just talk about? Stop procrastinating, and get moving!"

With a sigh of frustration, I got up off my bed slowly, making sure my eyes don't immediately warp me to a different dimension, because they do that sometimes. Perhaps it's the lack of iron in my system, but I'm not entirely sure, I'm not planning on becoming a doctor. I really hate getting up this early, I'm not entirely an early bird, I'm more of a night owl. I mean, who wakes up very early other than those responsible adults? With that thought, I don't want to become a responsible adult. If Blink-182 taught me anything is that, I should enjoy my young years before I grow up. What about I just get back to sleep and just don't attend school for today?

Okay, not to point fingers, but I think this is actually my fault. I stayed up late just to stare at the same night sky outside my window. What can I say? I'm an astrophile who just loves staring up the dark night sky. I'm actually lucky last night, because I saw the constellation Big Dipper.

For me, I prefer to call it Big Dipper than Ursa Major, it's just simpler and has fewer syllables to pronounce. Even in speaking, I'm lazy as fuck.

I'm just really into astrology and astronomy. Heck, I even know the difference between the two. Astronomy is a science that studies everything outside the earth's atmosphere, such as planets, stars, asteroids, galaxies, it also studies the properties and relationships of those celestial bodies. While on the other hand, astrology is the belief that the positioning of the stars and planets affect the way events occur on earth.

All that information and I still don't have many friends. Am I weird? Or I'm just a nerd? Yeah, I'm just a nerdy loser. Funny, my life looks like those "relatable" girls on one of those cheesy romance novels. Maybe I am one, who knows? I don't know what's going on with my life anyway.

Who cares, it's not like I'm gonna be bullied or anything, right?! Like those girls in those cheesy romance, right?!

Oh, my fucking God. What if I get bullied about it? Now, I'm just paranoid. Or am I? I should stop drinking ice coffee if this is the result of it. Ice coffee is just too tempting to drink, you know?

Again, my goddamn alarm clock rings. But this time, it's from my phone. I'm one of those people who put multiple alarms in my phone. Just to give me time to think about if I'm still going to school or not. And can I just say that an iPhone alarm sound is anxiety inducing or is it just me?

"Margaret!!!" The angry tone of my loving mother's voice came downstairs. "You're late for your first day."

Ah right, first day to college. I actually forgot about that entirely, huge thanks to my procrastinating skills. Well, time to get moving and pack up all of my stuff I'm gonna need for my dorm room.

I'm just gonna pack the essentials. Is Yoona, my cat an essential? She should be an essential, because she helps me maintain my mental state. Should I just pack her as well? Oh wait, the dorms don't allow pets inside. Curse those rules, I wish I could just break rules lie a rebel, but I'm too scared to get in trouble. What a bummer. I'm gonna miss my kitty cat. Oh well, might as well take hundreds of millions of pictures of you, Yoona.

Yoona is a British Shorthair, her stocky body, dense greyish-blue fur, and adorable broad face will be missed. Especially those orange eyes that understands me whenever I rant to her, and her medium-sized tail that tickles me whenever we play together.

Yoona wakes up from her slumber and just stares at me with those judgmental eyes. "Sorry to bother your slumber, don't take this personally, but I just really need hundreds of millions of pictures of you, Yoona." Yoona meows softly back at me, "I'll take that as a permission for me to continue."

By the time I'm at my dorm I'm gonna ask my mother to always send me pics of Yoona, especially when I'm feeling down. I'm gonna miss that little fluff ball. Just the thought of her missing me back makes me want to cry. Yoona gets up from her comfortable sleeping pad and rubs her whole body around my feet, purring softly. I happily give her a gentle scratch on the head.

"Margaret Fellice! Get your lazy-ass down here and eat your breakfast." My loving mother's voice just sound so lovely isn't?

Oh shit, she screams my whole name, I should really get moving now before my mom decides to neglect me.

I'm not used to eating breakfast at home, don't get me wrong, my mom's cooking is amazing, but I'm not feeling like eating here at home, especially at my father's presence. I always eat outside with friends, it's a habit of mine. Surprisingly, I didn't get homesickness by doing that.

But alas, I go downstairs and decides to eat breakfast because the last thing I want is my mother's angry voice screaming at me not eating breakfast, this should have been prevented when I just go downstairs very early before my mom scream at me. Walking down the dining table, I've greeted by my mother's lovely smile—as if she wasn't stressing about me being late earlier—and my father who's reading the daily newspaper with a coffee cup on his hand. Who the fuck still reads newspapers? I'm just saying this because I hate my father, not that I hate those who reads newspapers.

"Sweetie, your father and I have decided to drive you to your dorm." My mom says, meandering her way to the kitchen to serve the food.

"Oh no, mom that's not necessary," I protest. "Nancy will be the one driving me to my dorm." The last thing I want is my father's presence around me for a span of two hours, I muttered under my breath.

"Oh, are you sure you don't want us to drive you?" Mom's voice is barely audible considering it came from the kitchen. As she came back from the kitchen with a plate on her hand, "Your father has some free time." she insists, but I didn't hear my father being the one who insisted on driving me to campus.

My mom set down the food on the dinner table, on the plate is what it looks like bacon and eggs. I don't usually eat heavy breakfast like this, but I need to because I don't want to waste my mom's food, even if it means to be close from my father's presence.

I grabbed a fork and stabbed a piece of bacon and was taking small little bites out of it until something immediately entered my memory.

"Oh mom, I was planning to eat at Tim Hortons for breakfast with Nancy." I fidget my fingers around the fork, still taking tiny little bites out of the bacon.

"Oh, okay sweetie." my mom says with a sweet smile in her beautiful face. "But at least finish that bacon you just took a bite out of."

Note to self: Always mention Nancy if you want to do something that might trouble you.

Mom doesn't trust me that much when it comes to decisions, but she trusts my friend, Nancy for taking care of me whenever we are together. Because of that, my mom gets a gold star from me, and my father... Still no gold star.

I swear to God that I'm gonna neglect my father, if that's even possible to do. God, I'm so happy I'm gonna live in a dorm and not gonna see him anymore nor planning on seeing him.

I went upstairs to clean myself up and pack my last stuff in the baggage. I decided to make a one quick glance around to my room. A bedroom which is almost covered with galaxy stuff. Oh, did I mention the fairy lights that's hanging across my room. I gotta miss this room so much. "And of course, I'm gonna miss you, Yoona." I give Yoona one last head scratch before I go. Her meows sound so sad, "Don't worry about me okay? I'll be fine."

Beep Beep!

Oh, that must be Nancy with her... Car?! Since when did she have a car? Last time I check up on her, she didn't have the funds to afford a car. Oh, this gonna be an exciting drive.

I take one glance at my room, a smile on my face before heading out. Running downstairs and kiss my mom goodbye, ignoring my father's existence entirely.

"Here is your weekly allowance. By the time you are at your dorm I'm just gonna send you your weekly allowance through your bank account." my mom says. "Have a good time Maggie. Visit us sometimes whenever you want, okay?"

"I will." I lied, as much as I want to visit my mom, I just don't want to hang around when my father is here.

"I love you, sweetie!"

"Love you too, mom" I kiss my mom again in the cheeks—again, ignoring my father's whole existence, who's still reading the newspaper rather than saying goodbye to her daughter—and run outside.

As I walk outside, I was greeted by my best friend, Nancy Lightwood, and she seems to be driving what it looks like her black Convertible.

"Since when did you get a car?" I ask her, looking quite amused. "Last time I check, you're low on budget."

"It's a long, long story." She grins at me. "Now, hope in!"

Part of me feels anxious and second-guessing whether to just walk to the campus or join in for a ride with this crazy woman, but she's my best friend and plus, they insisted on driving me. I happily jump in the car, praying for my life as she starts the engine. I can already tell that this will be a bumpy ride.

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