The Walking Dead

By WillBrennan7

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Based off of the hit TV show, The Walking Dead follows a new group of survivors as they survive the zombie ap... More

The Walking Dead
Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 Episode 2
Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 9
Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2 Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 2
Season 3 Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 4
Season 3 Mid-Season Finale
Season 3 Episode 6
Season 3 Episode 7
Season 3 Episode 8
Season 3 Episode 9
Season 3 Episode 10
Season 3 Episode 11
Season 3 Episode 12
Season 3 Finale
Season 4 Episode Titles And Descriptions
4x08 Mid-Season Finale
4x18 Season Finale
Season 5 Episode Titles And Descriptions
The Walking Dead Season 5 Trailer
5x01 Sneak Peeks
5x08 MID-SEASON FINALE (A Must Read)
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Season 6 Trailer
Season 7 Episode Titles And Descriptions
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7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE
Season 8 Episode Titles And Descriptions
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Update/ New Titles And Descriptions
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255 0 0
By WillBrennan7

The Walking Dead

Season 6

Episode 13


Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“We can’t be friends” Anthony says over the phone to Gwen, as Joseph shots “KILL THEM ALL.” as Jack says “I may have developed a cure.” “Marie and I were planning to have a baby” Adam says, as Marie is shot down, and Hannah says “Let’s go.” Anthony beats Ada, as Gwen pulls a gun on him, and says to Hannah “I was considering pulling the trigger” as the two look at the sunset.



       The fire crackled, as Anthony sat across from Gwen. He was quiet, as she nibbled on the squirrel they had found. She looked over at him, and said “You barely touched your squirrel.” Anthony looked up, and said “Rebecca’s gone, Sam’s gone, Julia’s gone. We’re the only two people who are alive around here, and I’m scared we’ll never find anyone.”

         Gwen sighed, and said “Anthony, Sam and Julia aren’t dead. You were split up from them, and now we’re going to look for them. Yes, Rebecca has assed on, but you’re not gonna let that stop you from surviving out here. We should never let anything stop us from surviving out here.”

         Anthony smiled, before the two stayed silent. They kept on glancing at each other, but didn’t want to say a word to each other. Suddenly, Anthony said “So, are we even going to talk about, ‘that thing’?” Gwen, not looking at him, said “No, no we’re not.” Anthony nodded, when there was a rustle in the trees.

         The two stood up and reached for their guns, when a black cat emerged from the trees. “Oh, hi kitty” Gwen said, smiling. It hissed, before running off into the trees. Anthony smiled at Gwen, and said “You always liked cats.” “Yeah” said Gwen. “I like dogs more, but cats are still adorable.” Anthony nodded, before they went quiet. “You should get some sleep” Anthony said. “I’ll take watch.” Gwen nodded, before she climbed into her tent, and went to sleep.

          Anthony, a year older, stared into the burning fire in front of him. Gwen lied nearby, and so did Hannah and Adam. Gwen had blood on his body, as he saw the body of two walkers nearby. Anthony looked at his bloody hands and knife, and smiled, as the fire crackled.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)



           The smoke from the fire burned as Gwen stomped on it to put it out. She looked over at the others, who were waiting for her. She sighed, before she began to follow them down the road. She looked at everyone. Anthony was very pale, and his beard was stained with blood. Adam, also growing a beard, also pale, looked like he was going to throw up because they hadn’t eaten in days. Hannah, leading the group, looked like she was determined to get to wherever they were going, and it didn’t look like she wanted to stop. “Where are we going?” Gwen said to no one in particular. “I don’t know” said a croaky voice coming from Anthony’s direction. He was looking at her, and she smiled, but he didn’t.

           The group soon made it into a town, and they didn’t see any walkers in sight. “Okay” Hannah said. “Anthony, Adam, you guys try to find some food. Gwen and I will look for a shelter for the night.” The three looked at her, looking very solemn and sad. “Guys” Hannah said. “Please.” Gen nodded, while the other two just walked off. Hannah sighed, before they walked off.

             Anthony and Adam walked into a small store, and saw some bags of chips and boxes of cereal. Anthony started to throw the chips in his bag, while Adam started to walk around. Adam walked out of Anthony’s view, and Anthony heard him gasp. “Adam” he said, looking in the direction he lost saw him. “Adam” Anthony said again, more urgently, his voice very croaky. Anthony walked to the isle Adam was, and looked saddened.

             Adam was staring at two walkers underneath a large food stand, one being a woman with short brown hair, the other a child with brown hair. Adam’s lip trembled, as tears formed in his eyes. “I’ll do it” Anthony said. Adam looked at him, and said quietly “Thank you” before walking off.

            Anthony crouched next to the two walkers, before drawing his knife and stabbing the woman walker in the head. He then looked at the child, and saw that it resembled Sam. He sighed, before he sent the knife through the walker’s eye.

               Hannah and Gwen walked down a barren road, and spotted many houses. “This one looks okay” Gwen said, as they saw a large blue house. They walked forward, and Hannah opened the door. She banged the butt o her sword on the wall to see I any walkers would come. One came out of nowhere, and Hannah stepped forward and cut its head off.

                No other walkers came, so Gwen said “This seems like a good place to spend the night.” Hannah sighed and said “We can’t just stay here and live like animals. We have to have a destination.” “Well, tell me when you find one” said Gwen. “Because I’d love to go somewhere to stay.” She turned and walked out the door, leaving Hannah alone in the house, frustration going through her.”

                Adam sat, cross legged with his face in his hands, in the middle of the road, as Anthony walked out of the store with a bag filled with food. Adam looked up at him, with a red face, and said “Thank you.” Anthony nodded, as he spotted Gwen approaching, with Hannah lagging behind.

                 “Did you find a place?” Anthony asked, as the two came over. “Yeah” said Gwen. “We checked it for walkers. There was only one.” “Good” Anthony said, when he suddenly felt a pain right above his hip. He gasped in pain, as Gwen ran forward. “Are you okay?” she asked, as Hannah ran too. “I think so” Anthony said, as he sat down. “It’s the wound” said Hannah. “It has to be acting up again.” “We need to get you some medicine.” “You will” said Anthony, as Gwen and Hannah helped him up. “Adam” Gwen said. “Grab my gun and watch for walkers.” Adam took Gwen’s gun out of her holster, as the four walked off down the road.

                   Gwen and Hannah lied Anthony on the couch, saying “There you go.” They rested a pillow behind his head, as Adam asked “Is he gonna be okay?” Gwen lifted his shirt up, as she and Hannah looked at the wound, and saw the bloody bandage and veins popping out. “It’s infected” said Hannah. “We have to find the right medications, and fast.” “Did you guys see a pharmacy around here?” Gwen asked. “No” said Adam. “But, we didn’t go very far, so there has to be something around here.” “Okay” said Hannah, as Anthony looked up at her. “Hurry please” his croaky voice said. “Pain sucks.” “We’ll get you the meds” Gwen said, kissing Anthony. “Adam, you watch him” said Hannah. “Come on Gwen.” Gwen and Hannah ran out of the door, as Adam sat down, and the two stayed quiet.

                 The two walked off down the road, and spotted a walker impaled on a fence. “Leave it” Hannah said, as Gwen started to walk over and kill it. Gwen nodded, as the two walked on. “Listen” said Gwen. “About earlier, I only said that stuff because I was mad about Anthony and Adam fighting. I’ve been on edge the past couple of days.” “I know” said Hannah. “But, we can’t live out here. We are survivors, and we need to live like human beings. I’m not saying right now, but soon, we have to get out of this world, and live somewhere that we can defend on our own, with people, and we can live there for the rest of our lives. We need that to survive.” Gwen smiled, and said “And, we’ll find it Hannah. We’ll find a home.”

               Gwen stepped forward, and hugged Hannah, before pulling away and asking “Do you think anyone survived?” “It couldn’t have just been us” said Hannah. Gwen then felt tears at her eyes and said “I saw Kate get bit. William ran off with her. She’s dead, and I don’t know if William got out of there alone.” Hannah felt saddened by this information, before saying “William is one of the bravest men I know. He had to have survived. He just had too.” Gwen smiled, before they turned, and felt brightened as they saw a pharmacy sitting there.

                 Adam looked at Anthony, who had a book in his hands. Anthony looked over, and Adam looked away. “Hey” Anthony said. He sat up, and smiled. “On my honeymoon, Rebecca was worried about what you were gonna do at home all by yourself, because you had just broken up with Gabrielle Fields. Anyway, she was so worried that you were gonna be sad, so I said ‘Hey Becca, don’t worry. This is Adam we’re talking about. The suave and clean cut man that, after he gets dumped, he gets out there and has some fun.’ She was still worried about you, but I said ‘Becca, if you’re so worried, I’ll call Kieran, and he could make it as if you were at a bachelor party.” Adam smiled, and said “I remember that night. My first and best bachelor party, except without the wedding the next day.”

               Anthony smiled again and said “Anyway, Rebecca was still so worried about you, but I told her to relax. So, then we got off of our flight in France, and I told her that Kieran said you two had the best night ever and that you were just exhausted from it. She was still scared that you’d be in a depression, because you and Gabrielle had been dating since college, so I just took her out for a nice calm walk. Luck I did, because who do we meet on our walk, but a nice, beautiful girl, visiting her French cousins. Her name was Marie Swanson from LA, and we met her when Rebecca accidentally fell in a river and she dived into save her. After we met, Rebecca said that she loved Marie, and she hoped we’d see her again.”

              Anthony looked over at Adam, who had a bright smile on his face. Anthony’s smile then vanished, as he said “I am so sorry about Marie.” Adam nodded, as he said “I really loved her. She was the love of my life.” Anthony nodded, too, as Adam said “We really wanted to have another kid.” Adam had tears come down his face, before looking at Anthony and saying “I’m sorry about Sam.” Anthony looked up, and suddenly had a realization that Sam was dead. Anthony felt tears at his eyes, as he said “I’m gonna go find a bed and get some sleep.” “Okay” Adam said, as Anthony stood up, grabbed his gun, and walked out.

              Hannah and Gwen walked into the pharmacy, and saw several shelves lying down with meds all over the floor. “Okay” said Hannah. “This is gonna be harder than we thought.” The two began to search through all of the piles of meds, before Gwen finally said “I got one of them.” “I got another” said Hannah. The two continued to search, but only found those two bottles of pills.

             “We’re better get out of here” said Gwen. “We shouldn’t leave those two alone. They’re both really weak.” “Come on then” said Hannah. The two walked out the door, when, suddenly, a herd was coming down the road. “Get inside” said Hannah, and the two quickly got back inside. They didn’t have time to barricade the doors, because the walkers were already there. “Hide” Gwen said, as the two ran away behind shelves.

                 Suddenly, the door opened, and they heard metal clanging and walker gargles. Gwen looked over the counter she was hiding behind, and saw two walkers, arms and jaw cut off, with collars around their neck attached to chains. Gwen got her gun out, as a male voice said “Hello?” Gwen went to aim her gun, but Hannah shook her head. “I’m not gonna hurt you girls” said the male voice. Gwen looked at Hannah, and looked at her gun, before Hannah nodded.

                 The two stood up, and Hannah held her sword up as Gwen aimed her gun. Across a few counters stood a dark skinned man with a goatee. He was holding the two chains the walkers were attached too. “Woah” said the man. “I’m gonna hurt you.” “What’s your name?” Gwen asked. “I’m Todd” he said. “I’m here because I want to help get you two out of here.” “We don’t need your help” said Hannah. “We can handle ourselves.” “I’m sure you can” said Todd. “But, I still want to help you guys out. Then, we can split off and never see each other again.” Hannah and Gwen looked suspicious, before Gwen said “Fine.” “Okay” Hannah said.

                 The three moved towards the glass and saw the large herd outside. “We have to get a walker and cover ourselves in the guts” said Hannah. “No” said Todd. “We don’t.” “Oh” said Gwen. “We can use one of them.” “No” said Todd. “Since I have these two walkers close to me, they make me invisible. I cut their arms and jaws off so they couldn’t infect me, and since they don’t attack, the smell covers me, and I’m safe.” “Okay” said Gwen. “There’s our way out.”

                 The three got close to each other, before Todd opened the doors, and walked out into the herd. The walkers thought they were ne of them, which made Gwen and Hannah relieved. The three got to the front of the herd before they got far off, and they started to head home.

                   Anthony lied on a bed, with the window of the bedroom opened. Suddenly, he heard people talking very loudly outside. He sat up from his bed and looked out of his window, and saw seven men walking onto the porch of the house. He gasped, before he grabbed his gun and walked towards the stairs, but he heard the door get kicked down.

                     Adam raised his gun, but one of the men aimed his shotgun. “Hey” said another man to the shotgun holder. “There’s no need to aim that at this guy.” “Who are you?” Adam asked, fury showing on his face. “Names Sean” said the man. “Shotgun boy is Billy, and there’s so many others that I don’t want to name.” “Look” said Adam. “I don’t want any trouble. Just go back the way you came.”

                    “Now” said Sean. “I can’t do that. We came here for supplies, and it looks like you have a lot. Now give us your supplies, and then we’ll be on our way.” “No” said Adam. “It’s our stuff.” “Our?” said Sean. He looked around, and asked “Is there someone else in the house?” “No” Adam lied. “They’re on a run.” “Well” said Sean. “I guess you won’t mind it if Big Al takes a look upstairs.” “No” said Adam, fear flowing through him.

                      Anthony looked at the steps, and saw someone heading up. He ran back into his room, and grabbed a pair of scissors that were on the desk. The man walked in, and Anthony jumped out, but the man grabbed him and threw him against the wall. He went to call out, but Anthony head butted him before wrapping his arms around his neck. He pulled on the man’s throat, before he grabbed the scissors and sent them into the man’s eye. Anthony covered the man’s mouth, as he the blood poured down his face.

                      Sean looked up stairs and said “Al.” He didn’t receive and answer. “How big is your upstairs?” Sean asked, looking at Adam. “Pretty big” said Adam. “A lot of rooms.” Sean nodded, and said “Al will be down here soon, and he’ll tell us if anyone’s upstairs.” “Good” said Adam, still afraid.

                      Anthony looked out the window, and spotted Gwen and Hannah coming towards the house with a man who had walkers on chains. “Guys” Anthony said, trying not to shout. They looked up, and he said “Go around back. There are men inside.” The three nodded, as Anthony threw an assault rifle to Todd. “I can talk to you later” Anthony said, as the three ran off.

                      Anthony drew his pistol and looked down the steps. “Al” Sean called up. “He’s dead” Anthony said, and there was muttering downstairs. Billy grabbed Adam as Sean said “We got your man. Now, come on down, and we won’t kill him.” Anthony looked down and said “I’m coming.” However, he turned, and climbed onto the rooftop, before dropping down.

                       Todd hooked the walkers to the fence in the backyard, before he raised his rifle and said “I’ll go in first.” He solely opened the door, and the three began to go in. Hannah aimed her rifle, as the three made it in the kitchen. Todd looked out of a door, and said “They have one of your men.” “Adam” Gwen said, gasping.

                       Anthony aimed his pistol at the front door, before pushing it opened and shooting at Billy, who fell. Adam jumped behind a couch as Todd shot a man down. Sean jumped behind cover, but Gwen shot him in the shoulder, and he fell. Anthony killed another man, before Adam ran over, and Anthony shouted “GUYS, GET OUT THE BACK.” Anthony and Adam ran out the front door, before they made their way around, and Todd grabbed his walkers, before they all ran through the trees.

                            The five now sat around a fire that illuminated them all. “We were attacked” Anthony said. “We had to get out of there. We don’t know where the rest of our group is.” “So” said Todd. “Your son’s out there.” “Maybe” said Anthony. “But, he could be dead, like his Mom.” Todd looked down, before saying “I’m so sorry.”

                             They stayed quiet for a moment, before Anthony chuckled. “What is it?” asked Gwen. “Those walkers” said Anthony. “They’re on chains, like their slaves. It should really be the other way around. We’re the slaves of this world. We’re stuck on chains, stuck on this world, and we can’t get out. Their jaws are cut off, so they can’t eat, and neither can we. None of us can eat. We’re just forced to roam this world, the world of the dead. We’re either the killers, or the killed. We can’t decide. We just live in this awful world. We have no purpose. There is no reason for us to be here, except to lose the people we love. That’s the fun of this world. We’re forced to walk it, and we all die. We’re practically dead anyways. At some point, we are all going to die, and we can’t stop it. Right now, we’re just stuck on chains, as slaves.” Anthony stared at the fire for a moment, before he took a bite out of the squirrel they had killed. They now all stayed quiet, realizing now, that they were just slaves of this world.

WillBrennan7 Presents, Scenes From The Next Episode Of The Walking Dead…

Sherri holds her baby, as the group walks down a road. “We need food, water, supplies” says Terry, as Vivian looks pale. “Or that babies not gonna make it” she says, as Ted holds a hammer up. “It’ll die in this world” Ted says. “And there’s nothing we can do about it” says Carly. The group runs as there are walkers all over the place, Jonathan stabs a walker that grabs Vivian, as Ted hits a walker with the hammer, before one grabs him. Suddenly, Sherri stands alone in the middle of the road with the baby, before saying “Hello?”

Find Out What Happens On Episode 14 Of The Walking Dead.

For More, Check Out Talking Stories. 

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