Part of The S.O.G and Part of...

By DragonCrystyGarmadon

6.7K 148 67

A child was born as both the S.O.G and the resistance. She had been living with one side a.k.a the dark side... More

The Beginning of The Rivals
The Baby
Evil or Good
You're Safe With Me
You're Safer With Me
New Member of S.O.G
The Walk
This Was Such a Bad Idea
I Hate You
Child's Power
The Deal
Sides Battle
A Mother's Sacrifise
Struggling Relationship
Untrust Worthy?!
Messed Up
Should I...?
Lloyd's Defending
Father to Father
Teaching a Child
Call Lloyd!
I Want to Call Harumi

Daughter of Green

455 7 1
By DragonCrystyGarmadon

Lloyd took Crystal to Mystake and asked her about the green light that was around Crystal while she was sleeping. While he was telling Mystake what happened, Crystal was moving so much and started screaming and crying. 

"Can you do something?" Lloyd asked.

"There is nothing to be done." Mystake answered.

"Come on,there's gotta be something!" Lloyd said with so much anxiety for his daughter.

"Do not worry,young Garmadon.It is normal,she was just like you after you were born." Mystake said and it confused Lloyd.

"What are you trying to say?" Lloyd said after he lifted an eyebrow.

"She has inherited your power,the power of the First Spinjitzu Master." Mystake answered and Lloyd was shocked and got even more worried.

"How is she suppose to handle that kind of power at this age?!" Lloyd asked in shock.

"Do not worry.As long as she is in the hands of good,she will be in-control of her powers." Mystake assured.

"That means,..." Lloyd started as his anxiety grew in him.

"She musn't be in Harumi's hands.But if she chooses to come back to you and be on the good side,only then your daughter can be in Harumi's hands." Mystake finished.

Lloyd looked at Crystal who was now sleeping peacefully in his arms with anxiety in his eyes and held her closer to him. 

"This isn't fair...I can't separate a child from her mother!It's not right!" Lloyd said with even more anxiety and panically.

"You can still tell her about her mother,but how to tell is up to you.And you can decide when she can meet her mother." Mystake told Lloyd to calm him down from his thoughts.

"Ok.I guess that's..kind of fair." Lloyd replied while calming down and thanked Mystake and went back to his room with Crystal.

Crystal started waking up and she looked at Lloyd and she giggled, but Lloyd could only hold her close with anxiety. He had no other choice but to separate Crystal from one of the most important people in her life, the one who had been pregnant with her for 9 months and delivered her. He started crying while holding Crystal, Crystal was confused and tried to reach Lloyd's face.

"I hope you'll understand why I do what I will do in order to protect you.I can't let you fall into the wrong hands,and your mother's hands...are the wrong hands." Lloyd said with tears and hugged Crystal.

"Wawa?" Crystal asked and reached out for Lloyd's eyes.

Lloyd sat Crystal down on the small blanket and let her watch another kids video on youtube on his phone to keep her busy. Misako entered the room and saw the expression of her worried son.

"Lloyd,are you ok?" Misako asked while walking towards Lloyd.

"Yeah,I'm ok.Sort of.." Lloyd answered, not really being able to lie. He was distracted by the thoughts of keeping Crystal safe and the powers she inharited.

"You're worried about keeping the secret from Crystal?" Misako guessed.

"I can't lie.I am worried about that.I can't lie to my own daughter,especially about her family!It's not fair!" Lloyd answered and complained and hit his desk which scared Crystal.

Crystal then cried and Lloyd realized he was getting out of control with his thoughts. 

"Gosh,I really need to control my stupid emotions!" Lloyd said to himself and held Crystal and he tried to calm her down.

"We're here to help,son." Misako said with a smile and her hand placed on Lloyd's shoulder.

Lloyd smiled and thanked Misako. 

"Wawa.." Crystal said and looked at Lloyd.

"Who are you looking at?Who?" Lloyd asked playfully.

Crystal giggled a little and touched Lloyd's face. 

"Mom,do we have something going on?" Lloyd asked.

"Not really." Misako answered and asked, "Why?"

"I'm gonna take Crystal to the playground.I think she's getting kinda bored in the basement all day." Lloyd said.

"Alright.Just becareful out there,you know Harumi would see it as an opportunity to take Crystal from you." Misako said.

"I know.I'm not gonna let Crystal get out of my sight." Lloyd said and put his hood on.

"Where did I put Crystal's hood?" Lloyd asked himself while looking for the hood in his closet.

Misako decided to help Lloyd find the hood and once they did, Lloyd put the hood on Crystal for her to wear.

"Ready to go to the playground?" Lloyd asked playfully.

Crystal laughed with excitement and Lloyd carried her.

"We'll be back in an hour or two,mom." Lloyd said.

"Ok.Make sure you becareful out there." Misako said.

"We will." Lloyd replied and went to the playground with Crystal.

"Lloyd." Kai called.

"What's up,Kai?" Lloyd asked.

"Where are you going?" Kai asked.

"To the playground with Crystal." Lloyd asnwered.

"Perfect timing!I was just going to take Sky there." Kai said.

"That means we can go together.Our kids can play together." Lloyd said.

"Just what I was thinking!Let's go!" Kai said and they went to the playground together.

At the park, Lloyd pulled Crystal's hood over her head to cover her hair. Crystal and Sky were playing in the sand box while Kai and Lloyd were talking about Sky and Crystal's safety.

"At least they'll be distracted playing with each other." Kai said.

"Yeah,but something still worries me though." Lloyd replied.

"It's Harumi,isn't it?" Kai asked and Lloyd nodded with a frown.

Kai was about to speak when they both noticed that Crystal and Sky were about to eat the sand.

"Kids,no!" Kai shouted and stopped Sky from eating the sand and Lloyd did the same to Crystal.

"No eating sand,ok?" Lloyd said and held Crystal closer.

Lloyd grabbed two pieces of wet tissues and gave one to Kai for him to wipe Sky's hands from the sand and Lloyd wiped Crystal's hands from the sand that was stuck to her hands. Kai was looking for some sort of ride for the kids to go on and spotted the swings for babies.

"Hey,buddy.How about we take the kids to the swings?Swinging is always fun." Kai asked.

"Sure.Let's go." Lloyd agreed and they took Sky and Crystal to the baby swings.

Little did they know that there was a black-hooded person watching them from behind a tree. They were too busy having fun together.

"Ready to swing?" Kai asked playfully and Sky giggled in excitement.

Kai gently pushed Sky's swing and Lloyd did the same for Crystal. Both Sky and Crystal were laughing, having fun swinging. 

"Looks like you two are having fun." Kai said and chuckled.

Sky was giggling when he saw the black-hooded figure. He pointed at the black-hooded figure and Kai looked.

"Uhh....Lloyd." Kai called in a bit of fear.

"What is it,Kai?" Lloyd asked.

Kai pointed at the black-hooded figure and as soon as Lloyd saw, he picked Crystal up from the swing.  

"We better get outta here." Lloyd suggested.

Kai was about to pick Sky up but Sky and Crystal started crying, wanting to stay in the swings.

"We'll come back another day.But we have to g-" Lloyd said but was cut off by the black-hooded figure's voice.

"You are NOT going anywhere!!" A voice shouted.

Kai and Lloyd turned to the black-hooded figure while holding their kids close. The black-hooded figure was staring at Crystal and walked closer to her. Crystal was so scared and she cried.

"STAY AWAY!!" Lloyd yelled.

"GIVE ME THE CHILD!!" The mysterious person demanded and Lloyd stepped back while holding Crystal close.


The mysterious person ignored his demand and kept trying to take Crystal from him.

"HE SAY STAY AWAY SO STAY AWAY,WHOEVER YOU ARE!!" Kai yelled and blasted a bit of fire at the mysterious person.

The mysterious person knew he/she couldn't get Crystal so he/she retreated.

"Who do you think that was?" Kai asked.

"I have no idea.But we should head back,there may be more." Lloyd answered and they went back to the basement.

But on the way, Crystal and Sky kept crying, begging to go back to the swings.

"These two love the swings so much." Kai chuckled.

"Maybe we should just get two swings for these two.It'll distract them while we handle other stuff." Lloyd suggested.

"No need,buddies." Jay said.

Lloyd and Kai looked confused and Jay gestured for them to follow him, which they did.

"Jay,what is going on?I hope you didn't do anything stupid again." Kai said.

"Hey,I'm not the only one who does anything stupid from time-to-time!" Jay complained.

"Just make this quick,Jay.I gotta feed Crystal." Lloyd said.

"Don't worry,I guarantee this will be quick!" Jay assured.

"Ok." Kai replied as they continued walking and saw a thing covered in black fabric.

"Uhh...Jay,what is this?What's going on,guys?" Lloyd asked as soon as he noticed that everyone was there too.

"We got a surprise for you!Well,it's more too,we have a surprise for your kids." Nya declared.

"What is it?" Kai asked.

Zane and Pixal removed the fabric to reveal two baby swings.

(Crystal's Baby Swing)

(Sky's Baby Swing)

"Wow!" Kai shouted.

"Thanks,guys!" Lloyd thanked them.

"How did you guys know-" Kai asked but Cole cut him off.

"We had a thought.Plus,every baby needs a swing." Cole said.

"These look amazing!And they have mosquito net!" Kai said.

"Yep!We thought it was necessary since we're in a garbage depot,you never know when a mosquito would attack." Nya said.

"Crystal,look what they got you." Lloyd said to Crystal and she turned around, looking at one of the baby swing(Her swing).

She tried to reach it and looked at Lloyd, asking to put him in the swing.

"Looks like this little girl want to get in the swing already." Lloyd chuckled.

"Wait,we have other swings!" Cole said.

"How many did swings did you guys buy?" Kai asked.

"Four.Two for each of your kids.Don't worry,they're different kinds." Nya said and removed another fabric to reveal the 2 other swings.

(Sky's second swing)

(Crystals second swing)

"Oh wow!" Lloyd said.

"You guys are the best!" Kai shouted.

"We know." Jay chuckled

Sky and Crystal looked at the swings and tried to reach them.

"Let's put these swings in your room so your kids can enjoy it sooner!" Griffin suggested.

They moved the swings to their room(Crystal's swings to Lloyd's room and Sky's swings to Kai's room). 

With Kai, Skylor was placing the swings on the corner of the room, next to one another. Lloyd and Misako did the same thing.

"She's definitely so excited,she kept trying to get down!" Lloyd chuckled while trying to cradle crystal properly as she kept trying to get down.

"You were no different." Misako giggled.

"Mom..!" Lloyd whined and Crystal giggled as she saw Lloyd's cheek went pink.

She immediately thought Lloyd's cheeks were color-changing toys and she poked his left cheek with her left hand.

"Hey!What do you think you're doing?" Lloyd asked playfully as she held Crystal's hand.

Crystal giggled and he placed Crystal in the second baby swing. Crystal immediately tried to swing and Lloyd started swinging the swing gently. Misako smiled seeing the sight and she quietly left the room to give the father and daughter some space. 

"Mom?" Lloyd asked, noticing that his mother was no longer in the room.

Misako was standing in front of the door and turned away from it. She started tearing with pride and remembered when she first swing Lloyd in his new swing when he was a newborn baby.

~~~~~~ FLASHBACK ~~~~~~

"Look what your grandfather got you,little Lloyd!" Misako said as she showed Lloyd the new swing TFSM had bought for him.

As soon as Lloyd looked at the swing, he giggled and was trying to get in the swing.

"Looks like someone wants to swing on it already." Misako giggled and placed Lloyd in the swing.

TFSM sealed the seatbelt around Lloyd and pressed the button to make the swing swing around. Lloyd laughed while swinging and he tried to reach the moons while swinging.

"Someone's having fun." TFSM said playfully.

Lloyd was having so much fun on the swing until he fell asleep as the swing was swinging slowly. Misako got closer to Lloyd and kissed his forehead. She smiled while looking at Lloyd, but then her smile turned upside down and TFSM noticed.

"You're sad that he'd grow up to be a big boy,aren't you?" TFSM ssked with a smile.

Misako started tearing and nodded, "I wish he'd never grow up,but I know there is no way to prevent it,he can't stay a baby forever."

TFSM wiped Misako's tears and said, "I know how hard it is to accept it,I was no different than you with Garmadon and Wu.It felt so fast.But I am proud that they've grown to be two wise young men,and I am sure that Lloyd will be no different." 

Misako smiled at TFSM and looked at her sleeping son again. She stroked his head lovingly as a mother and kissed his forehead once again.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Misako teared remembering that moment, she looked at her hands and she felt as if Lloyd was sleeping in her arms as a baby.

"Why does he have to grow up so fast?" Misako thought to herself.

But that thought of hers was interrupted when a hand was on her shoulder, she wiped her tears and turned around and saw that it was none other than her son.

"Mom,are you ok?" Lloyd asked, concerned about his mother.

"I'm fine,Lloyd." Misako answered.

"You sure?You look like you just...cried." Lloyd asked.

Misako placed her left hand on Lloyd's right cheek and Lloyd held her hand that was on his cheek.

"You don't need to worry about me.I only cried because I miss holding you in my arms,when you were a baby.It was disappointing to see that you have grown so much and are already a father,no longer a baby.But I'm proud the kind of man you have grown into.If your grandfather was here,he'd be very proud and tell you just how much he was of you." Misako said and Lloyd teared.

He hugged Misako tight while crying and Misako did the same.

"I am still a baby in your eyes,aren't I?" Lloyd asked.

"Of course you are,Lloyd and you'll always be a baby in my eyes." Misako said.

"Don't ever change,mom." Lloyd said and Misako kissed his forehead.

"By the way,how's Crystal?Did you two have fun in there?" Misako asked and Lloyd gestured Misako to follow her.

"Let's just say,we had too much fun until one of us was..drainded." Lloyd said and showed Misako little Crystal that was sleeping in her other swing.

Her Lloyd doll was next to her and she was tucked in with her blanket and her head on her tiny little pillow. Lloyd removed the mosquito net a bit so they could get a better view of the sleeping baby.

"She must've been so tired.She's sleeping so peacefully." Misako said with a smile.

"She sure was.I didn't bother that much to rock her because she was already fast to sleep as soon as I picked her up from the swing." Lloyd chuckled.

Misako chuckled as well and she looked at Crystal again.

Meanwhile, Kai and Skylor were having so much fun playing with their son as he was having fun with his second swing.

"You like the swing?" Skylor asked playfully and Sky giggled.

"This swing is the best,mommy!" Kai said, doing Sky's talking.

"What are you doing,Kai?" Skylor laughed.

"What?" Kai asked, trying to hold back his laughter.

Sky laughed, trying to imitate Skylor's laughter. Kai and Skylor noticed and laughed.

"Come here,my little flame." Kai said and picked Sky up from the swing.

"I think we should put him to sleep,once he wakes up,he'll have his milk ready in a bottle." Skylor said and Kai nodded.

"Alright,you heard your mommy.Time for sleep." Kai said while rocking Sky, but Sky refused to go to sleep and tried to reach the swing.

Kai placed Sky in his other swing and tucked him in as Skylor stroke his head lovingly. But something was bothering Skylor, she sighed as Sky went to sleep after being rocked in the swing.

"Skylor,what's wrong?" Kai asked, concerned.

"N-Nothing,Kai.Everything's fi-" Skylor lied but stopped talking after she saw the look on Kai's face.

"Why are you looking at me like that,Hothead?" Skylor asked.

"You can't hide your expression from me,Skylor.Your eyes really shows it." Kai said and Skylor covered her eyes and turned around.

"Stop looking into my eyes,Kai!" Skylor demanded and Kai found it cute.

Kai quietly approached Skylor and got in front of her. He removed Skylor's hands from her face and lifted her chin up to face him. They stared into each other's eyes and their lips met as they closed their eyes. Skylor's worries disappeared as she kept her lips on Kai's.

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