𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬...

By strawberry1d

82K 4K 3.3K

ᶠᵒʳᵐᵃˡˡʸ ᵏⁿᵒʷⁿ ᵃˢ 'ᴰᵃʸᵈʳᵉᵃᵐ' When you noticed the light fading in J-Hope's eyes, you swallowed hard, attempti... More

🏆Award Achievements 🏆
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 1
Chapter 2꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 3
Chapter 4꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 5
Chapter 6꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 7
Chapter 8꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 9
Chapter 10꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 11
Chapter 12꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 13
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 15
Chapter 16꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 17
Chapter 18꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 19
Chapter 20꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 21
Chapter 22꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 23
Chapter 24 ꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 25
Chapter 26꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 27
Chapter 28꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 29
Settings and Eras of the Soulbound series
Chapter 30꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 31
Chapter 32꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 33
Chapter 34꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 35
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 36
Chapter 37꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 38
Chapter 39꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 40
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 41
Chapter 42꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
Chapter 43꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 44
Chapter 45꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 46
Chapter 47꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
Chapter 48꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 49
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 50
Chapter 51꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 52
Chapter 53꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 54
Chapter 55꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 56
Chapter 57꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 58
Chapter 59꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 60
Chapter 61꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 62
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 63
Chapter 64꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 65
Chapter 66꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 67
Chapter 68꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷 Chapter 69
Chapter 70꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷
Contest- Results
꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷 Chapter 71

Chapter 14꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂

893 54 15
By strawberry1d

Daydream, daydream (oh)
Daydream, daydream (oh)

You got back home after Byron dropped you off. He headed straight to the Chateaux to update his in-laws about his situation. Meanwhile, you're feeling torn. It's decision time: South Korea or a few months to explore Tokyo.

But the thought of leaving your parents doesn't sit well. You adore them, and being away from your mum will tear you apart.

A headache is starting to brew. You punch in your password and let yourself in the house.

Your mum looks up from her seat on the lounge, flipping through a magazine. You drop your overnight bag and rush over, giving her a tight hug.

"Hey mum, dad mentioned you took sick leave? What's up?...Can I get you a drink...or something to eat?" You asked, a mix of excitement and concern in your voice.

Your mum looks at you affectionately, "Hi love, no, I'm alright. Just the usual trouble. I went for a test, waiting on the results. How was your little break?" She inquires with interest, but you can tell she seems a bit pale and tired.

"The weekend was fine...We hit up the Duchess High Tea, and Sarah dragged me to Harrods. Okay, I went a bit overboard. If I knew I might lose my job, I wouldn't have splurged so much on a daft dress I'll probably never wear. And a pair of Jimmy Choos. Bad timing...Alright, before you get cross, I got you something."

You sprung up and grabbed the gift bag from a top-notch chocolate shop. Your mum's eyes widened, and she gave you a gentle hug in appreciation.

"Where are the twins?" you asked.

"Keitaro's off with dad, getting everything set for Korea. Kenichi's holed up in his room, glued to his computer. He's buzzing about the auditions. Dad's chatting with this bloke, Mr Song, a rep. He wants Kenichi in for training. Auditions last a month, starting in a week. He's sweating over the KGS and uni acceptance. How'd it go at work?" Your mum seemed a bit stressed.

"I snagged my package at £45,000 with perks. Byron's off to Beijing with his lady, Sarah's sorted for Taiwan 'cause of some massive pad for her soulmate. I was meant to head there, but then Sarah brought up her soulmate. They're even fixing up a job for her bloke, Larry...and they've put me in Busan, South Korea. But I dunno. The clinic's sorting everything, kicking off on 1st March. I don't wanna leave you alone, Mum." You looked sadder and more stressed than your mum.

Your mum took your hands in hers. "Darling, I know the world's a daunting place. But it's time to spread those wings and take off. I'll always be your rock. Dad and I want you to thrive. We're so chuffed with you. We just want you happy. Forget about your roots for now. Dad and I will start digging and keep you posted, alright? Live it up, stop fretting so much." Your mum grinned and pulled you in for a hug.

""I'm scared, Mum... my soul mark's been acting up. My soulmate's on his way soon, and I don't know if he'll love and accept me, Mum. I've never had much luck in the love department. Blokes didn't seem to want to date me because they thought I was too fussy, snooty, or just plain due to my posh school background. I felt like a flop... it'd crush me if my soulmate doesn't fancy me for those reasons," your eyes began to well up.

"Blimey, love... I can't wait to meet him or for him to meet the lovely you soon. And no, darling, you're not a flop! You're beautiful, kind, and dead charming. Don't think like that, alright? You'll make him bloomin' happy," she says, looking really pleased.

She wants to see you settled with the love of your life, see her grandkids before she passes, and witness the success of the "twins".

You just shrugged and swiftly excused yourself to freshen up. Your mum made roast chicken and veg for dinner - you weren't that hungry due to the unsettling news. You dashed to Kenichi's room. He was perched on his bed with his laptop open.

He glanced up and beamed widely at his elder sister. "Hi, sis, what's happening?"

You smiled and settled into one of his plush chairs. The twins' rooms were so posh; you wouldn't think they were still teenagers, perhaps because your mum was strict about keeping their place tidy.

"I'm alright, got the news I'm placed in Busan," you said, giving a small smile.

Kenichi's eyes widened, and he leaped from his bed, pulling you into a tight hug.

"OMG...omg...!!! You're coming with me to South Korea. Dad will have to let me go, sis. You'll be there to look out for us," he exclaimed, all hyped about the idea of you joining them.

"Oh, come off it. You'll still do whatever you like. Since when do you listen to me? Isn't your audition in Seoul?" You raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn't matter where it is, the fact is you'll be living in Busan...that's all that matters. Keitaro will be in a dorm, and we'll have a place to visit and stay during breaks," he said, his eyes sparkling.

"But I'll be sharing an apartment with Sandra, and I don't even like her that much," you grimaced.

"It's alright. We can ask dad to sort us an apartment at the border of Seoul and Busan. Close to your job but within driving distance of Seoul," he started planning.

"I'm not sure. We need to speak to dad first. But what about uni?" you asked, worried because dad insisted he had to get accepted at uni before going for dance auditions.

He grinned, "I wanted to tell them at dinner. I got into Sungkyunkwan University with a scholarship. They've got top-notch dance programs. It's just about 11 minutes to Bighit agency from there. I can enrol, and if I pass the audition in a month, Bighit will arrange flexible hours with the uni. You can find an apartment near my uni. Korea University's a 9-minute drive. It's close to Keitaro too," he said, brimming with excitement.

"Come along with us next week. We're off to sign up, and then you and dad can suss out that hospital and the flat. We'll sort you an apartment near Seoul. It's a cracking city, loads going on, and it's dead safe, especially for a woman like you. No need to be anxious walking around," he pleaded, giving you puppy-dog eyes.

"My workplace is at the Bumin Hospital, a physiotherapist sports centre. The apartment will be in Haeundae, Busan. I'll need a car to visit you. Perhaps we could find a place for all three of us to call home. Keitaro could also have a spot for holidays," you explained to him. Your excitement was building now that both your brothers would be settling at uni.

"So, it's about a four-hour drive to Seoul, but maybe less than two hours to Haeundae by plane, not exactly sure. But we'll be together. You'll see, it won't disappoint. I reckon you'll make some great mates," he patted you on the shoulder.

You scoffed, "Yeah, right...my only mates are Sarah and Byron, and they'll be nowhere near me." Byron was the one who easily befriended Sarah at first, and you warmed up to her later. Making friends wasn't your forte. You already felt like you'd be awfully lonely in the new country.

You both heard your dad and Keitaro arriving home. You and Kenichi walked out of his room to greet your dad and brother. The twins had a secret handshake. Keitaro drew you into a warm hug.

You kissed your dad on the cheek, and he warmly embraced you.

"How's my girl doing? Any updates at work?" he asked, noticing your somber expression.

"Let's relax first. We'll chat about it over dinner, alright? Kira, it's you and Keitaro's turn to set the table. I whipped up a butterscotch milk tart. New recipe. Hope you like it," your mum said, smiling at the family.

Your dad embraced your mum from behind. You smiled as they exchanged a light kiss—groans from the "twins." One day, you hoped to experience that kind of love.

You giggled as you dragged Keitaro away to help with the crockery and cutlery.

Your dad explained to your mum what he and Keitaro had been up to. Kenichi smiled, excited to see their reactions when he told them about being accepted at a great uni. He hoped his dad would have no excuse to refuse his audition now.

You and Keitaro quickly set the table and Keinich help with the food dishes.

The whole family sat around and enjoyed their dinner after their dad said "grace".

Your dad was cutting the meat in reasonable portions. You only took a small piece and roast veggies. You apologised to your mom, telling her that you already ate lunch with Byron and Sarah.

"So, any good news Kira...Keinichi?" He looks at the two of you. You smile and look at Kenichi, who smirks.

(Kenichi left and Keitaro right)

"I got me acceptance letter to Sungkyunkwan University with a full Korean global scholarship. They've got one of the best dance programmes in the country," he grinned, seeing his parents and siblings genuinely happy. They'd been worried about his future.

''Well done, mate! We're gonna smash it in South Korea. I'll be boasting to everyone about my bro becoming a famous dancer," Keitaro clapped his hands with excitement.

"Son, when's your registration? So we can plan a trip to Seoul," your dad looked content.

He shared all the ins and outs of his studies with your dad. Then everyone turned to you.

"I'm placed at a private hospital in Haeundae city, Busan. I'm gonna be sharing a flat with a colleague. We'll be earning in pounds. They've got everything covered. The hospital handed me the contract. Dad, could you give it a once-over with me? Just to clear up the fine print. I wanna be sure about what I'm getting myself into," you asked, glancing at your dad, who nodded in agreement.

"Right, so we need to sort all the nitty-gritty details out," the family discussed the trip plans to Seoul and Busan. Your dad was swamped with midterm exams, making it tough for him to join. Your mum wasn't well enough for the stress of travel either.

They decided they'd head over after a month once you started your new job and your brothers had settled in. You'd go first and accompany the twins for a month, renting an Airbnb in Seoul until they were settled and Kenichi, hopefully, succeeded with the audition. Then you'd head to Busan to start your new job.

Keitaro, visibly thrilled, exclaimed, "Kenichi, Bighit's going places. I see them in the big leagues soon. You've made a great choice. I'm a fan of BTS. They're hitting the UK with their 'Love Yourself, Speak Yourself' tour in October."

Kenichi clapped his hands in excitement, "I can't wait to be part of the dance crew. Have you seen their 'Fire' and 'Not Today' choreography? Absolutely lit, man! Sungdeuk is my idol. Hoping I can crack that top 20. But the dancers from South America and the USA are seasoned in their dance crews."

""Don't worry, bro, your dance style is intense and creative. And you're super fit... you're almost as blindingly good as J-Hope in BTS..." Keitaro encourages him.

When J-Hope's name is mentioned, shivers run up your spine. He's your favorite, and the mere mention of his name gets your heart racing. He's the epitome of buff and cute. You're a big fan of the group, and you're crossing your fingers that Kenichi makes it to the top.

"You're doing great. Mr. Song mentioned that you've got talent and skill. He wants to train you. So, you'll be studying and training. Even if you don't make it, the experience alone is a huge achievement. And you'll still have your studies," your dad reassures Kenichi, making him feel very supported.

Your mum seems a bit more energized after the delightful dessert, the butterscotch milk tart that you all enjoyed. She got the recipe from a friend in South Africa.

You helped the twins with the washing up and cleaning the kitchen. All three of you were buzzing with excitement about the trip to South Korea. You couldn't wait to check out the twins' universities. Their registration was set for March; you and Keitaro would have a month to explore Seoul while Kenichi would be busy with his training.

Your mum was busy looking for places for the three of you to stay in the heart of Seoul and Busan. You also did some Google searching about the cities. You were eager to visit all the palaces and taste the local delicious food.

You and the boys decided to sign up for language lessons during your time in Seoul. After finishing the dishes, you swiftly made two cups of tea and brought them to your parents. Your dad was holed up in his study, hunting for the best flight deals, while your mum was arranging your accommodations for the month in Seoul and figuring out your workplace situation.

She even found another apartment near your workplace at Bexco in case staying with Sandra didn't work out. Your mum aimed for a place where your brothers could also stay during their university breaks. That way, they could travel to Busan where you'd be staying. The priority was ensuring everyone was content with the living arrangements.

That night, you hit the sack feeling oddly light in the head. A surge of happiness washed over you, like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You couldn't quite grasp why you were suddenly feeling so ecstatic and at peace. It felt like heading back home.

Your dreams that night weren't the usual horror-filled night terrors; instead, they revolved around a blurry figure, calling out to you with outstretched arms, sobbing and urging you to come and rescue them.

But rescue them from what, you wondered anxiously!

A/N: Another update from Akira POV. Kenichi has been accepted. Shew!! You will accompany the twins to Seoul for the Month before you'll be heading for Busan to start on a new adventure.

Question: What does the dream mean?

Thank you for all our "Daydreamer" because of you," Daydream" has reach 1k + reads. Your interest in the Soulbound series really humbles me and motivates me to try my best to give you an exciting reading experience.

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