Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

By PikaJovi

130K 3.4K 4.9K

(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 39

1.3K 43 8
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

This was not part of the plan. At first, it started out perfectly, but it seems they had a backup plan. Everyone was still fighting the Nomus that keep popping up. My attacks weren't strong enough to actually take down any of them, but I was still trying to help.

Endeavor wouldn't let me leave his side, so our backs were facing each other as we kept attacking. I kept getting distracted from time to time by looking up to where All Might is. I still don't know what happened after that scream, but I know it's nothing good.

Did something happen to Bakugo...?

No, I can't think like that. Everyone is here to help him; they can't all fail. "Endeavor, how are you holding up?" I hear the Number one Hero yell out as he looks down at us.

"Just fine. What the hell happened? I thought you had things under control, All Might." he asks the question I've been dying to ask.

"Bakugo is gone. We will move to the other location." what did he just say...? He jumps down to us and punches the daylights out of a Nomu next to us. "Can I leave (Y/N) to you? This is getting out of hand; she needs to get back home."

"No! You promised I would help! They wouldn't have run away if I showed up like we planned. I told you the best way was for me to show my face." I argue.

"Too many villains were there, I would not have risked your safety. Bakugo is okay, I saw him, and he was in fighting spirit. We will get him back. We already have heroes in the other location, don't worry." he justifies.

"Why am I taking her home? You're seriously starting to treat me like a babysitter." Endeavor joins the conversation.

"Don't worry, Endeavor, you won't be taking me home because I'm not going. I'm coming with you All Might." I scowl at him.

"Endeavor, I can't have her there; we don't know what's waiting for us. I can only trust you to handle her and make sure she gets home safely."

"All Might!" I yell.

"It will be safer for everyone if she's at home." what the hell is that supposed to mean?!

"Right. I get it now. Fine, but this will be the last time." he says and eyes me.

"Toshinori! I said I'm not going." I yell again.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but this is for your own good." he says and leaps away, probably towards the other location.

"Let's go, kid." Endeavor says and starts walking away.

"Wait, Endeavor. Don't you want to be there? You're a hero too, right? Yet All Might is treating you like you can't handle all this. Let's follow him and help out, show him that you can handle just as much as him." I try to get to his head.

"Nice try. But that won't work. I know what I'm capable of. I might not like All Might all that much, but I know he does not look down on people." he looks down on me, challenging me to try again.

"You don't get it; I have to be there." I argue again.

"You're making this a lot harder than it needs to be." he sighs and walks towards me. In a swift sweep, he carries over his shoulders and walks towards my house. "You're going home, and that's final."

"E-Endeavor! Please put me down." I wiggle around to make him drop me. I never imagined the Second Top Hero would carry me like a sack of potatoes. "Put me down!"

My yelling got me nowhere. It was like he suddenly went deaf. After a while, I got tired of wiggling around and yelling, so I just stopped.

"You can put me down now... We're too far away for me to go back. I'll behave, promise." I say, defeated.

He looks at me, probably to see if I'm lying. When he decides that I wasn't, he puts me down and waits for me to continue walking. My mind was all over the place. Did All Might get there on time? Did he find Bakugo? Are they all right?

"They will be fine. Stop giving yourself a headache." he finally speaks out.

"I don't know if they told you anything, but this is all my fault. So excuse me if I can't seem to stop worrying about them." I couldn't help the coldness of my tone.

"Were these people, good people, before it became your fault?" he stops and looks at me, making me stop.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Were the people who kidnapped your friend good guys? Did you turn them into villains?" what kind of question is that!?

"Of course not! That's crazy." I glare at him for even thinking that.

"Then, they were already villains. They would have thought about it whether you were involved or not." he looks at me, again daring me to deny it. "If it wasn't your friend, it would have been someone else." he explains.

I was speechless. I mean, I don't know how that makes the situation better, but it's not like he was lying. "That doesn't make it better." I tell him.

"Of course it doesn't. I didn't say it to make you feel better; I'm stating facts." he gets back to walking, leaving me standing there shocked.

"You know, All Might would have comforted me or said something to make me feel better." I pout.

"Ya, well, I'm not All Might." he doesn't look at me.

"I know." I shrug and look at him. "This is why I like you." I admit.

He side glances towards me with his eyebrow raised. I laugh at his reaction like he was finding it very weird that he actually has a fan.

"You concentrate on being a real Hero. Focus on saving people. You don't care about fan service and all that." I explain.

"Of course. A Hero's job is to help people, not sign papers and act like some kind of celebrity." he scoffs.

The Hero Endeavor was seriously someone to look up to; no other hero takes his job as seriously as he does. I guess this is why he's the Number Two Hero; both he and All Might are basically on the same level for me in being a capable Hero.

We get to the house, and I ring the bell. My parents open the door and were not expecting to see Endeavor. "Endeavor! Um, thank you. I hope she didn't cause any trouble?" my dad asks.

"She's your daughter, of course; she caused trouble. But I handled it. Now, I have to go. Make sure she stays home for tonight, got it?" he gives out the instructions.

"Thank you, Endeavor." I say and wave him goodbye.

He looks back at me and stops for a second, and then before he leaves again, he lifts his hand and gives a stiff wave. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh once I was inside the house. "I think he avoids doing nice things because he's shy."

My mom agrees with me, and my dad was weirded out that we actually found The Endeavor nice... Unfortunately, he does not see the side we do. Since my dad respects him a lot, like a senpai. Back when he was a hero, he would have killed for a chance to work with him. He only managed a few times and only for small missions.

From what mom told me, because dad was very nervous around him, he always made mistakes and caused trouble. I guess this is why Endeavor just assumed I would be trouble too...

"Did you manage to find Bakugo?" mom asks.

I explain to them what happened, not that I knew much. Mom was pleased that All Might did not take me with him. I don't get the big deal; if I went to the first location, I should be allowed to go to the next. I could have carried Bakugo on my back and got him out of there faster than they could even realize.

I sit on the couch with the Tv on, going through the channels to find something worth my time. I wanted to distract myself, and Kirishima doesn't seem to be answering my texts. Weirdly enough, neither is Izuku.

There is no way they already slept, and they are usually the people that always answer right away.

As I'm switching through the channels, I see a glimpse of a wrecked area. I go back to check what it was. "What's up? Since when do you watch the news?" I look to the corner and find the news channel, and it says Live. I've never watched anything live before! Dad directly takes a seat next to me, already interested.

"Is that... All Might?" my mom comes and sits next to us, and that's when I saw him.

I scowl and sit on the edge of the couch as if that will help the situation. He was fighting some guy with a weird-looking face. It was the biggest fight I have ever seen All Might be in; it seemed like he was having a hard time as well.

I start biting my lips out of nervousness, and my leg starts shaking. How come no one is helping him? Can they even do that? If All Might is having a hard time with him, I don't know how much help the other can do, but get in his way.

"Come on, All Might, you can do this." I mumble my encouragement. I can't believe this is happening. He was getting hit a lot, and he looks ready to drop.

My phone sounds off as I get a message; I barely glance at it to see it was from Kirishima. "Bakugo is safe; we got him." I read what it said, but I couldn't register it. The only thing that seemed to have registered is the fact that Bakugo is safe.

How is Bakugo safe, and All Might is fighting for his life?

We all continue to watch in silence, scared of what we are witnessing. The news reporter, that seems to be in a helicopter had the perfect spot for the fight, and her voice is breaking as she tells us what's going on as if we can't already see.

He loses his empowered form and has trouble standing up; he's losing...

I stand up from my seat with tears in my eyes, "Fight! All Might, fight! Win!" I scream at the Tv. Endeavor joins the scene and screams at All Might to get back up. Edgeshot shows up as well, and they both try to hold up the villain while Endeavor tries to get All Might back on his feet with his words.

Unfortunately, they were no match for him, and they were pushed back! But All Might was thankfully back on his feet, and the fight continues. It wasn't the same since he was in his original form, but he was doing enough damage to move forward.

He pulls his fist back and charges his power, and screams for the whole world to hear, "United States of Smash!!" and punches the villain, smashing him to the ground and causing him to pass out. He lifts his fist into the air to show his victory, and we were able to hear the cheers of the people around.

I fall back to the couch, finally feeling like I could breathe. He did it; he defeated him. We can see a bunch of other heroes rushing in to take care of the other villains around and arresting the one All Might was fighting.

All Might looks towards the camera and points to it, and says, "Your turn is next!" and my tears finally fall down my cheeks. He was in his normal form, looking weak. He was all bloodied and hurt and about ready to collapse, but he still had the energy to stand up and show everyone the hero he truly is!

I turn off the Tv, not wanting to see the scene or the state of Toshi anymore. I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water to calm myself. "He will be okay, don't worry." my mom walks in and hugs me from the back.

"He did not look okay. But he's alive, and that's all that matters to me now." I reply.

We all sit together for a bit longer, and when it gets late, I decide to head to my room and try to get some sleep. Feeling the events of today finally taking their toll on me.

In the middle of the night, I feel my phone vibrate on my bedside table and pick up to see who it is. I'm blinded by the light and squint to see. It was another message from Kirishima; I forgot to answer the first one.

"Bakugo is officially back home safe. I just thought you would like to know as soon as possible." He's home? Why did he just get home now? Oh, man... Bakugo is back.

I've been thinking this entire time of saving him and getting him back home, and now that he is home, I have no idea what to do...

I couldn't help but pace around in the room, thinking of what exactly I should do. Go to his house? Should I go now or later? Should I call? Or maybe a text would be better now? I groan at my overthinking brain!

"(Y/N)? Everything okay?" my dad enters the room to check on me; I guess I wasn't as quiet as I thought I was.

"Bakugo is home. He's safe." I inform him. "I don't know what to do now. I want to check on him, I want to see him and make sure he's really okay, but I don't know if it's okay?" I tell him my dilemma.

"How about you wait till the sun comes up? I'm sure he's tired after everything he went through, and plus, his parents would want to be with him now. Tomorrow, you can go and talk to him or whatever it is you want to do." he tells me and hugs me. "He's not going anywhere anymore; give it a few hours, and you will see him again."

I nod and wish him goodnight again. I get in my bed and think of only seeing Bakugo Katsuki. I actually miss him; I miss his wildness and that loud voice of his! Just a couple more hours, and I'll see him again.

Just like that, the next day came by fast. I got ready, and when I get downstairs, I remember to reply to Kirishima. "Thank you for letting me know, but I feel like you did something behind my back, you sneaky shark! You're lucky I'm nervous as shit to go see Bakugo that I don't have the time to call and give you hell."

That should do it. The only way he knew this fast that Bakugo was safe and out of danger is for him to actually be there. I'll get him the next time I see him. I get a reply back from him almost immediately. "I'm sorry, but I'll be ready for anything you see fit! And don't be nervous; Bakugo is dying to see you, just go for it."

That's positive Kirishima for you.

I bid my parents goodbye and tell them to wish me luck. The entire way to his house was filled with my brain coming up with all sorts of negative scenarios of how it could go wrong. If I wasn't sweating buckets before, I am now.

Eventually, I get to his house, staring at the door for a good five minutes. Oh, God... What do I even say to his parents? Do they know we are dating? Am I just a friend?

Fuck it! Just wing it! You've got this!

I ring the bell, and I could hear screaming from inside... Is this a bad time? The door opens, "Shut your pie hole, Katsuki!" a woman screams and then turns to me with a polite smile. "Hi, how can I help you?" she asks as if I did not just hear her scream her lungs out.

"Um, hi. Is Bakugo- I mean Katsuki here?" I ask. I finally get to see him again!




I got to say... That fight with All for one and All Might... I was practically in tears seeing our little Toshi fighting like that! That's probably one of the most heartbreaking moments for me! I wish his flame didn't have to go out!

Well, you finally get to see Bakugo again; how will it go?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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