I Love You, Dork. [Shuichi Sa...

By ddlc_enjoyer

70.3K 2K 6.2K

Y/N is the Ultimate Guitarist, who's been forced to participate in a killing game with 16 other students. You... More

﹀.﹀Some Things Before You Read This﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Trapped In A Classroom?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.2﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.3﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.4﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.5﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.6﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Killing Game!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Way Out Without Killing?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀No Killing Game?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Mastermind?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Dining Hall Meeting﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Friendship﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Falling Apart?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Trip To The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Death In The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Pianist's Doom﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Surprised Gifts﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Old Memories﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Special Interview﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Bug Incident﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Tennis Player's Death﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Maid's Killing﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀More Junk﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Acquaintance﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crackheads﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crazy Ideas﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Nighttime Mission﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Valentine's Day Special﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Artist's Demise﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Seance Investigation﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Double Murder!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Selfish Wishes﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Unexpected Events﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Friendship Problems﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Backstory Confessions﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Virtual World?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀In The Virtual World﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Death Of A Special Friend﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Sickening Sight﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Depressing Mornings﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Little Suprises﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Convincing Choices﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Mastermind Reveal﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Motivating Robot﹀.﹀

﹀.﹀Another Friend Lost﹀.﹀

942 35 100
By ddlc_enjoyer

As I drag Shuichi by the arm, we both cross the bridge, while Tsumugi, Kokichi, Kaito and Gonta follow us. "Did everyone cross the bridge? Okay then, let's head to the mansion together." Kokichi skips to the building. Suddenly, I hear a noise behind me, I turn around and see Miu. "Huh? Miu, what the hell are you doing here?" I tilt my head, waiting for an answer.

"Whoops, my hand slipped." Miu slaps the signboard off, leaving us with no bridge. "Ah! What are you doing!?" Tsumugi asks. "Miu! You're a fucking idiot." I facepalm, looking at the signboard peacefully going through the river. "I'm not a fuckin' idiot! I just came here to see you guys off...and my hand accidentally slipped!" Miu shrugs.

"That was obviously on purpose!" Kaito pouts. "I-It wasn't on purpose at all! I-I-It was an accident!" Miu frowns.  "You keep talkin' shit like that, you'll only ever attract ugly bitches! Do you wanna spend the rest of your life surrounded by ugly bitches, dumbass!?" Miu furrows her eyebrows.

"Tch!...that's not even an insult. I'm famous for attracting ugly people!" Kaito mumbles as Miu walks away. "What are they fighting about?" Shuichi asks. "I've...met a lot of people till now, but I've never met someone so messed up..." Tsumugi frowns. "Seriously, that girl is so much trouble! Just like her best friend!" Kokichi points at me. "Oh, you shut the fuck up." I glare at Kokichi. "Oh, sorry... There was one more person here." Tsumugi glances at Kokichi.

"What are the people in the chapel gonna do? Now they have no way to get across." Shuichi speaks. "Oh, you're right. You can only log out from the salon in the mansion." Tsumugi nods. "Well, maybe Miu can fix it later. Let's just get to the mansion already." Kokichi walks to the mansion. "We'll deal with them later. First we gotta find the secret of the outside world." Kaito walks over to the mansion while the rest of us follows him.

"Gonta and Kaito are gonna check the mansion's surroundings and rooftop. I'll go to the salon. So can the plain trio,  Y/N, Tsumugi and Shuichi, go plainly search the dining hall and kitchen?" Kokichi smirks at us. "Fuck you too." I sarcastically smile at Kokichi. "Sorry, guys... It's my fault you got plain paired with me." Tsumugi apologetically nods at us. "But everybody knows that the plain trio is just plain dangerous!" Tsumugi smiles.

"Ah, I don't know about that." Shuichi chuckles. "...Gonta go now." Gonts nods at the rest of us. "It's surprisingly cold out there, so be careful. You should come back here to warm up." Tsumugi gives Gonta a reassuring smile. "Thank you...but Gonta okay. Gonta not smart enough to get sick." Gonta smiles at Tsumugi. "Someone who isn't smart wouldn't want to save everyone... They'd only think of themselves." Kaito shakes his head.

"Oh...thank you." Gonta goes wide-eyed. "Okaaay, let's stop this fun chit-chat and go back to looking for the secret of the outside world. But we don't know what's waiting for us, so we gotta be veeeeery careful, okay?" Kokichi speaks as he walks over to the salon and enters the room. "Alright, we'll start searching, too." Shuichi glances at Tsumugi and I. "Yeah... I want to hurry and find the secret of the outside world so we can go back...I want to go back to my real body." Tsumugi excitedly nods.

"Well, these avatars aren't that bad, y'know?" Kaito speaks. "Huh? These avatars?" Shuichi glances at everyone. "Just kidding! It's just a joke! I'm just joking!" Kaito laughs. "I'm gonna go check the rooftop! You guys better not slack off!" Kaito walks over to the stairs. "Gonta...go now, too." Gonta speaks as he opens the door and walks outside. "Alright, we should go too." Tsumugi turns to Shuichi and I. "Yeah, let's go." Shuichi walks over to the dining hall, while Tsumugi and I follow him.

"So, I'll check the dining room. Can you two please check the kitchen?" Tsumugi asks. "Yeah, sure." I walk over to the kitchen's door. "Alright, the kitchen is over there." I hear Shuichi say behind me. We both then enter the kitchen in silence. Though that silence was brought to an end. "I suppose we should search everywhere, look for anything suspicious." Shuichi speaks up. "Yeah, that's what I intend on doing." I nod at Shuichi.

Shuichi and I searched every possible place in the kitchen, though we didn't find the secret of the outside world. "Ughh, what the fuck. I can't find it anywhere." I pout as I cross my arms. "*sigh*... I looked everywhere, but I didn't find anything suspicious..." Shuichi frowns. "Perhaps we missed something... Why don't we look one more time?" Shuichi suggests. "Alright, fine." I sigh in annoyance.

Shuichi and I searched the while kitchen, getting the same result as before. "Kill me, where the hell is that damn secret..." I look around the kitchen. "Um... Y/N? Please don't say that..." Shuichi frowns at me. "Fine.." I mumble. "It's been a while, but we can't find anything..." Shuichi pouts. Suddenly, Tsumugi enters the room, "How'd your search go?" Tsumugi asks us.

"We didn't find shit." I shake my head. "...How about you?" Shuichi asks. "The same... I checked every corner, but I didn't find anything." Tsumugi frowns. "I'm starting to wonder if there's even something actually hidden here. Was Monokuma just lying?" Tsumugi puts a finger on her chin. "Oh, by the way... There's something that's been bothering me..." Tsumugi speaks up. "Hm? Something bothering you?" Shuichi asks.

"Y-Yeah... It might have been just my imagination, but... There's a small window in the dining room... Maybe ten minutes ago, I looked through it...And I thought I saw Miu." Tsumugi states. "You saw Miu? But she should be in the chapel..." Shuichi speaks. "And...the bridge fell, so she shouldn't be able to get over here, right? That's why I thought it was just my imagination, but I figured I should say something-"


While Tsumugi was talking, we heard a loud noise. "Ah!?" Shuichi looks around. "What the fuck was that?" I look at Shuichi and Tsumugi. "Wh-What!? What was that sound!?" Tsumugi asks. "It sounded as if something was struck very hard. It came from outside, but... Hey guys? Let's go look!" Shuichi suggests. "Y-Yeah!" Tsumugi turns to the door and runs out of the kitchen, while me and Shuichi follow her.

We run to the entrance hall and look around. "Nothing in the entrance hall... Something outside, perhaps?" Shuichi asks. "Maybe that sound was something falling off the roof?" Tsumugi suggests" "F-For now let's go outside and check-" Tsumugi gets cut off. "O-Oh no!" We hear Keebo's voice. "What!?" Shuichi goes wide-eyed. "That was Keebo's voice, right!? I think I heard him outside! He sounded close!" Tsumugi exclaims.

"That was definitely Keebo, but wasn't he in the chapel with the others?" I ask. "Anyway, let's go outside! It'll be faster to see it ourselves!" Tsumugi speaks. "R-Right!" Shuichi nods. We all run out of the mansion and see Gonta. "Oh! Y/N, Shuichi and Tsumugi!" Gonta looks at the three of us. "Gonta, did you see Keebo around here somewhere?" Shuichi asks. "N-No, Gonta not see him." Gonta shakes his head.

"Huh? You didn't? But I heard his voice close by..." Tsumugi speaks. "Then, did something fall off the roof!? You head that loud noise, right!?" Tsumugi asks. "O-Oh... Gonta hear noise, but Gonta not see anything." Gonta nods. "Huh?" Shuichi tilts his head. "Hey... What does this all mean?" Tsumugi turns to Shuichi and I. "We need to figure out why Keebo screamed." Shuichi states, earning a nod from Tsumugi and I.

"Let's head to the chapel! Something might have happened there." Shuichi suggests. "Y-Yeah...you're right." Tsumugi nods. The four of us run to the bridge and see Keebo, Maki and Himiko in the other side. "Shuichi, perfect timing! Is there anything over there that can serve as a bridge!?" Keebo asks. "Huh...? Keebo's over there? Then what was that shouting I heard earlier?" Tsumugi talks to herself.

"Hey, we should hurry and find something else to replace the bridge with." Maki pouts. "Y-Yeah! We might be able to make it in time!" Himiko nods. "Make it in time? What do you mean-" Shuichi gets cut off by Kokichi, who was walking over to us. "What happened? Why are you guys making such a scene?" Kokichi asks. "Kokichi!" Shuichi turns to Kokichi. "I didn't see anyone in the dining room, so I went to look for you guys..." Kokichi states.

"Ah-haha, looks like everyone's in trouble now that Miu dropped the bridge." Kokichi giggles. "Th-This is no time for laughter! We need to find a replacement bridge-" Kokichi cuts Keebo off. "Ooh, but the bridge is over there, y'know?" Kokichi points to the signboard in the water. "What?" Shuichi asks. "C'mon, over here. Kokichi walks away, "Let's go..." Everyone on our side follow Kokichi, excluding me.

"Kokichi told us, so now I'm worried..." Himiko pouts. "Let's just wait and see what happens." Keebo shrugs. "Hey, Keebo... What did you mean by 'too late'?" I ask. "Well... Miu's avatar stopped moving..." Keebo states. "Miu stopped moving...? Don't tell me..." I go wide-eyed. "That's why we need to go to the salon right now!" Keebo exclaims.

"Hrm...are they back yet?" Himiko asks me. I look around and see the others coming over here, with Gonta carrying the signboard. "Oh, they're here." Maki points behind me. "So Gonta just need to put board over river?" Gonta asks. "Yeah! Go ahead, just do it!" I raise my voice. "But board is so thin. Will it be okay? What if board breaks this ti-" I cut Gonta off. "God damn it, Gonta! Just put the fucking thing over the river!" I face palm.

"O-Okay! Got it!" Gonta puts the signboard over the river, making the bridge again. "What's wrong? What happened over there!?" Shuichi asks. "Miu's damn avatar stopped moving, that's why we need to go to the salon with the others!" I say as I take Shuichi's arm and drag him to the mansion, while the others follow us. I kick the mansion's door, making it open.

I quickly run to the salon, letting go of Shuichi's hand and taking the phone. "Y-Y/N, calm down..." Shuichi says as he looks at me. "No. Y/N L/N." I put the phone close to my mouth and speak into it, making me log out from the virtual world. I take off the helmet and see Miu...dead...

"Fuck... No way... No fucking way... M-Miu!" I run over to her, hoping for an answer. The others then log out, making the body discovery announcement go off.

Ding dong, bing bong!

"A body has been discovered! Everyone, please report to the computer room..." Monokuma says. "U-Um... Y/N? Are you okay...?" Shuichi walks over to me. "How can you possibly THINK I'm okay? Do you THINK Miu's death is okay!?" I glare at Shuichi with teary eyes. "Who... Who the fuck did this!?" I look at the others, who were as shocked as me. "C'mon! Tell me! Who the HELL did this!? Don't worry, I won't bite! Who the FUCK did this!?" I ask, as tears roll down my cheeks.

"I-It's terrible... Why did it end up like this...?" Tsumugi frowns. "Miu! Wh-Why...!?" Keebo runs over to Miu's body. "Wh-What's going on? Why was...Miu killed?" Himiko stares at Miu's body. "Gonta...not understand, either... Miu like this when Gonta wake up..." Gonta sobs. "Hey! What going on!? Why this happen!?" Gonta asks. "Well, it's obvious a murder happened." Kokichi frowns.

"M-Murder...? Wh-What you mean? Did something happen while Gonta sleep!?" Gonta asks, wide-eyed. "We weren't asleep and that wasn't a dream. We were in the Virtual World." Keebo explains. "Who cares!? One of you sick fucks killed Miu! Who the fuck did it!? Speak up!" I glare at everyone.

I feel Shuichi wrap his arms around me, making me cry in his shoulder. "Hey, where's Kaito?" Maki speaks up. "That's right, Kaito-" Shuichi gets cut off by the door opening, revealing Kaito. "Hey! What's all of this about!? What was that body discovery announce- Wha-? Miu!? Wh-What the hell is going on here!?" Kaito goes wide-eyed. "You're too late, okay? All the others finished gasping in terror already." Kokichi rolls his eyes.

"But anyway, where were you this whole time, Kaito? What were you doing?" Kokichi asks. "I-I was just taking a nap..." Kaito states. "Taking a nap?" Shuichi tilts his head. "You were sleeping? Gonta was sleeping, too! Had strange dream! Gonta not understand anything!" Gonta exclaims. "As I said, that was the Virtual World..." Keebo states. "So, you logged out by yourself and then took a nap? Without our permission?" Kokichi raises an eyebrow.

"I suddenly got logged out... Before I realized it, I was back here..." Kaito explains. "You were logged out...involuntarily?" Shuichi asks. "Yeah... I didn't know if it was okay to log back in, so I went back to my room and slept. And when that body discovery announcement woke me up, I rushed over here-" Kaito gets cut off. "Hey, Kaito! If you're gonna lie, then you might as well do it better!" Kokichi pouts.

"Do you think you can make the killing game more exciting with a crappy lie like that!?" Kokichi asks. "I-It's not a lie! I really was sleeping!" Kaito exclaims. "Whatever! Monokuma, give me the fucking file. I'm gonna get my damn revenge." I furrow my eyebrows as I walk up to Monokuma. "Alrighty! Ta-da! The Monokuma File! With this, you can even investigate up Miu's asshole!" Monokima giggles. "Huh? Even there?" Monophanie asks.

"Well then, do your best. I'm certain you guys'll make this turn of events very entertaining! Asshole!" Monokuma exits the computer room. "Daddy seems to be really enjoying that dirty word." Monophanie speaks. "...Mommy." Monotaro sobs as he stares at Miu's body. "Listen here you fuckfaces, I don't give two shits on who the damn culprit is. I will have my damn revenge." I glare at everyone.

Now then... I'm gonna go investigate. I'll avenge you, Miu.


Word count: 2420

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