Mirage of the Moon||TaeJin

By ukiyo_0701

242K 19.6K 25.3K

A power hungry alpha plans to trap an omega in his greed to acquire immortality and limitless strength. An un... More

1. Prologue
2. The Prize
3. The Boy Who Lived
4. Into The Wild
5. Chasing Fires
6. Till I Find You
7. The Truth Untold
8. Dauntless
9. Fire On Fire
10. Arrival of Conflict
11. A Test of Will
12. The Trouble I'm In
13. True Colours
15. Cruel Intentions
16. Battle of the Beasts
17. Calling Me A Sinner?
18. Unstoppable
19. In My Blood
20. Beauty in Adversity
21. Alone, Together
22. I Will Be Your Armour
23. Tug Of War
24. The Unfitting Warrior
25. When Alpha Claims
26. This I Promise You
27. Can I Trust You?
28. Disaster In The Air
29. Caught In A Lie
30. Of Love and Lore
31. In Mood for Malice
32. Thunder and Lightning
33. The Mystery of Love
34. Where Our Horizons Meet
35. Where The Mind Is Without Fear
36. War Of Hormones
37. Truth Begins to Show
38. Echoes of Tomorrow
39. Better Left Unsaid
40. Stay With Me~Pt. 1
41. Stay With Me~Pt. 2
42. Be In My Touch
43. Caged In Camouflage
44. The Price Of A Life
45. War of Hearts
46. All You Never Say
47. A Game of Thrones
48. Beyond Enemy Borders
49. A Losing Game
50. Desperate Measures
51. The World Could be Ours
52. What We Fight For
53. Rhapsodies of Change
54. Power Over Me
55. Half of My Heart
56. Legions Of Fate
57. A Twist of Fate
58. The Fault in Our Stars
59. Through the Storm
60. Because We Are Destined
61. A Heart of Courage
62. A Gift of a Dream
63. A Tryst with Destiny
64. Wings of Apocalypse
65. The Song of Surrender
66. The Birth of Tragedy

14. The Onset of A Storm

3.4K 353 223
By ukiyo_0701

Third Person’s P.O.V.

Ha-Yoon ran outside with troubled wide blown eyes after Yushik came heaving to inform her about his master bringing in the omega prince of Eulan along with him.

“Oh my…he has finally lost his mind, hasn’t he?!” She complained as the train of servants followed behind her as they hurried to the entrance of the North Gate Castle, watching Taehyung half carrying half dragging a flailing and yelling Jin in his arms.

“Stop this madness Taehyung! Why would you bring him here?! You want Jungkook to kill you?! To kill all of us?!” She roared watching the scene, the omega looked terrified as he struggled against Taehyung “what are you…an animal?!! Why are you treating him like this?” She watched Taehyung walk past them without a word, his arm unfailingly snaked around the omega as he made sure the other had no way of escaping no matter how much he struggled.

“Taehyung! I am talking to you!” Ha-yoon followed behind getting furious with her son’s absolutely intolerable conduct “there are people searching for him! The entire royal palace is after him!”

Taehyung paid no heed to the loud warnings of his mother, she had forever had a way of nagging at him, always criticizing his reckless ways, always hankering after him to mend his brutish waywardness and over time he had just learned to ignore her constant badgering. However, his indifference changed when she spoke the next words.

“He is supposed to become the King’s mate!”

Jin could feel the instant change in the trueblood as Taehyung stilled, he looked up to see those dark eyes flare to a blazing red and felt more threatened when the arm tightened around his waist.

“He is not!” The words came out as a growl making all the loud noises, hankerings and questions following them go instantly silent. Taehyung glared at them before resuming his walk as he headed inside dragging a stuttering and anxious Jin along.

“Why do I feel like you lied to me?” Jin complained.

“How did I lie?” Taehyung’s voice was gruff, sounding very angry.

“You said this would keep me safe…I don’t feel safe at all…I want to meet my sister” but Jin stopped talking to see Taehyung pull out his sword, hands shaking in fury as he walked unhindered towards the guards standing at the door to his chamber.

In a snap of a second the sword came slashing through the air slitting the throats of both the guards.

Jin’s shrill scream pierced through the air as he watched the two drop to the ground, the entire train of servants let out frightened gasps and had frozen behind them as well. He now thrashed madly against the grip, thinking that he was in a terrible danger and might end up on the floor next. He had never seen such violence, never seen so much blood, splatters of red covered both Taehyung’s and his clothes and he felt his insides lurch at the sight.

“Please…why are you doing this? Let me go…I kept my promise…I didn’t hurt you…just le-” “Stop it…you’re getting on my nerves now” Taehyung spoke into his ear “I don’t randomly go around killing people Jin, these two were spies of the King…if I didn’t kill them they would inform at the court about you being here…I’m keeping my word about making sure you’re safe here”

Jin stilled at the assuring words but fear still coursed wildly within him.

“Now if you stop trying to run, I can let you free...” he opened the door to his chamber as he gestured Jin to go inside, who however stood there indecisively, stealing glances left and right to understand if Taehyung was being genuine or fooling him.

“Go on…” Taehyung suggested again when Ha-yoon came up seeing the omega’s pale confused state “what is going on Taehyung?” She inquired again being rather worried about the odd circumstances “if he is here to remain protected then it is our duty to ensure that he doesn’t feel threatened…and more importantly, this is no way to treat an omega” she argued against her son’s crude ways and turned her soft gaze at the completely troubled boy “come with me dear, you look rather pale…let’s get you something to eat first” her words made Jin look at her with thankful eyes as he meant to follow her but was stopped.

Before Jin could walk away Taehyung grasped at his wrist, eyes hard against the omega’s “I said go inside” and Jin could feel that Taehyung was intentionally trying to intimidate him to make him listen to him.

It wasn’t helping at all that the alpha’s pheromones were wrecking havoc on him right now and no matter how angry he got his omega seemed to anticipate everything around as dangerous, making him want to coil into himself and not take up fights, especially against the trueblood. Sighing he turned to walk inside, denying to stand there to have a cluster of eyes watching the scene while inwardly devising ways to get out of there as soon as he could manage.

“What a moron” Jin grumbled under his breath stomping inside but suddenly froze, eyes taking in everything in that large room.

It was clean, lavishly furnished and rich drapes hung against the glistening stone walls…the setting was nothing out of the ordinary but what shook him was the overpowering scent in the room…an almost suffocating musk of pine and amber hung in the air that made his stomach feel funny.

“You may make yourself comfortable” the deep voice spoke right behind him and Jin flinched a bit before turning about to watch Taehyung with apprehensive eyes.

“Is this y-your chamber?” He asked in a small voice making the other halt who was heading outside to call onto his most trusted attendant to make sure Jin is not let out of his chambers till he returns.

“Is that a problem?” “Oh very much so!” Jin spoke trying to follow behind Taehyung “this room doesn’t suit my preferences at all!”

Taehyung turned about with a frown, ready to snub the cocky prince for being a fussy snob.

“Well, forgive me but I have more important things to cater to than decorating my room” Taehyung jibed making Jin gulp but he was resilient to get out of there, the overpowering scent in the chamber made tingles rise all over him.

“I’d like the room for the guests. I’m sure you have one here…” he tried his luck making the other raise an eyebrow at him, the alpha now understood that Jin was only trying to get out of there because it was his chamber.

“Nope…we don’t really have guests coming in here, so there’s no such rooms” “That’s absurd!” Jin whined looking very displeased with the info “aren’t castles supposed to have many rooms?! Give me any other!”

Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest to see the omega be a loud-mouthed trouble yet again and watched Jin with a dead set glare “I’m sure you had lived all your life having whatever you demanded but that’s not gonna happen anymore…here I make the rules” he walked closer to the other with slow threatening steps, he was too pissed to deal with Jin’s tantrums right now “and if I say you stay here means you stay right here! I don’t want to hear another squeak out of you!

Jin froze, he could not even keep his glare up against the rude alpha as he realized his omega had completely cowered down. His fears had come true, the trueblood’s commands seemed to be working on him now that his omega was out and about without the restraint of the scent blocker. But it was Taehyung’s angry pheromones that suddenly affected him, making his omega shut down his defences completely, rendering him helplessly frozen in place.

He felt his mind go dizzy, the strength in his limbs suddenly non-existent as he wobbled to stay on his feet but was caught before he plopped to the ground.

“Do you enjoy riling me up? Is that it?” Jin could hear the voice through the daze that covered his mind as he felt Taehyung carrying him, he kept his mouth forcibly shut fearing to spill out any whimpers. He hated how utterly weak his omega actually was, it was embarrassing how the trueblood didn’t even need to try too hard to make him look like an absolute weakling! And more so he hated the alpha, who knew this and was proudly exploiting his powers on him!

He felt his back touch something soft and cushiony, felt his body dip into the mattress as Taehyung laid him on the bed “rest” the voice sounded soft over him “I think I’m the most understanding with you, and yet you don’t get it…annoying me every chance you get.”

Jin’s vision was still hazy but even through the daze he could feel a warm palm set on the side of his face, his mind too confused to understand why the touch felt so oddly protective on his skin “I might not be a very good man but I really don’t intend to hurt you Jin…neither do I want anyone else hurting you…”

Taehyung stared down at Jin for a moment more, those droopy eyes, plush fumbling lips and hasty breaths that slipped out of the omega made him desperately seek to capture Jin’s mouth in his. It wasn’t helping at all that Jin lay so alluringly on his bed, that tantalizing scent of night jasmine mingling with his own scent to create what felt like the perfect mix…he could tell Jin’s omega knew it too to see him be so docile around him. He leaned nearer out of instinct, a low rumble growing in his chest as he sensed his alpha taking over being very restless in need to mark Jin as his mate.

He pushed his nose into Jin’s head before dragging it lazily down the side of his face and nuzzling into his neck craving to get more of that tantalizing scent all over him, making the other weakly groan at the action as he moved his head to a side giving the alpha full access.

Jin’s omega was triggered and ready to submit, surely sensing that they were supposed to be mates and the alpha loved the gesture, gently licking that ivory neck in appreciation. The omega whimpered feeling powerless as Taehyung’s pheromones completely knocked him out of his senses, especially when he felt the trueblood grazing his teeth along the unblemished skin on his neck. His omega was liking it way too much, and this made Jin feel more helpless and angry.

“A-aw-ay…g-get aw-way fro-m me!”

He heaved practically feeling his insides crumpling painfully as he tried to overpower his omega but was constantly failing, the fight making his head whirl and tears spilled as a pounding pain jabbed at his head as he denied to submit.

Taehyung’s alpha growled back at the stubborn loud-mouthed human still standing in between him and his omega to deny him what he wanted.

“Why do you like making things difficult?” Taehyung’s eyes still flickered with specks of red, his mouth still hovering above the omega’s neck “I know you sense it too, do you not?”

Jin was breathing very heavily, it felt like his omega was punishing him for defying the trueblood’s command to not talk…the pain in his head growing intolerable and he pressed his eyes and grit his teeth to bear through the odd throbbing jabs that coursed through him.

“Let me mark you Jin…no one would dare to touch you or hurt you ever again…let alpha take care of you love” Taehyung spoke grasping at that chiselled jaw to make his omega look at him, his lips  hovering right above Jin’s mouth who desperately tried not to give in to that too tempting voice, a choked sob erupting out of his mouth when he tried to voice a denial. 

“Okay fine” Taehyung saw him trying too hard to fight the truth “I’ll let you take your time…I don’t want you to think I forced you into submitting, although I can do that…” his fingers adoringly brushing at the omega’s cheek to rub away the line of tear “I can force your omega to give in to me, you know that right? I am being very considerate in not taking you right now…”

Jin still fought to hold on to his resistance, gritting his teeth against the trueblood’s haughty dominance as he tried to pull his face away from his grip but felt the fingers instantly tightening and he felt his face being pulled back to face the alpha. Jin groaned at the harshness trying to use his limbs that kept betraying him, he desperately fought against his omega just to get one chance to use his hands…his mind bubbling with rage having had enough of this rude treatment.

“However, just because I’m being nice doesn’t mean you can disrespect me omega…I hope you remember my generosity and behave-” Taehyung was caught midway as he felt a hand snapping to grab at his hand which held the omega’s jaw.

“Don’t even dare to try…” he growled a threat realising Jin’s intention as he saw the omega fuming and glaring at him, moist brown eyes raging with fire.

“Wh-What generosity!? You're des-despicab-ble!!” Jin scowled, stuttering in pain as he denied to abide to the command to keep silent.

“Shh..." Taehyung pushed the pad of his thumb on his lips "don't get me angry again, and don't try to use your tricks on me or you’ll know how cruel I can be” the voice was low but very heavy, threat vivid in the words.

No sooner the words left his mouth, Taehyung dove into Jin’s neck, nose pressed against the omega’s scent gland making Jin’s grip on the wrist tighten in alarm as he felt canines nip at his skin and tried to tell him to stop.

“I really feel like I’ve been going too easy on you omega” Taehyung could feel how Jin had frozen and how shudders ran through him “so blatantly submissive yet you won’t learn to keep your audacious spirit down eh? You have been testing me for more than awhile now, and yet I chose to overlook your misdemeanour when you stole from me what did not belong to you the first time we met…I hope you didn’t make the mistake of thinking I do not remember? Stealing from an alpha without permission sweetheart? I’m sure you’re aware an action like that will surely not be forgotten without punishment…”

Taehyung loved how silent Jin had gone, his brown eyes fluttering and fearful as he stared back at him now and yet his fingers were still wrapped around the alpha’s wrist in defiant warning.

“Guess I should take what I believe belongs to me…” his voice was a deep low tease as he let his canines dip lightly into the omega’s neck, not even breaking the skin but only intending to tease the other. However, the action made Jin’s eyes fly wide open, instantly letting go of the wrist to use all his strength to push the other away.

Jin was completely confused and inwardly cursing and fuming when Taehyung’s light laughter filled the room making him realize that the alpha was actually messing with him!

“Relax…if I wanted to take you forcefully, I could have marked you already” he smirked pecking at the hand Jin had used to hold him away from himself “but I guess this game you play kinda turns me on, soft and submissive one moment and angry and audacious the next” he licked his lips as the smirk grew to a crooked grin “fine…I’ll let you play your hard-to-get game for now, I love the chase anyway”.

Jin flinched a bit at those cocky words, annoyed at how full of himself this guy actually was.

“But for what it’s worth, know that this game will cost you dearly sweetheart and I hope you prepare yourself well for when I finally claim you…” he leaned in, tongue slipping out to teasingly lick at the shell of the omega’s ear “they don’t call me a beast in bed for nothing…I’m gonna make sure you moan just as loud as you curse at me”

Jin’s face went awfully red, ears steaming with how hard he was blushing as he instantly zapped his head to a side, hoping the alpha didn’t catch the heat on his cheeks. The action made Taehyung chuckle because it was more than evident how the words had an effect on the omega.

“I see…you like me teasing you eh?” “Not at all…seems like you have bad eye-sight” Jin grumbled still looking the other way.

“You do know I’m the strongest and sharpest existing predator…my eye sight is rather impeccable” Taehyung boasted “and my instincts more precise than any other…I’m sure your omega knows that pretty well, no wonder it gives in to me without a fight. I suggest it’d do you well to listen to your instincts too and stop fighting against me” he got up, eyes till staring down at Jin on the bed “think on it while you stay here, I need to get back to the coast” he turned about, walking towards the door now “can’t let those mutts get suspicious. I’ll be back in the morning to check on you, till then behave and don’t try to escape…it’s dangerous for you out there, trust me on this.”

He stared at Jin for a minute, looking hesitant to leave before he ordered the guards to open the door and stepped out of the chamber.

Jin moved his gaze to the ceiling now, finally sighing out the breath he had held back till now as he stared up being completely unsure of what life had in store for him now. His plan to meet his sister and escape seemed like a far-fetched wish at the moment. Even if he made it out of here, how was he going to find his way to her without being caught by the palace guards?

And now he had an even more terrifying issue at hand…he turned to a side on the bed, hands clasping at a pillow as he brought it to his chest, leaning his chin to dip into it. He grumbled about how much he disliked the softness of the mattress although he didn’t feel like getting up, the air had a calming essence that made him feel like he could sleep like a baby in here but he told himself he hated this feeling too.

He really didn’t like the room although it was so spacious, and airy. However, he kept telling himself he did not like anything in here at all, must be because of how strong Taehyung’s scent hung on everything, he thought to himself as he inadvertently pressed his face further into the pillow. He hated how comforting the scent felt…this is why he needed to get out of here as fast as possible. His omega was an idiot, it was better when the clueless thing was kept under strict surveillance…he was fed up with how naïve and ignorant his omega must be to think that arrogant trueblood would keep him safe.

He cursed inwardly sitting up with a start, there was no way he’d let his stupid omega make a mess of his plan…he was way smarter, skilled and powerful…he had by now learnt it the hard way that alphas are monsters and he needed to stay away from them!

His attention was drawn to see the door open again and the lady he had seen earlier walked in looking rather tensed as a couple of attendants followed behind her, placing a large tray of food near him before they backed out of the room.

“Oh goodness me…I’m so sorry…he’s usually not this ill-tempered you know...we barely have such killings here nowadays” she rushed through her words as she came to sit in front of Jin, who looked more than startled.

“I’m not sure what’s gotten into him though…” she spoke hoping to make sure that Taehyung hadn’t made the omega feel too threatened with his boorish rage. Her eyes glided over the omega’s features taking in how flawlessly beautiful and prince-like he looked even in the simple attire of a soldier, which however was another question she had.

“What is your name darling?” Jin looked at her as he traced a gentleness in her voice, thinking if it would be okay to tell her his real name now that he had already been found out.

“Seokjin” he spoke feeling a little better to see her give him an adoring smile.

“I’m sorry for what you had to go through…I had heard news about how you had fled the ship because you didn’t agree to become the mate of the King. It must have been so hard for you to stay safe, Kleon isn’t the best when it comes to the protection and rights of unmated omegas”

Jin didn’t know what to say to that, it was true that what he had been through for the past few weeks was quite unbelievable and really hard.

“People here are very rude” he mumbled almost to himself “however there are those who don’t act like complete animals”

“Sure there are” she caught sight of the fading bruise on his jaw and instinctively touched to check whether Jin needed a balm to help soothe it “looks like you got punched badly, what kind of a brute would hurt an omega like this?”

Jin debated naming the culprit but her frown remained unyielding.

“It was the Commander” he spoke rather liking the fact that he could complain, that big bad wolf had been mean to him in so many ways, guess it was his turn now.

“Commander...? You mean Taehyung?? What??!” Her eyes grew wide in disbelief “how could he hurt an omega?! Oh dear god he has completely lost his mind” she grumbled sending her attendants to instantly arrange for a bath for the omega and to bring the salve for his wounds.

“Come with me darling, you can freshen up and rest in a different chamber” she ushered Jin to follow along “I cannot let you stay here after his completely unacceptable behaviour.”

Jin blinked a little unsurely, judging if it was okay to trust this woman although he felt quite safe around her. However, Taehyung had told him to stay here, anger took over him instantly as cursed himself for being an idiot to believe he had to listen to that arrogant man and stood up to follow along.

“You can leave that pillow here Seokjin…” Jin was a bit startled to hear her before realizing he was still hugging the pillow to his chest “oh…yes, sorry” he hesitantly placed it back on the bed before heading to leave the chamber.

But he realised something was eerily amiss when Ha-Yoon froze in front of him just as the doors opened.

“Seokjin” her voice was suddenly very stern and Jin could almost hear the dread in her tone “run”.

á na márië.

[A\N] yeah I'm just trying to cheer up after the Grammy's...our boys deserved better. They're our kings anyway though ✨ our love for them will keep on growing no matter what! Always super proud of them❤️

hope the update helps you to cheer up as well...


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