broken (k.p.)

By kissykissyrry

399K 7.8K 16.5K

"Kai, please." I whine. A smirk comes upon his face as he looks at me and my reactions. "Please what? You wa... More

Blueberry Pancakes
The Ascendent
In Denial
Special Place
Confusing Feelings
You're Breaking My Heart
To Mend a Broken Heart
My One And Only, Right?
I Love You, You Love Me
It Might Be The End For Me
Magic Hands
No Control
Just the Two of Us
Hell On Earth
I'm Struggling Here
I Thought It Was You
There's No Escape
It's Like a Bump in The Road
You're Using Me
We're Starting Over
It's Not a Dream
Good Morning to You
Just Another Day
Are We Leaving Yet?
Add Two, Kill Two
Mortuus Viventes
I'm Feeling Nothing
Tell Me How It Feels
I Need You Back
It's A Turning Point
It Hasn't Been The Same
What Are We Going To Do?
Can't Get Enough
Something New
Cake And Kisses
I Need You
Breaking Away
Spare Me
Not What I Expected
The Difference Between Them
Breathe In, Breathe Out
A New Place
Kiss Me, Please?
Touch Me
Going Back
I Need The Truth
Are We Normal Yet?
It's Almost Too Much
The End For Now
Epilogue One
Epilogue Two
You Make Me Happy
UnPublished Extra

Thoughts Racing

3K 80 113
By kissykissyrry


"Yes." Elle whispers.


All of our heads turned towards her. This all seems like one big joke.

A joke that isn't very fucking funny.

Klaus grabs her hand, pulling her towards him and Freya.

"Wait," I call out. "I need to talk to you."

Elle looks at Klaus and nods, walking over to me. I grab her hands.

"You're coming back, right? I know it's going to be different because you're a Mikaelson, but I need you." I can hear my own voice crack. Elle's hand travels up to the back of my neck, pulling me closer to her.

"I'm not a Mikaelson. And I'm not a Bennett either. I am and will always be a Parker, and I don't give a shit what anyone else says." She whispers.

Fuck, I love her.

"I will be back, I promise. Wait for me, please." She states, slowly walking away from me.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you, too, Malachai." She smirks.

She knows what she just did.

Before she reaches Klaus and Freya, she glances at everyone else in the room.

"None of you have to stay. I don't expect any of you to. Actually, I think it's best if you guys went home. I'll be back in Mystic Falls soon, I promise." She says.

"I don't about any of you, but I'm definitely fucking staying." Damon speaks up. Stefan and Bonnie nod in agreement. Elle mouths a thank you towards them.

"We'll wait for you back home." Caroline says as she, Elena, Alaric, and Jeremy leave the room.

It's best. We really all shouldn't be here anyway.

"I'll be back in a little bit." Elle states before walking out of the room with Klaus and Freya. The door shuts leaving me, Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, and Brandon alone.

I immediately turn towards my brother.

"What the fuck is going on?" I ask.

"For once, I actually don't know. Klaus said he could help me get my magic back, so I came here. And then I may have helped kidnap Elle." He meekly whispers.

"What?" I say, my teeth gritting together.

"Simple misunderstanding, really." Brandon says quickly.

"I am going to murder you." I whisper.

"Okay, well-" Brandon says, backing away from me.

"Don't," Bonnie whispers to me. "He's not worth it."

I glare at Brandon before I nod in agreement. I really want to punch him, though.

"Klaus won't help you get your magic back." Bonnie states, sitting on the couch while she keeps her gaze on my brother.

"How do you know that?" Brandon asks with a humorless laugh.

"The Mikaelson's power is unimaginable. The only person that could possibly have a chance of getting your power back is Elle herself. And I doubt she knows how to do that." Bonnie explains. I furrow my brows at her.

"She got her memories back. I'm sure she knows how to do a lot of things." I retaliate. Bonnie just rolls her eyes at me.

"What was Jackson's part in this?" I ask Brandon, changing the subject.

"Klaus doesn't know the full extent of Elle's past with him. He just needed help, and the only thing he knew about Jackson was that he knew Elle. Jackson said he would help, and he did in fact help. Just not in a good way." Brandon says, looking down.

"What'd he do to her?" I ask. Brandon's eyes stay on the ground.

"What did he do to my wife, Brandon?" I repeat. The room stays silent. I can feel Damon's, Stefan's, and Bonnie's eyes on me.

"Damn it, just tell me!" I yell.

"It's not my place! I don't think I'm the right person that should be telling you what he did." Brandon admits.

"If I wasn't going to kill you sooner rather than later earlier, I sure as hell am now. Now tell me what the fuck he did to her," I whisper, but Brandon just glares at me. "Fucking tell me!"

"He raped her! Okay? He raped her. I saw it with my own fucking eyes, and I never want to see anything like that happening to Elle again. It wasn't my fucking place to tell you, and you, of all people, should know that." Brandon's voice cracks.

My heart breaks.

He touched her.

I'm going to break his fucking hands.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"I'm not sure which room, but he's nearby, I think?" Brandon responds, his voice wavering.

"I know you know where he is. Tell me." I order. Brandon closes his eyes and then opens them again.

"Down the hall, second door on the right." He whispers.

"Thank you, I might just punch you instead of killing you." I say.

"Kai?" Brandon asks, and I look back at him. "She really needed you afterward. And I know there wasn't really a way for you to be there immediately, but she still needed you. I kind of got a weird feeling in my chest when she hugged me."

"It's called feelings, Brandon. Look them up sometime." I whisper. He nods.

"We're coming with you." Damon and Stefan say. I shake my head.

"I love you guys like brothers, but it's my turn to beat the shit out of Jackson." I state.

"But-" Damon starts.

"No but's, I'll be back." I reply with a smile before I walk out of the room. I immediately walk down the hall, not hesitating to open the door when I find it.

And there on the bed lays Jackson.

Fucking bastard.

I gently close the door behind me, locking it. He doesn't look confused or scared, he looks calm.

He won't be in a few fucking minutes.

"Are you here to kill me?" Jackson asks with a smile. "Because that would be pretty fucking cool if you were. I could tell everyone that someone was trying to kill me, and I'd be the topic of conversation for days."

"You know, I don't give a fuck what you think is cool." I state. He stands up from off the bed.

"I can kill you so quick, Malachai." He whispers, snapping his fingers.

"Nobody fucking calls me Malachai." I reply before speeding over to him and pinning him against the wall.

"Ooh, I'm scared." Jackson says in a gasp.

"You touched my wife," I state. "You should be scared."

"Are you jealous because I touched her where she needed me to?" Jackson asks in a chuckle. "She was practically begging me to fuck her."

I let out a laugh, and Jackson glares at me.

"Yeah, I bet so. You seem like the real ladies man," I reply. "I know my wife very well. She didn't ask you to do shit."

"You haven't said her name. Too overprotective?" Jackson asks, his bottom lip jutting out.

"I actually am overprotective. But I haven't said her name because you don't deserve to hear it," I respond. "Plus, I really like saying my wife. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"I can kill you just as easily as you can kill me, you know that, right? I'm a werewolf, I could bite you, and there'd be no cure for you." Jackson threatens. I raise my eyebrows in fake surprise.

"Few things wrong with that sentence, asshole," I state. "First of all, Klaus is Elle's brother- he could give me a cure even if I didn't need it. Second of all, I'm a heretic. I'm part siphoner, part vampire. Werewolf venom is magic, therefore, I could siphon it out. You think you're so smart, but you're not. You're a worthless piece of trash. And to add on to it, you're a fucking rapist. You make me want to gouge my eyes and ears out, so I don't have to look at you or hear your voice."

Jackson breaks my stare, looking at the ground.

I stumped him.

But he looks back up at me with a smile.

"A rapist? Really? I'm sorry, I just can't get past how Elle feels. So fucking good. I nearly came right when I-" He gets cut off. By me slamming him on the ground.

"You fucking talk like that about her again, and I will torture you for hours. Killing you would be too easy and quick." I threaten as I keep him laying on the ground. I reach into my back pocket, pulling out the small wooden stake I put there.

You can never be too prepared.

I drag it up Jackson's chest, right next to his heart.

"I'm going to take my sweet time with you, Jackie. I hope you have fun, too." I whisper right before I push the stake slowly into his chest. He grunts and whimpers in pain. I pull it out quickly.

"Barely gotten started, and I'm having fun already." I whisper. And then suddenly Jackson bites me.

Son of a bitch.

I let my guard down, dropping the stake, and Jackson flips us over, keeping me pressed on the floor.

"I bet that feels good." Jackson whispers, motioning to the bite on my right forearm.

Yeah, it hurts like hell, but it's not going to immobilize me.

Jackson reaches over to the side, picking up the stake.

"I'm going to have my fun, too." He states before stabbing me with the stake right in the side of my body. I wince in pain, but it doesn't bother me that much. I guess it's also a good thing I didn't bring just a singular stake either.

I slowly reach my hand into my back pocket again, pulling out the small glass bottle of wolfsbane.

I really didn't bring either of these things for Jackson. I mean, hell, I just fucking figured out he's a hybrid.

But I guess they'll still be useful.

I keep the jar secured in my fist, not wanting to surprise Jackson too early. As he rips the stake out of my body, getting ready to stab me again, I twist the lid off and toss it at Jackson's face. His face begins to burn, and he screams in pain. I push him off of me, switching our positions again so that I'm on top on him.

"I guess this is the final fuck you." I whisper in his ear as I begin digging my fingers into his chest, ready to rip out his heart when the door is being kicked down, and my attention is being pulled away from the bastard under me.

Elijah walks in, adjusting his suit jacket.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You can't kill him." Elijah states, beginning to walk over to me.

"I'm guessing you don't know what he did then." I reply, and Elijah gains a confused look on his face. Jackson starts to shift under me, so I tighten my fingers around his heart, earning a grunt from him.

"What he did to Elle. My wife. Your sister," I continue, but Elijah stays confused. "He raped her. Several times."

Elijah's face wavers for one second.

"Kill him." He states. I smile at him before I turn my attention back towards the little whiny bitch who can't handle pain very well.

"Night night." I whisper before I grasp his heart, ripping it out.

Jackson's body becomes still, and I stand up, dropping his heart next to him. I turn towards Elijah, and he holds out a handkerchief for me. I take it from him, wiping my hands before I put one hand on the werewolf bite, siphoning the magic from it.

"Come with me." Elijah says once I'm done, leading me out of the room.

He walks us down the hall, passing the doors leading to the room where Damon, Stefan, and Bonnie are.

"Where are we going?" I ask. We stop at a set of double doors.

"You're meeting the Mikaelsons. All of them." Elijah responds before he opens the doors. I see multiple people all looking at me, but my eyes fall onto Elle's.

I immediately walk over to her, grabbing her cheeks and kissing her.

I wish I could kiss her forever. It's like I have a fucking addiction to her.

I can't stop craving her, wanting her.

And she's all mine.

A/N short chapter, I know, but I thought the meeting of the whole Mikaelson bunch should definitely be it's own separate thing-

J*CKSON IS DEAD BITCHES!! FUCKING FINALLY!!! You guys won't have to worry about any other chapters including rape except for in one of the next few chapters because Elle is kinda going to tell Kai what J*ckson did. I'll be putting a warning on that chapter because even though it won't be that descriptive, it can still be triggering, and I don't want to make any of you uncomfortable.

Next chapter will be up soon. The next few chapters will be posted with not that much space in between, but after that I will go back to my normal schedule. Once a week type thing. I've had a break from school, and it's been awesome, so that's one of the main reasons the updates have been so close together. I also posted them closely because they all kinda go together iyk what I mean, so that's why, but I will be going back to once a week here shortly. I'll let you guys know when dw<33

okay, okay, I'll stop ranting- here's your present:


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