Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

By PikaJovi

109K 3K 4.3K

(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 29

1.7K 47 44
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

I wake up in the morning, earlier than usual. I stay in bed and stare up at the ceiling. I didn't have to get up and get ready for a little while. I feel well-rested and ready to go at any moment. We have the entire summer break for training. As exciting as that is, the thought that I'll be spending it with Bakugo and the rest is even more exciting.

Speaking of Bakugo and the class. Every day I find it weird how these days I have no problem going to school, meeting my classmates, or even thinking of hanging out with them. Before I joined U.A, I hated the thought of hanging out with people or even sitting with them.

Yet now I'm part of a squad that I actually like and laugh with. I'm friends with the others in the class and get invited to hang out, and I, surprisingly, don't make excuses to refuse them. And when I do go and join them, I enjoy my time.

How did I get all friendly with everyone? Back in middle school, the thought of the people in my class made me sick... Hanging out with them was a definite no. No need to think twice about it.

I know for a fact that the accident is the reason behind my lack of friends and why I push people away, or at least keep them at arm's length. I don't trust easily, and yet two people already know about my past.

Maybe they don't know about the full details, but they have seen me in my vulnerable state. I can't decide what's worse, them knowing the full truth or seeing me panic. At the end of the day, it all worked out, I guess.

I feel like I still don't trust people easily. I mean, if I'm being honest, the reason I told Bakugo and Izuku about my accident is because they saw me panic. I couldn't get out of explaining it. Coming up with a lame excuse takes too much effort for something as strong as a panic attack.

And as close as I feel to Kirishima, and I could probably tell him anything, I don't see myself uncovering my past to him. Even as little information as I told the others. I directly get the feeling that they would pull away from me or treat me differently and like I'm fragile.

I still rather deal with my own problems on my own.

Although, Bakugo Katsuki has other plans. I don't even know how he is always there when I have a problem, and even though it's not his style to get into people's business, he is always trying to help me.

And it works.

I hate being weak in front of people, whether it's getting hurt or crying, yet Bakugo has seen both, and I don't know how that brought us closer. He still doesn't accept being anything other than strong in front of me, but I think he will slowly start to open up.

I want to trust Bakugo; with everything I've got. I want to believe that we can be each other's supports and make each other stronger. My body decided, in its own way, that we can trust him. As I told him yesterday, whenever he is around, I feel this ease. It's like I can let my guard down and not worry about watching my back.

I like this new feeling. I never expected to make friends, let alone have feelings for someone and dating them. My alarm rings, and I get up to get everything ready. My summer break of training starts now!

Kaminari's POV:

Yesterday was seriously fun! Everyone made it to the pool, and the day was just great. Of course, we can't forget the girls... man! They all looked so good in their swimsuits. I was hoping they would be in bikinis, but the school swimsuits weren't so bad after all.

At first, we just wanted an excuse to see the girls, but Midoriya invited everyone else, and it turned into a fun day with a little training. We also can't forget the swimming competition that Aizawa-Sensei so rudely interrupted!

It was a good way to spend the last day before some gruesome training the entire summer break! I know for a fact that Aizawa-Sensei is going to put us through hell in those coming weeks... but at least we will come back stronger!

Everyone was standing outside the school, waiting for a couple of students to show up before getting on the bus and heading to our camp. A few minutes later, (Y/N) comes running calling out to Bakugo and Kirishima.

I never expected a girl to get along with these two so well. I mean, Kirishima is super friendly, so maybe it's not that weird, but Bakugo... now that still surprises me every day. How could a girl like her get along with such an explosive guy?

I directly found my answer when I got to know her better. She takes on Bakugo head-on! If he yells at her, she yells back. If he insults her, she insults back. She has no fear whatsoever when it comes to him, while all the others walk around on eggshells around him.

So I found her pretty cool, and she actually doesn't have a problem with my flirty habits. If anything, she told me once she would help me meet someone! What kind of girl does that? All the others just call us perverts and walk away.

I remember once she overheard me talk to Sero about a girl we saw in the cafeteria. She just came up behind us out of nowhere and whispered just like we were that she was cute, but I could do better than that. She went and pointed to another girl and told me she would suit me more!

From that day... I knew that (Y/N) was different. She was a trusty comrade!

"Hey, Kaminari." Mineta comes up to me and stands next to me. He signals to me to get closer to him, "So, I've come to a conclusion." he whispers. I'm confused, so I look at him to explain. "The best looking girl in a swimsuit yesterday." he says.

"Ah, that. And what's your conclusion?" we talk normally now.

"It was a tough choice... Momo was a tough candidate. But I thought about it all night, and the winner has to be (Y/N)." he says, his face already blushing at whatever imagine he was picturing.

I look up and see her talking to Kirishima. Mineta was also looking at her, trying his best to stop his drool. "I mean, do you remember how she looked? Those curves, and that body..." he wipes his mouth, "I swear, I could just-"

"You could just what exactly?" Suddenly Bakugo was right next to him, his hand ready to explode Mineta out of this world.

"Bakugo! You scared me. I mean, you saw her yesterday in that tight swimsuit; I could just-" I nudge him and try to shut him up. He was an idiot! Bakugo was ready to kill him, and he didn't even see that.

"I'll fucking kill you if you continue to think of stuff like that. Now, tell me exactly what you were planning on saying since you're dying either way." his hands explode. When Mineta tried saying something, he exploded him...

He looks up at me, and I raise my hands in surrender. "I-I didn't say anything. It was all him; I was just listening." I beg for him to spare me.

"Listening to what? Hey, Kaminari!" (Y/N) pops out of nowhere, leaning on Bakugo's shoulder as she stands on her tiptoes to look over him. "What happened to Mineta?" she asks.

"H-Hey (Y/N)! How are you? M-Mineta is uh..." I couldn't think of anything to say.

"He was being a fucking pervert that just got on my nerves." Bakugo smirks, his evil red eyes still on me.

"Oh, well, let's go; we are getting on the bus." she pulls Bakugo away, and he just leaves; he doesn't fight her a single bit.

Everyone gets on the bus, and I sit next to Kirishima, pouting and grumbling about Bakugo being an ass to basically everyone. Why does he have the urge the bully everyone? I look to my left and see Bakugo and (Y/N) sitting together, talking about something I couldn't hear.

"It's unbelievable." I grunt, in a low enough voice, so Bakugo wouldn't be able to hear me.

"You okay?" Kirishima asks me.

"No, man! Like high school is supposed to be about studying, which I barely do, thinking about girls, which I always do, and just living life to the max! Yet thanks to Aizawa-Sensei's crazy way of teaching and Bakugo constantly blowing up on anyone, it's just so stressful!" I let out my thoughts to him, really needing to get it off my chest.

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"I just find it weird, okay! Like we always talk about girls, what's so wrong about that!? He doesn't care about any of that, but the second we talk about (Y/N), it's like all hell broke loose! He will literally come and kill anyone!" I complain.

"So, we're talking about Bakugo now?" I shush him directly before the big bad wolf hears us. "Dude, come on, when are you going to realize?" he smiles and shakes his head.

I don't know what he meant, but it didn't matter. "All I'm saying is he reacts completely differently when it comes to her, and it's weird, and I don't get it. Like why!?" I raise my voice at the last one.

"Oi, keep your fucking voice down, Dunce Face." he yells at me.

"Sorry Bakugo, I-"

"Just shut up and keep it down." he points to his side.

I lean forward to see what he meant and find (Y/N) sleeping. Ah, he wants me to shut up because he doesn't want me to disturb her; that's understanding. Wait... seriously!? I look again and see her sleeping on his shoulder.

Bakugo... was letting someone... sleep on him? He is completely calm and fine... with someone sleeping on him!?

I couldn't help but keep staring; I nudge Kirishima without looking at him. "What now, bro?" he asks.

"Dude... Look! B-Bakugo is letting (Y/N) sleep on his shoulder!" I whisper yell to him.

"So? He's being nice to his gir- um, I mean, he's just being nice."

"Bakugo is never nice!! This is so weird! I mean unless-" I gasp. Oh my God... it clicked!

I turn my head to Kirishima with my mouth and eyes wide open. It finally clicked! Bakugo being nice? Defending (Y/N)? Picking on her for the silliest things? Bakugo Katsuki... has a crush on (Y/N)! I can't believe I didn't see this before!

"Did you figure it out?" he asks me.

"Dude! Bakugo... has a crush on (Y/N)!" I tell him, still shocked.

He laughs and shakes his head. Wait, there could be more! I lean again and see her sleeping position; she has her head resting on his shoulder. The meaning could completely change depending on the position came to be.

"H-Hey Bakugo, do you want a pillow for her head? I mean, she probably just fell onto your shoulder from all the turns." I try out my theory.

"What are you talking about? Her head didn't fall anywhere, she put her head on my shoulder, and it's fine like this." he turns to look at her, and I swear I saw a smile! Bakugo was smiling tenderly at someone!

I slap Kirishima's hand to get his attention and look at him, still shocked when the real situation presents itself. "Dude... Bakugo doesn't only have a crush on (Y/N); she has a crush on him too! Unless..." I think about it more. "Oh my God! Dude! THEY ARE DAT-" I stand out of my excitement, but he shuts me up and pulls me back to my seat.

I look to my side and find Bakugo glaring at me, and then he rolls his eyes! He just fricking confirmed it! That confirms it! "Oh man, Bakugo and (Y/N) are dating!" I whisper to Kirishima, and he just laughs.

"You finally got it." he says.

"You knew?!" why did no one tell me of this. I can't believe I missed the biggest news ever. Bakugo Katsuki was dating someone.

I stayed in my seat the entire ride, shaking out of excitement. I can't believe out of all my friends, Bakugo was the one who was dating right now. We finally get to our destination, and Bakugo wakes (Y/N) up... gently.

I can't believe I didn't see all the signs!

Once everyone was out, I skip happily to (Y/N) with a huge grin on my face! "(Y/N)!" I call out to her in a sing-like tone. "How was the ride?" I ask her with a smirk.

"Kaminari. It was fine? Why?" of course, she seems confused.

"Well, you just seemed so peaceful sleeping." I continue to smirk and wiggle my eyebrows at her.

She looks back at Kirishima, and he nods to her. "You found out?" she chuckles.

"Yes! Oh, man! I can't believe I didn't see this before! This is so cool! You guys actually look cute together!" I hug her; I was honestly happy for her. She was one of my friends, even close friends, so of course, I'll be happy for her if she's happy.

She hugs Bakugo's arm and laughs. "Ya, I thought you would directly get it. But he's all mine now." her grin was so big and happy; I've never seen her like this.

"Whatever, that also makes you mine. Mine alone." he glares at me for some reason. Well, no surprise there that Bakugo is a bit possessive.

"Now I can help you on your quest to finding someone." did she really just say that?

"(Y/N)! You're an angel!" I give her my puppy dog eyes!

She laughs, and we continue talking about potential girls or types and all that; I still find it weird that I'm talking about this stuff with an actual girl. "See, I think you need someone to balance you out. You can't pick someone too calm for you or too crazy. You guys need to have something in common as well." she tells me.

"I don't think I know someone like that." I tell her and think about it.

"You do," she smirks. She already has someone in mind? "What do you think of Jiro?" she smirks at me.

"J-Jiro? W-What about her?" I couldn't help but blush a bit. I can't lie and say I never thought about her like that, but she doesn't take me seriously.

"I think you two would suit each other. You can try to pursue her, but you have to be nice and polite." she points her finger at me. "None of that flirting you do with Mineta, and definitely don't listen to anything he tells you to do." she looks at Jiro, making me look as well.

"From what I saw and understood from Jiro, she may give off a cold and indifferent attitude, but she is actually really friendly and caring, but shy. So you have to take it slow and gentle with her." she gives me the advice, and somehow I feel this hopefulness fill me up inside.

"You think it could work?" I ask.

"If you take it slow and do it properly, ya. I could totally see her being interested in you." she smiles.

Aizawa-Sensei then calls us, and we stop the conversation that I never thought I could have. It seems the training starts from now... But I couldn't think of that just yet. I will use this period of time to show everyone, especially Jiro, what kind of Hero I will be.

I'm sure if I impress her, I will have a better chance of approaching her without directly being shut down. And now, thanks to my trusty comrade, my partner in crime (Y/N), I'm sure she will look after me till I succeed!

Let's get this Hero training camp started!




And now little Denki knows!! Do you want him with Jiro, or do you see him with someone else?

How are you finding the story so far? This will probably be the longest story I've written so far, so hang on tight; things are nowhere near done yet!

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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