I Love You, Dork. [Shuichi Sa...

By ddlc_enjoyer

71.2K 2K 6.2K

Y/N is the Ultimate Guitarist, who's been forced to participate in a killing game with 16 other students. You... More

﹀.﹀Some Things Before You Read This﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Trapped In A Classroom?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.2﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.3﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.4﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.5﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.6﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Killing Game!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Way Out Without Killing?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀No Killing Game?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Mastermind?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Dining Hall Meeting﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Friendship﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Falling Apart?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Trip To The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Death In The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Pianist's Doom﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Surprised Gifts﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Old Memories﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Special Interview﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Bug Incident﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Tennis Player's Death﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Maid's Killing﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀More Junk﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Acquaintance﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crackheads﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crazy Ideas﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Nighttime Mission﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Valentine's Day Special﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Artist's Demise﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Seance Investigation﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Double Murder!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Selfish Wishes﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Friendship Problems﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Backstory Confessions﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Virtual World?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀In The Virtual World﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Another Friend Lost﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Death Of A Special Friend﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Sickening Sight﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Depressing Mornings﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Little Suprises﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Convincing Choices﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Mastermind Reveal﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Motivating Robot﹀.﹀

﹀.﹀Unexpected Events﹀.﹀

1.1K 39 167
By ddlc_enjoyer

It's the day after the third trial, I wake up, ignoring what the cubs were saying in the monitor and got ready for the day. After changing, I head to the dining hall, ignoring everyone that I walked by. 

While on my way, I see Shuichi heading to the dining hall, "Morning." I say, walking a few steps ahead of him. "Ah, good morning, Y/N." Shuichi says back, walking a few steps faster so he can walk next to me. 

We arrive to the dining hall and see Kaito, Miu, Tsumugi, Keebo, Maki, Himiko and Kokichi. "Good morning, everyone." Shuichi says as I head to the table and take a seat. "Ah...yeah. Good morning." Tsumugi responds, avoiding eye contact with the rest of us. 

"Good...morning..." Keebo nods, having a frown on his face. "*sigh*" Miu looks away from us. "What's wrong with you and Y/N, bro!? You're not gonna eat!?" Kaito asks as he points to me. "If you don't eat, then Gonta will eat you both instead." Kokichi giggles. 

"Very comforting, Kokichi." I nod at him. "Ah, he'll eat me? Don't you mean my breakfast...?" Shuichi asks, wide-eyed. "Speaking of Gonta, where is he? I haven't seen him this morning." Kaito asks in concern. 

"He's not here yet?" Shuichi asks while looking around the dining hall. "He's probably still sleeping..." Keebo puts a finger on his chin. "*sigh*" Miu catches my attention again. Does she want something from us? 

"Heeey! You guys have no energy! You need to look alive! You're all still teenagers!" Himiko whines. "H-Himiko?" Shuichi turns to Himiko, who is pouting. "Your 'good mornings' are too quiet! It's 'cuz you're so quiet that you feel down!" Himiko points at Shuichi. 

 "*SIGH!!!*" Miu sighs louder than before. "I didn't mean you should sigh louder!" Himiko pouts at Miu. "...Weird. I thought you'd be the most depressed out of all of us." Maki glances at Himiko. "Sheesh, Kaito, did you brainwash Himiko to be happy all of a sudden?" I shake my head. 

"Huh!? I didn't do anything!" Kaito raises his voice. "Of course...I'm depressed. This is the most depressed I've been in all my 200 million years." Himiko frowns. "200 million years!?" Tsumugi asks, surprised. 

"But...being depressed won't help those who died rest in peace... Tenko and Angie, too. If I stay depressed, they wont be able to rest in peace either. So in order to make their deaths have meaning, I've decided to live my life with positivity!" Himiko states. 

"S-So anyway...Please...t-take care of the...new me..." Himiko pants. "You're out of breath already. You're going full speed right out of the gate!" Kaito speaks. "But it's just like Himiko said. Those of us left need to look to the future and live. For all the other's sake." Tsumugi smiles.

"Yeah! Let's cheer up and work hard! This game is just getting started!" Kokichi cheerfully jumps up and down. "Game?" Shuichi raises an eyebrow. "Huh? Isn't that what we were talking about?" Kokichi asks. 

"Ughhh...but now that there's less people, I might...be the next victim..." Kokichi frowns. "Woooow, so exciting! But I definitely don't wanna die! Well, I guess that's the same for everyone else! Ah-hahahahahahaha!" Kokichi laughs. 

"You're still saying crap like that at a time like-" Kaito gets cut off by the door being opened, revealing Gonta. "Where the hell were you?" I raise an eyebrow. "Everyone! This serious!" Gonta worriedly looks at all of us. 

"Oh, no... The Colossal High School Girl is on the other side of the wall, isn't she!?" Kokichi worriedly looks at Gonta. "Okay, maybe not that serious, but Gonta went to courtyard before coming here..." Gonta states. "The graffiti? Was more added to it?" Shuichi asks. "Yeah. More letters added..." Gonta nods. 

"I'm not sure what it's trying to spell... 'The swords'? Or maybe 'this world'?" Keebo suggests. "Wh-What about the world? What does it mean? Is there some crazy story going on?" Tsumugi asks. "It's probably just graffiti, right? We should ignore it." Maki shakes her head. 

"No, I don't think that's a good idea." Shuichi states. "...Why? Do you wanna die?" Maki threatens Shuichi. "What?" Shuichi goes wide-eyed. "Jesus, calm down, it's her habit. She's not actually gonna kill you." I cross my arms. 

"No one here takes credit for it, right? But now there's more added to it. It must have some meaning." Shuichi speaks. "So, seriously, none of us here wrote it? If this is a prank, you better speak up." Kaito looks around. 

"But Gonta stumbled onto the writing by coincidence, right?" Kokichi turns to Gonta. "If it was a prank, then they would've done it in a more obvious spot, not in the grass. There's nothing more depressing than an unnoticed prank." Kokichi states. 

"It's like a titty no one wants to fondle!" Miu frowns, making me chuckle. "God, this is why I love you Miu." I smirk at her. "Well, it could just be Gonta writing it, since he was the first one to find-" Gonta cuts Kokichi off. "Gonta never do that! Gonta never make trouble for everyone!"

"It's...ungentlemanly." Gonta frowns. "Well, I don't really get it, but... Maybe it's some kinda clue." Kaito shrugs. "Thank you for the report, Gonta." Kaito grins at Gonta. "...Gonta just glad to help." Gonta smiles. 

"Gonta want to help, even little. Tell Gonta if you need help with something, okay?" Gonta gives us all a close-eyed smile. "O-kay, got it! I'll let you know if I want you to punch someone." Kokichi playfully grins. 

"No! You don't get to tell Gonta what to do anymore!" Himiko points at Kokichi. "Yeah... Gonta learn lesson after Insect Meet and Greet." Gonta pouts. "Tch, booooring." Kokichi frowns. "Oh ho! My ears are burning! Are you guys talking about me again? You must love me!" Monokuma suddenly appears.

"Hm? Are you getting dizzy from the face I make when I concentrate really hard?" Monokuma grins. "Your face...? It's always the same, isn't it?" Tsumugi asks. "Never mind that... You guys are probably eager for it, right?" Monokuma asks us. 

"What's exactly 'it'? Because, I can think of many, many things that can be 'it'." I ask, grinning. "Ah-haha! Y/N, you're the best!" Miu bursts out laughing. "Y/N, that's gross...!" Himiko points to me. My prize, that is." Monokuma states. 

"Right? You guys can't live without getting a prize right now, right?" Monokuma asks. "That's what I thought, so I brought a prize!" Monokuma states. "Rise and shine, ursine!" The cubs run into the dining hall. 

"Rise and shine, ursine!" Monophanie repeats, smiling. "Huh? What's an ursine?" Monotaro asks, confused. "Oh my... Forgetting your catchphrase is like this kiss of death for a mascot, y'know?" Monophanie states. "Hahaha! 'Cuz I'm a mascot! Get it?" Monotaro giggles.

"That wasn't even a joke! There was no set up, no punchline, no nothing!" Monophanie pouts. "By the way, who's this pink stuffed pig and why is she talking to me?" Monotaro turns to us. "Monotaro's head is busted! One solid whack should make him remember!" Monophanie hits Monotaro with a frying pan. 

"Ouch!" Monotaro yells in pain. "Ngh? Where am I? Where's Kaoru...?" Monotaro looks around, confused. "Ack! Your character is completely different now!" Monophanie whines. "Pops... My family... And you... Thank you...for loving me!" Monotaro smiles. 

"C'mon! Remember already!" Monophanie hits him again. "*sigh*... They're so adorably fascinating. I could watch them forever." Monokuma stares at his kids in admiration. "I've had enough of them..." Himiko pouts. 

"Heeey, give us some lovin' tooooo. I want my reward alreadyyyyy." Kokichi excitedly jumps up and down. "When did you get so friendly with Monokuma, Kokichi?" Tsumugi raises an eyebrow. "Okay, okay. The prize this time is-" Monokuma gets interrupted.

"Ta-da! The legendary Levistone, the priceless Octobrush, and...a card key! Which just so happens to be the motive, too!" Monophanie announces. "Did you say...motive!?" Shuichi asks, wide-eyed. 

"Yep! This mysterious card key is your next motive!" Monokuma states, nodding. "The classic carrot-and-stick approach! No one can work a carrot-and-stick like Daddy!" Monophanie smiles. "Screw your carrot and your stick! Gimme whips and chains all the way!" Miu pouts. 

"A card key is the motive? What does that even mean?" Kaito raises an eyebrow at the bears. "So, the new area you can open with the card key... Is that where the real motive is?" Maki asks. "Puhuhu, that's a secret. Why don't you use it if you're so curious?" Monokuma giggles. 

"Alright, I'll gladly take it." I state, standing up from my seat and walking towards Monphanie. "No, we shouldn't. If we want to prevent another murder from happening-" Keebo gets interrupted while he puts his hand on my shoulder, trying to stop me.

"Yoink! I'll take that card key then!" Kokichi takes the card. "B-But that Monokuma's motive! What if another murder happen?" Gonta asks, looking worried. "I wouldn't mind that at all, y'know?" Kokichi smirks.

"What?" Shuichi looks at Kokichi, wide-eyed. "'Cuz this is the killing game and we're the players, plain and simple. Why wouldn't the players play the game?" Kokichi states. "Sheesh, you are one sick fuck." I say, shaking my head in disapproval.

"Quit screwing around and just give it to us!" Kaito points to the card."No thaaaanks! See yaaaaa!" Kokichi waves at us as he runs out of the dining hall. "Wha-! Hey! Wait up!" Kaito runs out of the dining hall.

"Running in the halls isn't normally allowed, but I suppose boys will be boys." Monokuma pouts. "Also, I forgot to mention this, but I've hidden another Flashback Light somewhere." Monokuma states. "I wonder what memories you'll uncover next! Happy hunting!" Monokuma giggles as he leaves the dining hall.

"So long, bear well!" The Monokubs say their usual catchphrase. As Monophanie goes to follow her father, Monotaro speaks up, "Huh? What's 'so long, bear-well' mean?" Monotaro tilts his head in confusion.

"You forgot that, too!? C'mon, let's go!" Monophanie takes Monotaro's hand and drags him out of the dining hall. "Wh-What should we do? Kokichi and Kaito are gone." Tsumugi worriedly asks. "We cannot leave Kokichi alone with that card key motive..." Keebo puts a finger on his chin.

"But...aren't you curious about the Flashback Light, too?" Tsumugi turns to Keebo. "Perhaps we should all search together, and look for Kokichi as well." Shuichi suggests. "That's a good idea, but...let us look for Kokichi while you focus on the search. Right now, we need your skills as a detective, Shuichi." Keebo nods.

"Right... In that case, let me hold onto that. I'll look around again." Shuichi takes the rewards. "Nyeeeh, Shuichi's grown up! He's become so reliable! Now that you're so respectable, I'll let you pet me if you want!" Himiko smiles.

"Oh, I see, so Shuichi gets that honor." Tsumugi nods. "Shuichi is so amazing. Gonta wanna be useful to everyone too." Gonta smiles sadly. "Don't worry. When the time comes, we'll use your body as a meat shield." Maki states.

"Okay! Gonta hope time come soon!" Gonta brightly smiles. "No... You should hope that it doesn't come." Tsumugi frowns. After the conversation ends, we all exit the dining hall, though while walking out, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around and see Miu. "Oh, what it is?" I raise an eyebrow. "How's things going with you and Poo-ichi?" Miu asks. "It's going good, I guess." I shrug. "Well? Are you gonna confess to him?" Miu puts her hands on her hips. "Probably not." I answer, making Miu look disappointed.

"Oh, fuck no! Listen here, Y/N, you're gonna confess to Shuichi right the fuck now!" Miu says as she drags me out of the dining hall. "Wait, wait, wait, Miu, we can talk about this-! Can't I do it later or something!?" I ask, growing worried and flustered. "No! You're gonna go confess to him now!" Miu says as she goes faster.

"Oh! There he is! Let's go, Y/N!" Miu says, walking faster so she can get to him. "Hey, Poo-ichi! Get your ass over here!" Miu raises her voice at him, making him look at us. "Ah, um, yes?" Shuichi asks, walking over to us.

"Y/N here wants to tell you something!" Miu smirks, pointing at me. "Hah, no, I don't." I glare at Miu. "Ugh! Y/N, I'll spit it out for you! Poo-ichi, my closest friend here, Y/N L/N, likes you! Now go fuck!" Miu states as she pushes me onto him.

"What..!?" Shuichi asks wide-eyed as his face grows red. "Um, Miuu! Don't put words into my mouth!" I glare at Miu, hoping she'd just shut up. "Ah-haha! I'm not lying, lovebirds! Now, go do that shitty couple stuff from now on!" Miu says, putting her hands on her hips while walking away.

"U-Um..." Shuichi looks away, a obvious blush covering his cheeks. "Fuck it, yes. I like you." I state, looking away. While waiting for rejection, I feel a pair of arms around me. "Shuichi...?" I mumble, melting into his embrace. "I-I uh...I-I like you...too..." Shuichi states.

"You're joking, right?" I ask, surprised. "Ah, u-um...no...I'm not joking..." Shuichi says. "Does this mean we're dating or...?" I ask, "I-I'm not sure..." Shuichi chuckles. "Well, do you want to?" I ask, pulling away so I can be able to see his flustered face.

"I-I'd like that..." Shuichi smiles at me, blushing even more. "Alright. Ummm, why don't I join you and see what the junk can open up?" I suggest, smiling a bit. "Sure..." Shuichi smiles back.

I guess, we're dating now...This is probably the first time I've ever felt so happy in this shitty place.


Word count: 2327

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