One-shot Meryl Streep


25.8K 439 173

Don't get me wrong. I never look at Meryl in a sexual or unpleasant way, but we all like some juicy stories t... Еще

Serious note
At Mamie's wedding
Complicated reasons
My My
Devil of desire
You're killing me
No questions asked
Fifty shades of grumpy
Here we go again
Devil in quarantine
The papers goes on
The lady's improving
No more Prada
Not so complicated
Make you feel my love
Cooking in quarantine
Dancing in the hot tub
Two worlds
Teasers Pleasers
Another universe
Falling in love again
Queen of hearts
Love and diamonds

Take a chance

769 15 40

A house full of kids takes courage to be ran. Meryl has to do it, because Pierce definitely won't.
"Emma!" she calls so close to burst down in tears while she's trying to stop the water from spraying in the whole kitchen. Her oldest daughter runs in. She gasps and immediately closes the water. Meryl takes a seat at the table and grab her face.
"Mom, you're okay," Emma says and takes her hand. Meryl grabs her hand and nod kissing her hand.
"Mommy, Patrick won't give me the television remote," he second youngest son complains. Meryl glares at him and stand up clapping her hand.
"That's it! Everyone go clean your rooms!" she shouts and look horrified at her youngest little girl of five years old that runs into her. The girl looks up at her and starts to laugh. One thing about her family is that they know how difficult this is for her. They must cooperate with her. "Shit, I still haven't gone grocery shopping."
"Don't worry mom, you need a break. Go, I'll look after them," Emma says and grabs her hands kissing her cheeks. Meryl nods and runs up to her bedroom.
"Does any of you girls need stuff?" Meryl ask while running to her room.
"I need pad, the big ones," one of her teenage daughters shouts. Meryl nods and grab her notebook making notes.
"Tampons!" her second oldest daughter shouts. Meryl gives a strange look and kick her slippers off.
"Shave gel," she hears. Her oldest son, oldest of everyone, 20 years old, takes the pen from her and start to make notes. She smiles thankfully at him and run to her wardrobe.
"Cindy needs extra big pads to cover her face!" one of the boys shouts. She sighs when she hears how the girls yells at him and runs after him throwing him with a shoe.
"We'll have this under control," Paul assures. Meryl nods at him and grab a simple pair of jeans and white shirt.
"Mommy, can I go with?" her five year old, Mandy asks entering the room. "I'll keep you company and carry your bags for you."
"Yes, take her with," Paul says to Meryl that looks at her little girl. Meryl nods and runs into her bathroom.

Mandy holds her mother's arm jumping up and down happily. Meryl smiles at her pushing the trolley down the shelf.
"Mommy, Danny says that daddy doesn't want to see us anymore," Mandy says. Meryl stops and looks horrified at her. "Is it true mommy?"
"Baby, daddy is just very busy," Meryl says and pick her up putting her in the trolley. "If I buy you a chocolate, will you tell your brothers and sisters?"
"No mommy!" she giggles. "But I don't want a chocolate. I want a hug."
Meryl's heart grows soft. A house full of children and none of them is getting enough personal attention. Meryl gives her a tight hug and kiss her soft cheek. Her attention gets drawn by a big muscled man that comes closer to her. He has curly dark hair mixed with a little bit of grey and is wearing a suite.
"Hi, sorry for bothering. I was just admiring your little girl," he smiles at her. Meryl let go of her daughter and give him a strange look. "I have a little boy of my own. He never preferred a hug over sweets. Is there a secret?"
"Oh," she laughs and tickles Mandy's back. "No, parent. That's all."
"You're single?" he asks with an odd look. "How?"
"How?" she asks and laughs sarcastically. "Well, I'm a mother of fourteen kids. Yeah. One father that just vanished."
"I'm sorry," he says giving her a serious look. "Did he get hijacked or..."
"No, he just..." she shakes her head and shrug her shoulders. "He got tired. You will as well when you're 24/7 surrounded with kids. Don't get me wrong. I love my life with them. They're the only reason I'm still alive."
"I'm Don," he says and give his hand. She shake his hand and smile softly pulling her hand back. "I thought my life was hard."
"My life isn't hard. It's just...difficult," she says and look at the shelf.
"I know," he nods. She grabs a few things from the shelf and throw it in her trolley.
"Would you to go out for a drink?" he ask. She looks horrified at him. "Only if you want."
"You sure you want to ask me out for a drink?" she asks. He laughs softly and nod his head. "Don, I'm going to be honest with you now. You don't know me, I don't know you. I would love to get to know you better, but I'm a mother of fourteen. So let's not waste each other's time, okay? Okay."
"Mommy, the uncle is just being nice," Mandy says looking so upset. Meryl pulls in her breath and look at Don. He smiles at the girl then look at Meryl. "Say yes. I'll ask my brothers and sisters to behave."
"I'm Meryl," she finally says. He gives a big smile and take her hand kissing it. She feels her cheeks warm up. "When would you like to go on a date?" he ask. She raises an eyebrow and pull her breath in.
"Well, a date. Okay, well, while my son is here, I think tomorrow night?" she asks.
"Okay, can I take your number and you can send me your address," he day and take out his phone. Meryl takes it and put her number in. He saves it and put it in his pocket. "I'll see you Meryl."
"Sure," she nods and start to walk away from him.

"Mommy got asked on a date!" Mandy shouts and runs in. All the children stops and gather together to hear the details. 8 Girls and 6 boys. They start talking at the same time. Meryl put her hand up making them stop.
"It's not really a date. His name is Don, handsome and has a little boy. He just asked me for drink," Meryl says and goes to her 7 year old daughter, Charlotte. She takes tissue out of her bag and put it on the girl's nose. "Blow."
After cleaning her nose, Meryl threw it away and look at her children again.
"I declined, Mandy made me say yes," Meryl says.
"Mommy blushed," Mandy giggles. Meryl grab her face and shake her head with a giggle.
"When's the date?" her seventeen year old ask.
"Tomorrow night," she replies. Of all fourteen, there's 15 year old triplets and two twins, one pair of 12 years old and the other two, naughtiest boys in the house of, 12 years old.
"I'm definitely making you up," Scarlett, her seventeen year old says. Meryl shakes her head.
"Okay, the rest of the bags are in the car," she says which made them run out to get it. "Don't drop the eggs!"
She takes her phone out when she feels it vibrates.

Meryl sighs as she looks at her reflection. Scarlett puts a dress in front of her. Meryl shakes her head, but Scarlett ignores her.
"Baby, not too fancy," Meryl says. Scarlett pulls the ugly dress she tried on off her body and gasps.
"Emma! I think we're adopted!" she yells. Emma runs into the room and pulls in her dress.
"Wow, mom," Emma teases her.
"No," Meryl awkwardly tries to cover her body. "You're gonna make your brothers run in here."
"So put this on, but get another bra," Scarlett says and push the dress into her arms. "I don't even think grandma would be wearing that in her grave."
"You are mean," Meryl says and goes into the bathroom. The girls giggles and look at each other.
"Can I do her makeup?" Emma asks. Scarlett nods and takes a seat on her mother's bed.
"I hope he won't waste her time," Scarlett says. Emma agrees and takes a seat next to her. "I tried calling dad today. A woman answered. When she wanted to give the phone to dad, he said he doesn't want to talk to us. He confessed it, Emma. Dad doesn't want us anymore."
"Scarlett," Emma sighs and hugs her sister. "I'm sorry we have to go through this."
"Girls, I feel this is too much," Meryl says and exits the bathroom. They gasps and jump up.
"Mom has boobs!" Scarlett squeaks. Emma bursts out laughing and goes to her mother.

Don knocks on the door nervously. The door goes open.
"Hi, you must be here foe my mom," Paul says and shakes his hand. "I'm her oldest son, Paul."
"Yes, Don," he greets him back with a smile and enter the house. All the children are standing there waiting. They've been anxious to meet him. He smiles at them.
"Mom, will be down in a second," Emma says and run down. She goes up to Don and give her hand. "I'm Emma. Nice to meet you."
"You too," he shakes her hand. Their attention gets drawn by Meryl thay runs down nearly falling herself to death. "Wow."
"Pizza will be here in a few minutes, okay?" Meryl says and throw her handbag on the table getting her wallet out to give them money. "I know it's school holidays, but no sleeping late, okay?"
"Mom, we know," Scarlett giggles. She looks at Paul that takes the money from her and turn her around to Don. She pulls in her breath and take her bag approaching him slowly.
"You look so beautiful," he laughs softly with tears in his eyes. Meryl gives a little blush.
"Don, I want you to meet my kids," she says and turn to her children. "Paul, Emma, Scarlett, Gerald, Geraldine, Genevieve, Cindy, Charlton, Jack, Alex, Maggie, Toby, Charlotte and Mandy. Kids, this is Don."
They wave at him waiting anxiously. Meryl nod her head slowly and look at Don that smiles from the children to her.
"Shall we go?" he ask. She nods and follows him out. She kept looking back at the house. The children keeps looking at them curiously. Don opens the door for her. She looks horrified at him and climb in. He closes the door and goes around to get in.

"I was twenty years old when I first got pregnant. I didn't have much of a life at all. Pierce swept me off my feet. After we had three kids, I thought we were finished. Two years later, we get surprised with a triplet," Meryl giggles drinking her wine around table with him. He just sits there listening to every word she says. "I wanted to get sterilised, but Pierce insisted. He said we should have more. I love my kids very much. So we got twins and the he said we should stop. Bur before I could, boom, another pregnancy with wins. We practiced safe sex since then, but guess what. Another baby two years later. I thought you can't get pregnant right after your period, but I did with Charlotte. Pierce and I then got divorced. We were constantly fighting about the children. One night, he came knocking on my door in need for comfort. Nine months later, another child. Can you believe that? Fourteen children. Well, Pierce and I are definitely through, trust me."
Don smiles and sit forward. Meryl grab her mouth horrified.
"I'm boring you," she says and shake her head. "Too much for one night."
"My turn, I'm a single dad. I fooled around my whole life of course, then eight years ago, I finally thought I found the love of my life. We began dating and soon she fell pregnant. She had the baby and then, caught me off guard. She gave the baby to me, turned around and walked away. Turns out she fell in love with my best friend. They fled and live somewhere in South Africa now," he says and take a sip of his wine. "Now we're equal."
Meryl giggles and take her glass of wine drinking of it. Don just stares at her in admiration.
"You're really one of a kind," Don says. Meryl looks horrified at him. "Thanks for having this date with me."
"It's a date," she nods and bite her lip. "Thanks for asking me."

"So uhmmm," Don looks awkwardly at Meryl walking her up to her house. "Can we do this again. you, Meryl. I would love for us to hang out some time with the kids around."
"You want me to meet your little boy?" Meryl asks in horror. He nods and smiles softly. She gives a blush and agrees. "Okay, come over this weekend. Bring clothes to swim in."
"Okay," he nods. She smiles softly and open her front door. Don starts walking away from her slowly. "Goodnight Meryl."
"Goodnight Don," she replies and watch him leave.
Before she went to bed herself, she checked in on the children. Her hearts melt to see how cooperative they are. Suddenly she feels ready to move on with her life.

Don looks around where he's sitting in the back yard at Meryl's house. His son, Donovan is playing with Toby. They come along well especially since they're the same age.
Meryl comes out wearing a long pinkish loose skirt that shows through and a costume bra. Don looks horrified at her feeling how the chair gives in under him. He immediately sits up straight again looking around awkwardly. Paul laughs and sits down next to him. Meryl goes straight to her two young girls to put on their tubes.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Paul smiles. Don agrees for certain and watches her carefully.
"Yeah, that's my dream," he finally admits. "It wasn't Mandy that drew my attention in the shop. It was her beauty. She's more than beautiful."
"Don, not to be weird or anything, but our dad is completely out of the picture now. He's somewhere out there with his new wife. He wants nothing to do with us. It doesn't bother me, he was barely home even. Point is, my brothers and sisters are still young. If you date my mom, you'll have to accept them as well. They'll start looking for a father figure in you. Are you willing to be that for them?"
"Of course," Don smiles at him. "That's...the best thing a man can ask for. I always wanted children of my own. I'm very lucky to have Donovan."
"Mom's marriage wasn't easy. Dad has a very short temper. She wasn't allowed to ask him for sex, hugs or anything, only when he insisted," Paul says giving him a serious look. "When they conceived Mandy, it wasn't...okay.   To be honest, nothing he did was okay. He came to her drunk as can be. I woke up hearing her crying begging him to stay after he had his fun with her. They were divorced already. She admitted that she'll do anything for him if he stays. My dad just came home for the sex then left. He even admitted it to me when I was 16. He never did what you're doing for her. Never even opened a door for her."
"I'm sorry," Don says and touch his shoulder. "I didn't know."
"Hi," Meryl greets them and fall down on the seat next to them. Don smiles softly at her and sit up straight.
"Can I do your back for you?" he asks. She nods her head slowly and give him the sunblock. He puts some on his hand. She turns her back on him and throw her hair ovee one shoulder. He touch her warm skin and starts to rub the scream into her back. Meryl feels her body curling up with his touch. He's doing more to her that just helping her.

It's past 10 already and the kids made tents outside under the stars. Meryl made sure they closed the swimming pool in case one of them sleep walks. Meryl throws all the paper cups and plates in a bag. Don enters her kitchen with a smile and approaches her.
"Oh Don," she sighs in relief when she sees him. "I'll be outside with you now. Just cleaning up quickly."
"You're an amazing mother," he says and touch her arms. She turns to him with a strange look on hee face. "I wouldn't know how to handle fourteen kids."
"Trust me, it's not always like this," she giggles softly and look down. Don touches her cheek which brings her eyes up to meet his. He simply stares into her eyes moving closer slowly. Meryl pushes herself up and kiss his lips. He folds his arms around her body and open his mouth on hers. Meryl pushes away and grabs her mouth.
"I'm so sorry," she starts to apologize. "I'm so stupid. Gosh."
"Hey," he grabs her face and plants his lips on hers. She grab his colar and let go of her breath.
"Hmmm," she pulls her face back and touch his face. "You can really kiss."
"Please just let me kiss you," he breaths and folds his arms around her waist. "You're the best thing that's happening to me."
His heart is beating fast, just as Meryl's.
"Don, will you love me?" she asks and put her forehead against his. "Not just tonight, but for the rest of our lives?"
"I will," he replies and puts a peck on her lips. "Will you allow me to be your everything as well? I want you to tell me everything. Every secret, every desire and every little detail. I want you to be comfortable with me all the time. When you want to have sex and what you want me to do."
"Okay," she nods and take his hand down her hip to his butt. "I like that."
"Good," he smiles and presses her butt. "So will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes," she nods happily and kiss him. He picks her up. She wraps her legs around his middle and hold him tight. "Let's go to my room."
"You sure?" he asks. She nods and already starts pulling on his shirt. He walks them up the stairs looking around. He makes it into the bedroom and closes it. Everything smells of her. He take her to the bed and put her down carefully. She lays back and take off her skirt. Don takes his shirt off and stops.
"We can't get naked," she whispers nervously. "The kids."
"They are all asleep," he says and take off hi pants as well.
"What if Donovan comes looking for you?" she asks.
"He's a sleeper," Don chuckle and take off his underwear. Meryl scans him and holds her breath in suddenly too scared. She closes her eyes nervously and then take off her swimwear. Don admires her naked body before getting on the bed. He's a little heavy on the mattress.
"Uhmmm, Don, you're...bigger than Pierce. Everything," she says and touch his chest. "So, if I say stop, don't stop, okay?"
He nods and let her lay back. She waits for him to enter her, but instead he starts kissing down her body. He nibbles on her nipples making her moan softly. Some things Pierce never did. He just rushed right into it. Don kisses down her stomach all the way down to the inside of her thighs. He kiss her vagina entrance softly and play his tongue on her clit. She shakes and grab the blanket. Don moves up against her body. Meryl grab his arm when he pushes against her entrance. She moans softly in pain. He take his hand down and look down. She closes her eyes. He tries to push his penis into her vagina. She triesnto lay still and ignore the pain.
"Relax your legs," he whispers. She looks at him and does what he says. His eyes stays in her as he attempts another push. She can feel him getting in her forcefully. When he finally got halfway in her, he just lay still waiting for her to adjust.
"It's okay," Meryl says and touch his lip. "You can hurt me."
"I don't want to hurt you," he replies and kiss her forehead. "I want you to enjoy it."
She gives an odd look feeling him press deeper.
"Oh gosh, stop," she moans and grab his arm. "Stop, it hurts."
Don grab her face kissing her pushing himself completely into her. She push her nails into his back moaning into her mouth.
He starts moving his whole body slowly on hers. Meryl gasps struggling to her still. Don puts his face next to her moving his body faster. Meryl can feel how affective his movements is.
"Ah, Don," she moans and grab the sheet. He starts moving faster drowning in her neck. "Ahhhh."
The sexual noises escaping her throat warms him up even more.
"Haaaa," her breath shakes. Don starts ro move faster. He grabs her breast pressing it as well. "Please, more baby."
He moves faster slamming deep into her. She moans with every move he makes. Her walls began tightening. He knew she was close. Her body starts to lift. He can feel himself getting closer as well.
"Oh shit," she gasps and starts to shake under him. Don slams faster in her pushing forward as he finishes inside of her. "Don..."
He falls weakly on her and curl his body in hers to hold her tight and share their connection.
"Oh my gosh," she whispers and fold her arms around his waist. He looks at her seeing the tears in her eyes. She touch his face and kisses his lips. "Let's do it again."
"You sure you can handle more?" he asks and laugh softly.
She grab him around his neck and turn them around kissing him. He grabs her butt and feel how she starts to ride him. After the second orgasms hit, she fell beside him trying to get her breath back to normal. Don sit up straight next to her and watch her carefully.
"So, we're officially dating," she smiles. "I should probably go check on the kids."
"No baby," he mutters and sit back grabbing her and the side and her other leg. "We're not finished yet."
She gives him and odd look. He opens her legs and starts to massage her clit. Meryl throws her head back against his chest. He pushes his other hand's fingers into her vagina moving it together. The sound of her juices makes him want more. She grab him around the neck moaning and breathing. After a while, her orgasms hit again. Her body shook, her legs shut and she grabs unto his arm. Don smiles mischievously and get out from behind her. He climbs on her starting to make love to her once again.

Something different. Hope this is the strummer you wanted.

Thanks for the suggestion. Keep em going please

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