I Love You, Dork. [Shuichi Sa...

By ddlc_enjoyer

70.3K 2K 6.2K

Y/N is the Ultimate Guitarist, who's been forced to participate in a killing game with 16 other students. You... More

﹀.﹀Some Things Before You Read This﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Trapped In A Classroom?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.2﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.3﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.4﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.5﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.6﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Killing Game!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Way Out Without Killing?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀No Killing Game?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Mastermind?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Dining Hall Meeting﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Friendship﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Falling Apart?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Trip To The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Death In The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Pianist's Doom﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Surprised Gifts﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Old Memories﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Special Interview﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Bug Incident﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Tennis Player's Death﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Maid's Killing﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀More Junk﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Acquaintance﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crackheads﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Nighttime Mission﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Valentine's Day Special﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Artist's Demise﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Seance Investigation﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Double Murder!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Selfish Wishes﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Unexpected Events﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Friendship Problems﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Backstory Confessions﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Virtual World?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀In The Virtual World﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Another Friend Lost﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Death Of A Special Friend﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Sickening Sight﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Depressing Mornings﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Little Suprises﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Convincing Choices﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Mastermind Reveal﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Motivating Robot﹀.﹀

﹀.﹀Angie's Crazy Ideas﹀.﹀

932 31 61
By ddlc_enjoyer


Ding dong bing bong!

I wake up to the morning announcement. I rub my eyes and sleepily look at the monitor. Monokuma was standing there, looking directly at the camera, saying nothing. After a few seconds, the monitor turned off. Well, that was awkward..

I get up and get ready for the day, after getting ready, I swing open my door and head to the dining hall. I arrive, realizing I was the last one. 

As I enter, I hear an angry shout from Kaito, "Q-Quit messing around! Don't just do whatever you want!" He glares at Angie. "Hmmm? But I have Atua's blessing." Angie shrugs, looking back at Kaito. 

"Yeah! We have Atua's blessing! And I'll throw any degenerate who won't shut up about it!" Tenko exclaims, glaring at all the boys in the room. "Hm...I know you claim to be the student council or somesuch, but this is going too far, yes?" Kiyo states, earning a disapproving look from the student council members.

"As we've said before, this is all to end the killing game and keep the peace." Keebo speaks, proudly smiling. "Keebo, there's literally nothing peaceful about this academy." I state. "Kaito, what's wrong? What are you fighting about?" Shuichi asks Kaito, looking confused.

"These guys did something unbelievable." Kaito glares at the student council. "They blocked the manhole that leads to the underground!" Kaito states, still looking pissed off. "The manhole?" Shuichi mumbles. 

"Gonta put heavy rocks on top of manhole, so no one can use it anymore." Gonta explains. "I could've made it disappear with my magic, but I decided to let Gonta handle it this time." Himiko slightly smiles. 

"Why...would you do that?" Shuichi asks. "'Cuz the manhole is a reminder of our desire to leave this place." Angie speaks. "We don't want another tragedy to happen again, like what happened to Kaede." Angie states, her attention still on Shuichi. 

"You said it, Angie! We need to forget all about that underground tunnel and start fresh!" Tenko raises her voice. "Dammit! She just does whatever she wants without asking for our opinion!" Kaito glares at Angie. 

"It certainly is important to hear everyone's opinion, but if we did, nothing would get done. That's why we just decided to obey the student council president!" Tsumugi smiles brightly at Angie. "If it's Angie, then she'll make the right decision! She can hear Atua, after all!" Tsumugi speaks. 

"Man, she's a lost cause. Plain Janes like her are total rubes when it comes to cults." Miu furrows her eyebrows. "Tsumugi, thank you for your fantastic speech. I was truly moved by it." Angie grins, making Tsumugi smile slightly. 

Angie walks up to Tsumugi and hugs her. "Hmmmmmm..." Angie hums, making Tsumugi smile in satisfaction. "Ah..." Tsumugi relaxes in Angie's embrace. "Thank you for always supporting me. Atua smiles on you for your plain and simple service." Angie's hug tightens. 

"I've been wondering...does Atua have red eyes and hair as black as night?" Tsumugi asks, curious. "Atua has whatever features you desire." Angie states, making Tsumugi's eyes light up. "A red-eyed, black-haired god... Ah, what a cool god I have watching me!" Tsumugi squeals.

"When can I meet him!? I want to meet him as soon as possible!" Tsumugi excitedly grins. "Atua exists beyond time itself, but I'm certain you will feel His presence very soon." Angie's lips move upward as she pulls away from the hug. "So cool! Atua's just so cool!" Tsumugi smiles. 

"...Cults like these can be reaaally annoying if you get on their bad side." Kokichi states, earning a nod from me. "Yep." I speak before Angie shrugs her shoulders, "But, but why are you guys so mad over the manhole being covered?" She asks. 

"Is it 'cuz you guys wanna use it to escape? You still haven't given up on leaving here?" Angie points a finger at all of us except the council. "You haven't given up?" Himiko glares at us. "You haven't given up?" Tenko furrows her eyebrows. 

"Wh-What the hell's wrong with you guys!?" Kaito's eyes go wide. "The student council cannot ignore that. It seems we must tighten our control." Keebo puts a hand on his chin. "Tighten...? Are you calling me loose!?" Miu points a finger at Keebo. 

"You were in the computer room past nighttime yesterday, weren't you, Miu?" Tsumugi asks. "Eh? S-So what if I was!?" Miu glares at Tsumugi. "So was Maki. She didn't go back to her room until way past nighttime." Tenko glances at Maki. "Shuichi...Y/N...you too, right?" Gonta looks at us. 

"Y-Yeah..." Shuichi answers. "Yeah, so?" I cross my arms. "Geez! This isn't good! If your life is in disarray, your mind and body will be, too." Angie frowns. "Atua is right... We must forbid everyone but the student council from walking at nighttime." Angie smiles. 

"Wh-What!? What I do and when I do it is none of your fuckin' business!" Miu glares at Angie. "No, as long as everyone still wants to leave, that is not acceptable." Angie shakes her head. "Why is the student council exempt from your rules? That is blatantly unfair, yes?" Kiyo asks. 

"Yeah, what if your little buddies are planning to commit murder?" I raise an eyebrow. "Nyahaha! I'm not worried about the student council. They don't want to leave anymore." Angie grins. "That's right. Why would we need to go outside anyway?" Himiko lowers her hat.

"Here, we have food, clothing, shelter, wonderful friends, and the best of all, Atua." Himiko states. "What else do you need? It's not good to be greedy, you know?" Tsumugi point a finger at us. 

"Nyahaha! Everyone in the student council is so divine!" Angie cheers, earning smiles from the other 5 members. "D-Don't be stupid! Are you telling me to just stay here and do nothing!?" Kaito points at the smiling Angie. "Like hell I will! I haven't even gone to space yet!" Kaito raises his voice. 

"Rise and shine, ursine." The Monokubs appear in front of us, earning groans of disappointment from us. "...ARE-YOU-ALL-FIGHTING?" Monodam asks, creepily staring at us. "I-I don't think so. I think that maybe they're not actually fighting!" Monotaro immediately responds. 

"Y-Yeah! And even if they were fighting, it looks like a friendly one!" Monophanie sweats, hoping to convince her brother. "...What are you here for? We're busy right now." Tenko looks at the cubs in disgust. "WE...WANT-YOU-TO-GET-EVEN-CLOSER-WITH-EACH-OTHER..." Monodam states. 

"SO, WE-BROUGHT-THIS..." Monodam shows a flashback light. "A Flashback Light!?" Shuichi asks in surprise. "It's part of our "Use the Flashback Light to restore a new memory...and become better friends by talking about it with each other" plan!" Monophanie smiles.

"Wow, I've suffered way too many blows  to the head to remember a name that long." Monotaro gives Monophanie a smile. "Ah, let me see that." Angie takes the flashback light from Monodam. "AH-!" Monodam screeches in surprise.

"Angie! What the ever-loving hell did you just do!?" I raise my voice. "AH...AHHHHHHHHHH!" Monodam screams. "Nyaha! The student council has decided that we will not use Flashback Lights anymore!" Angie announces, making everyone but the student council members go wide-eyed.

"What!? Wh-Why!?" Monotaro asks. "Because the Flashback Lights only restore our memories from the outside world. But we don't need those memories anymore." Angie grins. "We realize now that we don't belong in the outside world." Angie says, still keeping her grin. 

"We belong here, at the Ultimate Academy..." Angie speaks. "O-Oh no...if you don't use the Flashback Light, our plan is a bust..." Monophanie worriedly glances at Monodam. "Wh-What are we gonna do, Monodam!?" Monotaro asks, pannicking. 

Monodam stays quiet, and then leaves the gym, leaving his two other siblings behind. "Hey! He ran away!" Monotaro points to the dining hall's opening. "Heyyyyyy Monodaaaaaam! Waaaaait!" Monophanie and Monotaro run out, trying to catch up to their brother. 

"Nyahahaha! Bye-onara!" Angie waves at the cubs. "A-Angie...what are you doing!?" Shuichi asks, wide-eyed. "We could've remembered something about the funeral or the Ultimate Hunt!" Kiyo glares at Angie. 

"There's no reason to remember all that. We're not returning to the outside world." Angie smiles brightly. "...Yeah. It pointless now." Gonta crosses his arms. "Wh-Why you... You've gone too far!" Kaito glares at Angie. "Even if you want to stop the killing game, you're going way too far." Kaito states. 

"Sorry,  but you should take that up with Atua." Angie continues smiling. "Geez, I don't think you're sorry at all. So, do you have a plan for the "you-know-what"?" Kokichi asks, smirking. "You mean the resurrection ritual? Oh, we have a plan for that!" Angie smiles brightly. 

"Wh-What!?" Kaito asks, surprised. "What...are you planning?" Shuichi asks. "Just a necessary precaution. The more friends we have, the more fulfilling our lives will be." Angie explains. "A necessary precaution?" Shuichi nervously puts a hand on his chin. 

"Ummm... What if we get another time limit motive, like the one that got Rantaro killed?" Angie suggests. "...Shouldn't we have a sacrifice prepared, just in case?" Angie winks at Shuichi, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"You mean...if someone has to die, we should volunteer someone we resurrected?" Shuichi's eyes go more wide. "You're going to resurrect someone...just to kill them all over again?" Maki disappointedly looks at Angie. 

"Kehehe... You have some cruel plans for someone who wants to stop the killing game." Kiyo speaks. "Life cannot always be fun and smiles... Atua must make difficult, even cruel, decisions." Angie frowns. "But, but! We must submit to Atua's will if we're to live a peaceful school life." Angie's smile come back. 

"Atua's will is absolute." Keebo smiles proudly. "If Atua says so, there's nothing we can do about it." Tsumugi nods. "Nyeeh...it's just like Atua says." Himiko slightly smiles. "A-Are you serious about this? Did you forget that thing's a motive for the killing game?" Kaito asks, earning a nod from Angie.

"That motive is of no concern to us, as long as you cast aside your desire to escape." Angie smiles. "By the way...who are you going to resurrect?" Kokichi asks, mischievously smirking. "Wh-What kind of stupid question is that!?" Kaito glares at Kokichi. 

"Hmm... After discussing the matter with Atua, the transfer student we will revive is...Rantaro Amami!" Angie grins. "Rantaro?" Shuichi asks, Angie nods. "Well...we simply cannot resurrect convicted murderers, such as Kaede and Kirumi." Angie begins explaining. 

"Nor criminals like Ryoma, who violated the rule against sharing one's motive video." Angie speaks. "Which leaves Rantaro as the only one who'd be of use to the student council." Angie states. 

"Oh my, it's already so late. I need to get going now. I must pray to Atua and begin preparations for the ritual." Angie grins. "Nyeeeh...you're right. It's time to pray tto handsome Atua." Himiko slightly smiles at Angie. 

"Well then, let's go." Tenko waves at us. "Nyahahaha! Bye-onara!" Angie skips out of the dining hall, the other 5 members following her. "She acts like she's carrying out Atua's will, but this is her will, isn't it?" Maki crosses her arms. 

"Even so, we cannot defy her right now. Extreme faith is frightening, indeed." Kiyo states. "Then, it's an all-out war against the student council! Seven versus six! We can win this!" Kokichi childishly grins. 

"Also, we have an assassin on our side! Let's have her kill them nice and quick!" Kokichi mocks Maki, making her glare at him. "Ah, no... We have to resolve this peacefully." Shuichi states. "Sure, that'd be great, but I don't hear anyone coming up with a plan to end this peacefully." Kokichi looks down, looking bored.

"...What about you, Kaito? You've been quiet this whole time...I bet you have some great ideas." Kokichi puts his hands behind his head. "Huh? You say something?" Kaito asks, looking nervous. "Uh-oh... Someone was zoning out." Kokichi mocks the astronaut. 

Sheesh, what a great way to start the morning.


Word count: 1995

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