For Her Love - Sequel to An A...

By MB-1992

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**This is a sequel to "An Alpha To Claim and Love". If you haven't read it yet, go read it!** Or not...whatev... More

Food For Thought
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


203 15 4
By MB-1992

Leena leaned against the wall next to the window with her arms crossed. She didn't know how to console him. She knew there was nothing she could do because she too had gone through the suffering as Sebastian and it broke her heart at how sad and hurt he sounded over the phone. The door to her bedroom door opened and soft footsteps made their way towards her. Valerie wrapped her arms around Leena and pressed her forehead against her mother's back while trying her best to hold back the tears. "Did you know?" She quietly asked Leena though Valerie figured she did know. 

"I did," Leena sighs out. "Why?" Leena slightly looks over her shoulder to Valerie.

Valerie picked up her head and pressed the side of her face onto her mother's back this time and hugged her a little tighter as tears fell. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Are you angry?"

Valerie nodded.

"Are you sad?"

It took a few seconds but she ended up nodding.

"Good," Leena says with a huff, turning her attention back out the window. "You deserve it."

Valerie backed away from her mother, staring at her in disbelief. "Why? Why do, I, deserve it?"

Leena scoffed, staring at her daughter dumbfounded. "Are you sure about that?" Leena snapped startling Valerie. "Have you even thought about how Sebastian is feeling right now? Do you even know how hard it is to contain the shift of ones wolf who wants to do nothing but bite into that precious neck of yours!? Do you know how painful it must have been to bare the possible rejection of ones mate?! Do you?!" 

Valerie clenched her hands. She had all kinds of emotions running through her body at that moment. She was confused. She was hurt. She was sad and angry. She was disappointed but yet happy at the same time that someon3 like Sebastian was her mate but he was her brother too. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at her furious mother who became red in the face while her own tears streamed down her face. "You have, no idea, how painful it is to hold back your wolf," Leena snarled with a hand over her chest. "To not be able to claim what is rightfully yours, to lie to the ones you love, to wait so long with the dreadful feeling of rejection......But you're didn't do anything wrong. You didn't know. But when you did...what did you do? Hm? What did you say that Sebastian had ended up the way he was a week ago!?"

"I didn't mean to!" Valerie argues, angrily wiping away her hears. "I didn't mean for it to come out that way! It was a misunderstanding. I...I just needed to think things over and-"

"You flat out rejected him Valerie!"

"I did no such thing! I was shocked-"

"Stop coming up with these damn excuses!" Leena roared making Valerie back out of fear. Never have she ever seen her mother so angry. She was always the bubbly-go-happy person. She may have been stern but she always seen her mother smiling or laughing. Never once have she seen this side of her mother and she was afraid of it. It was unfamiliar to her. She looked nothing like the mother she always had known her to be. Or was it that she was oblivious all this time - she didn't know. Valerie was so afraid of her that her legs gave out on her. Valerie sat on the ground shook with her eyes cast to the ground while tears continue to drip off her face.

Dante watched it all play out. As much as he wanted to help his little princess, he knew it was out of his hands. "I am so disappointed with you. Did you really throw away the thought of a mate after dating Jonathon?"

Valerie snapped her head up to her mother. "I would never!"

"Then what the hell happened, Valerie?!" Leena asked, aspirated. "What happened that made you do that?"

"I don't know, mom! I don't know! I don't know!" Valerie sobs out. She wraps herself up and hung her head as she continues to cry. "I don't know what happened. I don't know why I said that. I'm just so confused, and hurt. I'm so angry with myself. I'm so disgusted with myself I just don't know what to do. I'm so sorry!" She looks to her mother with pleading apologetic eyes. "I'm so sorry mom! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!"

The all too familiar pain comes soaring through her body making her unable to breathe and through the pain she continues to apologize to her mother. Valerie starts to beat onto her chest to have air go to her lungs but in her distraught, in her stress, she couldn't control her emotions and slowly she was starting to lose control of everything. Botg Leena and Dante saw this and rushed to their daughter. "Valerie! Breathe! Breathe! Calm down!" Valerie gasped and cried. She fell over onto her side and scratched against the hardwood floor, trying to get back control over her body but it just wasn't working. Her vision begins to blur and blacken and soon lost consciousness.

It had been hours when David was able to stabilize Valerie. He exit the room they had placed her in and walked over to Leena who was in a daze. He crouched in front of her and held her hands and startling her back to reality. David looked to her with a warm smile. "She'll be fine after resting."

Leena numbly gave him a nod. "That's good to hear," she mumbles. She covers her face with her hands and deeply breathes. "I was too hard on her it seems."

"Possibly," David says with a shrug. "Do you care to tell me what happened?"

Leena dropped her hands and looked David straight in the eyes. "She's Sebastian's mate, David." He nodded, clearly already knowing about it. "Yup," Leena says leaning back in her chair with another deep breath. "Sebastian told her. She flat out refused from what I had gathered and they're both..." She sighed in distress. "Yeah...they're both not doing so well and I'm not sure I can do anything about it."

"Well," he started with a chuckle. "That, is, a lot to take in. Especially for Valerie's age. Not only that, her mate is her oldest brother."

"Yeah but come on, Doc," Leena argues. "Sebastian was always fond of Valerie. Even when she was still in the womb."

"But he was like that with Sky too..." David argues with a pulled smile.

"But he was more attached to her. I mean, seriously? The boy wouldn't let anyone near her. Even me! The boy would sleep right beside her crib. At any sound that she makes, he bolts towards her. He wouldn't even let us touch her."

David chuckles remembering when they were just pups. "Yes. I remember. You called me up scolding me instead of scolding Sebastian."

Leena groans and stomps her feet like a child. "I don't know what to do," she whines.

"Then don't do anything," David says with a shrug. He gets up and sits in the chair beside her. He leans back into the chair as Leena does the same. David drapes an arm on the back of her chair and crosses a leg over the other. "You were the same way weren't you? You didn't let anyone know about anything when you and Dante were separated both mind, soul and body. You refused the shift to happen yet pretended, very well if I'm being honest, that nothing had ever happened during those years. We were all worried when we found out what you were doing but you still refused to let anyone help."

Leena looked up to him as he smiled and patted her on the head. "Let them handle it on their own, as you have done with Dante. Eventually they'll come together whether they agree to the rejection or accept their bond. All we have to do is sit here and watch them work it out. I'm sure this is what you've said to both your son and Dante, right?"

She rolls her eyes annoyed. "Fine," she murmurs. "I should go check up on Sebastian though....your poor guest room must be destroyed." She got up and bid David goodbye. David watched as she went with a shake of his head. "It's good to know nothing has changed about you," he says out loud to himself. When he thinks back to the first time they met up to where they are now, he could still feel that small ping of hurt that he still couldn't have her. He took in a deep breath and let it out in a huff. "Oh well..."

That night, Valerie finally woke up to a dimly lit room. Sitting up she looked around the room to realize that she was in her own room and once again like many nights before, alone. She felt so pathetic. She hated herself for causing such suffering upon someone who she had loved for all her life. Sebastian had known all this time yet had said nothing to her. Her mother knew all this time yet said nothing. Shouldn't she be the one who's getting angry and not them?

Valerie hid her face behind her hands. "I'm so conflicted," she mumbles. "I'm so confused." She goes and lays down onto her side and pull the blanket up over her shoulder and curled herself up into a ball and just wallowed in self-pity. 

She wasn't fooling herself. She somewhat knew there was something between her and Sebastian but didn't want to admit it. She didn't want to lose someone so close to her. but if they were soulmated, could she really call it losing somebody? Valerie tightly closed her eyes as she could feel the sting in her nose. "I hate this," she grumbles out. She let the tears fall. There was no use bottling everything up. 

Valerie threw off the covers and made her way to Sebastian's room. Closing the door behind her, she pressed herself against the door and just bathed in his faint scent. She wiped away her tears and made her way to the bed where she crawled in and wrapped herself up in his blanket. His scent was still strong making her fall into a mess of emotions. 

She didn't know when she had fallen asleep but in her daze, a familiar warmth wrapped itself around and held her close. A hot breath caressed across her skin that tingled down her spine. She tried to open her eyes but she saw nothing but a black figure. She couldn't care though. She welcomed the warmth and snuggled even closer into it allowing whoever it was to hold her impossibly closer and making her fall fast asleep once more.

When she woke, she felt rejuvenated. She sat upon his bed and numbly looked around his empty room with a heavy heart. Pulling herself out of bed, she made the bed and exited his room and went into hers. She got herself ready for the day and dragged herself downstairs where Sky was waiting for her. He looked up from his phone and over to the stairs. She gave him a smile as he returned her smile with one of his own. "Hey sleepyhead. Did you want to eat first before we go?" She shook her head as he nodded. "Let's get going then."

They made their way to the training grounds. Sky walked beside her in silence knowing he shouldn't bring anything of that sort up to her. He threw an arm around her shoulders startling her. She looked up at him as he grinned. "Chin up, Valerie," he says. "I'm still here you know."

She smiles and nods but doesn't say anything more. Upon approaching the main grounds, Jonathon rushes up to them and snatches Valerie by her elbow to stop her. The two siblings turn to face the person and when they saw that it was Jonathon, Valerie pulled her arm back. Sky moved in front of her to block Jonathon from approaching any closer. "Move, Sky," he orders. Sky scoffed and pushed him back. 

"I should be saying that to you," Sky says coolly. "I don't think you have any right to be approaching her so I suggest you move it along." Sky looks behind Jonathon to see Jonathon's mate power walk up to them. Sky looks back at Jonathon with a warning. "You have your own mate now. This is your first and final warning. Stay away from my sister."

Jonathon was going to grab Sky by the shirt but his mate quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him away from them. Sky turns to Valerie and pulls her along, not giving Jonathon even a chance to do anything. Valerie herself even refused to look at him and holds onto Sky's arm firmly. "Thanks," she mumbles as she then takes a deep breath to calm herself down. Sky sighs and lets her hand go and pats the side of her head. "I'm here for you. Remember that," Sky says with a playful growl. She smiles and nods as he grins. "Be good." Sky bids her goodbye and moves over to his group as she did the same.

The day went on quietly though everyone kept looking at her. Their lead had to yell at them multiple times and threaten them for them to re-focus. When it was time for their break, Valerie didn't know what else to do with herself so she continued to go for a run until her chest started to hurt. It was better to be away from prying eyes or else she would be bombarded with questions. She slowed to a stop and placed her hand on her waist and decided to walk the rest of the way back. Every time her mind drifted off to Sebastian, tears were ready to fall as if they were waiting all day for her to cry. Valerie took in a slow deep breath and let it out slowly.

She lightly slapped her cheek with her hands and told herself to stop before it gets worse. Just as she could see the figures of the people sitting on the grass still on their break she picked up her pace only for someone to yank her to a stop. She turned to the person who stopped her and when she saw Sebastian standing there before her with dark looming eyes staring down at her, her heart nearly came to a stop. He was breathing heavily as her. His shirt was soaked in what she assumed was sweat while sweat rolled off the side of his face and off his chin.

She closed her hands into a fist and tried to pull her arm back only for Sebastian to hold on even tighter. "Let me go," she weakly demanded while refusing to look at him.

"Do you hate me that much that you can't even be around me?" He says in a low tone making her stop struggling. She looked back at him with tears in her eyes this time. He stared back with hurt clear in his expression mixed in with anger. He clenched his jaw tight making his jaw muscles move. He held her slightly tighter as anger overpowered his hurt with her silence.

He then let out a scoff and then chuckled. His eyes soon unfamiliar to her. There was no warmth behind them whatsoever; no loving look - nothing. He threw her arm back towards her making her stumble. Sebastian gave her a glare before moving around her and headed back to the main grounds and leaving her standing there.

Her eyes fluttered as more tears fell. Valerie tilted her head back. Her breath trembled. "What did you want me to say?" She said to herself. As more tears fell and the pain struck her chest, she pressed a hand down on it and groaned. She wiped away her tears and straightened up. She made her way back to the main grounds, holding a grudge that she had no choice but to pass his group just to get to hers. They all watched her go by as Sebastian minded his own business and turned his back to her. They looked to the two confused but knew better than to ask any questions.

The pain kept coming and going but she kept pulling herself through and pretended like she wasn't in pain though as time went on it was starting to take a toll on her. She couldn't have been happier when training was completed for the day. "Alright crew! Good job! Since Valerie was the only one who kept running during break, I want everyone else to do thirty laps around the field before you all head home." Everyone there groaned and whined as their lead smirked. "Valerie, go home. Everyone else, go!" 

They all moved past Valerie. Their lead approached her before she could leave. "Is there something I should know about?"

Valerie looked up to Bailey's father with hesitation. He placed his hands on his hips and looked down at her with a hard stare. He slightly squinted at her and leaned down towards her face making her look down and away from his gaze. "Fine," he breathes brushing his hair back and forth. "You do not have to tell me anything. I'm sure I can just figure it out just by looking at you." Valerie quietly excused her and was going to walk around him when he spoke again making her come to a stop at what he had said. "You are your mother's child. I know you have been trying to hold back the pain and pushing through after your run during break." 

He looked down and over to her as she stiffened up from being caught. "It must hurt." She looks up at him as he stared back with a soft smile. He reached over and patted her head and didn't say anything else. He sighed and then walked away from her. "Is it true?" Someone then said startling her. She turned to the two girls who had approached her with curiosity swimming in their eyes. "I mean...we can clearly see it. it really true?"

"True about what?" Valerie asked confused, not wanting to say something she wasn't even sure about.

"That Jonathon cheated on you with his own mate. That's why you've been so down lately and haven't been coming to training," the other girl says in a quiet tone.

Valerie nodded. "Right. Yeah."

The two girl gasped in disgust. "How could he do it to you?"

"Yeah! You two were so cute together too!"

She gave them a shrug and a small smile. "I can't say but I'm okay, really. It is his mate after all so I can't really be angry with him. I'm happy that he has found his mate. I just wished he didn't keep it from me."

"Right!" They both said. One of the two girls then placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Valerie! You will find your mate one of these days and you will forget about ever dating that idiot."

She again gave them a small smile and an acknowledging nod. "I have to go now," Valerie bids them goodbye and walks around them and head towards Sky's group who just finished. She let out a breath of relief knowing now that they had all looked at her the way they did because of Jonathon and not because of what is still happening between her and Sebastian. "I guess that's better..." she mumbles to herself. 

She walks up to Sky who gives her a tired smile. "All done?" He asks. She nods as he nods towards the car. "Lets go then." He turns to his group and bids them goodbye as Valerie waves goodbye to them too.

"How you feeling?" Sky asks quietly, glancing over to her before looking around to make Jonathon wasn't around. 

"I'm okay," she shrugs. "What else can I do?"

"True," Sky nods. He opens up her door for her then goes around to his side and throws his stuff in the backseat before getting into the driver's side. "What did Bailey's dad have to say to you?"

"You saw that?"

"Yup," he says with a pop. "So what did he say?"

She smiles. "He says I should beat you up for asking too much questions."

He gasps. "No!" He looks at her wide eyed though he knew she was lying. He turns on his car and chuckles when she sticks her tongue out at him. 

After arriving home, Valerie went straight to her room. She took her shower and had just headed out of the bathroom, wrapping the towel around her body, only to find someone standing in the middle of her room. She stop startled and looked at the back of the person who then turned around to face her. The man gives her a smile. "You look just as beautiful as your mother," he said looking her over. 

Valerie let out a cry holding deathly onto her towel. The guy looked at her dumbfounded but let out a chuckle and approached her with a smirk. "Sky!" She cries out and not even a minute later both Sky and Bailey burst into her room. The man whips towards the door and looks between the two of them shocked. When Sky had seen that Valerie was only in her towel, all hell broke loose. "You fucker!"

He barreled into the guy and slammed his body harshly to the ground where Sky had pinned him and slammed his fist into him multiple times. Bailey goes over and stands in front of Valerie as she holds onto the back of his shirt out of fear and shock. Not soon after they entered, Valerie's parents along with people she didn't know entered her room. 

Dante rushed forward and pried his son off of the guy. "Let me go!" Sky growls out. "I'll fucking kill you you fucker!"

They were all now in the living room with the guests pale in the face after Valerie told them what had happened. She stood behind Sky and held onto his arm as both her and Sky glared at the guy who refused to look at anyone. "This bastard," Sky grumbles out. Leena had turn around to scold him but Valerie had already pull Sky further back away from them. Leena lets out a sigh and then turns to glare at the guy. "This is unforgiveable," Leena states standing up this time to make it clear. The two guests bowed deeply and rushed out an apology. When the guy didn't even make a move to apologize Leena scoffed. 

"We deeply apologize," one of the men says bowing over and over. "He knows no better. I'll-"

"You're right. He doesn't know any better. So with that information, I'm assuming your pack won't know any better either will they?" She scolded with a growl. 

The man snapped a glare to Leena who glared right back. Dante then stood in front of Leena and stood intimidatingly before them all. "You dare glare at her?" He seethes approaching them towering over their small height. He smirked at the terror in their eyes. "I welcome you all to my home, willing to listen to what you all have to say yet you...a no name guest who you say knows no better enters the room of the only daughter to the Alpha do you think I should respond?" 

When they didn't say anything, Dante snatched the guy by his neck. The guy gasped and tried to pry him off. "You stand there coolly yet pathetically without even the single word of apology," Dante seethes. He then slammed the guy to the ground to the point the other two guests fell to the their knees and their foreheads pressed to the ground. "Get off of my territory. If you linger for even more than an hour I will send my men in and rip your limbs clean off your bodies," he threatens as his wolf pushed against him to shift. "Get!"

All three stumbled to their feet and made haste to get out of the house. Dante and everyone else followed them out and watched them go as Dante let out a howl into the air. He glared at the way they went, huffing with anger. Leena stood beside him with a cross of her arms. "Sons of bitches," she grumbles while her eyes shifted. "Sky!" She growls out. "Bailey!"

Both boys moved to stand in front of her, itching to shift and waiting for the command. "Go play," she says in a low voice making both of them dart after them.

Valerie watched with lightheadedness. Dante grabbed Leena's hand and kissed her knuckles before backing away and following after the boys. "Is this even right?" Valerie murmured making Leena whip around to stare at her daughter.

"That disrespectful son of bitch will get what is coming to him," Leena growls out flinging her arm the direction they went. "They came here to sign a pact to allow their pack to join us under the rule of your father and yet they enter your room without your permission and when you were only in your towel? What would have happened if none of us were home and that fucker was there?!"

Valerie shrunk down herself together not thinking about any of that. Leena let out a deep breath. "Just be lucky that Sebastian isn't here," Leena says to make things a little..."lighter". "He probably wouldn't have let them out of the house." Leena turns around to glare at the way they went again before moving back into the house. Valerie stood there stiff, unable to move at the comment her mother made. 

Her heart nearly gave out at the familiar howl. "Seba...."

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