Perverted Quadruplets (Jelsa)

By melantha123

992K 16.7K 8.3K

#25 in Random - 18th January 2015 . "Take my hoodie off," Jack ordered. I shook my head and soon I feel how h... More

Introducing us
Od Inhon Creed - Snow Perverts Clan
Push it - By melantha123
By jelsaforever21
Suck IT! By CrazyNala2681
From A Book - By PrincessSelene04
Conversation At Park - By melantha123
Faster! - By jelsaforever21
Hide and Seek - By PrincessSelene04
#69 in Random / JELSA ON ICE!!
Something from CrazyNala2681 and melantha123
Belt Buckle - By melantha123
Sweet Stuff - By Queen_Rosalina
The Blue Dress - By ??
A Meeting - By ??
MY LEFT - By PrincessSelene04
What? - By Jelsa-Heart
The Knight at Rush Hour Train Ride - By melantha123
The Punishment!! - By TheFangirlScream
Make a move part one! - By jelsaforever21
Anniversary Worth Melting - By melantha123
Again!! - By Jelsa-Heart
Dare to Kiss - By melantha123
In the Rain - By SweetWriterRebel
Entry for Him - By melantha123
We are Awesome!
The Unnamed Story - By afrozenedit
This May Hurt - By Write_or_whale_12
Wanting it So Bad - By Emily_Sing
Ready?? By lil_ princess_20
Tourist Guides - By melantha123
All of me..
Bored - By MrAweesome
Angry is Hot - By perriefectmusic
The Bed - By Miss_Seragaki_
Friends with Benefits - By PrincessSelene04
Issue caused by Wattpad
Babysitter - By melantha123
Hard Suck - By foxie28
It's coming out - By AnonymousPotato
Shift - By MagicalImagination
Careful Push - By BrokenSilverShadow
Fast Riding on - By AnonymousPotato
Blindfolded : By Queen_Rosalina
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Two Worlds Part..1? - By melantha123
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Blow me - By melantha123 (making it up)
Sassy White Blizzard - By Brightsun93 (PrincessSelene04)
Two Worlds Part 2 - By melantha123
Liquid Going Down the Throat - By Misty1023
Taking it all - By fangirlshipsandmore
Twirling Tongue - By melantha123
Gentle Way is the Best - By fangirlshipsandmore
Do it Faster - By Misty1023
Too Tight - By AnonymousPotato
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Two Worlds Part 3 - By melantha123
Cold Air - By Write_or_whale_12
Surprise Song - By JelsaHiccelsaOTP
Tourist Guides Part 2 - By melantha123
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Camping - By melantha123

12.2K 192 200
By melantha123

Note: smutty, lemony

POV Elsa

”Alright so tent partners are as I say,” camp instructor Ariel shouted.

“Merida and Anna,” Ariel told.

“Hiro and Hiccup,” she continued and Hiro went to do a high five with Hiccup.

“Punzie and Flynn,” Ariel said and we heard whistles. Everyone had assumed that those two would end up together by the end of summer and now they sort of are together, at least as summer camp partners.

I groaned, I’ve been partner with Punzie always. This is annoying. I look around me to see the other campers.

There’s some girls and guys. I glance at Mulan, maybe she’s my partner?

I waited and waited, the numbers were getting low. I glance at the people who are left. There’s Eep – no wait she was paired with Guy. My eyes wandered in the crowd. Just couple girls left.

“Please be Vanelope,” I whispered and crossed my fingers while closing my eyes.

“Elsa  and Jack,” Ariel said. My eyes flashed open and I look around me. Not the troublemaker!

Then I saw him, he smiled slyly and waved his hand while he picked up his back bag. He was new in the city and become quite popular among people. He was funny and had this weird charm. While walking he ran his hand through his wind wisped silvery white hair.

“Hey Els,” he grinned as he came to me. I nodded my head and tried to look away while Ariel was dividing the others.

“You’re ignoring me, right?” He whispered and shoved me with his elbow, he chuckled to my groan.

“I take that as a yes,” he said softly and jumped to sit on the rock wall behind us.

Suddenly Ariel clapped her hands together. “Alright. Now time to do some bonding with your pair. Build up the tents and then you come back at the fire and sit with your pair. We’re roasting marshmallows while you get to know each other. This person who you’re watching will be your pair once the children arrive two weeks from now.”

Yes. We’re the future instructors of some ten year olds. Unfortunately I’m now stuck with Jack. I sighed and jump on the same wall to sit. I see Jack mouthing something to someone and seeming upset, he shakes his head and glances at me quickly while flushing.

When I started looking where Jack had been signaling something, I see Bunnymund making a jerking movement at his mouth with his hand. His tongue is pressing against his cheek. When Bunny noticed me looking at him he stopped grinning at Jack and I see how Bunny startled and turned around quickly.

“He just..umm.. signaled that we’re having ice cream later,” Jack said nervously.

“There’s nothing wrong for you being gay,” I chuckled and I heard him gasping.

Ariel told everyone to get started with their tents. We go at one that’s spread under the tree. Jack kneels down and starts working with the poles.

“Do you even know what you’re doing?” I sighed and he glared at me.

“Yeah or are you some sort of gay phobic?” He said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes while helping him.

Once the tent was done we went to roast some marshmallows with others. Ariel urged us to sit with our pairs and gave us a mission by playing truth or dare with each other.

“Alright. Ask age and name first, it could break the ice. Let’s start!” Ariel ordered. I turn around and sat so the log bench was between my legs. Jack did the same.

“Name and age?”Jack asked and sounded bored.

“Elsa Arendelle and I’m 18. You?” I asked but I knew the answer.

“Jack Frost, 19 years old.,” he was one year older and ahead of me in our school. However I saw him too much doing the session breaks.

“Truth or dare?” Jack asked and I bit my lower lip.

“Dare?” I laughed.

He smirked, “Didn’t know that you can have fun. I dare you to eat a worm!” He laughed.

“No way!” I shouted and slapped his chest.

“Okay so kiss my cheek?” He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

“Can I just eat the worm?” I sighed and he shook his head. I gave him a quick peck on cheek.

“Truth or dare?”I mumbled out.

“Truth,” he smiled.

“Why are you so troublesome at school?” I asked as I remembered him causing trouble and getting into detention often.

“I like to cheer up bored people,” he shrugged. I let him ask me the truth next time.

“Do you know who I am?” Jack asked and leaned forward.

“Jack Frost?” I groaned but the spark in his eyes wore off and he shook his head sadly.

“Who are you?” I raised my eyebrow.

“Dare,” he said quickly.

“Jump to a lake,”  snapped at him. He stood up and took off his hoodie and pants. My cheeks heated up as I saw him wearing just his boxer shorts. Some girls where whistling.

“It’s just a dare!” I shouted quickly and Jack flashed me a smile while he ran to dip himself into lake. Soon he came back and got himself dressed.

We continued and then he chose to do another truth. One question was stuck in my head.

“Who are you?” I asked again.

Jack inhaled deeply and leaned close to my ear. “Jackson Overland,” he said quietly. Quickly I push him back and I look at him.

No way it could have been him. I saw him last time when I was 8 years old, we were best friends. I examine him, his eyes may be blue and his hair is white. However he reminds me of him.

Jack sighs and places his other hand on my shoulder as he pulls me closer. “Wanna have a snow fight princess?” He whispered to my ear and I’m shocked.

“I’m going to sleep,” I said with my voice cracking. He had left years ago with his family, now he is back. He didn’t write to me like he promised but now he is here. I shot myself up and I started pacing out.

“Elsa. We’re starting the roasting,” Ariel shouted after me and ordered me to come back.

I sat next to Jack. He gave me a couple of roasted marshmallows and then he put on couple more on the stick. Everyone was doing their cheerful chatting but we remained silent.

When we got into the tent I heard him calling me. “Elsa, I’m sorry for not contacting you.. I’m in witness protecting program,” he whispered.

“Haha. lies.. all lies,” I said bitterly. I felt betrayed.

“Elsa I--,” he started but I slapped his face. He frowned and then groaned. He got his sleeping bag out from his pouch angrily. I see him getting inside his sleeping bag. The camping site was silent.

Then rain started pouring down. First some little drops hit the roof of the tent and then it was some heavy rain. I kept on turning around in my sleeping bag in the darkness.

“This thing feels so annoying,” I whined as I kicked my sleeping back straight. My foot hit on something and then I felt how the tent collapsed.

 “You just hit the support pole didn’t you,” I heard his muffled voice speaking.

“I sort of did,” I whispered back. The tent was gluing against my back while the rain poured on it.

“Great,” he snapped.

“Get it fixed!” I ordered him.

“Na’a, you did it!” Jack whined.

“But it’s raining outside! You should fix the tent!” I raised my voice but tried to keep it quiet.

“No way,” He snapped again.

“Fine. You’re the worst man in the world,” I said angrily as I started searching the zipper to get out from the tent. Jack started gasping all of a sudden.

“Found it!” I said happily and I heard the zipper getting opened by my fingers.

“Not there idiot,” Jack gulped and his hand grabbed my wrist.

Gladly the tent was on us, it was dark on the outside. He can’t see my face right now.

“Did I just?” I gulped and he let go of my wrist.

“The heck yes you AGH did,” Jack groaned when I put my hand back to that spot. He threw my hand aside and then I heard him turning to his side.

I sighed and continued searching the zipper. Then I found it and I felt soon water raining on my hand. I go outside from the tent and I start fixing it up. My breath is steaming in the cold rain. Other tents are still standing and everything is alright.

Once I got back into the tent I saw a small amount of light. Jack was looking at his phone.

“Dry yourself up,” he said and threw me a towel. I look at it, it’s ice blue with a snowflake and it says Jack on it.

“Thanks,” I whispered while my body shivered.

I went inside my sleeping bag and Jack turned his phone off.

“W-what time it was?” I said while shivering.

“1 am. Night,” Jack replied.

I crawled into a ball inside the bag. The fabric made scratching sounds as I shivered. I turned around and back again few times.

“Agh! Can’t you just sleep?” Jack whined.

“I..I’m.. f-freezing,” I said.

Soon I see a light coming up, Jack is using his phone as flashlight.

“Geez, your lips are all blue,” he whispered and lifted my chin with three fingers.

“Uh…huh?” I mumbled and I felt dizzy.

“We should get Ariel,” Jack said and unzipped his sleeping bag. His eyes were worried.

“J-Jack, I’m fine,” I laughed but then I started falling asleep.

“No way! You can’t sleep while being freezing,” Jack said and shoved my shoulder.

Jack bit his lip, “Strip to your underwear and crawl inside my sleeping bag…with me.. there’s room.” He gulped and I saw his cheeks turning red.

“N-nice idea.. u-using your b-bodyheat,” I giggled a bit which made him look even more worried. I sat up and I took my shirt off first. I heard how Jack was getting back inside his sleeping bag. My hands shook while I took off my pants.

Jack held his breath when he opened up his sleeping bag. I crawl next to him and I put my hands under his shirt, against his skin. He gasped few timed but wrapped his arms around me. At first I shivered a lot but soon I felt my body getting warm again.

I pressed my head against his chest and I sighed. He touched my cheek. “Thank god, you feel warm again,” he sighed in relief.

“Can I sleep now?” I whispered.

“Yeah, “ he replied and started pulling the sleeping bag open.

I yawned, “In here? It’s nice and warm.” I said as I placed my leg over his body.

“Uh.. okay,” he mumbled and turned off the flashlight application from his phone.

“I missed you, Frost,” I spoke against his chest and then I felt his hand rubbing my back.

“I missed you too.. it was hard to speak with you again when I let you down,” he said to me gently.

Chirping birds woke me up early in the morning. I inhaled deeply and then I felt something tickle my nose. I startled when I noticed my face being against Jack’s hair. He was still sleeping. We’re inside same sleeping bag. Help.

Slowly I tried to get out but something hit me all of a sudden. I was laying on top of him and now his eyes flashed open, he turned red and I tried to move again. For some reason he moaned a bit and his hand went on my back.

“J-just don’t AH move,” he said and gasped when I tried to get off from him. It was like I’m stuck in some knob.

“I just want to get off from the sleeping bag,” I whispered. He gritted his teeth together and inhaled deeply when I moved.

Then I started thinking. The place where I’m stuck.

“Y-you’re having a.. a?” I gulped.

“Yeah it’s the freaking morning,” he said and was breathing heavily.

Quickly I rolled from top of him and I layed next to him inside his sleeping bag. He had groaned and pushed his hips forward when I rolled myself off.

I stare into his eyes, he has redness rising to his cheeks. “I’m sorry, I’m not some crazy pervert,” Jack said quickly but I hushed him.

“Thanks for keeping me warm,” I smiled and my cheeks felt hot. He smiled back shyly. His white hair was partially covering his blue eyes.

“Whoa,” I gasped all of a sudden.

“What?” He gulped.

“You have snowflake pattern in your eyes,” I said quietly.

“Umm., yeah, odd huh?”

“Cute! I love winter!” I grinned.

“Me too!” He laughed.

Then there was this silence, while we stared at each other.

I bit my lower lip as I put my hand on his leg. He startled a bit and I slowly slid my hand towards his groin.

“Elsa?” He insisted.

“Sshh,” I told him as I leaned to kiss him.

I just gave him my first kiss. He kissed me back, he felt soft and smelled fresh and minty. He parted for air for moment but then he quickly continued.

Again my hand found the same zipper that I worked on accidentally last night, It was still open when I cupped my hand over the bulge inside his boxers. It was sticking out from his pants.

I felt his body tensing up as my fingers rubbed him from the top of the fabric. He was growing and then I gently pulled his pants down as well as his boxers.

My hand touched his thing. It felt really thick and long. He moaned when I let my hand go through the whole length.

The morning had made the tent bit brighter and I can see him properly. Slowly I open up his sleeping bag. I look into his eyes while getting his sleeping bag open. Then I lifted it from him and I held my breath.

I started to look down slowly but he quickly took a hold of my chin and gently turned my head to look back into his eyes.

“I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t want.. Elsie, I’ve loved you ever since I moved to this city and saw you in school,” he gave me a sly smile. I smiled back and took his hand off.

I look down.

“Y-you’re so big,” I whispered as I watched down. My hand goes around it again and I jerk him couple times. His hand goes to my shoulder  which he squeezes a little.

“H-have you seen many.. ngh before?” He gulped out.

“This is my first time… for everything,” I smiled and gave him a kiss.

“I don’t have rubber,” he whispered. “But.. I would love to give you my first time one day,” he said softly and stroked my cheek.

“Fine, let me just try something out,” I grinned as I started to move my hand in steady pace.

“N-no way.. are you going to, ah,” he said and his body was squirming because of my touch.

“Yes, “ I whispered and kissed him passionately. He pierced my lips with the tip of his tongue that felt hot. It started exploring my mouth and then it twirled together with my tongue.

His body was quivering as I moved my hand up and down on his length. I look at him as he closes his eyes he lets out a sigh and I feel him getting even harder.

“It looks like it’s going to explode,” I whispered while looking at it turning darker pink.

“Ngh.. ah.. t-that’s.. mh.. the p-point,” he mumbled and clenched his hands into fists. He was breathing shallow right now while keeping eyes closed.

I watched at his hardness as I jerked it. He was moving his hips slightly. I wonder if he would like?

Slowly I bended down and I look at the full length of it. My breath hitched as I leaned to lick the tip. Something sticky got inside my mouth and Jack was gasping for air.

“What just now..” Jack mumbled and then he noticed me. I smiled to him and then I kissed the tip, twirling my tongue around the edges.

“Whoa.. uhmm..ah.. whatever you do.. just.. d-don’t,” he whispered and his hand went inside my hair.

I leaned further and I opened my mouth.

“NO!” Jack said quickly. It was too late since I already had taken the top of it inside my mouth.

He got really hard and suddenly I felt something rushing inside my mouth. Jack was groaning and almost pulling my head. He did couple thrusts inside my mouth.

It was something hot and thick, some of it even ran on my cheek.

“Shi--,” Jack mumbled after catching his breath. I swallowed his juices.

“I’m so sorry Elsa. I tried to warn you.. I was about to..uh,” he whispered.

“You just came into my mouth? I asked and bit my lower lip. He sighed and nodded his head.

“You taste good, Jack,” I said to his ear softly and then I nipped his neck.

“You better get some condoms before next weekend.. we’re going to have a sleepover,” I chuckled and then he pulled me on top of him. He kissed me lovingly.

We startled when we heard some voices outside our tent.

“Ariel is looking for you guys. Better wake up or we might get ideas that you’re doing something inappropriate,” Merida’s voice spoke and she slapped the tent’s roof. I look into Jack’s eyes and we both are stunned, then we started laughing.

“So this is your cover up look? I sort of missed seeing your over grown hair that was always covering your face,” I grinned as I played with his hair strand.

“Whoa, hold up.. you had a crush on me when we were kids?” He gulped I let out a small laugh.

“One more truth.. the brown hair and eyes was the cover up. Jackson Overland was a cover up.. This is who I am, everything you see in me is real now,” he laughed and kissed my forehead. Heat rose to my cheeks.

His blue eyes, white hair. His fingers are brushing my bare back and I let out a moan which he quickly muffled by smashing his lips against mine.


Phew. Another pervert chapter.

If you have stories to sent.. FIRE IT AWAY!!!

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