Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

By PikaJovi

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(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 6

2.5K 66 29
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

I can't believe he's here... How? That can't be!

I need to get out of here...

My legs give out from under me, and I fall to my knees. I can't take my eyes off him; I can feel the panic growing inside me. My brain is screaming to take control of myself, but I just can't, not when he's here!

"OI!! Snap out of it! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I finally hear Bakugo screaming in my ear, probably from all the shaking he's doing to me.

I look up at him, and my words won't come out. I want to tell him to stop shaking me because he's making me sick, I want to ask him to get me out of here, but nothing is coming out. "Can't... I can't..." I was having trouble speaking, and I realized it's because I was having trouble breathing.

"Dude, what is going on?" Bakugo stops the shaking and looks at me closely; it feels like he's studying me. But he doesn't understand.

"(Y/N)! You need to snap out of it!" I hear All Might's voice. I slowly turn towards him; he looks like he's in bad shape. "Concentrate on me and my voice! Get up and get out! Leave, and you'll be safe." he speaks slowly to me, I know he's doing this to calm me down, but my legs won't listen to me.

"I... can't. My legs won't move." I try to explain to him, but my voice was barely audible.

"(Y/N)? As in (L/N)?" my nightmare speaks, and he's looking right at me. "My little (Y/N), you've really grown." 

My body instantly reacts and scoots back, trying to get away from him. Even though he was nowhere near me, I felt like he could just reach out and touch me. "N-No. S-Stop." I stutter out. I could still feel Bakugo next to me, but all I see is that guy.

"You! Keep your eyes on me! I'm not one you should look away from." All Might tries to get his attention back, but he just keeps staring at me and laughing. "Young Bakugo! Get (Y/N) out of here! NOW!" he yells.

"She won't fucking move or get up! And her hands are glowing, I don't know what that color means, what if it makes things worse?"

"She won't do anything, but it will get a lot worse for all of us if she stays here. Ice Blue means she's panicking! She's scared, Bakugo, just carry her and get out." he explains and goes towards the villains to finish this off.

"Nomu, deal with All Might. Kurogiri, get her for me." he points at me, and I knew I was screwed. This was it; I would die right here.

"Bakugo now!" All Might screams again, and I feel myself being lifted. I look up and find Bakugo looking at me.

"I don't get what is happening, but you obviously need to get out of here. So just try to fucking breath normally now." and he starts running to the exit.

I look behind us, and I see All Might going all out with the creature, but I can see him struggle. Why is All Might struggling? He should be able to just punch him, is he seriously hurt? Suddenly Bakugo stops, and I look forward to find the purple vortex guy right in front of us.

"Shigaraki wants you. So you're coming with me." he extends his hand to grab me, but I aim at him and shoot a laser beam at him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream while I keep shooting.

"Perfect! Keep shooting till we get out of here. He won't be able to get close with your attacks." Bakugo tells me as he starts running again.

My hands are still shaking, but it's a good thing I wasn't truly aiming at something because I would have missed miserably.

"Now that he knows where you are, you will never be safe again! He will come for you." he shouts, and that stops my attacks. My hands shaking even more; oh God, I'm doomed. I grab Bakugo's shirt and hide my face in his chest, needing to feel hidden and out of sight.

"No... no." I whisper out.

"Oi, keeping shooting. He'll come at us like this." the moment he finished his sentence, he was faced with the vortex again. I got Bakugo in trouble because I couldn't control myself! What is wrong with me! "Shit!"

Just a few seconds before we were grabbed, we hear a gunshot. I look up the stairs and find the hero Snipe, and he had company. Other heroes are here... we are saved. "Come on up kids, hurry." he says, and Bakugo makes his way to him, finally reaching the top and outside the dome.

The rest of the class was waiting outside with the police ready to take the villains into custody. "Bakugo, (Y/N)! Are you guys okay?" Uraraka asks as she runs towards us.

Bakugo puts me down next to a wall and answers her with annoyance. "I'm fine, I could have stayed and helped, but All Might wanted me to get her out of there." he points at me. I couldn't care less what he says about me or anything at the moment. Nothing mattered anymore.

"(Y/N)...? Are you okay? Should I call a doctor?" she asks me. It's nice of her to care, but I just shake my head and rest it in between my knees.

"Don't bother. She's barely answering anymore. What's happening here?"

"The police got the villains that were down and are moving in now. They are saying we need to go back to school, and Aizawa-Sensei is in the hospital now."

At the mention of my teacher, I lift my head and look at her. "Did they tell you his condition?" I ask weakly.

"He has comminuted fractures in both his arms and a facial fracture, but thankfully, they are saying there doesn't seem to be any brain damage." she crouches down to my level and speaks softly. "And now they took All Might and Midoriya to the infirmary with Recovery Girl to heal them, so they are fine."

"All Might left?" I ask.

"He had to. Recovery Girl needed to heal him fast, apparently. That's why we will be heading back to class now." she explains.

"Hey, Bakugo! They want us to get back to class, come on!" Kirishima shouts.

"I know, bastard!" he yells at him and turns to me. "Are you still unable to move?" he asks; it might have been just me, but the way he said it sounded harsh. Even if he has his hand extended for me to take it.

I push his hand away and get up. "I'm fine. Sorry for being such a pain in the ass." I reply and leave him behind. It was sour of me to do that, but I was all over the place at the moment, and I just wanted to go back home.

Like they have asked of us, we went back to class. However, the event of the day was on everyone's mind. No one was sitting down or talking. Well, except for me. I was sitting in my chair, waiting for them to allow us to go back home. 

"(Y/N)?" I lift my head and see Kirishima. "Are you okay?" he asks, worried.

"I'm fine. Can we go home yet?"

"I don't think so, but I'm sure they will allow us any moment now. Is someone picking you up?" he tries to continue a conversation, but I just shake my head.

The door to the classroom opens, and All Might walks in. "(Y/N)." he calls my name.

I lift my head and stare at him; he looks exhausted. The control I've somehow gained on my emotions and nerves breaks. I start shaking again, but I run to him and hug him. I know he can feel me shaking; he pats my head to calm me. 

"Let me take you home. Everything is okay now." he reassures me,  "You kids, can go home now. Be careful on your way." they respond, and we leave the class.

The ride home was quiet; I see All Might glance at me from time to time. He was probably checking if I'm okay or not or worried about how my parents will take all this. We get there without having said anything. My parents were waiting outside with worried looks, so I guess he told them a summary of what happened.

"Oh, sweetie! Are you alright? Don't worry, everything is okay now." my mom hugs me and caresses circles on my back.

"All Might, please come in." my dad invites him in, and we sit in the living room. Mom served some tea because All Might had something to tell us.

"I'm sorry about all this; if I had known he was behind all this, I would have made sure (Y/N) wouldn't have been near that place." he apologizes to us as if it was his fault.

"As you said, you didn't know. It's not your fault. But now he knows... it's all over." I put my cup down because my hands started shaking again. My dad puts his hand on my shoulder for support.

"(Y/N); we will not let anything happen to you. Not again. I can promise you that." he replies. "I know this might sound harsh, but being in school with those kids and training will help you get stronger. It will help you get over this fear of yours and stop your panic." he sits on the edge of the sofa and looks at me. "What happened today could have been very bad if your friends weren't there. Pro Heroes will not always be there to help you; you are very strong. You could have easily handled yourself out there if you didn't freeze up and panicked."

"You don't get it All Might... You're strong; you went out there and kicked ass! You had nothing to worry about or to be scared of." I hold back my tears.

"That's where you are wrong. I was terrified." I look at him, shocked. "You think Pro Heroes aren't scared or worried when they fight? We're scared for ourselves and the people around us; we worry we won't be able to save the people who need us." he leans and puts his hand on mine. "I was scared and worried for you and your classmates. But your parents told me you might still have bad moments when it came to the accident, so I was worried even more for you when you came."

He takes a deep breath and leans back on the sofa. "I also have a secret; I want to share it with you guys. You said I'm strong, and I might be. But not like before." we all give him our attention and promise to keep this between us. "A few years ago, I was in a fight, and I got severely hurt. The one you see now is my empowered form, but after the injury, I can't keep it up like before."

"What do you mean? Isn't this how you always looked?" I ask.

"This form is because of my quirk, but my true form is a lot different." he takes a deep breath, and then there was white smoke. In All Might's place, there was a skinny man... "This is me; the injury has reduced the time for me to be in my empowered form. That's why at USJ, I was late. It was also why I needed to end the fight as soon as possible."

This was very shocking to us. The All Might we all knew was originally a very skinny guy who even I could take down. He lifts his shirt and shows us his injury, and I couldn't help but gasp at the sight.

"I know it looks bad, but other than the declined time, I'm okay." he smiles at us. "(Y/N), I've known you since you were little. I might not have been around to see you grow, but I still consider you like family." one tear escapes me as I try to comprehend all this. "You are a special girl; you can be great and do great things in life. That's why I want you to get stronger and to beat this thing you have been fighting with."

"Toshi..." I get up to sit next to him and hug him. "I tried for so long to get over it and forget it, and sometimes I do. But the second something reminds me of that time, it all comes back to me, and it tears me apart! I don't know what to do; I trained so hard to be strong, so something like this doesn't happen. Yet today... I was useless! I put up a better fight when I was little! What did I train all this time for!?" I let out my frustration.

He pats my head and shushes me. "(Y/N); you have dealt with something so big all on your own. You didn't even let your parents in. I truly believe being with kids your age and learning with them will help you. You need to stop fighting on your own, rely on your friends. They care about you; if you share your pain with them, I'm sure they will gladly stand by you and help."

"No! They can't know, no one can know about what happened! Please!" I beg him, I can just imagine the looks of pity they would give me, and I already hate it.

"Okay, okay. It's not my place to tell them; I just wanted to let you know that it's an option." he wipes the tears off my cheeks. "Now go get some rest; you still have school tomorrow." I nod and leave to my room.

All Might's POV:

When I made sure (Y/N) was in her room, I look back at her parents. "Has she had any more... episodes?" I ask carefully, hoping for a positive answer.

They sigh, it was a sensitive topic for them, but they knew they could only talk about it with me since I'm the only one other than them who knew about it. "No, not since she turned ten." Mrs. (L/N) answers, "We kept telling her to always stay calm and not let her emotions take over."

"I was worried that I would have to deal with it today. I didn't want the other students to find out or for her to go through something like that again. She actually seems happy in school and even friendly with some classmates; I didn't want it to take that away from her." he picks up his teacup again.

"You said she had a panic attack. As bad as that is, her episodes usually only occur when she is extremely angry; that's when anger takes over. So the emotion you need to be most careful of is anger, I guess." Mr. (L/N) explains.

"We did inform her homeroom teacher to be careful of that, but we didn't share the reason or what could happen. We don't want her to be treated like a ticking bomb." Mrs. (L/N) informs me.

"Don't worry, Aizawa is a good man and a strong Hero. He'll be able to handle it if it happens, and he will understand if you explain it to him. But that's up to you."

"I don't want her to find out All Might. If she finds out about this... she could give up on life altogether." she lets her husband hug her and comfort her.

"I will try my best to look after her at school. I'll make sure she never has to go through something like this again; as I said, I care about her, and I want her to live a carefree life. Not be stuck in the past, haunted by those nightmares." he gets up to leave.

"Thank you, All Might. We don't know how to repay you for all you've done."

"No need to thank me, Mr. (L/N). I hope to see (Y/N) in school tomorrow." I have a feeling she won't be up to going back so soon.

I leave the house and get in my car. When I saw (Y/N) in my class that day, I had hoped that she was feeling better and returned to her former self... If today's attack didn't happen, I would have never found out how badly she was still affected by the past.

I hope, for her sake, she continues with school. I know for a fact that the kids in 1A can help her trust again and rely on others. They can help her get out of her dark corner.




Well, this chapter was wild! I hope you enjoyed reading it. Are you curious about her past even more now? What could all those things mean?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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