Beautiful Disasters- Hawks x...

By Igetlosteasily

383K 14.4K 1.7K

"Like a mosaic, their broken pieces fit together beautifully" -Unknown No one can keep up with him. He's the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Thank you!

Chapter 16

4.8K 207 56
By Igetlosteasily

When they got to the studio, Keigo didn't know whether or not to be surprised at how calm Mariko was in the environment. If he hadn't known better he would've thought she was actually comfortable there, but he did know better and the more time he spent with the brunette the more he was starting to pick up on her little habits. One thing he realized she did when she was nervous, or in a new place was continuously look around. It was like she scanned the area repeatedly looking for danger despite maintaining a completely neutral expression. He also felt her muscles twitch beneath his arm as people approached them, indicating that she was feeling tense. It made him feel a bit protective over her, and by the time there was a small crowd surrounding them to welcome him, he was practically hiding her in his wings in a subconscious effort to protect her.

"Hawks, we're so glad you could make it!" a young woman explained.

"I know you're busy but do you think I could have an autograph?" another asked.

"Can we take a picture before you get to work?" someone called out.

Before he had a chance to answer any of them, an older man in a floral dress shirt and black slacks approached the crowd. "All right that's enough! We're already behind schedule let's get to work ASAP!" he announced authoritatively. The crowd of girls groaned and dissipated, everyone returning to their tasks.

"Hawks, baby! It's been too long it's good to see you!" the man exclaimed.

He smiled amicably, "Yeah sorry about that. Work's kept me busy. I'm really thankful you considered me for this project though," he said, bowing appreciatively.

"Of course! You were the first person I thought of!" he exclaimed. Suddenly he noticed the female standing behind the hero, almost hidden completely by his wings. "Who's this you've got with you?" he asked.

Mariko moved out from behind Keigo's wings, a bit annoyed that he'd shoved her back there in the first place. She didn't like when her line of sight was cut off. She analyzed the stranger in front of her. He was obviously gay, his mannerisms and sense of style much too colorful for a straight man. He didn't look like a threat though, so that was a major plus. She noticed the camera hanging around his neck and quickly deduced that he was the photographer Keigo would be working with that day.

She flashed an absolutely charming smile at the male and bowed with a grace neither man realized she was capable of. "My name is Mariko Saito. I'm a friend of Hawks's," she straightened slightly, "I hope my presence won't be a bother," she said sweetly.

The photographer was immediately taken in by her demeanor. "Oh of course not! You have a nice aura I'm sure it'll be fine! It's just so rare for him to bring someone around I just had to ask. My name is Akito Manabe. I'm the photographer at L'Aire Studios," he introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Akito-san."

He smiled at her and gestured towards an empty chair by the camera, "Why don't you go sit over there? That way you can watch me work my magic on Mr. No. 2 over here," he suggested.

"Thank you very much," she said, bowing again and drifting away without a word to the blonde.

"Let's get you to hair and makeup alright?" he asked steering him towards the makeup tables.

As he got ready, the male would occasionally call out to Mariko, asking her what he thought of the makeup and joke about being too hot with makeup on. Each time she would respond with a sarcastic quip and a roll of her eye, she was amused watching him though. She could tell he definitely liked the attention- he definitely enjoyed being pampered.

More than anything, he was excited for her to see him take pictures. It was different when the look was complete, and he knew the outfits and accessories he was working with looked especially good on him. "I'm not trying to impress her or anything," he told himself, "But she should be impressed at having a best friend like me," he thought, smirking slightly as he checked himself out in the mirror. He was wearing an all-black suit with a silver watch which was the focus of the photoshoot that day.

"Hey Kid, how do I look?" he asked, walking up from behind her.

Mariko, who had been playing on her phone as she waited for him to come out, looked up. Her eyes widened for a second as she took in his appearance. He looked good. There was no denying that. He wore a cocky smirk as he looked down at her and she knew he knew exactly what she thought of him. There was, however, an eager glint in his eyes as she waited for her comment.

"You look decent for once," she sassed.

The male chuckled, "Coming from you that means I must look like a million bucks" he quipped.

She laughed lightly along with him, before a small smile settled on her lips, "You do look very handsome," she told him.

His cocky smirk turned into a sheepish smile, not at all expecting such an honest compliment from her. "Thanks, Chickee," he said, the tops of his ears turning pink.

The photographer watched the exchange with great interest. He'd known the hero since he'd started his hero career when he was eighteen and had never once seen him act that way in front of anyone- himself included. Life taught him to recognize when someone grew up alone and closed off, and he'd seen those traits in Hawks as clear as day. Seeing his favorite model be so emotionally open with someone warmed his heart. He clapped loudly making sure to get everyone's attention. "Now that our model is ready, let's get started!" he exclaimed.

Hawks was much more energetic than he'd been in any other photoshoot. He exuded stable and brilliant confidence that was perfect for the watch they were trying to sell. He was putting his all into it, not goofing off even once like he sometimes did. "He should bring that girl every time he has a shoot," Akito thought.

When Keigo changed outfits for the third time, Mariko decided she needed to get up and get a drink. She approached the refreshments bar and poured herself a cup of ice-cold water.

"Hey," someone said.

Mariko flinched and jumped back at the sound of someone's voice and whipped around to face them.

"Whoa sorry didn't mean to scare you!" a young man a little bit younger than her said, stepping back slightly.

"Can I help you?" she asked eyeing him.

The male blushed, "Ah... well not exactly. I just wanted to talk to you for a bit..." he stated.

"I see. If it's something about Hawks you'll have a better shot asking him yourself. He's actually pretty responsive to his fans," she said, misunderstanding the reason for his shyness completely.

The male blushed even more, "I know! I'm an intern here so I've worked with him before. He's a lot of fun. Especially today he's been super enthusiastic about it. It's definitely made Akito-sensei happy," he said nodding over to the photographer who was practically dancing around the hero as he took pictures.

Mariko giggled at the sight and nodded in agreement. "That's a good thing."

Keigo watched the exchange in front of him with growing annoyance. She'd stopped looking at him again and was instead laughing at someone else. For a moment, he got tunnel vision. He forgot he was at a photo shoot and he concentrated solely on the brunette giggling a few yards away from him. He rubbed his face with his hand, covering his mouth for a moment as he looked at the pair in irritation.

At that moment, Akito snapped the picture. The expression Hawks had at that moment was almost predatory. It was the alpha male- the dominant aura he was looking for. Not to mention it perfectly showed off the accessories they were trying to market. After taking the picture, he followed the male's line of sight to see Mariko chatting with his newest interns.

"Let's wrap up for today," he said, allowing Hawks a moment to deal with the situation as he saw fit. He had all the pictures he needed anyway.

Immediately the male stood up and walked towards the pair. "Watchu guys' talking about?" he asked, sliding an arm around the brunette's waist.

Mariko smiled at him, almost relieved, "Nothing much just-"

"Our future together," the male finished, looking at her seductively, "So, can I have that number cutie?" he asked.

Hawks glared harshly at the male, his wings puffing up slightly in aggression. "Who the hell does this kid think he is?" he wondered.

"You can't have her number," he said quickly.

The male looked at him, "Why not?" he asked.

"I'm pretty careful about who I give my personal information to. It's nothing personal," Mariko interjected.

"How 'bout we get up close n' personal then?" he suggested.

"Oi Kid, you better back up a bit. She's not interested," Keigo spat.

"Isn't that something she should tell me herself?"

The blonde glanced down at the girl tucked underneath his arm, for a moment she looked disinterested in the conversation. When she realized the males were waiting for her though she locked eyes with the younger. Her irises were icy blue- an expression so cold and indifferent Keigo almost felt sorry for him.

"Why? Hawks explained it well enough. I'm not interested," she stated bluntly.

Keigo couldn't help but get a bit worried as he saw the kid's dejected expression. Mariko was kind of a sucker for soft looks and he hoped it wouldn't make her hesitate.

The woman didn't bat an eye though. "You should get back to work," she suggested coldly.

The kid flinched at her tone and practically ran to the dressing rooms.

"For a second there I thought the puppy dog eyes would get to you..." he laughed, leaning on her slightly as he relaxed a bit.

"Why on earth would I fall for something like that?" she asked.

He tilted his head, "Well it always works when I do it."

She hesitated, "That's-that's different," she stuttered.

               "Oh? She's embarrassed now?" he wondered curiously.

"How so?"

"Why would I care about a random stranger's feelings?"

A smug smile stretched across his lips, "Is that your way of saying you care about me?" he teased.

"You're an asshole," she spat.

"Awwww it hurts when you say things like that Chickee." He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind. He propped his chin on her shoulder, smirking as he spoke quietly into her ear, "It's okay. I know you love me even though you verbally abuse me." He planted a quick kiss on her cheek as she tilted her head back to glare at him.

"I don't love you. Get away from me," she groaned, trying to push herself away.

He was prepared for that though, and put more strength into his hold so she could move.

"Let me go!" she exclaimed.

"Nope! I like holding you like this!" he exclaimed nuzzling into her neck.

"You're a pervert get off me!" she exclaimed.


"You're insufferable!"

"You love it!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

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