Chapter 10

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Mariko had just walked into the hospital, ready to start her shift. Immediately she noticed something was horribly wrong. Despite there only being a few patients in the E.R, the hospital was in chaos. Doctors were rushing around as though they were preparing for a major natural disaster. Everyone's attention, however, kept being drawing to the T.V on the far wall.  A knot formed in her throat as she saw a giant arm rake Endeavor through a building, completely severing the last few floors and sending it crashing to the ground.

               "Endeavor? Keigo's with him today," she thought.

She swallowed thickly. She was barely aware of the newscaster talking over the fight and explaining what was going on. She was looking for her Hawks, her friend who she was certain was also involved in that mess. Unfortunately, the cameras were focused on the fight between the giant noumu and Endeavor, and she wasn't able to catch a single glimpse of the blonde.

"Mariko!" Sakura exclaimed. "Come on we've gotta prep for casualties. We're the closest hospital," she said dragging her into the locker room so she could put her stuff away and help the rest of the staff. The brunette didn't budge though. She stood frozen, a horrible, sinking feeling in her chest making her legs feel weak. It was the same feeling she'd had the last time she'd lost a friend. "I saw him an hour ago. There's no way... I can't do it again," she thought.

Sakura noticed her friend becoming dazed and pale. "Mari, what's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

"H-Hawks is there," she stated.

The brunette gasped. Now Mariko freaking out made sense. "She's lost too many people to an early death. Of course, she'd be terrified." She placed her hands on her friend's shoulders, "Mariko," she started, her voice soft, but firm. "Hawks is a hero. He's gotta do what he's gotta do, but so do we. They're heroes. They can deal with the noumu, but soon there's gonna be a flood of injured people and we need to take care of them. We need your head here Mari. I get that you're worried, but we can't afford for you to be lost in space," she told her.

Mariko blinked, the information slowly registering with her. She took a moment to clear her head, and Sakura sighed in relief when she looked up at her, a familiar determined look in her eyes. "She's right, I can't be distracted right now. He's Hawks, he'll be fine," she assured herself. She quickly stuffed her things into the locker room and immediately set off to work.

About a half-hour later, the first wave of injured came in. Thankfully, most were minor injuries; but there were a few people in critical condition because they'd been hit by falling debris. Mariko was sent into the O.R to help the surgeons. As she ran between O.Rs however, she couldn't help but strain her ears to grasp any information she could about Hawks. She learned that the blonde had been the one to evacuate most of the civilians and get them to safety, but that he'd lost basically all his feathers during the fight and no one had seen him since.

It was only an hour, but it seemed like an eternity before Endeavor was brought in on a stretcher.

"Saito, you and Tusbasa come with me," one of the trauma surgeons stated, leading her and a male nurse with a healing quirk to the room Endeavor was in.

A shadow crossed her features as her gaze fell upon the hero. He was unconscious and heavily injured. His arm was broken, and his face had a huge laceration. Those were just the ones she could see.

"He's got a 103-degree fever, a concussion, broken jaw, a severe laceration on the left side of his face, lacerations on his arms and legs, a spiral fracture on his arm, a punctured lung and severe bruising," Tusbasa said, using his quirk to analyze his body.

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