Chapter 86

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As soon as Kurogiri had activated his quirk, those at the base were immediately alerted that they were coming back.

Fujio wasted no time in contacting the medical facility a few floors below and telling them to get there with a crash cart, a stretcher, and an airlift to the nearest military hospital.

The remaining men sprinted towards the room they were supposed to teleport into.

Araya was the first one there, getting there half a second before Dabi stepped through the portal, an unconscious Mariko in his arms.

"She's going into shock. I don't know what else's wrong with her," he huffed.

Hawks burst into the room not even a second later, his eyes widened as he saw the state was girlfriend was in. His blood boiled and he only saw red as Dabi set her down on the ground. His mind was filled with static. At that moment, he forgot about his mission and the cover he was supposed to be keeping. He was completely blinded by rage towards the person that had done this to her.

Realizing that Hawks was a second away from losing it completely and jeopardizing all of their lives, Araya turned to Dabi, Toga, and Kurogiri. "Go to Shigaraki, Fujio will be there with him, go give them the mission report. I'll deal with this here."

Dabi frowned, "The fuck? But I-"

"Those are orders" Araya stated. His fists were balled at his sides as he stared at his best friend.

The ravenette's eyes narrowed.

"It's not a big deal Dabi, let's just go," Toga said, grabbing his wrist and leading him out of the room.

As they filed out of the room, Keigo started towards the unconscious brunette. He gathered her unconscious form in his arms. He shook with and guilt hearing her faint and uneven breaths.

Araya closed the door behind them, immediately rushing towards the brunette. Before he could get close though, the blonde's wings flared out, creating a protective barrier between them.

"Don't fucking touch her," he growled. His tone was dangerous, almost animal-like. Araya had no doubt that if he pushed him, the hero would attack. If it would've been a different situation, he would've fought it; boyfriend or not he didn't have the right to tell him he couldn't be by his best friend's side. Mariko was in critical condition though so the last thing he should be doing was picking a fight with hawks. They were both just worried about her after all.

He sat down by the wall a few feet away from them. He stared at the brunette's unconscious form as Hawks tried to keep her warm and quietly prayed for her to hold on just a little while longer.

When Fujio returned with the medical team, the brunette began seizing and cough up blood. The red liquid trailed down her lips, sending both Hawks and Araya into a panic.

"Mari? Mariko!" Keigo exclaimed, shaking her slightly. His wings were still splayed like a shield between them, preventing the paramedics from getting close enough.

Not one to waste time arguing, Fujio shoved the smaller male away from her and placed Mariko on the gurney, cutting himself slightly on Hawk's sharpened feathers. She was immediately covered with a heated blanket.

Keigo scrambled to his feet, eyes wild as he went to pick a fight with the arrogant male. Before he could though, the paramedics yelped in surprise as Mariko sat up involuntarily, gaining consciousness for a second to vomit blood before falling back down and seizing again.

"We need to get her to the hospital now," the medic said grabbing a syringe and injecting Mariko with an anti-convulsant. They began running with the gurney into the hallway.

"What's going on?" the blonde asked frantically after he chased after the stretcher.

The medics ignored him, one radioing the hospital while the other checked her heartbeat.

"There's no pulse!" he exclaimed. The medic swung onto the gurney, straddling the brunette, and pumping her chest, trying to perform CPR.

They followed them all the way to the rooftop where the helicopter was running and waiting to take her away.

"We'll meet you there," Fujio said as they ran with the cart to the helicopter.

Keigo felt his heart breaking as he watched the scene of her being airlifted. It hit him- she was dying. His eyes widened and his pupils dilated. Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.

"Hawks," Fujio said, roughly grabbing his shoulder to bring him out of his shock. "You must go to the hospital with Araya-san. I will manage everything here. Give Mariko my best," he told him.

The blonde didn't have the chance to respond before he was yanked towards the door by Araya. He led him to the front entrance where a car was already waiting for them.

"Let's go, they'll be there shortly," he turned to him, turning the car on and pressing down on the accelerator.

If he hadn't been so hyper-focused on Mariko, he would've been freaking out about what a shit driver Araya was. The man not only had zero respect for speed limits but apparently, the lane demarcates were just a suggestion as were traffic lights and stop signs.

The ravenette however was handling the situation surprisingly calmly. It was sad that he was used to seeing her in states like this, just as she was used to seeing him. Despite being used to seeing her on the brink of death, it worried him sick every single time. Mariko was his best friend after all.

"She's not gonna die." He said as they sped down a thankfully empty road. "She's strong and stubborn. She won't let herself die." The words were meant to reassure himself as they were Hawks. Araya's hands gripped the steering wheel, hoping he was right and that she really would be okay.

When they got to the military hospital, Mariko was already in surgery.

The pair sat outside the operating room, waiting for a doctor or nurse to pass by so they could ask about her condition.

Keigo buried his head in his hands as though he was trying to shake himself out of a hallucination or a dream. His mind flooded him with feelings of regret and guilt. He should've never supported her doing this mission. He should've known it was too dangerous. If he could go back in time and change it, he could. He would do it in a heartbeat. He begged whatever deity that would listen to save her; for her life to be spared.

The surgery lasted a total of eleven hours. It was just past two in the morning when the doctor came out. Both of them stood up immediately.

"How is she?" Araya asked.

The doctor took his mask off. "If she would've arrived a moment later, she would've died," he informed them. "The surgery was a success but she's not out of the woods yet. She needs to wake up, then she'll be on the road to recovery. We're hopeful though, she's young and strong."

Tears flooded the blonde's eyes from relief and gratitude. His legs gave out from under him and he collapsed to his knees. "She'll be okay," he whispered almost inaudible.

The doctor smiled slightly and nodded. "Once she wakes up, we expect her to make a full recovery."

Araya smiled tearfully, "Thank you, sir."

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