Chapter 117

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Although Hayato wanted to, he couldn't stay with Sakura for very long. The Division General had called him earlier that day telling him to head to his office for an update on Araya's plan of return. The blonde had actually been on his way to headquarters to meet him when he'd gotten the notification that Sakura had requested Emergency Services to Mariko's apartment. When he glanced at Sakura and saw the pain and heartbreak written on her face whenever she looked at Hawks, however, he decided that she shouldn't be alone right now. So, he texted his wife Kaede asking her to come to the hospital to stay with her until he got back from his meeting.

"Sakura," he called out softly.

The brunette turned to him, her eyes puffy and red from crying and exhaustion.

"I have a meeting with The General, so I have to leave, but I asked Kaede and Ayuri to come here so just sit tight okay?"

Sakura frowned slightly. "Will it be okay if Ayuri sees him like this?"

Hayato nodded. "She's a pretty mature kid, besides Kaede will be here in case anything happens," he assured.

She nodded and leaned back in her chair. "What's the meeting for?"

"He wants an update on Araya."

"What do you mean? Is he back on the field?" she asked confusedly.

He shook his head. "No, the opposite actually- he wants to leave the Division."

The brunette closed her eyes and sighed slightly. "I see. I should visit him one of these days. It's been a while since I talked to him."

Hayato gave her a small smile and stood up. "That'd be good for him," he told her. "I'll come back when the meeting's over. Hang in there okay?"

Sakura nodded. "You too. Good luck."

"Thanks," he said.

He met Kaede and Ayuri at the hospital's entrance and after giving his two favorite girls a kiss on the cheek and pointing them to Hawks's room, he walked to his car and drove to HQ.

Though he had known General Shioh Kurihara since he was a child, he always got nervous whenever he was summoned to his office. He and the General had a strange relationship. The man had been Hayato, Mineko, Araya, and Mariko's combat instructor during their training years, as well as their supervising agent for many years when they started taking missions. They had all hated him for years for his spartan teaching style and severe personality, that changed as they got older, however. As more time passed and Hayato saw their colleagues in other sections and teams get killed in action while they continued to struggle and live on, he realized that the mercilessly harsh training they had received had been to ensure their survival. He'd been severe with them, but it had been because he wanted them to live and for that, Hayato was thankful. Of course, that didn't mean the man didn't still scare him shitless- he did. He just knew the reason behind it now.

Knocking on the grand double oak doors that lead to his office, Hayato straightened his uniform and posture. Hearing the familiar baritone voice call him in, he stiffly swung one of them open and walked inside. He marched right up to the desk and immediately saluted his superior.

"Lieutenant Hayato Kusumoto reporting for duty Sir."

"At ease Lieutenant," General Kurihara said.

Hayato put his hand down.

"I called you here for word on Agent Araya Sosa's plan of return," he told him opening a file with the former's name on the front. Hayato couldn't help but notice the bright red label stamped on the cover reading- INACTIVE.

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