Chapter 100

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Having showered and changed into clean clothes, Mariko and Keigo decided to spend the night in. Being away for so long had caused them to miss the comforts of home and they just wanted to relax there while they could until it was time for the mission.

"You haven't had the chance to talk to Sakura yet right?" the blonde asked, running his hand through her hair. Once they had cleaned up, they'd return to their previous position under the covers to continue cuddling.

The brunette shook her head. "Not yet. I should do that now though."

He hummed in agreement and pressed a kiss to her temple as he temporarily released her from his hold so she could grab her phone.

Having few contacts on her phone, Mariko quickly found Sakura's name on the contact's list and dialed the number. The brunette picked up on the first ring.

"Mariko?" She asked immediately.

"Hey," she greeted.

"You're alive! You didn't show up for months and no one knew where you were, so I thought you went off and died somewhere! That or you ran away 'cus you were pregnant with Hawks's unborn child and didn't know how to tell him," she said rapidly.

She blinked, not knowing what to address first. "I am still alive yeah... but I'm not pregnant with Hawks's unborn child."

"Not yet," the male whispered into her ear before nuzzling into her neck.

"Awww, I wanna be an aunt."

"You're gonna have to wait a while for that one," she told her.

"Ugh... whyyyyyy," she whined.

"Why? Because now's not a good time? Besides, you're enough of a handful as is."

"Am not."

Mariko chuckled slightly and shook her head. "Whatever. Anyways, I called to tell you I'm coming over tomorrow."

"You are?"

"Mhm...I figured it'd be better to catch up in person. Unless you don't want to?"

"No! That's fine! At what time?"

"One-ish? I can bring lunch."

"Sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow then! Say hi to Hawks for me!"

"Will do. See ya."

Hanging up, Mariko tossed her phone on the mattress, not really caring where it landed.

"Got everything squared away?" Keigo asked, tangling their legs together.

"Yep. I'm going to her place tomorrow for lunch."

The blonde immediately groaned in protest and wrapped his arms around her tightly. "So, you're leaving tomorrow?" he asked.

"It's just a couple of hours. You know how to cook now you can handle it by yourself can't you?" she asked.

He let out another noise of disagreement.

"Okay... what do you suggest then?"

"Don't go. Just stay here," he said, not missing a beat.

"But Sakura and I haven't seen each other in almost three months... besides there's something important I need to talk to her about."

"Just tell her over the phone."

"It's not a conversation that you can do over the phone."

"So you're just gonna leave me by myself the whole day?" he asked.

"It's not the whole day. I'll only be gone a little while. I'll be back."

"Fine...but only if I can send a feather with you," he said.

Mariko smiled softly and kissed his pouting lips. "Deal."

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