Chapter 1

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It was almost two in the morning and the bartender didn't know what to do. Her boss and colleagues had left at midnight- closing time- but this one customer hadn't moved from his seat. She wanted to go home so badly, but who would dare throw the No. 2 hero out of their establishment? What if he took revenge or gave them a bad review? Granted, she didn't know whether Hawks was the kind of person to do something like that but seeing as it was only her first week on the job and wasn't looking to get fired any time soon, it was better to be safe than sorry. So, she'd continued handing him drinks, well past the usual cutoff amount.

She wasn't getting paid for this overtime though and No.2 Hero or not he had to go.

"Hey look, I'm really sorry but the bar's closed... I'm gonna have to ask you to leave so I can close up shop." She said trying to hide the nervous tinge in her voice.

Hawk's golden eyes were bloodshot as he looked up at her, slowly registering her words. He sighed dramatically but didn't argue; he simply tossed the last of his drink back and settled his tab.

Wordlessly, he stumbled out of the bar, whacking his shoulder against the doorframe as he tried to leave. The bartender stared at his retreating figure for a moment, wondering whether it was okay to let him leave like that. "He's a pro, I'm sure he'll be fine" she reasoned.

By some miracle, Keigo managed to avoid wandering onto the street or bumping into the few pedestrians left on the sidewalk. There were some close calls though- his wings were heavy and especially difficult to control when he was drunk- resulting in the man slamming himself against a wall and a streetlight pole. In addition to a massive hangover, he would definitely be waking up with a few bruises and sore spots. He couldn't care any less about that though. His mind was a complete mess as he stumbled towards his apartment building. He felt sick in every sense of the word- not from the drinks he'd had- from what he'd experienced at work that day. Working as a double agent for the League of Villains was sapping at his emotional strength; he didn't know whether he should cry, throw up, or go into a fit of rage. He'd gone to the bar thinking that getting drunk would make him forget- for a little while at least- about the horrors he'd been forced to witness; it didn't work though. In fact, it only made him feel more ill. As soon as he got to his building, his stomach simply couldn't take it anymore. He threw up all the drinks he had into the bushes decorating the front side of the building.

He almost hadn't noticed someone holding a water bottle out to him and that the person was his neighbor- the woman that lived directly across the hall from himself. Still hunched over, he drank the water hoping it would help settle his stomach at least a little bit.

Mariko could smell the alcohol coming off him. It was obvious that the male was intoxicated. Despite being a nurse, half of her was tempted to leave him outside. She'd only interacted with him a handful of times since moving into the apartment four years ago, but she knew Hawks to be immensely annoying and flirtatious and didn't want to subject herself to the same displeasure at 3 a.m. "Even if he is annoying, I can't just leave him out here," she thought.

"You alright there?" she asked.

"Doin' just fine thanks," the blonde slurred. He was still staring down at the bushes, wondering whether he would throw up again.

"Do you need help getting into your apartment?" She asked.

"Thanks for our concern miss, but I'm doin' just fine," he repeated.

Mariko nodded, not believing him at all, and stayed beside him. She decided to wait for him to walk himself to his apartment; it was right across the hall from hers anyway, so she wasn't going out of her way for him. Besides, she doubted it would be good for anyone to see the No. 2 Pro-Hero passed out drunk on the sidewalk. Not when there was so much unrest due to All Might's retirement.

Beautiful Disasters- Hawks x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon