Chapter 46

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As soon as the trio walked back inside, Sakura stood up, announcing that she needed to leave. Araya and Hayato nodded in agreement, they had come to discuss the mission with Mariko and Hawks, but since the brunette still had to explain the situation to the hero, their work was done early.

"Actually, us too. We'll walk with you," Araya offered.

Sakura beamed at them, "Awesome! But make your goodbyes quick! I got a hot date tonight."

"Really? With who?" Hawks asked. He would've thought she'd mention it by now.

"The cute resident doctor from the bar," she told him.

"Oh? Things are good between you guys? I would've thought he didn't want to see you again after you spilled your drink on him," Mariko teased.

The short-haired female's face turned bright red as the men around her burst into laughter.

"No way forreal?" Araya asked.

"Shut up!" She exclaimed. "I'll get you back for that Mari," she grumbled, shooting the brunette a glare.

Mariko waved her hand dismissively. "Go get ready for your date," she said escorting the trio to the door.

"We'll swing by on Sunday," Araya said, wrapping her up in his arms and burying her face in his chest. He glanced at Hawks, a slight smirk playing at his lips as he made eye-contact with the blonde. He kissed Mariko's cheek before pulling away.

Keigo grit his teeth. "Why the fuck is he touching her like that? Why is Mari letting him?" he wondered angrily. Glaring at the ravenette, he pulled her back to his side, tucking her under his arm so that she was flush against him.

The brunette smiled subconsciously at the sudden affection and leaned into him slightly.

He looked down at her, feeling her relax under his touch. The burning feeling in his chest began to subside and was replaced by a gentle warmth as she wrapped her free arm around his waist. For a moment he forgot all about Araya, and his attention was completely on the woman next to him.

The ravenette frowned at the exchange, particularly when Mariko looked up at him and smiled. It was strange and uncomfortable to see her so comfortable around anyone besides himself and Hayato, and even they kept a respectable distance between them. He didn't have much time to dwell on it though as Hayato began tugging him towards the door.

"See ya in a couple of days M," Hayato said waving goodbye.

"It was good seeing you guys," she said smiling as they left.

Hayato flashed a brief smile, returning the gesture before the door behind him.

Once they were alone again, Keigo wasted no time in shifting their position so he was completely wrapped around the brunette.

"You're being extra touchy.... What is it?" she asked, resting her head against his chest and circling her arms around his waist.

"Nothin'... just felt like it," he answered honestly. The feeling of jealousy had completely disappeared. Now, he just wanted to enjoy being around her.

"Hmm... you hungry?"

"A bit, but don't make food yet. Let's stay like this for a bit."

"Alright... but are you sure you're okay?" she repeated. Even by his standards, he was being clingy.

               "I mean... I'm crushing on you harder than a middle school boy on a model, but that's not necessarily a bad thing." "I'm fine Chickee.... Scout's honor."

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