Chapter 39

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The meeting place had been pretty far away from the apartment, and after seeing Mariko's name on the list, the fly home took a lot longer than he had wanted it to. It was just past two in the morning when he finally got to the building and getting up to the apartment felt like an eternity. It didn't really matter though, the only thing on his mind was that he wanted to see Mariko. He wanted to make sure she was there, and she was okay.

The lights were on in the living room, meaning that she was back already. Usually, he would just wait in at the kitchen or on the sofa; she would come out eventually to turn them off. He didn't wait this time though; he kicked off his shoes and hung his jacket on one of the hooks and briskly walked into her bedroom. Maybe if his thoughts hadn't been so muddled he would've considered knocking first in case she was changing, but she didn't. Fortunately for him, she wasn't. No, the brunette was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, already clad in her pajamas and drying her face after washing the night's makeup off.

"Bummer, I wanted to take that dress off you," he joked.

Mariko jumped, a yelp caught in her throat as she spun around on him. "Keigo? What the hell?"

The male shrugged, "I came to ask if I could spend the night." It was a long shot, he knew, but he really didn't want to be apart from her, not tonight at least.

She crossed her arms, leaning against the sink. "Well, Sakura passed out at the bar so she's in the guest room tonight. I'm not really sure where-"

"That's not what I meant," he interrupted quietly. His ears turned pink with slight embarrassment.

Mariko's eyes slowly met his as she realized what he meant.

"Please Mari?" he asked.

She knew something was wrong. He was acting strange. "Something happened?" she asked stepping towards him.

He stayed quiet, his eyes never leaving hers.

The brunette nodded slowly, "There should be clothes in the closet," she said, walking to her bed.

Keigo sighed in relief and went over to the closet pulling out a shirt and a pair of sweatpants he'd left there at some point.

Mariko stared at him, as if she looked at him long enough, she could figure out what was going on with him. She became distracted though as soon as he pulled his shirt over his head. Even though it definitely wasn't the right time, it was moments like these when she remembered how hot the blonde actually was.

"If you keep staring at me I might have to do something about it," he softly called out.

She rolled her eyes, but a faint smile played t her lips. "Maybe on a night when you're not so depressed," she joked.

Keigo kicked his hero suit over by the dresser and slid into bed. His arms immediately went around her waist and he pulled her to him, laying his head on her chest. Finally, she was in his arms. He knew she was safe.

It was painfully obvious to Mariko that the man was stressed. He was only ever this clingy when he was upset or extremely happy, and given his unusually quiet attitude earlier, it was the former. Her hand reached up to his head, raking it lightly through his hair.

Keigo hummed in pleasure, her actions both soothing him and making his heart beat a little bit faster. He subconsciously pulled her tighter against him.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly. Her hand dragging a little lower to the base of his neck, sending shivers up his spine. Mariko noticed his wings puff up slightly and a soft smile curved her lips.

"Tomorrow. We'll talk about it tomorrow," he sighed.

"Okay," she agreed.

It didn't take long at all for his eyelids to become heavy. Her hands gently tugged at his hair and he could hear her heartbeat clearly. The steady sound eventually lulled him to sleep.

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