Chapter 26

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The day for Mariko to leave for her three-week-long business trip came all too quickly.

"You could've given me a heads up," he said, irritated as he watched her pack her suitcase. She had told him she was leaving that week but had forgotten to mention which day exactly. He'd assumed it was Friday, but no- it was Tuesday evening.

The brunette raised an eyebrow, "What for?" she asked. It wasn't like he was going on a trip, nor had she asked him to drop er off at the airport.

"I need to prepare myself... I haven't bought food in forever," he complained.

"We literally when grocery shopping together last month and you got a cart full of stuff. There's no way you've finished half the stuff in there when you've been eating my food almost every day," she told him.

"You sorely underestimate the amount of food I actually eat in a day."

Rather than apologize and worry over whether he would survive the next few weeks without her, she just shrugged. "Guess you'll end up starving then," she said completely unbothered.

"You," he started, pointing at her, "are a terrible person."

"Ouch, that comment really makes me depressed," she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Keigo glared at her, annoyed that she wasn't absolutely devastated at the thought that she would be without him for almost a month. "She'll miss me when she's over there, then it'll be my turn to laugh and not care," he told himself.

Mariko quickly zipped up her suitcase the moment her phone buzzed with a text. "That's my taxi. I'll see you in a few weeks then yeah?" she asked. She slipped her shoes on. "Don't worry, I made enough to keep you fed for a while. You just have to microwave it."

He stared at her, confused.

"What? I know you're too lazy to cook."

He gave her a small apologetic smile. He felt a bit guilty he'd been sassing her for not taking care of him right before she was gonna leave on a trip too. "Thanks, kid," he said softly.

She walked over to him and ruffled his already messy hair. He responded by wrapping his arms around her waist in a hug. He would miss her.

After a moment, she tried to let go. Rather than give her space though, the blonde stood up throwing her over his shoulder.

The blonde stood up, throwing her over his shoulder, and grabbed her suitcase with his free hand.

"What the hell?! Put me down Keigo!" she exclaimed, not liking the way her feet didn't touch the ground.

"Nah. I'm gonna give you a proper send-off!" he told her, walking out the door.

She flailed wildly shouting obscenities at him as he "escorted" her to the lobby where the taxi driver was patiently waiting in front of the building. He ignored the stare that he got from both him and the receptionist as he set her down in front of the car.

He smiled seeing her face bright red from both embarrassment and from the blood rushing to her head.

"You ass!" she exclaimed breathlessly.

"I do have a pretty nice ass don't I? I gave ya plenty of time to admire too so you wouldn't forget it while you're gone," he teased. Before she could respond, he helped her into the car and put her suitcase into the trunk.

"See you in a few weeks," he said, giving her a gentle smile and pecking her on the cheek. "I'm gonna be staying at your place until you get back by the way!" he exclaimed shutting the door.

He waved at the car as it drove off, laughing when Mariko stuck her hand out the window just to flip him off.

Beautiful Disasters- Hawks x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora