Chapter 53

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Just as the informant had instructed, the three of them were standing on the side of a highway just outside the city limits at precisely four in the morning.

Araya yawned loudly. "I seriously hope this wasn't a prank," he said tiredly.

Hayato glared at him, (he was extremely crabby when he was tired). "If he doesn't show it'll be your fault for inviting yourself along." Hayato had been annoyed since the evening before when Sosa insisted on going with them to the village.

Mariko rolled her eyes, already knowing it was going to be a long day. She just wanted to go home.

Fifteen minutes later, a large white truck rolled up to them and stopped. She patted the blonde on the sounder reassuringly. "Looks like your friend came through after all," she said, opening the door. The three of them piled into the long bench. Mariko tried not to be too irritated at the fact that she was getting completely squashed between Araya and the door. "Lucky, how long is the drive?" she asked.

"About two hours since there are no cars at this time of night," he responded quietly.

Mariko nodded and turned to face the window. They were driving without headlights in the dead of winter; it was pitch-black outside.

They rode in silence for two hours. It wasn't like there was a lot of conversation that could be had between military agents and an ex-con anyway. When it came to these kinds of relationships, the less said the better.

The first light of day was just barely beginning to break out when they reached the city. North Korea had timed blackouts so there weren't any lights on, but she could make out the shapes of most of the houses in the distance.

The truck stopped at the city limits.

"We don't go into the city?" Araya asked.

Lucky shook his head. "Too dangerous because it's closed to the demilitarized zone. People will either take vans or carry it from here," he informed, turning the car off.

The four of them stepped out of the car. No sooner than her feet touched the ground, a sinking feeling settled in Mariko's gut- the same one from when they first arrived in the North.

"What's wrong?" Araya asked, immediately picking up on her change of mood.

"I've got a bad feeling," she muttered.

That was all that needed to be said to put the male on his guard. He knew better than anyone that the brunette's instincts were always right. "Hayato, guard up," he said quietly.

The blonde nodded and straightened slightly.

They leaned against a tree, watching as the delivery man started to unload the supplies.

Suddenly, Mariko heard a twig snap and in a flash she had drawn her gun. The delivery man froze, and the three men stared at her with wide eyes.

For a moment, no one said anything, and no one moved. Then, a gunshot and a thud.

She whipped around. The delivery man fell to the floor- he was dead.

"Get to the truck!" Araya yelled as a storm of bullets began to rain down on them.

She looked around frantically, shooting at whatever moved and quickly moving towards the front of the truck. She couldn't tell where any of the bullets were coming from. "Do they all have invisibility quirks or something?" she wondered, trying not to panic.

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