Chapter 98

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As he carried her into the apartment bridal style, Keigo jokingly hummed Here Comes the Bride as he strolled to their couch.

"Just so you know, that is not the song I will be walking down the aisle to," she informed.

The blonde grinned as he laid her down on the couch and climbed on top of her. That meant she'd already begun planning their wedding, even if only in her head. "Oh? What song would you be walking down to then?" he asked.

She shrugged. "No clue, but definitely not Here Comes the Bride or Cannon D. They're too traditional."

"And what's wrong with a little tradition?" he asked, lowering himself to lay down directly on her. With her chest acting as the most comfortable pillow in the world, he relaxed immediately. Gently, he guided her hands to his hair and sighed blissfully when she started combing her hands through it. The contact sent pleasant tingles down his spine, causing his wings to ruffle slightly.

"Nothing. But I just don't feel like it's us, you get me? I feel like we need something different."

Smiling, he turned his head slightly and placed a kiss on her chest, right above her heart. "I get you. Sounds like you've already got everything figured out huh?" he teased.

"It's surprising for me too. I didn't think I'd ever get married," she admitted. Mariko's lips twitched into a smile, wondering what her younger self would think if she was here now. "I'd probably think I was full of BS," she thought.

Keigo turned to her, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Why not?"

"I didn't really want to. In the Division, the train of thought is different. You don't know if you're gonna die tomorrow at work, so tying someone down with concepts like marriage was looked down upon. No one wants to leave someone they care about widowed," she explained.

He swallowed thickly. If this was what she thought about marriage, why were they talking about getting married? Was she just going along with it because she'd figured that was something he wanted? The idea stung; he didn't think about marriage that way at all. To him, it was a promise; a promise that they would only love one another and support each other forever, it was the ultimate display of love and devotion.

When he pulled away, Mariko could tell something was wrong. His usually bright eyes were dull and his wings twitched nervously like he was preparing himself for bad news.

"Do you still feel that way?" he asked, his voice just barely above a whisper.

Cupping his face in her hands, she forced him to look at her. "No Kei. That's not how I feel about it anymore. Know why?" she asked, leaning closer and closer to him with every word.

His eyes flicked down to her lips for a moment before he answered: "I don't."

"Because it's you," she told him, kissing him sweetly. "I want to be committed to you. I want to be by your side for the rest of our lives. You're my endgame Keigo Takami, and the day we exchange vows and rings, everyone's gonna know that I belong to you and only you." She kissed him again, "And nothing could make me happier than that."

He kissed her deeply, wanting only to express how much he loved her. The moment his lips touched hers she tensed, momentarily taken aback by the intensity. She reciprocated quickly though, and as their lips met over and over she found herself leaning against him, pushing further into the kiss until there was no space between them whatsoever. Her hands tangled themselves in his hair, tugging lightly and eliciting a wanton moan from Keigo's lips. His mind became clouded with lust and all he could think about was how badly he wanted to touch her.

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