Chapter 76

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When Mariko got back home about an hour later, Keigo wasn't there. "Maybe there was a villain attack?" she wondered. She pulled out her phone, checking for any community warnings and safety reports that could indicate the need for hero intervention. There wasn't anything.

She touched his contact to call him. The phone rang once, twice, three times. At the fourth ring, she hung up. His phone wasn't off, but for some reason, he was ignoring her calls. There wasn't a single doubt in her mind that he was pissed. After all, they'd just agreed on sending her straight into the lion's den and were using her life as a unit to measure time. Not only that but she hadn't protested the decision either, she simply accepted putting her life in danger. "Of course he'd be upset." She typed out a message, asking where he was and if he was alright. Unfortunately, there was no response.

The brunette sighed and sat down on the couch. Truth be told, his reaction at the meeting and frightened her a bit. Part of the reason she'd never gotten into a relationship with anyone other than Araya was that she was worried about how her past would affect it. She knew the things she'd lived through had fucked her up a bit, and she feared being abandoned because they couldn't handle the job. "Where would he go?" she asked herself.

Mariko didn't hear from him for another four hours. Then, at 8 a.m., a bar a few streets away called her telling her the hero had drunken himself to the point of passing out..

When she got there, the blonde was sitting up at the bar, trying to order more drinks much to the bartender's resistance.

"Hawks," she called out. They were the only ones in there. All the other late-night drinkers had long since retired and it was much too early for anyone to be day drinking yet.

Despite his inebriation, he recognized her voice and immediately stiffened. The bartender watched curiously as the hero cringed hearing his girlfriend's voice. He couldn't look at her right now. If he did he feared he would be staring at a corpse. His heart ached painfully as he thought of her doing something so dangerous and he was absolutely furious that she had agreed to it so easily. He also shrunk away because he didn't want her to see him like this. Long ago he'd promised that he wouldn't drink his problems away. Not only had he broken that promise, but she was being called in to drag his pathetic ass back home.

"Hawks, let's go home," she told him placing a hand on his shoulder.

The blonde stared down at the glass of whiskey in his hand and brought it to his lips again. He was ignoring her.

"Hawks," she repeated.

"No," he answered shortly.

The bartender looked up at her, a desperate expression on his face. He couldn't close for the day until he was gone.

"The bar is closed now. We can't be in here anymore," she explained.

"I am a hero. You can't tell me what to do," he slurred angrily.

"Yeah well, you're not acting very heroic right now. You want me to drag you out of here by force?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

He finally met her eyes. He was completely expressionless as he directed his attention to her. "I'd like to see you try."

The room seemed to freeze over as she glared icily at him. "Sir call a cab please," she told the bartender.

The man shivered and whipped out his phone.

She took her boyfriend's hand and he immediately started to pull away, but it was too late. His arms and legs suddenly felt like jelly and he couldn't hold himself up.  She'd used her quirk to induce paralysis on him.

She turned towards the employee, "This is illegal quirk usage. Do you have a problem with it?" she asked.

The man shook his head, he just wanted to go home. "The cab's outside ma'am."

Mariko nodded in thanks and settled the tab as well as giving him a generous tup before lifting her boyfriend who was basically dead weight and stuffed him inside the cab.

When they returned to the apartment, Mariko removed his shoes and shirt and practically shoved him into the shower. She turned on the cold water and undid his paralysis at the same time.

"What the fuck!" he explained, jumping as the icy water hit his skin.

"You need to sober up and you reek of alcohol. Take your clothes off," she instructed.

Keigo glared harshly at her. She was looking down at him and treating him like he was a petulant child throwing a tantrum. He removed his pants and boxes and threw them on the ground forcefully.

The brunette said nothing. She gathered them silently and shut the door behind her as she exited the room.

He spent some time staring at the door after she'd left. An uncomfortable lump settled at the base of his throat and part of him wanted her to come back. "What the hell am I doing?" he asked himself.

A feeling of numbness washed over Mariko as she walked out of her bedroom. She wanted to scream, sleep, and cry all at the same time. She grabbed a couple of towels and threw them into the dryer for a few minutes. Then she walked into the kitchen and made him hangover soup and set a pot of tea to brew. Part of her felt like she should've been pissed, but she was worried more than anything else. Clearly, he was struggling to handle everything that was going on. How much longer until he eventually decided he had enough? What would happen to them when he did?

Hearing the dryer beep, she grabbed the towels as well as a change of clothes. She knocked this time, waiting a few minutes before walking in. She didn't even look at him as she set the items on the counter. If she did there was a 60% chance she would just burst into tears.

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