Chapter 22

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"Hey Saito-san!" Someone called out.

Mariko turned around quickly, looking for whoever had called her name,

"Saito-san!" the voice shouted again, much closer this time.

She turned to the street, where a boy around thirteen years old was waving at her to grab her attention. She smiled and greeted him with a small wave, waiting patiently for him to cross the street.

"I knew you were her! Can I get a picture?" he asked.

Mariko smiled and crouched down slightly to take a picture with the teen.

"Do you think you could give this to Hawks when you get home?" he asked, handing her an envelope. "I'm a huge fan of his," he admitted, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

The brunette chuckled slightly, "I think you just made his day," she said, holding up the envelope.

"Really? He asked, eyes wide with wonder.

"Mhm. He loves hearing from his fans. I'm sure he'll really appreciate you taking the time to write this. What's your name? Ill tell him who sent it," she told him.

"Manabe!" he exclaimed.

"It was really nice meeting you Manabe-Kun. I'll see you around!" she exclaimed, giving him a quick wave, and continuing on her way back from the hospital. She brought out a stack of envelopes and added it to the pile, wrapping a rubber band around it before sticking it back in her purse.

Ever since that article came out, this had become a common occurrence for the brunette. Several people would stop her on the street for a picture, to ask about Hawks, or ask her to deliver fan mail. She was stopped a few more times, thankfully it was just people who felt like saying hi before finally arriving at her apartment.

The lights were off when she walked inside, indicating Keigo hadn't come back from work yet either. She took the stack of envelopes out of her bag and dropped them on the coffee table in the living room. Pulling out her phone, she saw that it was getting close to dinner time. Clicking on the blonde's contact, she figured she'd call and ask about his ETA, maybe she had enough time to shower and change before making dinner.

Meanwhile, the male groaned loudly as one of his sidekicks dropped off another stack of papers for him to go through. He hadn't even had the time to go on patrol today and had been stuck in the office the whole time. He practically lunged across the desk when his phone started ringing with Mariko's ringtone. He needed a break.

"What time are you getting home?" she asked immediately.

Keigo was about to call her out for not greeting him, but he let it go when he heard her refer to her apartment as his home. For some reason, the statement always made him feel warm inside.

Glancing at the stack of papers on his desk he sighed, "About an hour. Why?"

"I wanted to know if I should start dinner now or not," she explained.

Hawks leaned back in his chair, "Oooh what are we having?" he asked.

"Not sure yet. I'm gonna shower and change first, then I'll think about it.

"Wear the racy underwear I like," he told her.

"Fuck off," she spat.

"I might just do that," he quipped.

"Wha-ew. You're disgusting. You know what? Go buy yourself some cup ramen or some shit you're banned tonight," she spat venomously.

"Awww come on Mari, it was just a joke," he laughed.

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