Chapter 66

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It was early morning and even though it was supposed to be a good day, her plans had been tossed out the window the moment Hayato called her telling her he was standing in front of her door with a small, blond child in his arms. He and his wife had to go to the hospital and needed her to watch their four-year-old daughter Ayuri. Normally, Mariko would be more than willing to watch the child; she adored and loved spending time with the little firecracker. Today, however, was supposed to be her date with Keigo, and now whatever he'd planned had gone to waste thanks to the arrival of an unanticipated third wheel.

"You guys couldn't get a babysitter?" she asked. it was five in the morning and she was standing in her pj's having been woken up by him calling her cell a few minutes before appearing at her door. So what if it was an emergency? She was cranky.

"No! NO one's available on Sunday at 5 a.m.!" Hayato exclaimed irritated- he was worse than she was when he was tired.

"Apparently I was though," she deadpanned, her voice low with sleep.

"Please Mari, it's an emergency," he begged.

Mariko sighed, "Fine, but you owe me."

"Thank you," he breathed. He kneeled in front of the little girl who like Mariko, was still half-asleep and clad in her pajamas. "Princess, we're at Aunt Mari's house. You're gonna stay with her for the rest of the day and be good while Mommy and I check on Grandpa, alright?" he asked.

Though she wasn't really paying attention to her father's words, Ayuri nodded. Her eyes fluttered closed again with sleep despite the fact that she was still standing.

Mariko sighed and picked her up, propping her against her hip. "I've got her. You take care of your family business," she told him.

Hayato pecked her cheek and placed a kiss on Ayuri's forehead before dashing back to the elevator.

"I'm tired Mari," the blonde complained softly.

"Me too kiddo. Let's get some more shut-eye alright?" she asked.

She nodded sleepily, allowing her head to loll onto the brunette's shoulder.

Mariko placed her in the guest room her boyfriend had long since abandoned in favor of taking up half her bed. She tucked Ayuri in and placed a kiss on her forehead, before slipping out of the room.

"What was that about?" Keigo mumbled sleepily. He'd half woken up when he heard Mariko's phone ring, but paid it no mind when she assured him everything was fine. It was still early, and they didn't have to be up for another couple of hours.

"Nothing just go back to sleep," she said, climbing back into bed.

Ayuri woke Mariko up exactly one hour later at half-past six.  "Mariiii," she whispered.

The brunette's eyes slowly opened to meet a familiar pair of sky-blue irises. They were wide with curiosity and excitement for the new day.

"Hm?" she asked.

"Wake uuuupp," the child groaned, shaking her repeatedly.

"I'm up, I'm up," she said sitting up in bed.

"Is it seven-thirty already?" Keigo asked, voice scratchy with sleep.

"Not yet, you've still got an hour. Go back to sleep," she told him, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

The male hummed in response and wrapped the covers around him tighter.

"I'm hungry, the four-year-old announced.

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