Chapter 110

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     Sakura was going to have a breakdown. She had promised Mariko- sworn to her that she would take care of Hawks should anything happen to her. Now that something had she couldn't even get the blonde to open up the door. She hadn't seen him since the funeral six weeks before. At this point, the only thing assuring her that he was alive was the fact that the hallway didn't reek of death. She knew he wasn't okay though, not by a long shot, and it killed her not only that she couldn't help, but that she was breaking the last promise she'd ever made to her best friend by being unable to do anything.

       "Hawks?" She asked knocking on the door softly. "It's Sakura, can you open up the door please? No one's seen you in a while and we're all starting to get really worried. I... I know you're hurting right now but please just let me in. I promised Mari I'd-" the brunette choked on her words as she tried to blink back a sudden onslaught of tears. She crouched down on the floor waiting until she calmed herself down.

          "Sakura?" A confused voice asked.

         The woman's head snapped up, and her eyes widened with confusion when she saw Hayato standing above her.

         "What's wrong?" The male asked, his brows furrowed in concern.

          "He's not answering the door Hayato!" Sakura said, bursting into tears. "It's been weeks since I've been trying to get him to open up and no one's seen him! I just wanna make sure he's alive! I promised Mariko I'd take care of him and I'm failing her! I'm failing her Hayato. I don't..." she cut herself off with a sob and collapsed against his legs. "I don't think I can do this. I can't do anything to help. He doesn't need me. He needs her and I can't do anything about it."

       Hayato sighed and looked at the door, he had a feeling that was the case given the fact that the male hadn't been to the hospital to pick up Mariko's things. Gently, he grabbed Sakura's arms and helped her stand again. He rubbed her back as she cried. It was easy to forget because she had always been such an easy-going person, but Sakura was alone too. She was in the division like they were so she too was an orphan. She had no family, and although she came across as a social butterfly she was surprisingly careful about who she let into her personal life. She probably didn't have anyone she could lean on at this time either and she and Araya didn't know each other well enough to fill those roles in for each other either.

      "You've done everything you can. Like it or not Hawks is an adult, he can take care of himself."

      The woman shook her head. "That's the thing Hayato. I don't think he can. Mari wouldn't tell me something like that unless she knew he'd need it. And I know it's stupid but I just can't help thinking that she wouldn't want him... with her. Not like that anyway, not yet."

          Hayato nodded and stroked the back of her head comfortingly. "Alright... give it another week. If he doesn't come out by then, then we'll figure something out. But she was your best friend Sakura, you need time too. Don't be so focused on Hawks just because of something Mari said. I'm sure she would want you to take care of yourself too."

        She sniffed slightly and nodded before pulling away. "Yeah, you're right," she said quietly. "Thanks, Hayato, I think I'm gonna go home and take a nap or somethin'. You should head home too, he's not gonna answer."

       Hayato nodded in thanks and waited for her to disappear behind the elevator doors before pulling a letter out of his jacket pocket. A letter addressed to someone named Keigo.

        The blonde sighed as he stared at the name in his friend's handwriting. Just in case letters were supposed to be picked up with the person's personal effects after death by their next of kin, but neither Hawks nor Araya had done that. He didn't recognize the name written on the envelope, but he knew Mari, and the only person she would ever write a just-in-case letter for was the man behind the closed door. He was just taking a guess that the letter was meant for him. He knocked a couple of times, not expecting Hawks to answer but just to let him know he was there.

      "Hawks. It's Hayato. I went down and got her things from the Hospital. She uhm... she wrote a letter. I think it's for you. I'm slipping it under the door, so just read it whenever you get the chance..." he cleared his throat awkwardly before sliding the thin envelope under the door. "You should consider visiting her grave. I'm sure she'd appreciate it." He said before leaving.

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