I Love You, Dork. [Shuichi Sa...

By ddlc_enjoyer

70.3K 2K 6.2K

Y/N is the Ultimate Guitarist, who's been forced to participate in a killing game with 16 other students. You... More

﹀.﹀Some Things Before You Read This﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Trapped In A Classroom?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.2﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.3﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.4﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.5﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.6﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Way Out Without Killing?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀No Killing Game?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Mastermind?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Dining Hall Meeting﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Friendship﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Falling Apart?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Trip To The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Death In The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Pianist's Doom﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Surprised Gifts﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Old Memories﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Special Interview﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Bug Incident﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Tennis Player's Death﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Maid's Killing﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀More Junk﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Acquaintance﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crackheads﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crazy Ideas﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Nighttime Mission﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Valentine's Day Special﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Artist's Demise﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Seance Investigation﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Double Murder!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Selfish Wishes﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Unexpected Events﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Friendship Problems﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Backstory Confessions﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Virtual World?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀In The Virtual World﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Another Friend Lost﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Death Of A Special Friend﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Sickening Sight﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Depressing Mornings﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Little Suprises﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Convincing Choices﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Mastermind Reveal﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Motivating Robot﹀.﹀

﹀.﹀A Killing Game!?﹀.﹀

1.9K 56 41
By ddlc_enjoyer

Right after I turned my Monopad off, we heard a noise.

Ding, dong. Bing bong.

"Was that the bell!?" Kaede asks, alerted. "I think so..." I respond to Kaede. "Guys, look! The monitor!" Shuichi tells us. We all watched the monitor and the Monokubs were there.
"Hiiii! Thanks for bear-ing with us!" Monophanie speaks. "Kept you bastards waiting, huh!?" Monokid asks us.

"Everyone, make your way to the gym please." Monotaro orders us. "The opening ceremony can finally begin!" Monokid cheers. "Phew! We finally finished our preparations!" Monotaro sighs, relieved. "...You do realize you just read your lines backwards, don't you?" Monosuke asks Monotaro.

"So long! Bear well!" The Monokubs says and the monitor's screen fades to black. "...What should we do?" Shuichi asks us. 'What should we do? Go, of course." Kaede responds to him. "Everyone else is probably doing the same thing." Kaede continues. "But, should we really? I mean, what if they hurt us?" I ask. "We're gonna be fine, Y/N." Kaede gives me a reasurring smile. "...I'm a little worried about this..." Shuichi speaks, nervously.

We decide to walk to gym, bumping into multiple other people while on our way there. We were in front of the door and Kaede swung the door open and all the other Ultimates were there. "All 17 of us Ultimates have gathered..." Kirumi speaks.

"Hmm, it's pretty spectacular seeing all 17 of us Ultimates gathered together." Kaito smiles. "Kehehe... You may not be able to be so easygoing for much longer..." Korekiyo laughs."In this situation, it's no use thinking about things...So eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking." Tsumugi mentions.

"Nyeeeh... What's gonna happen to us? I bet it'll be a big pain..." Himiko says, pessimistically. "Hmmmmm..." Tenko hums while looking at Himiko
"What? What are you looking at?" Himiko asks Tenko.
"Um... Himiko, you can use amazing powers, right!? 'Cause you're psychic and stuff, right?" Tenko asks the red-head.

"I'm not a psychic...I'm a mage." Himiko responds, with a hand on her hips and the other on the air. "Whoooa! That's amazing! I definitely wanna incorporate that into Neo-Aikido!" Tenko compliments Himiko excitedly. "Hey, what sorta training did you undergo to gain your awesome powers!?" Tenko asks Himiko.

"Talking about it is too tiring..." Himiko responds lazily. "You're pretty lazy." Kaede speaks. "No shit." I sarcastically say while crossing my arms. "Pardon me, but...we need to be on our guard. We do not know if and when danger will strike." Keebo says protectively.

"D-Don't say that... I'm scared... I don't know what to do..." Kokichi sadly says.
"There is no need to worry. Atua will protect us." Angie smiles at everyone.
"Phew! That's a relief!" Kokichi happily squeals. "Is your brain full of weeds or somethin'? I'll whack 'em outta that skull of yours!" Miu barks at Angie. 

"Don't worry about it! Just leave it to me!" Kaito gives us a thumbs up. "If those teddy bears show themselves again, I'll kick all their asses!" Kaito confidently says."...Huh? What's that?" Gonta asks. "Hm? What's wrong?" Ryoma asks Gonta. "Listen... Hear that?" Gonta asks us all.

"Huh..?" I ask outloud. "Ah, I think I hear it. It sounds like an engine from a robot anime-" Tsumugi says before getting interrupted. In front us all, we see 5 robots, different color each.

"What the fuck!" I yell in surprise. "Yoo-hoo! Rise and shine, ursine!" The Monokubs say. "Kyaaaaaaaaaah!" Tsumugi screams in fear. "Everyone, behind Gonta!" Gonta says protectively.

'Wh-What the heck are these...monsters!?" Tenko asks in panic.
"Whoooooaaaa!!! So cooool!!!" Kokichi yells in awe."They're Exisals- highly mobile, bipedal weapons platforms! They got lotsa hometown pride, too!" Monokid states.

"...I can't keep track of these backstories." Monosuke says in annoyance. "Wh-Whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos and save me for last!" Miu screeches. "Run, Himiko!" Kokichi yells to Himiko. "Why are you concerned about me all of a sudden?" Himiko asks Kokichi with sweat on her face.

"Hm, didn't someone say they would "kick all their asses"?" Maki teases. "Hmmm, I wonder who." I say, looking directly at Kaito. "Wh-What the hell!? Nobody told me about these!" Kaito defends himself. "Alright, chill out, no need to panic... We're probably not in any danger." Rantaro says calmly.

"If they wanted to kill us, they'd have done it by now." Rantaro continues. With that, Rantaro casually walked up to the Exisals. "So...what do you want from us?" He asks the Monokubs.
"You clearly want something, that's what the guns are for, right?" Rantaro overloads them with questions.

"Let me guess. You're gonna force us to do something, and if we don't, we get hurt." Rantaro explains his guess. "Well, you have our attention. So, what do you want?" Rantaro smiles. "Huh. Well aren't you a wiseguy?" Monosuke speaks.

"I'll start us off! Listen up! Here's what we want you punkasses to do..." Monokid says. "Hahhhhh! My heart's goin' 100 miles per hour! I'm gonna say it! You ready!?" Monokid cheers. "Hell yeah! It's a-" Monokid says before getting interrupted.

"KILLING-GAME." Monodam interrupts the other Monokub. "What the hell is that supposed to mean!" I ask, alertedly.
"...What?" Kaede asks. "M-M-Monodam! How DARE you upstage me!" Monokid scolds Monodam. "W-Wait a second. What did you say?" Tenko asks worriedly."I-If I heard him correctly-" Keebo says before getting interrupted.

"KILLING-GAME." Monodam interrupts again."Oh! He said it again!" Monotaro notices. "Grrrrrrr! God damn it, Monodam! I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Monokid threatens Monodam.

"C'mon, we don't have time to fight amongst ourselves." Monophanie scolds Monokid. "Yeah! If you don't stop fighting, I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Monotaro threatens.
"You too, Monotaro?" Monophanie disappointedly asks Monotaro.

"If this what it's come to, then I will crush the four of you with this here Exisal!" Monophanie threatens. "Hey! Why are you including me!?" Monosuke whines. "Oh well! It's more appropiate for us to be hostile to each other!" Monosuke cheers.

"You wanna go, jabroni!?" Monotaro barks at Monokid. "Who you callin' jabroni, jabroni!?" Monokid growls back. "What'd you say, jabroni!?" Monosuke snarls. "I'll throw down any time, jabroni! Check yourself before you wreck yourself!" Monophanie grunts.

"S-Seriously!? Are they gonna get it on right in front of us!?" Miu asks outloud. "Don't worry. Atua is watching over us." Angie reassures Miu. "In a situation like this, is he just going to watch!?" Tsumugi asks worriedly. "Either way, it's too dangerous! We need to get out of here or else-" Keebo speaks, before getting interrupted.

"Now, now, now..." An unknown voice speaks. "What?" Kaede asks, probably wondering who's voice it belonged to. "My cute little cubs... You gotta knock off this awful fighting..." The voice speaks again. "Oh! That voice!" Monophanie squeals in excitement.
The Monokubs hop out of the Exisals and go to the stage on the gym.
"Father!? Father, is that you!?" Monotaro asks outloud. "Papa Kuma! Papa Kumaaaaa!" Monokid sang.

"Daddy!? Where are you, Daddy!?" Monophanie asks excitedly. "D-Daddy?" Kaede asks. "Oh, shit. Kaede, don't tell me you're the sixth Monokub.." I say, looking straight at her with my arms crossed. "No! I'm not a Monokub!" Kaede responds defensively.

At that moment, the light in the gymnasium suddenly shut off...And out of the podium came out another bear, with his left half being white and the other half being black. "I am the god of this world..." The new bear says. "...and the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy!" The bear continues.

"The one, the only...Monokuma! nice to meetcha!" Monokuma introduces himself."Yayyyyy! Father's here!" Monotaro cheers happily. "Hell yeah! Another epic entrance from Papa Kuma!" Monokid cheers. "Daddy is soooo cool." Monophanie squeals.

"My cute little cubs! You're all so freakin' cute!" Monokuma copliments his children. "The only reason I can tolerate your antics is 'cause you're all so cute." Monokuma continues praising the Monokubs. "Even when the prologue is going way too long, I'll allow it because you guys are cute." The bear resumes.

"In fact, the very first prologue ever was only short 'cause you cutie-patooties weren't there." Monokuma mentions. "Pops...are you mad at us?" Monosuke asks dissapointedly. "Don't be an idiot! I would never get mad ad my cute little cubs!" Monokuma scolds Monosuke. "Gahhhh! He is mad!" Monokid panicks.

"But...Daddy is still cool even when he's angry." Monophanie mentions."Pops is from a planet of hansome bears that get cooler as they get angrier." Monosuke states. "Super Monokuma, Super Monokuma 2, Super Monokuma 3 and finally Super Monokuma 4-" Monosuke counts before getting interrupted.

"How many times do I gotta say it!? I'm not MAD!!!" Monokuma screams. "Ahhhhh! Father just transformed into a Super Monokuma God Super Monokuma!" Monotaro screeches. "That's only possible when six Monokumas of pure heart are gathered together!" Monophanie exclaims.

"It's the power you bust out when you really wanna fuck the world's shit up!" Monokid mentions. "A power ya only see when the gods themselves do battle!" Monosuke shrieks. "Anyway, I'm really not mad. In fact, I gotta admit that I'm actually proud of you guys." Monokuma exclaims.

"You kids really stand out from the rest of the second-generation failures in the world." Monokuma compliments his children."Isn't that a little harsh? I'm sure there are some good second-generation success stories." Monophanie asks. "I can't think of any, though-" Monosuke gets interrupted.

'if you can't think of any, it's 'cause there's none worth remembering!" Monokuma scolds the Monokubs. "But Father remembers! 'Cause he knows everything!" Monotaro defends Monokuma. "Holy shit! That's right, Papa Kuma! You know all kinds of useless crap!" Monokid cheers.

"'Cause Daddy gets all his alternate facts from the most trusted names in fake news!" Monophanie speaks. "Heehee! I love embracing my children! They're so cute, I just can't help myself!" Monokuma happily says.

"Usually, ratings will plummet when mascots appear in sequels too much..." Monokuma continues speaking."But in this case, ratings are through the roof! All thanks to the cute Monokubs!" Monokuma compliments his children once again.

"Wh-What is this? What's going on?" Kaede asks worriedly. "Another teddy bear appeared..." Tsumugi responds. "Yes, but that is no ordinary teddy bear." Korekiyo states. "I can see it...the despair and madness swirling around that cursed thing..." Korekiyo explains.

"Whoa... First of all, I'm no teddy bear. I'm Monokuma." Monokuma corrects us. "And show some respect! I'm the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles!" Monokuma growls at us. "...Headmaster?" Maki asks Monokuma.

"It appears to be some sort of autonomous robot with a built-in A.I., like me..." Keebo mentions. "Dong dong dong!" Monotaro cheers.
"The Exisals are different, though! They're brainless buckets of bolts!" Monosuke corrects Keebo.

"They're mindless pretty killing machines that can only be controlled by us, the Monokubs." Monophanie mentions. "Autonomous robots piloting weapons platforms... This is certainly turning into quite the story." Ryoma chuckles.

"Well that may be, but what I'm worried about is this "killing game" you mentioned." Rantaro crosses his arms.
"What exactly does that mean?" Rantaro asks. "Puhu...puhuhuhuhu..." Monokuma laughs.

"What is so amusing?" Kirumi asks with a serious tone. "It's just...when I said it before, I kinda just phoned it in and now I feel awkward..." Monokuma puts his arm behind his head. "I want you students with your Ultimate-level talents to participate in a killing game." Monokuma smiles sadistically.

"K-Killing game? Us?" Kaede asks worriedly."Please stop joking! Why would we agree to participate in a killing game!?" Keebo demands. "What the fuck!? I'm not doing this shit!" I scream at Monokuma.

"Huh?? You guys don't wanna do it?" Monokuma asks, tilting his head to the side. "'C-Course no! Gentlemen not hurt people!" Gonta defensively speaks.
"But if you've looked around the academy, then you already know, don't you?" Monokuma smiles sadistically again.

"The academy is surrounded by a huge wall. You can't escape to the outside world..." Monokuma mentions.
"And as long as we have the Exisals, you can't defy us." Monokuma continues. "In other words...I hold the power of life and death over each and every one of you." Monokuma says in a dark tone.

"Fuck you and your dumbass Monokubs!" I scream to Monokuma.
"So do what you say if we don't want to die." Rantaro mutters to himself. "Y-You gotta be kidding me! Why would friends kill each other!?" Tenko asks, panicked.

"...Who said you guys were friends?" Monokuma tilts his head to the side again. "You guys aren't friends at all..." Monokuma speaks in a dark tone. "You're enemies out to kill each other," Monokuma continues speaking in his dark tone.

"E-Enemies...?" Shuichi asks outloud.
"Hmmm, I still have a lot to learn from Father about sarcasm." Monotaro speaks calmly. "All this talkin' is buggin' the shit outta me! I gotta beat up Monodam to relieve the stress!" Monokid screeches.

"But...I don't like that. I'm not good with violence or gore or sad situations." Monophanie nervously announces.
"Um, Daddy.. Instead of a killing game, could we do a rock paper scissors tournament?" Monophanie worriedly asks Monokuma. "Who'd wanna play a game where no one dies!?" Monosuke asks Monophanie.

"Well you do have a compassionate personality. It's so cute I can barely stand it." Monokuma compliments Monophanie. 'Why, it's cute enough to eat! Cute enough that I wanna eat it!" Monokuma turns back to his dark tone. "...Eh?" Monophanie asks worriedly.

"Hey, Monophanie. You might wanna dial back the cute schtick a bit." Monotaro suggests. "Cool it with the stupid banter. I want to ask something." Ryoma speaks up.
"How are we supposed to kill each other? Are you going to give us weapons?" Ryoma asks.

"What the hell, man!? What are you asking?" Kaito worriedly asks the short boy. "We need to get info from them first. We can't do anything if we don't know anything." Ryoma calmly answers. "Weapons? Huh? What kind of barbaric display are you envisioning?" Monokuma asks Ryoma.

"You couldn't be more wrong. Why, at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles...the killing game is quite the refined, sophisticated experience!" Monokuma speaks dramatically.
"Sophisticated experience?" Maki repeats Monokuma's words. "Yes...Here, the killing game is punctuated by class trials." Monokuma answers. "Class...trials...?" Kaede asks.

"Okay! Let us explain!" Monotaro exclaims. "Alright, so if one of you maggots kills someone, you all gotta take part in a class trial." Monotaro begins explaining. "The class trial is where the blackened killer faces off against their spotless classmates." Monosuke explains.

"It's where you punkass bitches argue over who you fuckin' think the blackened is!" Monokid cheers. "After that, it's Voting Time! And if the majority of you idiots vote correctly..." Monokid continues. "Th-Then only the blackened killer will recieve pu-pu-punishment..." Monophanie explains.

"Hrk...! So cruel... Just imagining all the blood and gore...makes me wanna puke..." Monophanie says in disgust.
"After the blackened is punished, the rest of youse'll just keep right on livin' together." Monosuke explains. "But! If you vote for the wrong person during the class trial..." Monotaro exclaims.

"The blackened gets off scot-free, and all the spotless students get punished instead!" Monotaro explains. "Hell yeah! Them's the rules of the class trial! Woo-hoo-hoo! Aooowww!" Monokid cheers. "Ahhh, too much! That explanation revealed way too much!" Monokuma speaks.

"You gotta be more coy! Flirtatious! Seductive! Just like your old man!" Monokuma scolds them. "Gross..." Himiko says dissapointedly.
"The point is, it's not enough to kill someone. You also have to survive the class trial." Monokuma explains. Shit...I really am in a Killing Game now...What the fuck did I do to deserve this?

Word Count: 2575

jesus fuckin- this took so long- also, tysm for 70+ views- i just started this fanfic and having that much views motivates me alot <3

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