Spiderman and the Snow Queen

By dexiggy

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18 year old Peter Parker is on his last year in High School and is on Spring Break. But unfortunately he is c... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Taking down Kingpin
Chapter 3: Assignment to an unknown kingdom
Chapter 4: Arendelle
Chapter 5: Coronation Day
Chapter 6: Peter Parker meets Elsa
Chapter 7: Spider-Man and Black Panther vs. Scorpion and Kraven the Hunter
Chapter 8: The adventure begins
Chapter 9: Spider-Man and Hulk vs Rhino and Mysterio
Chapter 10: The Snowman and the Inhuman
Chapter 11: Elsa's Ice Palace
Chapter 12: Escaping Marshmallow
Chapter 13: Valley of the Trolls
Chapter 14: The story of Gwen Stacy
Chapter 15: The return to Arendelle
Chapter 17: Epilogue
Post Credit Ending

Chapter 16: The Avengers vs The Sinister Six and The Hob Goblin

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By dexiggy

"What do we do with them Boss?" Scorpion asked Doc Ock as he and the Sinister Six stood in front of Elsa and the group. But before he could say something...

"You will not hurt them is what you will not do." a voice came out as they see Ms. Marvel jumps in and stood right in front of the Sinister Six and protected the group. As she stood there the Sinister Six laughed at her.

"Really? A child is going to fight us by herself." Kraven said as they laughed.

"No she will not fight alone." Another voice came in as Black Panther suddenly came in next to the young Avenger. But before anyone else could say anything, a roar came out of nowhere as a large person jumps in and when the snow dust cleared it was revealed to be the Hulk and he was lucky that the ice floor was able to hold him thanks to Elsa's powers.

"Time to smash." Hulk said as he pounds his fist with his palm hand. Suddenly they all hear rock music, they looked up in sky to see someone coming there way. This person landed did a super hero landing. This other hero wore gold and red armor with an ark reactor on his chest. This was none other then Iron Man himself. The armor he is wearing is the Mark 50, Nano Tech suit.

"Whats up everyone? You miss me?" Iron Man asked everyone while some of the Avengers rolled there eyes.

"Is that everyone Stark?" Black Panther asked Iron Man.

Don't worry, we got eyes in the sky." Iron Man said as two arrows suddenly hit Mysterio and Kraven, as it hit them they were both electrocuted and knocked them out unconscious. The villians look up at one of the ships as it was Hawkeye who hit both Kraven and Mysterio.

"Alright guys, that should even the odds." Hawkeye called out as both the Avengers and the Sinister Six were about to fight each other.

Elsa and everyone else they decided to hide from the fight between the Avengers and the Sinister Six. Elsa on the other hand looked in the direction that Peter was taken to as she prayed that he was ok.

(Meanwhile with Spider-Man)

Peter could not tell what just happened. First he was about to take the corrupted prince in for what he tried to do to Elsa and Anna. Then the next thing was it turns out that he never had a hand in hiring the Sinister Six. He was then killed by a mysterious shooter. Lastly he sees right in front of him is his best friend he has not seen in six months in a suit similar to his deceased enemy.

"What's the matter? Lost for words I was expecting more...I'm hurt." Harry said with venom and sarcasm in his voice snapped Peter out of his confusion.

"I don't understand why are you doing this?" Spider-Man asked him.

"(Scoff) You really don't understand do you....Peter?" Harry asked him as he narrowed his eyes at him with hatred. Peter on the other hand was shocked and horrified to realize not only Harry was behind most of this but he knows that he is Spider-Man.

"Wha...I...I don't understand. How long have you...." He was about to ask before Harry just chuckled sadistically.

"Alright you got me, well I guess I can start by telling you a funny story. It happened on the night my dad and Gwen died. So, you remember how I OD'ed on the Green right?" He asked Peter as they both remembered what happened that night.

"Well...yeah, you gave us all quite the scare." Peter said to him as he did not like where this was going

"Oh yeah, I was completely wrecked. So, on that night, I remember you coming over to my place and asking me where my dad was. Though I couldn't help but notice how pissed off you looked. It was almost like that time when Flash tried to cheat off of your Geometry test."

Unfortunately, Peter does remember that night. It was right after his battle with the Green Goblin on the Brooklyn Bridge...right after Gwen's death. He blamed Norman for what happened to her and was ready to hunt down the Goblin...and end him. Peter first went to the Osborn penthouse where he found a drug induced Harry.

He asked his friend if he knew where his father was, but since Harry was too doped up on the Green, he was useless. The young wall crawler eventually finds the Goblin at a warehouse he owns on 23rd and 9th street...What happens after that speaks for itself.

"After you left, I decided to go for a walk. I figured it could help me get over the effects of the Green. As I was walking, I eventually went passed an old warehouse on 23rd and 9th. I knew right away it was a warehouse my dad owns."

Peter's eyes widened in fear at what Harry just said.

"At first I didn't pay any attention to it...but then I noticed Spider Man swinging out of the building. That peaked my curiosity. So I went in and you'll never guess who I found in there. I found my dad, in his Green Goblin gear, pinned to the wall. His own glider speared through his chest.
Before the police arrived, I removed his costume and gear, so that way the public wouldn't find out who my dad really was and his name wouldn't be tarnished. I wanted people to remember him as a person not as some clown in a costume. Since I saw Spider Man leave the warehouse, it wasn't rocket science to figure out that he was somehow responsible. I mean, he tried to murder my dad before right? Of course he would come back to finish the job. Then I hear about what happened to Gwen and I knew, right off the bat, that he was responsible for that too. One thing you should know is after what happened to my father, I saw Spider-Man is no hero, he is a murderer and causes nothing but pain and misery. But after my father's and Gwen's funeral I swore that I would make Spider-Man pay for what he has done." Harry said with malice and hate in his voice as he continued.

"But after I swore vengeance against Spider-Man I came across my father's diary and discovered alot of interesting secrets and I mean very good ones that are useful but...the most interesting secret of all...is Spider Man's true identity."

Peter does not say anything as he winched a little due pain in his chest that was freezing him as Harry concludes the rest of his story.

"I mean, at first I thought he was insane. You...Spider-Man? The more I thought about it, the more it started to make sense. My own best friend is The Amazing Spider Man. Normally I would find that to be the coolest thing ever. But instead, all it does is confirm just how much of a scummy piece of shit you are." Harry explained to him with malice in his voice.

"I also know that night when you and Gwen were talking while you dated Liz. She was planning to break up with me while you were going to break up with Liz just so you two can be together. But after my Gwen's "supposed" death, you decided to go along and kill my fathet to make sure that if you can't have Gwen then no one can. You just wanted to take everything from me!" Harry finished with hate.

"So wait, hiring the Sinister Six, killing Hans and going after the Queen for her powers?!" Peter exclaimed at him.

"All part of my plan for revenge. But killing Hans wasn't part of my plan." Harry explained to Peter which confused him as well.

"Wait so if you didn't kill Hans, then who did?" Peter asked Harry.

"Actually I have no idea." Harry answered him as he was clueless as Peter was.

(Far on one of the buildings from the castle)

On top of the building there is a man in a red suit with guns, sword and a sniper rifle. He then turns to the empty air and it is non other then the merc with a mouth named Deadpool.

"Your welcome Disney fans!!!" Deadpool exclaimed as the Merc reveals that he was the one who killed The Prince and makes his escape.

(Back with Spider-Man and the Hob Goblin)

"Ok back to what we were saying." Harry said as his mask reverts to cover his face.

"Harry listen..." Spider-Man tries to tell him but his former friend cuts him off.

"HARRY HAS FAILED, BUT THE HOB GOBLIN WON'T!!!" Harry shouted under the mask before he pulls out a sword and tries to hit Spider-Man but he dodges and web shots him in the face, this gives him an opportunity escape. The Hob Goblin tears the web off his face and starts chasing him through Kingdom.

(Inside the castle)

Chameleon watched outside the window as the Avengers and the Sinister Six battled each other, this was a perfect time for him to escape.

"Time to take my leave!" He exclaimed as he grabbed his equipment, the money he was paid by Harry and Elsa's blood sample as he was about to escape.

"I wouldn't count on it pal." A voice from be behind him said as he turned around and all of a sudden a fist came right to his face. As he fell down unconscious, the one who knocked him out cold was none other than Happy. After that Okoye, Pepper and the guards came in and saw Happy standing infront of the unconscious Chameleon on the ground.

"Good work Happy." Pepper praised him.

"Thank you." Happy replied back.

"Let's take him to the cell until help arrives." Okoye said to the guard as they picked up his unconscious body and took him away.

(Meanwhile with the Avengers)

The fight between the heroes and villians was intense as Iron Man was dodging some wooden crates and chunks of ice that Doc Ock was trying to hit him with as he tries to blast him with his repulser blast which he dodged as well. The Hulk is locked in a hand to hand combat against Rhino. Black Panther us jumping on different ships that are in the frozen lake chasing Vulture in the sky. Lastly the young Avenger Ms. Marvel has her hand full with Scorpion as she is dodging most of his neurotoxin he tries shooting at her as he also tries to get her with his stinger as well.

Meanwhile Elsa, Anna and everyone else was watching the fight from afar. Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven were amazed with the fight between the Avengers and the remaining Sinister Six.

"This fight is getting intense." Anna said sternly as she didn't take her eyes off the fight.

"I know." Kristoff said as he agreed with Anna.

Elsa on the other hand was having a hard time to process what happened first she sees that the guy she likes turns out to be Spider-Man.

Then Prince Hans who tried to kill her gets killed by one of the members of the Sinister Six. After that another villain appeared out of nowhere and took Peter away from here. These group of heroes called the Avengers come in and are right now fighting the Sinister Six.

Now that she thought about it, she could actually do what Spider-Man and the other heroes could do, help them with the Sinister Six.

Before she could do something, Elsa and everyone else looks up and see Spider-Man swinging back to area while being chased by the same guy who took him with his guard down.

"Peter." Elsa whispered to herself as she was worried about him due to the condition he is in.

(Meanwhile with Spider-Man and the Hob Goblin)

As Spider-Man was swinging back to the where the frozen boats are, he looks behind him as the Goblin was giving chase on him. He then web swings on the pole on one of the ships. He makes a hard swing turn in the direction of the Goblin and Shots globs of Web at the Hob Goblin.

The Goblin deflects some the webs away from him, He misses the last one as it hits him on the face. This gives Spider-Man the an opportunity when launch himself at the Goblin kick him off his glider. They both land hard on one of the ships.

As the Goblin tried to get up, Spider-Man the grabs him and pins him to the wall as he tries to talk some sense into him.

"Harry please listen, you can still walk away from all of this, there is always a way out!" Spiderman exclaimed to him, Harry on the other hand looked at him with a hard glare underneath his mask.

"HOW ABOUT FOR GWEN AND MY FATHER?!?!" Harry shouted as he grabs Spider-Man on the neck to get him off of him.

"WAS THEIR A WAY OUT FOR THEM?!?!" Harry shouted as he started punching him in the face as Spider-Man then grabs him fist and starts to throw some swings at him and Harry round kicks Peter off the boat.

As Peter gets back up he sees that he is near the spot Elsa and everyone else is hidding as he gets Harry's full attention on him and not them.

"IS THIS REALLY WHAT GWEN WOULD WANT?!" Peter shouted to Harry much to Elsa's confusion as she didn't understand what he was talking about while Anna, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf knew what he was talking about.

"DON'T YOU SAY HER NAME!!! YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO SAY HER NAME!!!" Harry snapped back he got back on his glider and gave chase to Peter.

"SHE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Harry shouted at him as he continued to chase him.

"What is he talking about?" Elsa asked as she didn't understand what the Goblin was talking about and what Gwen had to do with this. Anna on the other hand was putting the pieces together to believe that the man chasing after Spider-Man turned out to be his old friend Harry Osborn. but now wasn't the time as they needed to stay safe from the fight.

"Elsa, your going to have to talk to Peter about that topic if we survive." Anna told her sister as they got up and ran to a different area to hide. But as she thought about it, she started to realize that she couldn't sit around and do nothing. With determination she got up and ran to help the Avengers, much to Anna, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf's shock.

"ELSA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Anna shouted in shock and horror.

"WHAT EVER I CAN TO HELP!!!" She exclaimed as she continued to run and help.

(Meanwhile with the fight between Iron-Man and Doc Ock)

Iron-Man blocked one of the mechanical tentacles as he sent a round at the Doc Ock. As he got up, he sees Iron-Man about to fire a repulser, he then uses one of the arms to deflect it. Doc Ock then grabs Iron-Man and throws the armored Avenger at the flag pole of the ship.

Doc Ock then gets up to try and grab Iron-Man with of the mechanical arms. Iron-Man was quick to react fast as he few up in the air to dodge it.

Iron Man then fires his unibeam at Doc Ock to the main deck of the ship. As the scientist slowly got up at he saw Iron Man flying towards him.

Iron Man at Doc Ock to landed a few hits at him. But one of the metal arms grabbed the armored Avenger and slammed him to the side of the ship. He has him pinned down and Doc Ock looks at him with malice and hate.

"You should have stayed out of our Stark!" Doc Ock said to Iron Man with some venom in his voice.

" You hurt the kid, that makes it our business Otto." Iron Man replied back and Doc Ock then rips the chest part of his armor.

"Well well, what do you know. You out did yourself again Stark, Nanotechnology. " Doc Ock said as the Nanotech starts to spread on the metal tentacles. Doc Ock then looks at Stark and one of the tentacles then pulls out a sharp blade.

"But now it is time for you to die." Doc Ock said as he was about to impale him, but right when he was about to kill him something prevented him from killing Iron Man as they both look and saw that the tentacle was frozen.

"WHAT?!" Doc Ock exclaimed as they both look to see it was Elsa with a determined look on her face that stopped him from killing Iron Man.


"What's happening?!" Doc Ock said in annoyance and confusion as the mechanical arms started acting up and looked at him.

"New device detected." The AI system named JARVIS said in Iron Man's suit. Since Elsa stopped Doc Ock from killing Iron Man, this gave the armored Avenger enough time to hack into Doc Ock's tentacles and now the arms are under Stark's control.

"Yeah, you should have realized that by taking my nanotech, it can also help me hack into other technology. Including you tech Doc." Iron Man said to Doc Ock much to his shock and horror.

The tentacles then started to release Iron Man and when ever Iron Man moves his arms in different directions the tentacles move as well.

" NO, STOP IT YOU OBEY ME!!" Doc Ock exclaimed as the arms didn't listen to him. But before something could happen he sees Iron Man coming to him and knocks him out cold. After that, Iron Man then put the mechanical arms on shut down and and takes the nanotech back. After that he goes to Elsa to thank her.

"Thanks your highness. You know out of curiosity, what got you into helping me out back there?" The armored Avenger asked the queen.

"Because it's what I should be doing to help people, I am done running from my fear and embrace it to help others in need. Including Spider-man's friends." Elsa explained to Iron man.

"Hmm....good job your highness, go help the others, I'll restrain Doc here and the other. And by the way, I think the kid made the right choice in being with you." Iron man told the Queen as he takes Doc Ock to the unconscious villains.

Elsa then runs to help the other Avengers with a slight blush on her face after what he just said to her about her and Peter. From the spot that Anna is hidding from the fight with Kristoff, Olaf and Svens witnessed Elsa helping Iron Man had a smile on her face as she is proud for Elsa on facing her fear.

(Meanwhile with Spider-Man and the Hob Goblin)

Spider-Man is seen web swinging himself at The Hob Goblin as they both fight each other on the glider the goblin flies around on. Spider-Man starts throwing some hits at the Goblin while trying to get through to him.

"HARRY PLEASE YOU GOT TO SNAP OUT OF IT!!! THIS ISN'T YOU, THIS IS THE GREEN DOING THIS TO YOU!!!" Spider-Man shouts to him, as he was about to throw another hit but the Hob Goblin catches it before it can make contact with his face.

"NO, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DID THIS TO ME!!! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME, AND YOUR GOING TO DIE FOR THAT!!!" The Hob Goblin shouts back as he throws him off the glider and Spider-Man then web shoots a building nearby and lands on the roof of one of the buildings in the village.

(Meanwhile with Hulk and Rhino)

Both of these goliaths are still locked in a hand to hand combat. Hulk then headbutted Rhino which got him dazzled as Hulk then picks him up and throws him across the lake.

Rhino gets back and sees Hulk walking toward him. Rhino then makes his way toward him and they both start throwing hits at each other.

Hulk throws a left hook at Rhino as his opponent throws a right hook. This started to go on when Rhino was about to throw another hit at the green behemoth. But Hulk all of a sudden catches the left hook and throws a hard hit to the chest and drop kicks Rhino to a ship.

As Hulk makes his way to the wreckage of the frozen ship, Rhino then burst his way out and and went at him in a charging rage.

Caught off guard for a moment, Hulk is sent flying onto a far side of the frozen lake, as he gets up he sees Rhino coming at him at full speed, just then some ice was blasted at Rhino in the eyes which blinds him.

Since Rhino is blinded by the snow that hit him in the face, he couldn't see where he was going. Hulk then gets up, grabs Rhino in a locked grip and jumps high in the air. He then throws Rhino into the streets near the city and then power slammed him very hard which left large impact in the process.

"RROOOOAAAAARRRR, HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS!!!!" Hulk roared in victory, with that done he then looks to Elsa as she is the one who helped him. He nodded his head as a way of saying good job and thank you.

Elsa smiled as she nodded her head as well, after that she then runs off to help the others and Hulk picks up the unconscious villain and takes him the other defeated villains.

(Back to Spider-Man and the Hob Goblin)

Spider-Man jumps right at The Hob Goblin again and throws some hits at him.

"HARRY PLEASE LISTEN, YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON!!! DON'T TRY TO BE LIKE NORMAN!!! YOUR BETTER THEN THIS!!!!" Spider-Man shouts as he still tries to get through to his former friend. He then winced as frost is starting to cover him. He then dodges the Hob Goblin as he tries to hit him with the goblin blade.

The Hob Goblin the pulls two Pumpkin bomb out and throws them at Spider-Man. Seeing this he then web shoots them and throws them up high in the air as they explode.

"I almost forgot how much I hate those thing." Spider-Man said to himself.

Spider-Man then web shoots the Goblin in the face to distract him long enough to get some distance from the Goblin. The Hob Goblin pulls the web off his face and shouts back at him to answer him.

"YOU MEAN HARRY THE WEAK, THE PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A SON TO NORMAN, HE IS GONE!!!" The Hob Goblin shouted as he noticed Spider-Man web swinging away and flies after him.

(Meanwhile with the Black Panther and Vulture)

"FORGET THIS I AM OUT OF HERE!!!" Vulture shouts as he tries to escape from the battle.

But Black Panther isn't having any of that as he jumps very high and lands on the back of Vultures suit.

"I DON'T THINK SO TOOMES!!!" Black Panther shouts as he was about to sabotage the flight tech. Vulture thinks quick as he starts to spin himself in order to get King of Wakanda off of him.

Black Panther loses his grip on the Vulture which results him to fall. But he quickly spots one of the ship he is falling near and grabs onto the pulls.

Seeing that Black Panther is off of him, Vulture tries to flee but before he could he feels something grabbed onto his ankle.

"Huh?" Vulture wonders as he looks to see what it is.

He sees that it is a chain made of ice wrapped around his ankle. He looks to see that it is Elsa who is preventing him from escaping and keeps her feet secured from being pulled by him as she is trying to pull him out of the sky with all her might.

"YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE!!!" The Queen shouted as she shot three more ice chain at him.

"NO!!!! LET ME GO YOU ICE WITCH!!!!" Vulture shouted in anger as he tried so desperately to escape.

With Vulture distracted, Black Panther took this opportunity to climb up to the top of the ship and springs high in the air at Vulture.

When Black Panther got to him, he uses his vibranium claws to tear apart the mechanical wings. After that he then pressure pointed him which was enough to knock him. After that they both started to started to fall out of the sky. Before they could tumble to their, Elsa creats a pile of snow to soften their landing.

When the King of Wakanda gets out of the pile of snow, he is approached by Elsa.

"Thank you your highness for your assistance." The King thanked the Queen for helping catch Vulture.

"Your Welcome Black Panther." Elsa replied to the Panther themed hero as she runs off to help the youngest Avenger with Scorpion.

When she runs off Black Panther restrains Vulture and takes him to the rest of the Avengers and the other captured members of the Sinister Six.

(Back with Spider-Man and Hob Goblin)

The battle between the two former friends continues as they are battling close to the harbor, Spider-Man was still doing his best to hold off The Hob Goblin despite him getting weaker to getting frozen.

"Harry you have to understand, I only didn't tell you and Gwen that I am Spider-Man because I trying to keep you both safe. There were alot of mistakes I have made, but that wasn't one of them. You can still stop this now!!!" The Arachnid Hero said as he tried again to get through his former friends head.

"Why would I do something like that, when I am always right?!?!" Harry exclaimed as he flew at him.

Spider-Man attempted to dodge him, but the Hob Goblin caught his leg and threw him at the streets, as Spider-Man was tumbling towards the streets, he quickly turned and webbed shots the Goblins in the face temporarily blinding him.

As Spider-Man landed on the streets he quickly gets back up, quickly refills his web shooters and quickly web swings away from the Goblin to make a quick recover before fighting him.

When the Hob Goblin gets the web off his face, he sees that Spider-Man isn't there. Seeing this infuriates him.

"YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME!!! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!!!" The Hob Goblin shouts as he flies around his glider to find him.

(Meanwhile with Ms. Marvel and Scorpion)

"YIKES!!!" Ms. Marvel exclaimed as she dodged another tail attack from Scorpion.

"It would be fun to take out an Avenger such as you kid." Scorpion said sneered as he was about to shot some of his neurotoxin at Ms. Marvel. But before he could shot it, his tail suddenly got encased with ice. Much to his shock he turned to see it was Elsa with a determination and bravery look, before anything else could happen.


Scorpion just got smashed by two large hands. Elsa turns to see that it was Ms. Marvel who enlarged her hands to smash Scorpion as he was to shocked and distracted by the Queen.

When she lifted her large hands, Scorpion is unconscious the suit is completely destroyed. Ms. Marvel looks at the Queen with gratitude.

"Thank for the save your highness. I was having a hard time with this guy." Ms. Marvel said to the queen with gratitude.

"You are welcome, I am doing what I know is best. Plus I couldn't sit arohnd and do nothing." Elsa said to the young Avenger.

"You know, you would make a fine Avenger one day." Ms Marvel said to the Queen.

"Hm. I'll keep that in mind. Well Let's head back to the rest of your team that have the remains of the Sinister Six." Elsa said to Ms. Marvel.

The young Avenger nodded in agreement as she enlarges her hands again to pick up the knocked out villain. But to add precautions, Elsa uses her powers to make some ice chains around Scorpion. After that both the Queen and Ms. Marvel makes there way to the rest of the Avengers.

(Meanwhile with Spider-Man and the Hob Goblin)

Things were getting worse for Spider-Man as he is hiding from his former friend to catch his breath, the ice is still slowly freezing him.

He needed to stop The Hob Goblin and quick or at least try one last time to get through to him.

Right when he was trying to think of something he heard the Hob Goblin coming closer.

"You are going to beg for mercy, when I have you under my boot." The Goblin said out loud as he turns his head to see where Spider-Man was previously hiding only to see that he wasn't there.

As he was looking around the area, he didn't notice that Spider-Man was on top of the roof on the building. Taking this chance, He jumped right at the Goblin and had him in a headlock. With the Goblin struggling, Spider-Man did one last time to try and get through to him.

"PLEASE HARRY, THINK OF THE MAN YOU WERE!!!!" The arachnid hero exclaimed. But the Hob Goblin broke free and grabbed him by the throat as he looks him in the eyes.

"Harry Osborn is no more, there is no point in trying to save me Peter." His former friend said to the Arachnid hero.

".....Then I guess you will have to save yourself!!!!" Spider-Man exclaimed as he web shots him in the face to stall him as he then sabotages the glider. When he did that it starts to fly out of controll.

"NO NO!!!!" The Hob Goblin yells as they both start fly out of control back to the harbor.

(Meanwhile with the Group and the Avengers)

"Is this all of them?" Iron Man asked Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, and the rest of the group and Avengers as they have the whole Sinister Six captured and restrained.

"Yes, that should be all of them." Ms. Marvel said to the Armored Avenger.

"This is all of them. I got a call from Okoye, both her and Happy got Chameleon as well. S.H.E.I.L.D should be hear soon. All that is left to capture is......." Black Panther didn't get to finish as they all hear something flying near the harbor. They all look up to see both Spider-Man and the Hob Goblin both flying towards one of the ships.

They all witness in horror Spider-Man falling out of the Goblin's grip and tumbles in the air and lands hard on the frozen lake and the Goblin crashes into one of the ships.

Spider-Man slowly getting up and takes off his mask. His hair is completely white as he is shivering badly and sees that the frost on him had almost covered him.

"Peter." Elsa whispers in worry. She felt someone grab her shoulder and turns to see it was Anna with a determined look on her face.

" Go Elsa, save him." Anna said to her sister. Wasting no time, she bolted towards him as he slowly makes his way towards her.

But as they were almost ten feet from each other. The Hob Goblin suddenly burst out of the rubble of the ship with his sword in hand. He shots a grapple hook at Elsa as she get wrapped up by it and falls to the ice ground. The Goblin thenjumps high in the air and is about to strike Elsa down in blind rage. Elsa looks in horror as he was about to strike her down and closes her eyes in fear.

"NO ELSA!!!!!" Anna shouts in horror as she and everyone else are attempts to save her. As time completely atarts to get slow for Peter his eyes widen in horror as he starts to to slowly see a flash image of Gwen in Elsa's place before seeing Elsa again.

"NO....NOOOOOOOO!!!" Spider-Man shouts in horror as he bolts forward with the remaining strength he has to save the woman he loves.

He makes his way to Elsa on time as he gets infront of her to save her.

He balls his fist up and time starts to move slowly as the ice starts to cover him completely, with the last of the will power he has left he delivers as ice fist right at the sword which brakes and goes right at the Hob Goblin.

Doing that results into breaking the mask into pieces and knocking the Goblin out. Time returned to normal and Elsa regained her baring but saw she was to late.

"OH GOD, PETER!!!" Elsa exclaims as she freezes the rope wrapped around her and She gets up to look at the frozen statue of the arachnid hero.

"Oh no, Peter no no please no." Elsa begged. Seeing that she she starts to break down into tears and sobs her eyes out as she hugs Spider-Man's body.

everyone looked in horror to what they all witnessed. Spider-Man has sacrificed himself to save Elsa and in the process turned in a become a ice statue.

"Peter?" Olaf said in sadness. Kristoff and Sven looked in sorrow as they believed that they lost a friend. Anna embraced her sister which she returned.
"I'm sorry Elsa. I'm so sorry." Anna said to her sister as she held her close.

The Avengers had a look of sadness and defeat as they lost an Avenger who sacrificed his life to save the Queen. Iron-Man retracted his mask off on the as he had a look of defeat and he felt as if he couldn't save someone he not only considered a student, but as a son as well.

The Dukes, Guards of Arendelle, Pepper Potts, Happy and Okoye saw this as well. They to felt sad as they lost a hero who saved the kingdom.

However, as Elsa was mourning for Peter the center of the statue started to slowly thaw and spread all around Spider-Man.

Olaf then starts to notice it and gasp in joy. Hearing this Sven looks to see this as well and nudges Kristoff to see this much to his shock. The Avengers see this also much to there surprise and happiness.

Completely thawed out Spider-Man takes a deep breath as he is trying to regain himself and his strength returned.

"Huh?" Elsa said in confusion as she and Anna look to see that Spider-Man back and well again.

"(Gasp) Peter." Elsa said in shock. She then gets up and hugs him in happiness as she is relieved to see that he is ok and he hugs her back.

"You would sacrifice yourself for me? Elsa asked Peter.

"Of course, because I love you Elsa." Peter said to her as he reveals his feeling to her.

"(Gasp) That's right, an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart." Olaf stated as he started to realize what happened.

Right when Olaf said that, it just hit Elsa as she started to realize.

"Love will thaw. Love. Of course." Elsa said in realization.

"Elsa?" Anna asked.

Elsa looked at her hands as began to raise them she replied, "Love."

Anna, Peter smiled as the Avengers were looking awestruck to what they are seeing. The ice on the fjord and all over Arendelle starts to melt, beneath their feet the bow of a ship thaws and rises as they stand on it, the snow and ice across the kingdom melts bringing back the warm summer.

Anna smiled, "I knew you could do it."

"Well.....shot. I didn't see that coming. But this doesn't beat Dr Strange's magic." Iron-Man commented on Elsa's magic.

"You did well Queen Elsa." Black Panther said to the Queen with praise as he takes off his mask to reveal himself to the Queen and Princess.

"King T'challa?!" Elsa and Anna exclaimed in shock as Kristoff is confused to this situation as they see that Black Panther is non other then the King of Wakanda.

"I understand you have alot of questions to ask, but that story will be for another time." The King of Wakanda said to both the sisters and Kristoff.

"Well I would say hands down, this is the best day of my life. And, quite possibly, the last." Olaf smiled as he began to melt from the heat.

"Oh, Olaf! Hang on, little guy." Elsa told him as she made a little snow cloud over the living snowman, causing him to stop melting.

"Oh, oh, oh! My own personal flurry!" Olaf cheered.

"Oh, good. I was worried about him. So, how long will that last?" Peter wondered.

"As long as I want it to." Elsa said as she smiled at Peter since she is glad that he's ok.

But that moment was broken as they heard some groaning and they saw that it was Harry getting back up on his feet. Still hurt as he is leaning on the side of the ship and looks at Peter with madness in his eyes.

"Th...this isn't over Peter. I....I will get back at you.....if....if it is the la....last thing I do....and....." Harry said to him still worn out.

But before he could finish, Elsa gently moved Peter aside as she marched right up to him and...


Everyone including Anna was shocked as they witnessed Elsa punched Harry right in the face, knocking him out cold with a black eye in the process.

"Wow, nice hook Elsa." Peter said with appreciation to her.

"Thank you, but ow." Elsa said as she also hurt her hand a little as she lightly shakes it a bit.

"Hear, let me see you hand for a minute." Peter said to Elsa as he takes her hand massaged her it. But as he did they both look each other in the eyes for a moment as they slowly moved closer and before they know it they kissed each other on the lips.

When they did that it felt like it was five minutes as they both enjoyed this moment. They both separate for a moment to catch their breath. Anna squealed in delight as she is happy for her sister finding someone. The Avengers were glad for Peter as well since he now found someone perfect for him.

Just then they heard something coming and it was coming from the sky. As they know it, everyone in the Kingdom (except for Spider-Man and the Avengers) were shocked to see a flying craft floating in the sky.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?!" Anna exclaimed in shock.

"Its S.H.I.E.L.D." Peter said as he was relieved to know it was about time that they arrived. He then felt someone grab his hand and turned to see it was Elsa. They both interlock their hands as it was finally over.

(In the Valley of the Trolls)

Grand Papi felt it as he knows what happened.

"And now, the Prophecy is fulfilled. Well done Spider-Man, well done." The elder troll said in gratitude.

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