I Love You, Dork. [Shuichi Sa...

By ddlc_enjoyer

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Y/N is the Ultimate Guitarist, who's been forced to participate in a killing game with 16 other students. You... More

﹀.﹀Some Things Before You Read This﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Trapped In A Classroom?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.2﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.3﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.5﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.6﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Killing Game!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Way Out Without Killing?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀No Killing Game?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Mastermind?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Dining Hall Meeting﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Friendship﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Falling Apart?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Trip To The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Death In The Library﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Pianist's Doom﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Surprised Gifts﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Old Memories﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Special Interview﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Bug Incident﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Tennis Player's Death﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Maid's Killing﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀More Junk﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀New Acquaintance﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crackheads﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Angie's Crazy Ideas﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Nighttime Mission﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Valentine's Day Special﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Artist's Demise﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Seance Investigation﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Double Murder!?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Selfish Wishes﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Unexpected Events﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Friendship Problems﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Backstory Confessions﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀A Virtual World?﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀In The Virtual World﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Another Friend Lost﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀The Death Of A Special Friend﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Sickening Sight﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Depressing Mornings﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Little Suprises﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Convincing Choices﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Mastermind Reveal﹀.﹀
﹀.﹀Motivating Robot﹀.﹀

﹀.﹀Exploring The School PT.4﹀.﹀

2K 52 283
By ddlc_enjoyer

After we talked to Rantaro, Shuichi, Kaede and I went to the dining hall to check if there were people there. And to our surprise, there was 2 people in there. A short girl with short dark red hair with a witch hat and another girl with long dark green hair with a light green how behind her head. 

Before talking to the 2 girls, we saw the Dining Hall rules

Dining Hall Rules: 

You may eat any food you find in the dining hall 

Please take responsibility for all utensils and dishes used and clean up after yourself. 

The dining hall will be locked during nighttime.

After we read the rules, we walked up to the short redhead. "Nyeeeh...So are we stuck here?" The redheaded girl asks. "Yeah...that's what it looks like..." Kaede responds. "But don't be scared, I'm sure we'll be out of this place in a jiffy!" Kaede continues cheerfully. "I'm...not scared. It's just a pain." The short girl says. 

"Something like this won't make me panic. Cuz...I'm a mage." The short girl continues. "A mage?" Kaede asks. "Thing 1, do you seriously not know what a mage is? Thing 2, if you don't mind, please explain it to Thing 1." I say in a teasing tone while crossing my arms. "Hm...that's right. I haven't told you guys yet." The short girl says. 

"Prepare to be amazed. Fall to your knees. I am Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Mage." Himiko introduces herself. Shuichi, Kaede and I stay quiet until Himiko speaks again, "But...I'm officially called the Ultimate Magician." "Ohh, so you're a magician. You should've said that from the start." Kaede says cheerfully. "I mean, it makes sense though. Since magic doesn't exist." Kaede continues.

After Kaede said that, Himiko looks down at the floor with a disappointed face, "Nyeeeh...magic does exist." Himiko claims. "Huh?" Kaede asks. "Because...I am a mage." Himiko continues. "You're just a magician, right?" Kade asks. "Just leave her be.." I mumble loud enough for Kaede to hear. "Only on paper..." Himiko responds to Kaede. "I'm known as a magician, but that's just a ruse. I'm actually a mage." Himiko continues.

"J-Just a ruse..?" Kaede asks. "You three might not know them, but...There's a group called the Magic Castle." Himiko mentions. "Also known as the Hall of Magicians, it's where the world's magic lovers gather." Himiko continues. "I was the youngest person to ever win their Magician of the Year award." Himiko says. "That's pretty cool." Kaede compliments Himiko.

"It's all a ruse." Himiko says with an annoyed tone. "They're keeping my magic a secret by disguising it by tricks." Himiko speaks. "Because of this ruse, I became famous all over the world for performing tricks." She continues. "But...I'm not a magician...I'm a mage...Nobody believes me.." Himiko says sadly. 

"There, there, don't be sad.." Kaede comforts Himiko while I cross my arms, looking unamused. "W-Well, you could show us your magic. Then we would believe you." Shuichi says. "Oh, that's right! Help us out with your magic!" Kaede says enthusiastically. The second after Kaede said that, I face-palmed. We're wasting our time right now. 

"Take us back to when we originally-" Kaede suggests before getting interrupted. "Magic isn't all-powerful..I can only do so much." Himiko interrupts. "I-I see...Then...what can you do?" Kaede asks. "I can choose the card you picked, pull out coins, and release doves." Himiko explains. "Nyeeeh...If i get serious, I can even saw someone in half." Himiko continues. 

We then stay silent and leave the conversation, I decided to the see information of her on the report card.

Himiko Yumeno

Height: 4'11"              Weight: 88 lbs.

Chest: 27"                    Blood Type: O

D.O.B: December 3 

Likes: Small spaces

Dislikes: The ocean

Notes: Ultimate Magician

After I checked that out, we decided to talk to the other girl there. After we walk up to her, she yells "HAAAAIYAAAAAAAH!!!!!" "Calm your ass down..." I mumble to the other girl. "H-Huh?" Kaede asks curiously. "I'm yelling so I can build up my spirit energy!" The mysterious girl says, "Don't you know you can unlock your brain's full potential by yelling to build up spirit energy?!" She continues.

"Ah, I've heard that pro athletes do that. It's supposed to help you focus..." Shuichi says. "I must be prepared for combat at all times, just in case someone tries to attack me!" The girl speaks. "I will protect myself with Neo-Aikido!" She mentions. "Aikido...? Then, you're-" Shuichi speaks before getting interrupted by the girl. "Oh, yes! I'm Tenko Chabashira! HAIYAH! The Ultimate Aikido Master!" Tenko introduces herself.

"Ooohh! I always imagine Aikido masters to be huge, burly guys, but you're so cute!" Kaede exclaims. "C-Cute!?" Tenko asks while being flustered. "Aaaahhh...St-Stop iiit...I...I-I'm not...cute..." Tenko continues. "My face crinkles when I suck down a shake...And when I wipe my face, my eyelids turn inside-out." Tenko confesses. 

"U-Um, I see...But I think you're cute. Right, guys?" Kaede asks us. "I guess..." I say. "...Huh? Oh...right." Shuichi agrees. Right after Shuichi says that, Tenko looks at us with an intense facial expression. 

"Wh-What's the matter? Your face looks really intense now!" Kaede points out. I slightly cringe at the facial expression Tenko made. "I don't like to be praised by degenerate males." Tenko mentions. 

"Degenerate males? You mean men? Are you...uncomfortable around them?" Kaede asks Tenko. "Kaede, I don't think you should ask that." I mutter to Kaede. "It's a way bigger problem than just being uncomfortable." Tenko answers. "If any degenerate tries to touch me, my reflex is to grab them and throw them across the room." Tenko continues.

"You're right...That is a way bigger problem than just being uncomfortable around men." Kaede agrees. "Ah, by the way...what is this Neo Aikido you mentioned?" Shuichi interrogates. "Neo-Aikido is an original form of aikido that my master and I completely made up ourselves!" Tenko answers.

After we finished our conversation with Tenko, I decided to see the Report card on Tenko.

Tenko Chabashira

Height: 5'5"                         Weight: 115 lbs.

Chest: 35"                             Blood Type: B

D.O.B: January 9

Likes: Nunchucks

Dislikes: Men

Notes: Ultimate Aikido Master 

We then left the Dining Hall and went to the Warehouse, inside, was a girl with medium-length strawberry blonde hair with goggles on.  "Dammit... Where the hell is it?" The girl with strawberry blonde hair asks herself while she was rummaging through a shelf filled with different chemicals. 

We walked up to her, "Hey, what are you looking for?" Kaede asks the girl. "Don't sneak up on me, bitch!" The girl snaps, after she said that my eyes lit up. What?, I want a friend who's personality is like mine. "H-hey, I'm sorry if we surprised you, but you shouldn't talk to Kaede like-" Shuichi says, before gettin interrupted. 

"Hey crotchrot, you starin' at my tits?" She asks Shuichi, I then burst out laughing. I'm definitely gonna like this girl. "What!?" Shuichi asks shockingly. "Help yourself! A guy like you can only dream of landin' a big-boobed hottie like me!" The strawberry blonde haired girl says confidently while her hands are on her hips. 

"Go on, get yourself a good eyeful!" She continues. "N-No, I wasn't staring! My eyes just happened to look there..." Shuichi says defensively. ""Ohh, my eyes just happened to look there..." "Ohh, my hand just happened to grope her..."" The girl teases. "Hah-haha! I can identify pervs on sight, and you are definitely a fuckin' perv!" She says while pointing her finger at Shuichi. 

"I bet you stare at this girls tits the whole fuckin' day!" She continues while pointing at me. I raise an eyebrow at Shuichi while smirking. "That's why you wear that hat, right? To hide your skeevy eyes?" She interrogates Shuichi. "And that's why you wear those pants, right? To hide your nasty crotch?" She continues.

"Everyone wears pants, though..." Kaede defends Shuichi. "Hah-haha! Everyone knows that only pervs wear hats!" The strawberry blonde hair says. Shuichi gives the girl a nasty glare. "Stop it..." Shuichi defends himself. "Leave me alone! I can wear a hat if I want to!!!" Shuichi snaps. 

"Heeeee!" The girl screams, "Wh-What the hell...are you gettin' pissed off at me for?" She interrogates him. "T-Tell the wold you're sorry!" She continues. "If you startle me into losing motivation, that loss will will be felt across the whole world!" The girl with goggles speaks. 

"Hey, your vulgar language is uncalled for! Just who are you, anyway?" Kaede asks the girl. "Nah, let her be, this shit's entertaining." I speak while crossing my arms. "Huh? S-Seriously? You don't...know who I am?" The girl asks in an offended tone. "I'm the gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will go down in history!" The girl continues.

"I'm the one, the only, the legendary Ultimate Inventor herself- Miu Iruma!" Miu introduces herself. "So...what kind of things do you invent?" Kaede asks Miu. "I make all kinds of gadgets- ones that let you type while you sleep, read while you sleep..." Miu answers. "Even ones that let you eat while you sleep." Miu continues.

"Why does everything involve sleeping?" Kaede asks her. "I was inspired after I realized how much time people waste on sleep." Miu explains. "Though, this one time I invented these really stupid eyedrop contact lenses as a gag." Miu continues. "Wait, really? That's your invention? Some of my friends wear them!" Kaede exclaims.

"Psh! Your friends sound like total plebs! That invention was nothing!" Miu snaps. I let out a chuckle. "Miu, let's be besties and get rid of everyone's self-esteem." I say with my hands on my hips. "Fuck yeah!" Miu cheers, I smirk. "As I was saying, it doesn't make you more productive while you sleep, so it was a failure! Just like you two!" She points to Shuichi and Kaede.

"I signed the patent rights over to some company and never looked back." Miu explains. "By the way, what were you looking for earlier? You sounded pretty desperate to find it." Kaede asks Miu. "Eh? Are you a dumbass? In a situation like this, I gotta find some meds!" Miu answers. "Medicine? Are you hurt or feeling sick?" Kaede asks worriedly.

"No, idiot! I need strong meds cuz I wanna trip my fuckin' balls off!" Miu answers with a sassy tone, "...I just wanna set my mind free and forget all about this shitty situation!" Miu continues. "Wait... Whaaaaaat!? You can't use drugs to get high! You definitely shouldn't do that!" Kaede warns. "Heeee!" Miu screeches. 

"Wh-What the hell...? My genius can't be constrained by the wisdom of the masses..." Miu speaks. "Besides...this place probably doesn't even have the shit I need to get loosey-goosey..." Miu continues. "S-So...are we cool...? Are you...done being mad at me?" Miu asks us. 

After we finish our conversation with Miu, Shuichi stays quiet. Eh, probably nothing. I then decide to check Miu's Report Card. 

Miu Iruma

Height: 5'8"                  Weight: 123 lbs.

Chest: 39"                      Blood Type: AB

D.O.B: November 16

Likes: Children's television

Dislikes: Taking it easy

Notes: Ultimate Inventor

After we leave the warehouse, we found a metal door with 2 trees surrounding it. I think it's the gym. After Kaede tried opening it, she said "Huh? It won't open. Seems like we can't go into the gym." Shuichi stays quiet. "Hey, Thing 2, are you okay?" I ask Shuichi. "Yeah, what's the matter Shuichi?" Kaede joins in. 

"Ah, it's nothing...I just..feel strange..." He answers. "Strange? How so?" Kaede asks him. "Like...deja vu? I feel like I've been here before..." Shuichi answers, I raise one eyebrow, how the hell has he been here before yet not remember...? "We might be...caught up in something even stranger than we imagined." Shuichi continues. "W-Well, it's natural to feel unsettled when we know so little about what's going on..." Kaede speaks. 

"But, we'll probably be fine." Kaede says reassuringly. "...What makes you say that?" Shuichi asks her. "Exactly, we just got trapped in a school with 14 other people we don't know or recognize." I back up Shuichi's question. "Well, because we have 17 Ultimate students on our side!" Kaede says in a positive tone. "As long as we work together as friends, I just know nothing bad will happen!" Kaede continues. "Friends...?" Shuichi asks. Whenever I think of the word "friends" nothing pops up, maybe I'm not friends with anyone.

Kaede then just smiled at Shuichi. After we walked pass the gym, we saw a door with a guitar. "Holy shiiit! I think it's my lab!" I say excitedly, when I reached to open the door, surprisingly it opened. "Hell yeah! Suck it, Kaede!" I say confidently. When I walked in, I saw multiple guitars. The one I was most excited about was the F/C electric guitar. It had such a cool design on it! In the middle of the lab was a microphone. After I explored my lab, I noticed Kaede and Shuichi waiting for me. 

We walked around, past the bathroom and went in the middle, it had a big door in the front and had other open iron gates that on the top it says the cardinal point you're facing. "Oh! Is this the entrance hall!?" Kaede asks excitedly. "Right, guys!? This must be the entrance hall, don't you think?" Kaede asks us. "I guess it is." I say, putting my hands on my hips. "Y-Yeah, I suppose so..." Shuichi answers. "Which means..." Kaede says, with her usual positive tone. "...that door must be the entrance. If we walk through it, we can escape this place, right?" Kaede exclaims. 

'W-Wait, I don't think we should open doors carelessly. It could be a trap..." Shuichi warns. "Worrying about that isn't necessary. I have already examined the doors." A boy with long dark blue hair says. "Oh...Uhh..." Kaede mumbles. "Who the absolute fuck are you?" I ask him. "My name is Korekiyo Shinguji...I am called the Ultimate Anthropologist." Korekiyo introduces himself.

"Korekiyo? Anthropologist?" Kaede asks. "Please, call me Kiyo. As for anthropology, would you like a simple explanation?" Kiyo asks, "Okay, sure..." Kaede agrees. "Anthropology...studies customs, legends, folk tales, songs, and much more." Kiyo explains. "There may be customs in your daily life, the origins of which you do not know." Kiyo continues. "For example...certain aspects of birthday or new year celebrations." Kiyo explains. 

"Anthropology sheds light on traditions and customs such as these through rigorous analysis." Kiyo continues. "It is a study that examines the thought behind culture , faith, and customs." Kiyo speaks. "Okay...I sorta get it, but not really...It sounds like a lot of fun, though!" Kaede says cheerfully. "Well, of course it's fun...It is a study focused on humanity." Kiyo agrees.

 "I believe... that human beings are creatures who posses infinite beauty." Kiyo speaks. "Oh, ummm..." Kaede says. "I find all aspects of humanity -even the ugly parts- to be beautiful." Kiyo says. "Our present situation is rather...intriguing. What beauty will I be able to witness here?" Kiyo continues. "Kehe... Kehehehe... People are wonderful." Kiyo cheers. "Anyway, we can go outside if we just go through these doors, right?" Kaede asks, "You should find the answers to such questions on your own." Kiyo responds. 

"The moment your hopes are shattered...That, too...may be beautiful." Kiyo says. "What the fuck..." I give Kiyo a weirded out look. After we finished our conversation, despite me getting weird vibes from him, I check out his Report card.

Korekiyo Shinguji

Height: 6'2"                     Weight: 143 lbs. 

Chest: 32"                         Blood Type: O

D.O.B: July 31

Likes: Straw ropes

Dislikes: Air conditioning

Notes: Ultimate Anthropologist 

We walked up to the big door,  "L-Let's go." Kaede speaks. "O-Okay..." Shuichi says. "Alright." I say. "Ah, geez! This isn't like me!" Kaede screeches. "Just because I'm scared doesn't mean I'm gonna run away! I gotta move forward!" Kaede says with a determined facial expression. "K-Kaede!" Shuichi speaks. "Don't worry about it! Let's go, guys!" Kaede says enthusiastically. 

Kaede opened the door, and it seemed like we were trapped in some, cage? "What the hell...?" I manage to mutter. "A-A cage...? A wall?" Kaede stutters, "What is this...? We're trapped!?" Shuichi exclaims. "What's going...on?" Kaede asks. "Why is there a cage..." I ask. 

"Rise and shine, Ursine!" The Monokubs say.

 And one by one, they appeared in front of us. "Surprised about the cage, huh? I totally understand how you feel." Monotaro says. "The first time I saw it, my teeth and fingernails fell out." Monotaro continues. 

"That's not a healthy way to react to a surprise!" Monophanie warns. "Byeow! But it's so awesomely huge! I can see why it's called the End Wall!" Monokid exclaims. "End Wall..?" Kaede asks.  "What type of fucking joke is this?! Let us out!" I exclaim.

"Normally, walls are erected to separate two places, right? But that was is different." Monosuke explains. "It represents...the end of the world." Monosuke continues. "And for Y/N's demand, I'm afraid we can't. Sorry! Try harder next time." Monosuke teases.

"What are you talking about...?" Kaede asks them. "...Huh? What were we talking about?" Monosuke asks the other cubs. "Huh? Was someone talking? Was I talking?" Monotaro asks.  "...Bwee-heehee, hahahahahaha!" Monokid laughs out loud. "Stop laughing and explain yourselves!" Kaede demands. 

"There's nothing to explain. This is simply how it is, so please don't bother." Monophanie pleads."You can't get out of here." Monophanie says. "That wall has no entrances or exits, and it cannot be climbed or demolished." Monophanie continues.

"An Ultimate could probably climb it partway, but most of the time it's impossible!" Monokid cheers. "...But they can still sorta climb it, huh." Monosuke says. "Someone!!! Help us!!!" Kaede screams at the wall. "Eep!" Monophanie screeches. 

"Please!!! Help us!!!" Kaede continues screaming. 
"Eep, eep!" Monokid screams. "Someone!!! Anyone!!! Please help us!!! We're trapped inside this huge cage!!!" Kaede says, more plead-fully.
"Eep, eep, eep!" Monotaro screeches. 
"Hahhh...hahhh...hahhh..." Kaede mumbles. 

"Kaede, calm down..." I tell her. "Please, stop! You'll hurt your throat!" Monophanie pleads. "Yeah! Scream all you like, no one can hear you anyway!" Monokid cheers. "No one...can hear us?" Shuichi asks. "Wh-What do you mean? What do you mean no one can hear us?" Shuichi asks again.

"There better be a godamn logical explanation for this!" I exclaim. The Monokubs then stay quiet. "Say something!" Shuichi yells.

The Monokubs stay quiet. 

"If one of you don't say anything I'm throwing a damn brick to each of your damn faces!" I scream at the Monokubs.
They stay quiet. "..Damn it.." Shuichi says while I cross my arms disaprovingly. "Monodam is ignoring them excellently! Cuz he refuses to open his heart!" Monotaro exclaims.

"You can thank my fearsome bullying for makin' that happen!" Monokid cheers. "Now, now, let's all get along." Monophanie says. "Shut up! We're the Monokubs! We need to be tough and whatnot!" Monosuke scolds Monophanie.

"Wh-What is this?" Kaede asks. "You things...This school...What is all this?" Kaede continues. "You bastards hafta use your legs, hands, and eyes to find that our for yourselves." Monotaro responds. "But please watch your step while you explore. The school is still under construction." Monophanie warns. 

"Under construction?" Kaede asks. "Are they still in the middle of building this school?" Kaede asks another question. "I don't think so... It seems more like they're renovating an abandoned school." Shuichi responds.

"Either way, the construction will finish soon once we set the Exisals on autopilot." Monotaro explains. "The hell are Exisals?" I ask. "Once part of a biker gang, the Exisals now work construction to support their wives and kids!" Monokid speaks.

"...Do robots really need that kinda backstory?" Monophanie asks.
"Their steering wheels are leopard print, and their dashboards are lined with arcade prizes" Monotaro says. 
"Seriously, knock it off you guys! They sound like douchebags with backstories like those!" Monosuke scolds them.

"So long! Bear well!" The all say in unison, and one by one, the disappear. I can't believe I'm actually stuck in this damn school... 

Word count: 3313

A/N: yay tomorrow it's gonna be 2021 bye 2020 see you never- 

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